PAGE 10.WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23. 1985, WHITBY FREE PRES.S Edwards says gas stations should be taking steps to prevent robberies Whitby gas stations oparating 24-hours a day should ha better equip- ped to protect its axa- ployees from persons committing armed rab- berias accorcing to Reg. Coun. Tom Edwards. At *naxt Monday's meeting of Whitby Town Councit, Edwards wilt Introduca a motion that cails for staff to in- vastigate the ways in wbicb the major oit companias operating in Whitby protect, thair employaes. Edwards totd the Free Press a couple of days ago that wile ha bas been concernad about this situation for a long time, it was brought to a haad by a racent armed robbery and murder in Scarborough. "Ail I want councit to do is inqure of the oil companies witb exten- ded or ,23-bour operations wbat efforts areý being'made to ixa- prove the safety of their emptoyees against ar- med robbar, " he said. The ragional coun- citior noted that there have been several ar- med robberies at Whit- by gas stations over the past couple of years and while thera has been no tose of life, ha, wants to prevent that tragady from aver occuring. 'II think it is also proper for the town, in ordar to ratain its image as a good place to live, that violent crime must ha diminisbed and aven eradicated," Edwards said. Healaso notes that most of the attendants help up white working in one of these places is in- variably a young par- son. CLEAN THE MODERN WAY... ILa husnowr and dusi in WA TER. P&N ALL VACUUM VET 1116B DUNDAS ST. W. FOR A FREE DEMONS TRA TION CALL 668-1855 * THE CORPORATION OF THETOWN OFWHITBY NOTICE 0F INTENTION TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the corporation of the Town of Whltby Intends to pass by-laws to stop-up, close and salI those parts of the public highways municipally known as Champain Court and Hopkins Street balng dascribed as follows: (1) That part of Champlain Court, as shown beiow, belng composed of Parts of Lots 23 and 24, Con- cession 1, Town of Whitby, and belng deslgnated as Part 1 on Plan of Survey 40R-8141; and, (2) That' part of Hopkns Street, as shown below, being composed of part of the road allowance between Lots 22 anld 23, Concession 1, Town of Whltby, and belng deslgnated as Part 2 on Plan of Survey 40R-8141. PHA PM CT AND TAKE NOTICE that the Operations Commit- tee of Council will, at the hour of 7:30 pm. on the 4th day of February, 1985, In Committea Roomn One of the Whltby Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, Whtby, Ontario, hear any persons who dlaim thaîr lands will be adversaly af- fected by the by-laws and who apply to the Clark to be heard. DATED at Whitby, Ontario, this 9th day of January, A.D, 1985. Donald G. McKay Clark The Corporation of the Town of Whtby 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario Li N 2M8 Phone: 416) 668-5803 Whfle ha would like to see measures in- troduced for other 24- hour operations, such as move around" This Edwards said makes it easier for a thief to bring a weapon into the store. But if ail it takes is money to protect gas station attendants, then Edwards says its worth the investment. "It may cost money but it is my view that we mustmake these places almost fulîproof from attack." Edwards also says that Whitby shouid not ha forced to forbid the operation of 24-hour gas stations and convenien- ce stores by the criminal alement in our society. If the town is going to do that, than that dacision should be up to the people of the town and their elacted rapresentatives. "'Thera have been robbarias in the past to this point but no loss of life bas takan place," ha said,. "We should not allow ciminals from outside our community to dictate to us what our bylaws sbould be." St. Mark's report Edwardis convenience stores, ha says it is relativaly sim- ple to protect gas station kiosks. "In the gas station operation, it is a relatively simple mat- ter to render them safa from robbary," Edwar- ds said, "It's not so easy in the casa of the con- venience store." Gas station kiosks would simply have to ha reconstructad, and in- clude the installation of such things as bullet proof glass. Edwards pointad out that at laast one major oit company is already providing such facilities for its employees. But in the casa of the convanienca store "people bave to ha allowed to coma in and By MARLENE NICHOLLS St. Mark's U.C.W. The U.C.W. genaral meeting of St., Marks United Church hald on Jan. 8, was openad by president Earlien Mc- Crackan. The guast speaker for the evening were the Bridgehaad Partners of Frances CHILDRENS' CONCERT The