Whitby Free Press, 14 Nov 1984, p. 24

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PAGE.24, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS 'mi -Ps M PR... i.. Emporium Ads wilI only be accepted subject ta the f ollowing conditions. W AiCLES1 ARTICLES FIFO R SA LE FOR SALE BED CHESTERFIELD. Inctudes EUREKA VACUUM cleaner with ;4 b.d and orange leethor couch, attachments, nsw condition, $50. Floor poliaher, $15. Etsctrtc $120. Singer sswing machine, an- broom, $10. Pure leather cln- tique, nà excellent condition, namon coat, $70. Phone 68-8. 100. New tir aiab outaide door, 9029. $25. Antique end table, $50. TWO LAMPS, brasa finish, $40 pair. Two bar aoIse, $25 pair. Alil Items excellent condition. 427- FOR SALE woman's bicycle, $15. Childs tri-cycle, $5. Alumlnum 4 stsp ladder for above ground pool, 1 ysar old, $75. Phone 683- 1094. FOR BALE one set glass shower do ora wilh mIrror, lrack, etc. Used $85. Amway rug shamf'- pooor, $15. Two-wheel grocery buggy, good for paper delivsry, $10. Phono 8668-2935. GM 15" RIM AND TIRE, $10. Car heeter, $10. House elsctric panel c/w 40 circuits and 200 amp. disonnsct, $95. Fireptace heat pipe Insert, $10. 8 Track cassette player 12VI 110V c/w great soun- ding speakers, $35. Dinlng roomn iighl fIxture, $10. Cross country skis and potes (for 6 10 10 yrs.), $18. Men's 9t/ Rlecker buckie boots and press, $35. Cati 576- 7697 alter 5 p.m. CORNEÈR BAR, back teatherette wlth two sheives and three bar aoils, $100. Portable pool table, $25. Sankyo Super 8 movie camera wlth light attachmenî, Ilk. nsw, $75. 6U88762. BOYS CLOTHING very good condition. Infant 10 3 ysars snowsutt, $7. Four hand knitted sweaters, $2.50 each.or all for $9. Five long siseve 't-shirts, $1 each. Three panîs, $1.25 each. Five bianket seespérs, $2 each or al for $9. Infant swing seat, $5. Brookiin 655-3735. FOR SALE 3 wheol, 3 speed ladies bike, $225. Two wheel, 3 spoed>girls bike, $65. Phono 868- 1507 between 12 and 6 p.m. or 668.025 aller 6:30 p.m. DOUBLE BED, $110. Cheat-ol- draiWers, $35. Exorcise bike, $50. SmalIt AM/FM record ployer, 2 speakers, $30. AMIFM radilo, record piayer, 8 track player, built-in speakers', $80. Excellent condition. 6884220. GUITAR AMP for sale. Excellent condition,.$175 or beat ofler. Cali 668-8545 aller 5 p.m. Ladies wlnter coat, good con- dition,' $25. Trunk, $40. Antique Ironling board, $20. Beatty automatlc Ironer, $40. 668-2800. KITCHEN SET, white oval table, white swlvei chairs wlth beige aseats, $200. Combination swing gym set, 2 swings, swlnglng ben- ch, gildes and silde, $20. Freezer, 10 cu. fit., needs compressor, $50. Insulation, 4 botte pink fibergiase, paperback R12, 150 sq. ft., $20 per batt. Antique space heater, large heater bulbe, cost Iron wlth copper reflector, reai show plece and il works, $250. TV, black and white, works, $25. Cati 668-8528. FOR SALE swivel rocker, white leatherette, excellent condition. $150 or best offer. Phone 725- 8159 afterB6 p.m. ONE PAIR Pioneer Peerles Tweaters. One pair Jensen Triax 2-6x9. XR70 Sony AMIFM casset- te sterso. XM55 Sony stereo power amp. Can be heard worklng, complete wlth boxes and bis, $500. Phone aller 7 p.m., 668-2495. SAVE ON TUNEUPS. A/C Delco Diagnostic centre, rec ently rebulît, HEI harneas,-added 34 functlons, wlth exîras. $1,200 ln. vssted. Ssii $575 or boat offer. 668-5064. FOUR WOODEN CHAIRS for' sale, nesd some work, $15 each. Oak table, $95. 