Whitby Free Press, 21 Nov 1984, p. 23

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ARTICLES IARTICLES FIOR SALE FOR SALE *ED CHESTERFIELD. Includes EUREKA VACUUM cleaner with 44 bed and orange leather couch, attachments, ^new condition, $50. Floor pollaher, $15. Eieclric $120. Singer sewing machine, an- broom, $10. Pure leuther cin- tique, In excellant condition, namon coat, $70. Phonoe6CO& $100. New ir slab outaîde door, 9M.2 $25. Antique end table, $50. _____________________ Ladies winter coat, good con- ditIon, $25. Trunk, $40. Antique FOR SALE womnan's bicycle, $15. Ironing board, $20. Beatty Chlde tri-cycle, $5. Aiumlnum 4 automatlc Ironer, $40.8668-2800. stop lader for abovo ground pool, 1 year old, $75. Phono 683- 1094. MENS Dynastar skis, 207 cm. with bindInge and polos, $50. Ladies ski boots, size 7, $10. Chlda wood table and 2 chairs, $10. Kenmoro chlld's microwavo bake ovon, used once, $10. Tonka black jumbo truck, $10. Tonka 3 pce. jeep, boat and trailer, $7. Tonka jeep buggy, $4. Fuse panel, 100 amp. with breaker, $35. Phono 668-6185., GM 15" RIM AND TIRE, $10. Car heater, $10. House eloctrlc panel c/w 40 circuits and 200 amp. dIsonnect, $95. Fireplace heat pipe Insert, $10. 8 Track cassette piayer,12VI11OV c/w groat soun- ding speakers, $35. Dlning room Ilght fixture, $10. Cross country skis and-polos (for 6 Ita 10 yrs.), $18. Men's 9W½ Rlocker buckle boots and press, $35. Cail 576- 7697 attor 5 p.m. CORNER BAR, black loatherotte wlth two sholvos and throo barý stools, $100. Portable pool table, $25. Senkyà Super 8 movie camera wlth Ilght ettachmont, Ilke new, $75. 668-8762. *Oy'S CLOTHING verygoo conition. Infant ta '3 yeers snowault, $7. Four hand knltled sweaters, 82.50 each or ail for $9. Fivo long eleevo t-shirts, $1 oach. Threo pants, 81.25 oach. Fivo blankot eleepers, $2 each "or all for $9. Infant swing seat, $5. Brooklin 855-3735. r FOR SALE 3 wheei, 3 speed ladies biko, $225. Twa wheel, 3 speod girls bike, $65. Phono 668- 1507 between 12 and 6 p.m. or 668-085 atter :30 p.m. DOUBLE BED, $110. Chost-of- drawors, $35. Exercise bike, $50. Smell AM/FM record ployer,2 speakers, $30. AM/FM radio, record ployer, 8 track player, bull.i n speakers, $80. Excellent condition. 686-4220. LADIES Muekrat and Raccoon coat, size 14. $350. Phono -666- 1387 afterB6 p.m. DUNCAN PHYFE table, refilihed, lest, sosie 6, $165. Maple ktchon so, 4 chaire, drap leat table, $145. Oak dining table, leate, 2 chairs, $85. Mapie table, $50. Antique blrd's eye mapie, sideboard, retinlshod, $225. Smail hait moon walnut table, $35 Antique esetof drawers, $60. End tables, $151pair. Two chairs, $25/pair. Dolhes, $10. Tools, $10. Phone 683-6M3. COLECO VISION almoat new, gamos Inciuded. Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr., Gort, Space Panic, Zaxxon, Vonture, Lady Bug, Basobali, with 2 Joysticks, $250. Phono 666-1421 daytimo, 668-9946evenings. ANTIQUE Victaren chaise lounge, $750. Antique radio and Gorard phono and speaker, $150. Empire sofa, claw test, $200. Pins dry sink, $85. Singer console sewing machlng, $50. Sngle bed couch,, re-upholstered, $250. Food dehydretor, 10 treys, 1 Tefion shoet, 1 cookbook, $300). Eiectric lage, $25. Tali Oak stool, $4. Chesterfield and chair, $350. Two judo suite, SIze 3, $20 each. One Pair Edsbyns skis, 170 cm., Poles and boots, sizo 8%', $45. One pair Anos skis, 190 cm., Paies and boots, size 8joi, $65. KITCHEN SET, white ovai table, white swivel chairs, with beige assits, $200. Combination swing gym set, 2 swings, awinglng ban- ch, gildes and suld., $20. Freezer, 10 cu. ft., needs compressor, $50. Insuistion,. 