Glen Stewart Playschool will presant chitdren's entertainar, Eric Nagiar, most notably of C.B.C. television's The Elephant Show, in con- cert in the auditorium of Eastdale Coliegiate, Harmony Rd. N., Oshawa on -Feb. 23 at 10: 30 ar. Tickets ara $3 each and available by calting .579-4840. Combs, and Peter Davies, who wara in- troduced by Barnica They spoke on what thay do as volun- teers for Bridgehead. Bridgehead is a non profit partnersbip in wbich thay import tea, coffee, vanilla beans, cashaw nuts and cashew butter from their World Countries. The profits ara then sent to the respective countries. Bidgehead products can ha purchased at the Oshawa Meat Products store on Dundas St. E. in Whitby. A worship Service was prepared and presented by Unit 3. The collection want to Wold Development and Relief. Lunch was ser- ved by the Fniendship Unit and thay sei-vad tea and coffee sold through Bridgehead._ Corridor Capers (t By MARY MCEACHERN ) ~ CaU 725-967 with Items for tht. column wfl MONTE CARLO NIGHT The Parents' Committee of St. Paul's and St. Theresa's separate schools will sponsor a Monte Carlo Night on Saturday, Feb. 2 at 8 p.m. in the Holy Family Parish Church. There will be a variety of games of chance, dan- cing, bot and cold buffet at 12:30.a.m. Admission is $10 a person. The proceeds from the Monte Carlo night will be shared by both schools to help finance special school projects. For tickets or further information cati Joan Jarand at 728-3496. BLUE MOUNTAIN SKI TRIP The Earl of Durham would tike to sponsor a ski day at Blue Mountain (near Etarrie) in ap- proximately three weeks tima. The cost for the Sun- day outing would be $30 which inctudes transpor- tation and tow ticket. Please cati Louise at 666-2211 or 571-1627 if you %kould be interested in the excur- sion. The trip witl onty take place if enough interest is generated within the community. There would have to be a bus load to make the day worthwhile. Cati now, this êould be your fun in the snow. WHITBY WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The next meeting of the Witby Women's Institute will be beld at the home of Mrs. Bessie Acton, Reedaire Court on Jan. 23 at 1:30 p.m. Visitors welcomne. CORRIDOR AREA RATEPAYERS The next meeting of the executive of the C.A.R.A. will be beld at-the Witby Municipal Building on Thursday, Feb. 7 at 7:30 p.m.,Visttors and members welcoma. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Congratulations to 'Graph Gadsby Neigh- bourhood Watcb'. The group bas been formed and certified. The ratepayers' association recommend that ail areas form tbeir own Neigbourbo0dWatch. The program works. The association will finance any costs that might occur for any group witbin the Corridor Area. We also would like to thank "Graph Gadsby', who have obtained 97 per cent member- sbip within the C.A.R.A. Tbis is your association, and the executive will be oniy too happy to meet with you at any time. Congratulations! PETER PERRY AWARD NIGHT This Friday (Jan. 25)' the Whitby Chamber of Commerce will present tbe Peter Perry Award to one of Whitby's outstanding citizens. The evening will be in the form of a vaniety show held at the Cen- tennial Building. Tickets for the occassion will be avaitable at Middietons Book Store. This is a very special evening for everyone in Wbitby. Plan to at- tend. rW THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY *..e7 OFDURHAM PUBLIC NOTICE Take notice that the Reglonal Munlcipaiity of Durham ls considerlng AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN The purpose of tha amendment 18 to ravise the Durham Regional Officiai Plan ln order to refleot the axisting aligniment of Regonai Road No. 52 Thornton Road> as It lntarsacts wlth Champlain 'Avenue ln the City of Oshawa and to delete any future raalignmant as idantifled ln the Durham Regionai Off icial Plan. n ordar to assist ln the evaluation of the amen- dment application, the public Is Invited to provide Input by way of submlsslons to the Region's Plan- ning Department. Information relatad to the amendment application s available in the offices of the Planning Depar-, iment, 105 Consumers Driva, Whitby, Ontario Li N 6A3 or by calling Mr. Larry Kotseff, M.ClI.P. Plan- ning Department, 416) 668-7731.- Submissions concarning the amandmant ap- plication must ba forwarded to the Commissionar of Planning, at the abova-noted address, and must ha raceivad no latar than Friday, Fabruary 22, 1985. Pleasa include your addrass and telaphona numn- bar in any submissions made. Don Haddan Chaîrman, Planning Committea Dr. M. Michael, M.C.î.P. Commissioner of Planning MUÉ