Whitby Free Press, 14 Nov 1984, p. 25

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W-HITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14,1984, PAGE 25 Whltby's Most WideIy Read ýCL ASSIU=E eýRIESSRIES *TE ,TRAILERS ,ARTICLES ARTICLES ACIN OYRN Q FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE GIFTED EUROPEAN CARD AND PALM READER We'ti ask you no questions, yet read you like a book., Many have sought her ad- vice on ail probiems of life. One reading wili convince -youý of her great knowIedge. Readings are prîvate and confidentiai. Seven days aweek. For appoiniment, 9 arn. to 9 p.m. 741-6019 DURHAM DIVORCE SERVICE $195. plus court costs. 723-1616 3rd Vear of Service 5001u MJ*U5 b Di-scover the colours & shades that com- pliment your skmn tone & enhance your best features. OnIy $30 Par Consultation 1Cal LIvE-IN HOUSEKEEPEA. Ex- parlencad. Lava chlldren. 426- 0877. MATURE RELIABLE LADY wili do ganeral hause wark, exparience over 15 yaars, awn transpor- tation. Cail Barbar at 725-9154. ~~N~E ENTS LOOKINO FOR FEMALE boarder ta share houso with same. For In- formation cati 576-2386f or l'-221- THE FAMILY 0F Tony and Dora vastars af Whtby Invita friands and relatives ta attend an open housa on the occasion of their 50thý Wedding AnnIvrsary ta ba hald at 209 Anderson St., Whitby. from 2 to 5 p.m. on Sat., Nov. 24, 1984.- Beet wlahas anly plaaee. CONGRATULATIONS on your forthcomlng marriaga. PMase vlaw aut samples of engraved wedding Invittions et yaur lai- mura ln aur AJax Plaza store. Dlck- son Prlnting a Office Supplies 6819611N8. FRE. Drap Into the IDlckson Prlnting & Office Supply store ln the Ajax Plaza and pick up a trau copy af their 1984 Metrie Calen- dar. Prlntad In two calaurs.'-it >maices for hsndy rfranca. 68n TYPEWRITER rentai, manymakas and modela, by the waakend, wëek or month. ,Dscounts avail- abla. Dickson Printing i Office Supplies In the Ajax Plaza. Cal ~us for business machina repairs 683-1968. 9469, Whitby area. WHITBY - ralabla persan ta shara 3 bedraom townihausa, $250 manthiy. Sea anytîmo at 943 Buma St. W.. No. 13. TWO ATTIC ROOMS avallable in Village home, 10 miles north of Whitby, close toaskiing and golf, non-amakars please. 655-4035. OFFICEESPACE FOROR.EN1NT WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for eont on profossional floor. Wauid ba suitabia for iawyeraccountant, etc. Rant Incudas ail utilties and la nagatiable for an apprapriate tenant. For further Information cali 668-8372 btwaen 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Manday ta Frlday. BSINS OPTUN ITES FOR SALE astablishad business. Phono 655-4441. ARTICLES' FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE AND MORE... CaonNP OR LESS M.B.M. PUBLISHING SPACIOUS AND PRIVATE BUILDING LOT wlthln Whltby town limita, preferabiy on ravine or backlng on greenbelt. Betty Smith, Famlly Trust Corp. Realtor, 623-6622. WANTED antiques, aid furniture, china and glass. Phona 655-3526. IUSEDI APPLIANCESI (Working or Not) IWE BUY, SELLI SUPPLIE MISTER TRIM LAWN and Garden Service. Eavestrough cleanlng, prunlng, fertllizlng, landscaplng, top dresslng, faiti dean-up. Free estîmates. 579-6671. B&L LANDSCAPING GARDEN MAINTENANCE Residentli, Commercial. Pruning, trea removal, sldewalks, patios, fenclng, iawns seeded, sodded, fer- tililzed, 30 years. Durham Reglon. 