Whitby Free Press, 21 Nov 1984, p. 8

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PAGE 8,WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 21, 1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS F enneli: vice-chairman, of puiblic accounts -éTHE CORPORATION OF STHETOWNOFWHITBY IN THÉ, MATTER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.S.O. 1980, CHAPTER 337 AND IN THE MATTER 0F THE LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO NOTICE 0F PASSING 0F BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that the Counoîl of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby has passed By-Iaw No. 1755-84 to designate the foiiowlng property as beîng of architecturai andior historical value of ln- terest under Part IV of The Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 337: John Watson House 1733 Dufferin Street Whitby, Ontario REASONS FOR DESIGNATION 0F 1733 DUFFERIN STREET, WHITBY Hîstorical The house was built circa 1857 for, or by, John Watson, a wealthy grain merchant ln Port Whitby. Together with James Row, Watson helped deveiop the Port Into a thriving community ln the 1850's and 1860's. He was aiso the f irst Whitby TQwn Councilior for Port Whltby (SouthWard> f rom 1855 to 1859. The house was aiso owned by David Galbraith, part.owner and harbour master of Whit- by Harbour from 1880 to 1905. Arhtectural The John Watson house i.s typical 0f a, weaIthy man's home-0f the 1850's and ls one *of the oidest large homes left InPort Whitby. It la a fine exam- pie of the mjxed Regency-Classical Revival ar- chitecturai tradition ln vernacular building. DATED at the Town of Whitby this 2lst day of November, 1984. Donald G. McKay Town Clerk '76 Rossîand Roa-d ààdas LiN 2M8 Ontario Riding says that he bopes to make, the committee system more effective and to give backbenchers a greater volce in the day-to-day affaira of government. He also believes that public accounts is the most important of the committees. "If I can mpke the committee mofe effec- tive, it wil change the function of bouse com- mittees," Fenneil said .Scott. Fenneil, the Member of Parliament for this area, has been named vice-chairman of the public accounts committee of the House of Commons by Prime Minister Brian Mulroney., The public accounts committee reviews ail government 'programts and assesses their effec- tiveness. "«In essence, it provides a cost benefit analysis of what the government is doing," Fenneil said., 1.The Progressive Con-' servative member for revliewlng legisiation. "I think the commit- tees have to become more effective and the government backben- cher bas to become more active," he said. While most of the decisions come from cabinet, Fenneli is con- Annuai n both the November is now the and Great annual appeal month for ýommittees the Canadian Diabetes f the work Association. Ing and This is new to Durham Region residents, as March bas traditionally been the month when area businesses, service clubs and residents have been asked to dig into their pockets and make a donation towar- ds education and research into diabetes. The décision by the national board of direc- tors to adopt November I~) as annual appeal month was made in April of this year. There were many reasons behind making this choice, M such as better weather -conditions and less - overlap with other fund FT raising campaigns in November'than in Mar- N T ch, and, as well, to tie in with the American Diabetes Association annual appeal. It's a step forward for the Canadian Diabetes ABLE Association, however it e 98.as resulted in a step AS. backwards for the l. Durham Rgion bran- PANY < ch's local fund. raising PM activities nMa-ho lA WR0 this year this branch at- tempted a small door to door canvass-in parts 0f Durham Region, "as well as a. written' appeal-by, fident that the present government will' make more effective use of the backbencher, if for no other reason, that Mulroney bas so many of themn to contend with in bis 211-seat majority. "Unless they're given a meaningful role, he's going to have a lot >of dissatlsfied people," be said. The first task of the publice'accounts com- mittee will be a review of governument spen- ding. "lThere's a lot of money being wasted. We've got to flnd out where it la," Fenneli said. campaign chairman, Jim' Sou ch,' to'local ser- vice clubs and groupa. Both' volunteers and contributors cannot be asked to participate in another appeal just a short eight months later, but the Canadian Diabetes Association also cannot lose the tremendous momentum that is pushing resear- chers towards the still- elusive cure for diabetes by not providing them with the. dollars necessary to continue valuable . research The Ceilidh Players will present their production of "The Best Christmas Pageant- Ever" on- Dec. 13, 14, and 15 at, the Col. J.-E. Farewell Public School at 7:30 p.m. The Ceilidh P *layers are a non-profit, amateur theatre from Whitby who donate the proceeds from their per- formances to local charities. The Dec. 13_ perfor- miancer-ýwilk .benefit-tthe Y.oluntee Association ,of the Whitby. Psychiatric Hospital andwll help to continue,. existing programs as' well as r GET YEAR 'ROUND COMFORTAND ECONOMY WITH AN ELEC[RIC HEAT PUMR..0 The Electric Heat Fbmp delivers year.'round indoor -comfort. In winter it heats your home efficientty and eco0nomically with gentie, even' warmtFi and the heat pump is a real miser on energy use. In summer you get air conditioning throughout your home. You can choose the AI-Electric Heat Rjmp - or an Add-on unit that works with your existing furnace. Either way,.you stili get the economy ,and comfort you'II be Ilooking for. Now's the time. ... before old man winter strikes. WHITBY HYDRO ELECTRIC CO MMISSIO-N 128 BROCK ST. S., WHUTBY 668-5878, j projects. The Durham Region Branch needs financial assistance to bridgeý the 18 month gap between financial appeals for research andeducation funds. Individuals, businesses and service clubs who didn't make a donation in March of this year are 'being asked to assist the bran- ch by sending a donation to: Durham R egion Branch, 1Canadian Diabetes Association, P.O. Box 2471, Oshawa, Ceilidh production initiate new programs for patients' at the hospîtal. The play runs for ap- proximgtely one hour and, refreshments wilI be available during the intermission. Tickets are.- $3 for aduIts and $1.50 for children. Tickets for the De. 13 show are available by calling «the association at 668-588, ext. 323. Convocation FREDERICTON, N'B. - One Whitby woman was among the' 250 graduates of ithe University 0of New Brunswick who received graduate'and undergraduate,:degrees, at a convocation held here Oct. 21., ~Bétty Lou Huder received hèr Bachelôr of Arts*degree.ý'»ý'^ Thre 1 rîomiiient Canadi'ans were algo at the ceremony to receive honorary , degrees. James Maurice Stock- ford Careleas, one 0f the nation's foremost historians received 'an honorary Doctor of Let- ters. Undersecretary of State -for External'Af- fairs Marcel Masse received' an honorary Doctor-of Laws. Denton Clark,_ present of RCA Inc. received a Doctor of Science hood. Bridge iresuits The following are the results 0f lait week's play at -the, Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club as reported by Mrs. Jim Wharrie. North and South: Mr. and Mrs. Lee Evans, 851/; Mrs. P.N. Spratt and Mrs. D.A. Wilson, 69; John 'Brady and Henk. Hellendoorn, 67; and, Donald Wilson and Mrs. Jack Frost, 56. East and West: Mr. and Mrs.,Harvey Win- ter,* 72%; Georgia Bovay and Mrs. George Steffler,. 671/; Mr., and Mrs. Jim Wharrie, 67; and, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Spencer, a tie with,' Bil Nelson and Frank Mac- Neil, 65%. appeal month addlng that ir -United Statesi Britain, the cc do the bulk of in -preparii 39.DAYS LEI GOVERNMENT GA TO'REmINSULATE Expires Dec. 31, 1984 *ORDER NOW* LIMITED BOOKINGS AVAILI We walt for ,govemment cheque GET IT DONE RMONT DEAL WITH ESTABLISIIED LOCAL COMI ~ 72&04-83 FULVLCESD . cc-$. 6-eNÏ. EM.- ÉiNUE 1P L

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