8 gallon 'crock, $40. Cati 683-8638 afier 5 p.mi. LADIES Muskrat and Raccoon coat, size 14. $350. Phono ý666. 1387 aller 6 p.m. FOR SALE ktchen set, Arborîts table wllh stainesas steel tram e, 30" wide x 54" long, bench seat wlh beige vinyl covsrlng, 2 chairs, ail ln excellent condition, $150. Chandelier dlnlng roomn light fixture, 5 llghts, brass coloursd with crystal, $80. Smali Vamaha gultar .with case, suitable for begînner, $45. Cali 668-4686. EXECUTIVE STYLE desk,. ex- cellent condition, 34"x60",,soild birch, recently rellnlshed, 6 drawers, $125. GM baby loveseat, i year old, $30. Phone 655-8026. -PLEASE READ- When the advertised item is sold, dlsposed of, or unavailable for whatever reason, the Item wll be deemed to have been sold and a commission will be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated below, regardiess If price is stated with "beat offer". If the item la NOT SOLD, or dlsposed of, the ad will be run for 3 MONTIIS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $6.00 will apply payable in advance of publication of the first ad. Otherwlse a $7.50 charge wilI apply If billet! whjch must be pald upon receipt of bill. The above minimum charges will be applied to the final coirnmission due but In any case theiiigher amount wiII ha charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre-paid; $7.50 billed. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail advertlsements must ha placed on an exclusive basis wlth the WIIITBY FREE PRESS and run atlsast one month if flot sold. RATES (if article Is soldi: 5% of advertlaed price up to $400.0 2% of balance ever 8400.0o EXAMPLE: Soid Item adverthaed for 1120.00. Commission due 86.00 i(minimum charge la $6.00) Private advertising only! Please notify the Whitby Free Press lmmediateiy when item is soîd 50 that, we may delete it from the following issue. Ail ada no t fitting the Emporium guidelines wil ha treated and charged per week as regular classified ada on a pre-paid basis such as: services, help wanted, clothing, real estate, and personai nessage type ada, or ada not quoting price or quantity. Private classified ada may appear ln the Ernporiumi section under appropriate headings. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 20f Whitby, LIN 581 If ln doubt cail: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO:- 131 Brock St. N. Whitby. Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. : AOOTIVE U IIPASIRIPARTS DOMESTIC à FOREIGN anti- away bars WV' 1979 Mustang Cobra rear, $45. Pinto front and rear set, $60. 3/4 Monza, Vega rear, $45. 1 118" Vega front, $50. 1 118" Datsun truck front, $50. 1 118" Mazda, Courier truck front, $50. 1 118" Mustang Il front, $40. Four 14"x5½h" white spoke wheels for Mazda and Courier truck, $80. Cati Chuck 282-8760. 1973 & 1974 ASTRA: aimost new transmission, $125. Windshieid, $45. Two GT seats, $30. Gas tank, $15. Hood, $15. Hatchback, $40. Two aseats, $15. 1974 Demon: hood, $20. Trunk iid, $15. Three 14" alumInum alois for Chev, $35 each. Two 15" aiuminum siota for truck, $50 sach. Good condition. 668-4065. 1972 PINTO. 4 speed tran- smission, good 4 cylinder Ford motor, good tires, for parts. Comploe $300. Pe.ons 655-3006. 1973-1975 CUTLASS 2-door outer door skIn (metai), wrapped In AUTOMOBILES FORSAE 1974 DODUE CHARGER 400 SE, 2 door, Interlor spolleas, very dependable, needa paint, cornes with wlntsr tires, $1,500 or beat offer, certIi ed. 668-4210. 