623-3299 PALLOCK ORCHARDS G ROWERS WHITBY Featurîng apples, pears, cîder,- Honey potatoes etc. Everyday low prices. First entrance north 1of Rossand on Hwy. 12 east sîde. Open ,Dally. SNOWMILES 1980 EX 260 YAMAHA snowmoblie, cover, like new, $1,200. Phone 655-8926. SERVICES1 RELIABLE day cars available ln my Ajax homo. I am a reglstered nurse wlth 2 chiidren, full or part- tîme. Cail 427-7933. BRAND NEW custom bulid Nur- sery Day Cars Contre In new Woatnoy Hoights subdivision Ajax. Oponing Manday, Novom- ber 12, 1984. Limitod amaunt of spacas loft ln proachool and tod- dior sections, aIl staff, fuily EC.E. qualif lad, no non-quallflod staff, axperloncod chof ta cook meais, child teacher ratio tod- diers 1 rn 5, preschoolars 1 In 8. Smslior groups, botter iaarning and undorstandlng for yaur child. For more Information pissas cail Carol, Mon. ta Fni. days, 68-9455 or Pamola evanInga and weeken- ds 576-4019. 38' HOUSE TRAILER oh scenlc lakesida lot fully furn. with 4 pc. bath, fridge, slave, etc. Master bedroom and 2 bunka, 10x24' deck and garden shed. Lacated on Scugog Island. Asking $6500. Caîl 655-4069. AUVOTIVE U~EARPATSIR/PAflTS CAR REPAIRS badywark, tune- upa, Paint lob, etc. Roasonable rates. 668-7620 anytime. DON'T LISTEN ta anyana aise, we pay top dollar for scrap cars and trucks. 66&9712. REBLT STRANSMISSIONSI MostModls,$185.00 Cali Bob 11-800-268-6à62 Beautif ul al-occasion greeting carda. personalized statianery and unique gifi ideas.. al af thase await you in aur f ree colour brochure featuring the new UNICEF collection. For a FREE BROCHURE cati thre 101,f rce number and ast, for Operator 508 n TCIOO: For free brochure and sales information cai 947-1565 Sendaà UNICEF card today and hel, a chsdtoabeterfuure witegef 7 PIECE Raxton Maple dlning set. Wedgewood aven to tabiewear dishes, Penine pattern. Approx. 12 cu. ft. cheat freezer. Best af fer. 668-0060. FRIDGE 17 cu. ft., white, tam. perature contrai, used 1 year, ex- cellent condition, new $1,200, selling for $600. Cali 728-9931 or 728-3289 after 5 p.m. GRAN DMA FISHER woodistove, 2 years aid, $300. Phone 725-2243. 7FT. MYERS PLOUGH wlth hydraullo pump, $1,400. Phone 668-3471. MATTRESSES and box epringa at hall prica. McKeen Furnitura, 524 ,Slmcoe Street Sauth, Oshawa. 725-5181. ERSFURNITUREIPN 413 Dund253St. E. ShtOn 68E48 GEOTYPE press-on latterlng naw In stock at DIckson Prlntlng & Of-< fice Supplias ln tha Ajax Shop- ping Plaza. Large solectIon af styles and sizas. Why- psy mare for a emallar sheet af lstterlng? 683-1968. TWO MONTH OLD blue eyelet twln spread, piliow sham and Priscillas (142"x63"). Ses page 895 in Sears catalogue. 666-3815. VISIT aur useci furniture waro- house' by appoIntmenî. Big savinga on desks, chairs, flling cabinets, etc. Ca Il Dickson Print- ing & Office Supplias to arrange an appointment ta view. 683- 1968. BARRELS - Whiskey, $25. Rum, $30. Guaranteed, wet, free delivery. 686-1645 or 688-0257.* VITAMINSI VITAWINSI Important Notice toa alaur vitamin custamners. Naw an extra 5% discount and an additlonal 5% for seniors. Caîl Mr. Alton for your Jamiason Mail Ordar Price LIet,ý 728-4694 , 725-5310. WATKINS praducte aiso available. QDUCATINAL "GRAMMAR for people who hate grammar' la the ideai pocket reference book for business people. $3.95 per copy and aveul- able at Dickson. Prlntlng & Office Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Dealer enquiries Invited 683-1968. ROUND 42" Colonial Table, 4 Captains chairs, $350. Glass shower doars, 5à" opening, $50. Colonial single bad box mattrs, $50. Phone 668-9980. CHESTERFIELD suites, lova- osats, sactionals, lasa than 1% price. Large selaction. McKeen Furnitura. 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181.. CHAINSAW, Poneer, 620 hoavy duty, excellent condition, $235. 7¼V Black and Docker skillsaw, $35, A-i condition. 8' tabiasaw. Aia 2 spaed Sabre saw. 655- 8077. SET 0F FIVE Premier drums. Basa, snare, 2 bass tom-toms and floor tam-tom, cymbale extra>, $325. 