PIAGE 10.) WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28,1984, WI-ITBY FREE PRESS UDINECILT, Hoffman' Hoffman's is, a truly fine dining establish- ment where the' customers are their speciality. After only two years in tha restaurant business Bih Hoffman, and his wife, Karen, have turned a love of cooking into a satisfying and profitable venture. He's bulit his business on one thing - bis customers. Since Hof- fman also doubles as his own executive chef, food is prepared and served according to the customners needs. "If the customer wan- ts something and its in our power to do - then we do it, " says Hof- fman. A resident of West Lynde for 12 years, Hof- fman counts many Whitby residents among his regular patronSeand keeps them coming back because bis is not an eating place. "This is a dining establishemnt, flot an eating place," he stresses vehmently. His menu is large and boasts great variety. Some of the more in- teresting items include Chateaubriand for two served with fresh vegetables and potatoes parisienne ($31.o), filet mignon and diced pep- per steak. His entree menu in- cludes seven varieties of steak, two choices of veal and prime nib roast. Seafood loyers also have a fine selection from Alaska Crab'legs to Dover Sole bonne meuniere or amndine. The wine list isý also extensive including fine French, German, Italina, and' Canadian vintages. A speciality of the house is Hoffman's S special flaming coffee which is prepared right at the table. Friday and Saturday evenings customers can enjoy a littie dinner music by bis piano player who will play requests. Hoffman's is open Sunday, Monday and Tuesday from 11:30 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Wed- nesdays and Thursdays until il p.m.; Fridays until midnight; and Saturdays until 1 a.m. If you are planning to visit on the weekend it is wise to cail ahead for a reservation (723-6301). The Lion and the Unicorn,., One of Whitby's newest restaurant, The Lion and the Unicorn is GOLDEN GATE, 107 Brock Street South, Whlt 'by 668-8321. This popular Chinese restaurant has been in Whitby for 30 years. The specialty of the house is bar-be-qued spare-ribs. A new dish is being in- troduced. It's a. special combination of ight hor d'oevres calIed Bo Bo a British establishment thz fers good food ari platter. Eat in the delighli decorated ' Ban Room at one of thelr cular booths. Open Monday to 7 sday from il a.m.1 a.m.; Friday and Si dayfrom lla.m.to3i and Sunday tI11il FulIy lcensed and h( dL-lver1 style tertainmnent. at. of- Owned and operated id en- by Jim Jaap and Jim'. * Cheyne The Lion and î the Unicorn is, on' Coîborne St. at the cor.- ner of Athol St. The lunch menu has,-, both full mneals and bar-. snacks which' are available throughout' the day. Lunches are- served between 113 a.m. and 5 p.m. and c an be eaten outside in the.. warmer weather or in- doors. Specialities on. the lunch menu include. tfly oysters au gratin, Mr. :full Macgregor's garden Ir oo salad and steak and r i- mushroom pie. Prices vary between $2.25 for Thur- bar snacks and $5.25 forý to 2 a fulmeal. 'atur- The dinner menu Ws a.m. available from 5 to 16 p.m. p.m. and offers a large orne variety. The most expensive item is Carpet Bag Steak stuffed-witb sweet bay scallops at $9.95. Other meals are as ,low as $6.25: The bar is well stocked with both, domestic and impotd wines and bes The' Lion and the Umïcorn arranges game tournaments and theme mights. The games room is well, away'from the diners, situated downstairs. The Lion and the Umicorn 18 open seven- clays a 'week for your dining leasure. E TWO NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTIES' FOR THE PRICE OF ONE a I a TRADITIONAL NEW YEAR'S EVE DINNER AT 8 P.M. 5 COURSE GOURMET MEAL WITH A BOTTLE 0F v HENKEL TROKKEN PER PERSON MOT HORS'D'EUVRES AT MIDNIGHT MOT MOCK TURTLE SOUP TO SEE YOU SAFELY ON YOUR WAY LIMITE-DBOOKINGS $ 5 o PER COUPLE WELCOME THE NEW YEAR VIA SHORTWAVE RADIO FROM PICCADILLY CIRCUS AT 7 P.M. 112 COLBORNE STREET EAST WHITBY 666-3034 1