1974 GREMLIN. 10w mileage, body needa work, $250. 10-apeed Noratar Ataia, $80. Phono 688e 4425. 1974 VOLKSWAGON 'Bug' li good condition. As le, $1,000. Phone 686-214. 1973 MAZDA RX-3 ROTARY. 4 l speed, AMIFM cassette slereo, requires 11111e body work and exhausl 10 cerlify. Asklng $700 or beat offer. 655-4533. 1969 CADILLAC ELDO RADO. . Power- stsering, power brakes,I' cruise conîrol, power wIndows and sass, tilt stesring whesl, etc. Mechanically sound. Asklng $1, 500. Phone 868-2655 aller 5[ p.m. - origpial peckagefrrom U.M. 19«5 FORD HANCIIERO (coilec- ARTICLES~~** Storsd indoors and dry, perfect tor). Book price $4,500 to $5,500, pARTICLES B ARTICLES B condition, $150. Phone alter 7 ln good condition, mustsi, give SFOR SAELE F OR.AISALE B rIE ~ E S p.m 6 68-2495. awaY Prîce $2,000. Phone e668- BOYS 20" BMVX Railgh Miss, 1 STEREO cabinet mnodel, $175. ELECTRIC BOTTLE steritizer _____________ year old, $60 or beat offer. Girls White chest-of-drawers, $50. $15. Bumper pads, $15. Baby ATM IILES 1962 CHEVROLET. 4 door Bel AIr 20 3spe Uivrel $5orbetseat, $5. Bathtub, $3. Toilet SALEJ 20er 3al 86p-3d74niver8$35or est Framed glass mirror, $8. Aill n Vie,$.totle rie O L unning condition, requires some oferCai66 374ate 8p.. excellent condition. Phone 686-. rîe,$.Totie rîe body work, uncert. Asklng $50. 1149. rings, $2 sach. Coat wlh hood, 1976 CHRYSLER CORDOBA. 2 Phonoe6882092. DUNCAN__________table,___ sze 18 months, $10. Wlntsr door, futiy squlppsd, power' DUNAN HYF taleboots, size 6, $4. Phone 4277069. slesrIng, power brakes, air con- rieflnihe etea, 4scats, 8d85.MUSICAtL dItloning, $1,50 or beat offer. IIOUSEHOLD beal table, $145. Oak dinfing table, u.INSTRUMENTS PETS& Phone 655-3176. beals, 2 chairs, $85. Maple table, Q â 1J -- ÇPJE 17-FRDTIJ ,F505 ODSOTfoalS-Irs $50. Antique blrd's sys mnapte, FOR SALE Lowery 0'raan. fuîtSUPIE 97 hOR RUK A /0 58 ton) ..; aideboard, rellnlahed, $225. SM811i»half moon walnut. table, $35. Antique set of drawers, $60. End, tables,,815/pair. Two chairs, 825/paIr . Dishes, j810. Tools', 810. Pho'ne 683-668. WEST BEND electrlc grIddie, used once, $25. Charlescraîl haîr dryer, $10. Eiectric knlfe, $10. Etsctric healed tray table, $10. Two eleclrlc motors 1/ hp., $5 each. Phone 668-2155. FOR SALE two beige standard bucket seats (with bases) f rom a Ford Econotine, almost new, $75 each., Preciston drafttlng set, complete wlth lnk pens, $40. Cal Mike 668-9702 aller 6 p.m. FOR SALE gir's figure skates, size 10, $5. Boy's skates, size 9, $12, size 11, $5, size 12, $12, size 1,8$15. Cati 668-1116. size, double keyboard, complote rhythm secti on, bençh and book, like ne,$5.Teprect X-max glî t for anygne. 655-4995. ANTIQUE PUMVP: O'iRGAN. Vox Humfana Tremoco - Pat. 1865, Cabinet, fret work and fabric',al n good condition, $500 or fair of- f er. 668-8618 Whilby. FOR SALE Hamm on'dPiper elec- trIc organ. Excellent, condition, would make a great glît for the entire famiiy. $600. Cati 668-7472 allter 7 p.m. 1979 250 YZ Motorcross, nover raced, $800. Cali botore 2 p.m., 668-9466. FOR SALE 3 'pairs 0of silver diamond dovos at $25 paer pair. 668-2461, 42" CAMPER pi ,ck-up cap, $500., Phono 655-4241, BOX TRAILER FOR SALE, heavy duty with tlut, $450. 