Whitby Free Press, 14 Nov 1984, p. 26

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L4. 1984. WHITBY FREE PRESS CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FR1., NOV. 16 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Brîtain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lin- dsay/Little Britain Rd. Economy cook stove, 4 piece maple bedroom suite,. Hoosier ktchen cupboards, spinning wheel, pressback chairs, copper boliers, washstands, console colour TV, 21 cu. ft. freezer, wooden lce box, Quebec heater, 8" table saw, Franklin stoves, dining room table, 4 piece chesterfield suite, oak rocking chairs, parlour tables, quantity of wooden kitchen chairs, wheei barreis, 1970 Maverick - nat cer- tlfied, quantity of tools, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 AUCTION SALE SAT., NOV. 17 6:00 P.M. At Pearce Auction Cen. tre on Shirley Rd. 4 miles south of PortPerry. With dressed cedar lumber, 2 box trallers, Sears snowblower, antique dressers, bedroom suite and vanity, secretary desk, wicker rocker, pine kitchen set, pool table, chesterflid suites, twin tub washer, drafting. table, baby pram, router, spray guns and hase, shoveis, crosa-cut saw, hand tools, garbage canis, creepers, post-hoie digger and much more. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 985-7492 Charlie is sick of broken promises ind hus gans ta the aid reliabie, ickson Printing & Office supisfor assred service.> ARTICLES FOR SALES AUCTIONS, REALMETATE' E.C.E. FILL-IMgE wanted for new day cars,,whitby narth. Start Immediateiy, experience with In- fants and speciai, neede an asset. Cali 427-8437 after ô pm. Becffme a'carrier- today. Learn ta be a business persan with, respansibility Wthiie earning maney. Become the outstand- 'Ing darrier of the, month and become a winneri TaIk ta aur Circulation Manager. Cali 668.6111 Todayl WHITBY FREE PRESS. FULLER BRUSH COMPANY Would you Ilke to earn $500 a week selling Fuller. Brush Products for Christmas? Phone Ken 445-8453. EARN EXTRA MONEY FOR )MAS seiling vacuum cleaners ln your neighbourhood. For more information Caîl 723-3412 @~ANTED DAGMAR SKI RE5ORT requirea for the comlng ski ason, full and part-lime positions. Ski-lift mechanlo or elecirlolan, sklilft operators, snow makers, cafeterna and rentai help, ex. perlenced Cook, dlnlng roomn supervîsor, bartender, waitresses, cashiers, public relations and sales person, year round general maintenance position <Ideai for mature couple), apartment avallable for quaiified person. Apply in per- son, 95, 649-2002 or 294.835 WORD PROCESSiNQ Speclal $185. With certificate and job Placement. Longer courses evaliable. 883.2226. YOU ASKED FOR ITI Our fast growing telephone sales offic0e ln Ajax would like ta give you an easy money making op- portunity. How? Are you worklng fuil-time and would like to make extra cash part-time? Have you always been a taîker? Do you enjoy meeting 0people? If your answer is yes om Calil686-3052 Everyone qualifies, young or, old, students and [.homemnaiers. We have two shifts available and a competitive saiary. GET IN ON-SOMETHING BIG I Full or part-time, business is goodl We need honest, sincere sales people to join us naw and stay a long time. Don't worry about experience. We wili show yàu how to be successful and receive rapid promotion. You wlil earn while you learn and receive Training Allowance plus com- mission weekly, plus cash bonuses for extra par- ticipation. This is pleasant dignified work. Apply ln persan to: Mr. Coughtrey at the Holiday Inn, Oshawa on Monday, November l9th at 2 p.m. or?7 p.m. sharp or on Tuesday, November 2th ai 10 a.m. sharp. Join The Employables Learn Job Skills Fast " microcomputer programmer " new microcomputer technlcian " legal secretary " administrative secretary " medicai secretary microcomputer operator *word processing specialist *new home study program *accountlng *heaith care aide ONTARIO BUSINESS COLLEGE, Carreer training for today's job market Cali: 5764175< THE AJAX, PICKERING and Whitby Association for the Men- taiiy Rearded le iaoking for a Senior Vlunteer In Service ta 00- ordinate volunteer programs throughout the egency. Senior Volunteer In Service la a pragram aponsored by the Ministry of Community and Social Services designed ta invaive aider people ln meeting neecis In their corn- munittes. The Senior volunteer must be retired, 55 years af age or over, and In reasanabie health. A time commitmant af 8 hours par week is raquired, with a specifia sohadule ta be nagotiated an hlring. Interested applicants are requested ta sub- mit a rasuma ta: Lynn Biscatt,' Director of Staff and communîty Rasaurces, A.P.W.A.M.R., 177 Dowty Rd., Ajax, Li S 2G3. LEM; SEEYOU DO IT... OUTDOORS! 