723-9618, 10 a.m. ta 8 p.m. '1HEROES of the Bibla" coioprlng book availabie at Dickson Prînt- lng & Office Supply, Ajax Plaza, 683-1968. Dealer Inquiries ln- vited. 1 'l /,0, V(TJ HELP FIGNT KIDNEYý DISEASE AUCTION SALE SAT., NOV. 17 11:00 A.M. Brookîin Community Centre, Cassels Rd. E., Hwy. 7 and 12. lncîuded ln this sale we have large sîdeboards, harvest table, pîne cupboards, blanket boxes, washstands, oak buffet, walnut dinîng suite, china cabinet, cedar chest, wlcker rocker, ar- moire, settee set, tables, chairs, dressers, rockers, etc. Plus Vin- tage clothing, such as Christenîng gowns, 1880 wedding gown, etc. Old and new dolîs, doîl fur- niture, childs rocking horse, childa furniture, wIcker baby carniage, old checker board wIth checkers, slelgh belis, coin sets, commode set, carvInga, -decoys, baskets, old butter bowî, oil lampa, accordian, crystal radio, area rug, Christmas Items, brass and copper weather vain, cracks, china and glass pieces. This ls an Ideal sale for Christmas giving or for yourself. Partial listing only. Preview 9 a.m. Terms cash, Visa or approved cheque. AUCTIONEER EARL MACKINNON 655-3526 AUCTION SALE SUN., NOV. 18 1:00 P.M., Preview Saturday, November l7th - 12 to 4 p.m. Sunday f rom 10 a.m. Selling wlthout reserve, contents and consign- ments of antiques, used furniture, glass china, linens, brass, collec- tables; etc., etc. Sale to be held at 955 Brock Road South, Unit No. 5,,ý Pickering, Ontario. Take 401 or Highway No. 2 to Brook Road, follow south ta 955. (Watch for signs). SeIIing: - Pine fiat back, 3 piece 'walnut bedroom suite, oak -ce box, oak hall tree, pine washstand, Tif fany table lamps, brass coat rack, 5' oak curlo cabinet, press back rocker, Jenny Lynd style high chair, sofa set, Oriental style area rugs, colour con- sole TV, glass china, linens, household bric a brac, furniture for refinishing, many ar- ticles too numerous ta Iist. For more infor- mnation or to consign to one of our regular sales, please caîl - 0131 -3235àr ATTE Please check your advertisement for errors on the first day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will flot be hiable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographie errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error Up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or rejevt ail advertiseznents. Ads must appear in the paper one day befOre they can be changed or cancelled. CLASSIFIED RATES: $3.50 for 20 words; lie each ad- ditional word if "pre-paid. You may charge your Classified >LAY & CLASSIFIED ADVE. Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your Visa card ready when cailing. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $700 for the first 100 words; 12e each additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the fir- st 50 words; 12t each additional word. AUCTION SALES -37e per line. (No word ads allowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- ditional charge of $2.00. The Whitby'Free Press wil make every endeavour to forward replies to box however, we accept no liability regarding loss alleged to arise through failure or delay in fi such replies. We will not be responsible for bc replies flot called for within 30 days-. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publicatio or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to p to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111 numbers, or damage lorwarding xm number n to insert îublication ,0- . - .q%, q A A"111 iLpiLli:

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