4 batte pink tibergiass, paparback R12, 150 sq. fI., $20 par bait. Antique space heater, large heater bulbe, coat iron with coppa reratector, reai show place and It worka, $250. TV, black and white, works, $25. Cail 668-8528. FOR SALE swivei rocker, white leatharette, excellent condition. $150 or best offer. Ph ono 725- 8159 atter6 p.m. ONE PAIR 'Ploneer' Peeriesa Tweters. One pairJensen Triax 2-6x9. XR70 Sony AMIFM casset- te storsoý. XM55 Sony stereo power amp. Can be, heard worklng, complote wth boxes and bis, $500. Phono after 7 p.m., 668-2495. SAVE ON TUNE-UPS. A/C Delco Diagnostic centre, recently rebulit, HEI harness, added 34 f unctIons, with extras. $1,200« ln- vested. Sali $575 or best offer. 668-5064. FOUR -WOODEN CHAIRS ,for' sale, naed some work, $15 each. Oaký table, $95. 8 gallon crock, $40. Calîl 683-638 atter 5 p.m. FOR SALE kitchen sel, Arbarîte table with staînleas steel trame, 30" wlde x 54" long, bench seat with beige vinyl coverlng, 2 chairs, ail ln excellent condition, $150. Chandelier dlnlng roamn llght tixture, 5 lighls, brass coioured with crystal, $80. Small Vamaha gultar with case, suitable for beginner, $45. Cail 688-4686. EXECUTIVE STYLE desk, ex- cellent condition, 34x80", slild birch, recently reflnlshed, 6 drawers, $125. GM baby loveseat, 1 year oid, $30. Phone 6558028. BOYS 20" BMX Raleigh Mssie, 1 year old, $60 or beat offer. Girls 20" 3 speed Universel, $35 or beat of fer. Cali 888-3274 alter 8 p.M. w There is no rea- son ta keep thîngs you don't need or enJoy be- cause they're valuable. There are customners wiIIing ta pay good money for things you've tir- ed of. Contact the "Recycler of Unwants", the cîassified depart- ment of the Whitby Free Press. You wiII be pîeased with the qulck resuits. As fast as a phone caîl, re- suîts happen! When the advertised item is sold, disposed of, or unavailabie for whatever reason, the Item will be deemed to have been soid and a commission wili ha charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as iiiutrated below, regardless if price is stated with "hast offer"-. If the item is NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wili ha run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of 86.00 wili appiy payable in advance of publication of the firtat d. Otherwiae a $7.50 charge will eppiy if bilied whých must ha paid upon receipt of bill. The above minimum charges wiiî ha applied to the final commission due but in any case the higher emount wl ha charged. Minimum charge: $600 pre-paid; $750 biiled. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail advertisements muet ha piaced on an exclusive basis with the WHITRY FREE PRESS and i-un atleast one month if not sold. RATES (if article hs soid): 5% of sdvertised prîce up ta $40000o 2% of balance over 1400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertised for $120.00. Commission due 86.00 (minimum charge ha 86.00) Private advertising only! Please notify the Whitby Free Press immediateiy when item is soId 50 that we may deiete it from the following issue. Ail ada flot fitting the Emporium guidelines wili ha treated and charged per week as regular clessified ada on a pre-paid basis such as: services, help wanted, ciothing, real estate, and persona,nessage type ada, or ada not quoting price or quantity. Private classified ada may appear in the Emporium section under appropriate headings. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whitby, LI N 5S 1 If in doubt call: 668-61 1'l OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whitby. Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. ~ ARTICL S I~ H O U E H D L W 1 WEST MEND oiectric griddle, used once, $25. Chariescreft hair dryer, $10. Eioctric knito, $10. Eiectric hoated tray table, $10., Two oloctric motars 1/4 h.p., 15 each. Phono 668-2155. UNIQUE COFFEE TABLE antique wagon wheol with giass top, barely used, muet be seen. $400, beet otter. 668-5038. FOR SALE twa beige standard bucket seats (wth.basos) from a Fard Econaline, aimost new, $75 each. Procisian dratting' set, camplets with ink pens, $40. Cali Mike 668-9702 aftor 6 p.m. FOR SALE Boy's skates, size 11, $5, sizo 12, $12. sizo 1, $15. Cali 668-1116. BOX TRAILER FOR SALE, hoavy. duty with tilt, $450. 1970 Charger SE, $450. Cali 655-3497 after 4 p.m. 29FT. TRAVEL TRAILER, oloclric brakes, soperate bodroom and ali convonionces, $8,000 or nearoat offer. l6ft. boat, 20 h.p., $800. Phono 668-2677. COLDSPOT frost-tree rofridgerator, 17.1 cu. fi. and Kenmore deluxe soit-cloaning ovon. 9 years oid, Ai condition, green coiour. $700 pair or best of- fer. 683-4835. QUEEN SIZE WATERBED, soft aide, baffles floating system, oak trame, Scandanavian style, with night tables, drawers within trame. Asking $800 or best 0f fer. 655-4917. SOFA beige, 7 ft. long, fine for roc room or cottage. $100 or best of fer. 655-4073 atter 5 p. m. SOLID PINE BUFFET HUTCH, only one month aid. Asking $700. WiIi discuas prico. Cail Cindy 668-0667 morninga or 723-0877 aftor 2 p.m. DîNETTE SUITE for sale. Smoked glass table and tour chairs, like now, $125. Phono 668-7269. PETS & SUPPLIES FOR SALE 3 pairs of lilvar dlamond doves et $25 par pair. 668-2461. Card No. Exp. Date Name (please print - f irst and last name) Street Address CityPotlCd MAIL TO: WH'ITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby ýLiN 5S1 A.~ UTOMGTIVEI REPAIR/PARTS DOMESTIC & FOREIGN anti- sway bars ;4" 1979 Mustang Cobra rear, $45. Pinto front and er set, $60. W' Monza, Vega rear, $45. 1 118" Vega front, $50. 1 118" Dalsun truck front, $50. 1 118" Mazda, Courier truck front, $50. i1/8" Mustang Il front, $40. Four 14"x5½i" white spoke wheels for Mazda and Courier truck, $60. Cail Chuck 28248760. 1973 & 1974 ASTRA: aimoat new transmission, $125. Windshild, $45. Two GT seats, $30. Gas tank, $15. Hood, $15. Hatchback, $40. Two seats, $15. 1974 Demon: hood, $20. Trunk lid, $15. Three 14" aiuminum siots for Chov, $35 each. Two 15" aiuminum siots for truck, $50 each. Good condition. 668-4065. 1972 PINTO. 4 speed tran- smission, gaod 4 cylinder Ford motar, good tires, for parts. Complote $300. Phono 655-3006. 1973-1975 CUTLASS 2-door auter door 5kin <motai>, wrappod ln originel package fram G.M. Stored indoors and dry, perfect condition, $150. Phono, after 7 p.m., 668-2495. 42"1 CAMPER pick-up cep, $500 Phono 655-4241.