54A Centre mlh- %~S.P.W. 0 Thousands of Canadians spent the past summer dieting and getting into shape. In fact, one out of ev'ery tbre meens and aduits in North America is estimated ta be on a diet. Most of us fmnd eating iight meals and exercising regularly is easier ini the sumffmer than i the winter. But, this doesn't mean that the first cbilly winds of autumn have ta, drive you ita hibernation and high calorie meals. Ta -stay fit and tri this winter, try ice skating instead of bicycling, walking instead of gaifing or cross-country skiing instead of backpack- ing. In ternis of a diet plan, there are a few things ta remember. By the tume we beconie adults. we have, preferences for certain foods. Any' diet that yaouare going ta maintain for an' extended periad of time must take these habits înto account. A diet should cantain ail the foods you need ta maintain good health for the rest of yaur lIfe. The foods should be easy ta buy, affordable, canvenient ta prepare, and most of ail, a pleasure, ta cat. Beef meets al] these re- quiremnents. It is availabie in virtually ail superniarkets and with over 26 different retail cuts there is something for every budget. Fresh Orange Herb Steak is a dieter's dellght with only 216 calories. Keep erim ail winter with Canadian beef 1 Whltby's Most WIdeIy Read CLASSIFIIED ADS GUN AUCTION FRI. EVENING NOV. 16 -7 PM At the D & M Sales Barn, R.R.2, Lindsay, Ontario (1 mile west of Lindsay on the Little Britain Rd.). Buy or seil. For those wishing to consign guns at our sale bring them early to avoid the last minute rush. *We have an eighty gun limit. For more details cali the Auction Barn 1-705-324-2472. W.R. (BUD) McKEE OWNER & AUCTIONEER, LIN DSAY, ONTARIO ONTARIO'S ONLY MONTHLY GUN AUCTION PERSONAL GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES! DURHAM CENTRE INVITES YOU To Find Out About Becoming A VOLUNTEER WVorking With The Developmentally Handicapped OrOn Their Behaif CHALLENGING & VARIED VOLUNTEER JOBS: -at Durham Centre -in the community -as an Extend a Friend Days - Evenings - Weekends Apply Now! Cali Durham Centre for the Developmfentally Handicapped, Whitby 668-7745, Ext. 435 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. TRAINING PROVIDED -"Mie In ternis of convenience, loin steaks under the broiler can be ready in a matter of minutes. Beef and vegetable kabobs are a meal in one that can be quickly prepared by almost any member of the family. And ieftover roast beef can be made over intoaa variety of fast meais during the week. For good health, beef is a wise choice. Canada's beef grading system was changed in 1972 ta encourage the pro- duction of leaner beef. As a result, today's beef contains approxiniately 35% iess fat. A comparison between beef and ather, protein sources shows that a three ounce (90 g) serving of lean beef is sirnilar In fat and calorie con- tent ta chicken and fish. Beef, is a good sourde of iron. The iran in beef is in a form mare readily absorbed by [he body than the iran in vegetabies azîd cereaLs. In ad- dition, having meat in your. diet increases your absorp- tion oaf iran from other foods. An adequate supply of iran is necessary ta prevent iran deficiency.anemia. Iron cannoe be manufactured by the body - it must be ob- tained through the diet. Beef is an excellent source of protein, which is necessary for renewai and maintenance of body tissue. Because the body cannat store extra.pra- tein it is wise ta nclude pro- tein at each meal. A three-and-a-half ounce (1 00 g) serving of lean beef provides a 24 ta 49 year oid maie with more than haif of his daily requirement of pro- tein, 39% of bis iran, 37% of bis niacin, 76% of bis B12 and 50% of bis zinc. Ail for only 6% of bis daily caioric requirement. Sa this year when you begin ta plan yaur winter fitness and diet program ,- go ahead, include Canada's new lean beef, with con- fidence. <For starters, try Fresh Orange Herb Steak. A three- and-a-half aunce (1 00 g) sery- ing is only 216 calories (oniy 189 calories without the sauce). Fresh Orange Herb Steak 4 oz (125 g) eye of round steak (l-inch/2.5 cm thick) 1/4 cup (50 niL) freshly squeezed orange juice i tsp (5 mL) grated orange peel i tsp (5 mL) red wine vinegar 1/4 tsp (l mL) thymne Dash sait and freshly graund pepper Pierce steak severai tumes with a fork. Place in a small deep bawl. Combine remain- ing ingredients and pour aver steak. Caver and marinate in refrigerator at ieast 3 haurs. Drain marinade. Brodl 4 ta 6 minutes/side for rare or ta desired doneness. The marinade may be heated and served as a sauce. Serves one. For more interesting ideas with beef, write for your capy of "The Beef Good Value Caokbook". Send 50C~ for postage and handling to: The Beef Information Centre, 590 Keele- Street, Suite 325, * Dept. PR12, Toronto, Ontario M6N 3E3. Mabel's Cumred Aimonds are a favorite gift. Spread 2 cups whaie blaniched aimands in a shaiiaw baking pan and dat with 1' table-' spoon butter. Bake in 3501F (18010) venl 15 ta 20 minutes, stirring during baking ta coat nuts. Biend 2 teaspoans Lawry's Seasoned Sait with 1 teaspoon curry powder; sprinkle aver nuts and stir. Bake another 5 minutes. Spreadon ýpaper toweis ta cool. îm

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