1970 Charger SE, $450. Cati 655-3497 aller4 P.m. 29FT. TRAVEL TRAILER, etectric braes, separate bedroom and ait convenlences, $8,000 or nearoat olfer. 161t. boat, 20 h.p., $800. Phone 688-2677. ward, 1 - rverse, heavy duty tran- smisIon, poweÉ atéîirJIng,"Wpwsr brakes, fibreglass cab, auxllary gas tank factory instlted, nsw tires front -atdý rear,- new brakes and hoses, trailer hitch, 50,000 original. miles, excellent con- dition, $3,150.655-8764, BrookiUn. 1976 GRAND MARQDUIS. 2 door, flly equi ,pped,' interlor Spotts, miechanlcally excellent, dosaj not burn oit, very uitile bod y woik needed. $1,500flirm. 655-â006. FOR SALE 1976 Butck Century. P.S., p.b., 65,000 miles, good mechanicat, body needa wo ,rk, $950 fIrm, as ta. WIi consider par- tial' trado for amali boat and motor. Phono 7832441 (Toronto), daytlme or 668-1173 alter 5 p.mn. 1974 DATSUN B210, 4 spêed plus extra engins, transmission, $250. Phone 655-4829. refridgeraîqr, 17.1 eu. fit. ,and Kenmdrs dôtuxe i-lenng oven. 9 ysars oid, Ai condition; green colour. $700 pair or bestot'. fer. 683-4835. - QUEEN SZEWATEffBED, sboft;-, aide,,bafflesllioatlng system, Oak trame; ,Scandanavian stylo, wlth nlght tables, drawers 'wllhiln frame. Asklng $800 or beat offer. 655-4917, - ' - SOFA beige, 7 il. long, fine for, roc room or cottage. $100 or beaf--, of fer. 655-4073 allter 5 p.m. SOLID PINE BUFFET HUTCH, Onty one month old. Asklng $700.,., Wili discusprice. Caicindy,,. 66-087 momînga or 723-0877 aller 2 p.m. DîNETTE SUITE for sale. Smokod glass table and four chairs, lik.: new, $125. Phono 668-7269. CON FUSED? Don't put off advertising in the Whit' piy because you find the advertisir miss out on our low advertising If you: @are a private advertiser; 'have an article to seli; and, 'have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details). Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months). A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $6.00 if paid before the first insertion of your ad; $7.50 if you are billed after your ad has ap- teared once. does NOT seil within three mon- ly the minimum charge. It is -un- no newspaper can guarantee your U, but, where else could you get Ivertislng for only $600? Is, a commission is dvertised price. Com- 2% of the balnce over un charge described by Free Press Emporium sim- mg guidelines eonfusing. Don't rates just because you have j-. questions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear up many 0f7 your questions - if not, do eall 668-6111 and we'i1 be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. Ihave read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have the following advertisemnent placed under this section of ne Whitby Free Press.1 (dont forget to include yow- phone numberi [l]I enclose $6.00 to cover the minimum charge. LJCharge $600 to my Visa account. EJBill me for $7.50 after first publication of my ad. Card No. Exp. Date Nume (please print> Addrese City Postal Code MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St.ý N. Whitby LiN 5S1 Below are some examples of what you would be charged if your article sold within three months. Commissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE. IAdvertised Price Up to $120 $ 150 $ $500 $ 600 $ 700 $ 800 $ 900 $11000 $4,000 I $5,OOOaànd up Total Amount Payable $6.00 *7.50 *10.00 $15.00 $20.00 $ 22.00 $24.00 *26.00 $28.00 *30.00 $32.00

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