-- AUTOMOBILES FRSALE ~ SALS/RETALS 1976 CHRYSLER CORDOBA. 2 -stoering, power brakes, air *con- ditianlng, 81,500 or best offor. Phone 655-3176. 1976 FORD TRUCK, F150 <5/8 Ion) 360 c u. Inch engino, 4 sp. for- ward, 1 reverse, hoavy dutytran- smission, power stoering, power brakes, fibragiass cab. auxilliary gas tank fJactary installed, new tires front and rear, new brekea and hosea, traiter hitch, 50,000 original miles, excellent con- dition, 83,150. 655-8764, Braokiin. 1976 CHEVELLE MALIBOU Classic, i owner, 90,000,350 V8, very good 'condition, muat ses, asking 81,000 or boat 0f fer. Cali atter6 p.m., 1-649-5464. FOR SALE 1976 Buic k Century. p.s., p.b., 65,000 miles, good mechanicai, body noeds work, $950 f irm, as sa. Wili consider par- tiai trade for amaîl boat and motor. Phono 783-2441 (Toronto), daytimo or 608-1173 afttr 5p.m. 1979 250 yz Motarcross, nover maced, $800. Cail beore 2 p.m., 668-9466. 'MUSIAL STRUMENTS GUITAR AMP for sale. Excellent condition, $175 or best offor. Cail 666-8545 atter 5 p.m. FOR SALE Lowery Organ. full sizo, doubla koybaard, complote rhythm section, bonch and book, Ilka new, $950. The pertect X-max gif t for anyane. 655-4995. ANTIQUE PUMP ORGAN. Vaxý Humana Tremoco - Pet. 1865. Cabinet, fret work and fabric, ail in good condition, $500 or fair of - fer. 668-8618 Whitby FOR SALE Hammond Piper elec- tric organ. Excellent condition, would make a great gift for the entire family. $600. Cail 668-7472 afler 7p.m. wý> COU Us Now At 668-6111 Or Use This Form To <Mail Your Ad ln* 1976 GRAND Mi4ROUiS. 2 door, fuily equipped, Interior spotless, mechanically e4~ellent, dos not bum ail, very littie body work needed. $1 ,500 firm.655.3006. 1974 DATSUN B210,4 speed plus extra angine, transmission, $250. Phono 655-4829. 1974 DOOGE CHARGER 400 SE, 2 door,, Interior spotiesà, very dependable, neede peint, cornes wlth winter tires, $1,500 or bast offer, certif led. 868-4210. 1974 GREMLIN. Low mileage, body neede work, $25o. 10-speed Noretar Atais, $80. PhoneOu668 4425., 1974 VOLKSWAGON 'Bug' in good condition. As la, $1,000. Phonoe66-2114. 1973 MAZDA RX-3 ROTARY. 4 spead, AM/FM cassette stereo, raquiros littie body work and axheust to certIfy. Aiking $700 or best offer. 655-4533. 1969 CADILLAC ELDORADO. Powor steering, power brakes, cruise contrai, power windows and seats, tilt stooring wheel, etc. Mechenicaily sound. Asking $1.500. Phono 668-2855 aller 5 1966 FORD RANCHERO (collec- tor). B5oXk prie,$4,500 ta $5,50Ã",; ln good condition, "muet Bell, gie, away price $2,000. Phono 668- 7546. 1982 CHEVROLET. 4 door Bel Air, running condition, requires some body work, uncert. Asking $450. Phono 668-2092. ABN NDS' ELECTRIC BOTTLE asterlizer, $15. Bumper 'peda, $15. Baby seatý, $5. Bethtub, $3. Toliet traîner, $8. Two tollet traîner rings, $2 eech. Coat with hood, size 18 monthe, $10. Wiriter boots, size 6, $4. Phono 427-7069. q ýMes! the " Recycler of! Unwants" The EmPorIUM Secion o, Ibo WhItbv Fr88 PrOssi 1 have read the Emporium guidelines and wish to have the following advertlse- ment placed under thîs section of the Whitby Free Press. it forget ta Include your phone number) [Hl enclose $6.O ta Cover the minimum charge. 1" 1 Charge $6.00 to my Visa account. 1-1 Bill me $7.50 after f irst publication of my ad. a --%uvil Postal Code

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