WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1985, PAGE 19 FOR SALE tco beige standard buhel $seas (lih bases) tram a Ford Econoine, aimost nec, $50 eéch. Precien drafttng set, complte ciih Ink pans, $40. Cal Mte 668-97)2 ater 6 p.m. FOR SALE .cindow glass 3116 Temperd ielding windows) 36"a32"x316. 18 places and secrens, 30"nx20"x3i16, 4 places ad ecreens, 9h'e8"3l16, 8 places and acreens, $60 for ail. Pair ofmenaskMates, sica 11, new, $15. Fire acreen, antique back, Ilke nec, 36" wide x 26" higi, $25. Cati 664.09 FOR SALE portable pool table, $25. Sankyo Super 8 movie camera cis Ilgili attachment, Ike nec, $75. 666.6762. TWO RADIAL snow tires and ose radiai tire ail on 13", Toyota rime, $60. Tco BIAS Piy ires on GM "l ton rime', $5. Two 3 apaed bicycles, mens and ladies, $40 or boast olfer. Oel 666&9041 Bter 5 MENS.Dynastie skIs. 207 cm with l bninge and polos, $50. Ladies ski boots, lze 7, $10. Kesmore chlde mcrocave bake oves, usad once, $10. Phone 668- 6185. LADIES Muekrat and Rccoon coat, siz4 14. $W5. Pion. 666& 1387 &aier 6 p.m. *UILT*IN OVEN. $50 or boat of. fer. Ceanier-top teve wlth hood, $Wor boat oiter. Geod condition. Phone655-3772. ANTIO UE Spool Dasgo ;À bed, ouid heedboard, complets citit woodon reilia, $45. Phono 666& 2243. COLECO VISION almost new, games Inctudod. onkey Kong, Donkoy Kong Jr., Gori, Space Pente, Zaxxon, Ventue, Lady Bug, Basebeti, cith 2 Joysticks. $25. Phono 666-1421 dayImo, 66.9946 vonings. FOR SALE profossional chair hair dryor, $5. Geod condition. 579. 3629afttr 4 p.m. UNIQUE COFFEE TABLE antique wagon whoot cith glass top, berely esed, muet ha sean. $400, hbottoier. 68&W536. PAR 0F HANDMADE Tai Ping ares ruga la Adam design, living room 14o16, dinfing room - round 95 diameter, In perfect con- dition, $12,5S0 pair. Aso magniticant Victorian Armoire with large crocs and original finish, $1.500. Oelilecenlngs bt- cees 6andg9p.m., 666.1223. FOR SALE tour FR78115 Good Yser radiai tires, $50 sacil or $190 for ail four. Aise Kesmora ciothea dryor, $100 or besi citer. Phono 6655-3427 aler 6:30 p.m. FOR SALE Popèi.Cola botile pop machine, A-1 condition, asking $400 or basf ler. Contact Mike, STEREO cabinet model, $175. White chest-of-drers, $5. Framod glacs mirror. $6. Att ln ecellent condition. Phono 686- 1149. PURS.- Very etegant Mink Jacket, natural brocs. mint condition, 12. 14, $350. Mink dyad Muskrat Ceai, brown, largo, speciaiiy tytod for oceaizod hips) con- derfuiiy cerro, oniy $95. Young ladies htoacfiod Musirai Carcoat, 1214, $50. Young ladies Fer Jacket, black and white, 1214. $75. Purtrtmmed brocs Suedo ceat, fuit iength, 1214, $45. Mensa MacGregor Carcoat, gonuine Scottish cool, sica 38, ecellent condition. $30. Cait668- 7404 affar8 p. GIRLS CLOTHîNG sizo 5 le eX. individually pricad, eddlng up te0 960 or ail for $W. Brookin 655. 8764. KTCHEN SET 5'"nx3M" Ovai table ciih chrornod steel rame and oak look amnated top, liko nec and 4 chroma chaire citil dark brocs soft uphoisiery, $150. Soit antique pernp orges, Circa 1&50, excellent condition, $750. Coiobrlty electrlc typocriter, ex- cllent condition, $150. Sears sacing machine cabinet, $25. Wooden rocklng chair. $50. Phono 6553545. NINE CARVîNO chseis for cood. excellent condition, $15 for lhe st or cas bc sold sepurato. Pipe threading kt. heacy deiy, for 1/4 te V, pipes, $35. Wsinghouse buill-in disilcasher, cents wcou. $30. Colu 4334689. -PLEAS1E KEAUý- When thse advertised item la sotd, dispesed of, or unavaitabte for wbtever reoson, thse item witt be deemned ta bave been soid and a commission witl be cborged based an TIE AIIVEtETISED) PRIVE as itîustraied below, regardess if price is stated witti 'best offer". If thse item sa NOT So01,,or disposed ef, the ad witl be ruot for t MONTIIS and a MINIMUM CHARGE sf$6.00 will appty payable ln advance of publication of the first ad. Otherwise a $750 charge wiil apply If biltrd whých must be paid upcm receipt ef bill. The above minimum charges will be appied te thse inai commission dae but in any case the higiser amsunt wiil be charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre-paid; 7.50 biited. Maximum commission: $160.00. Ail advertiaemnests must be placed os as exclusive hais with thse WIIITBY FREE PRESS and rus alleast one mentis if sot sotd. RATES 11If articeela soidi:- EXAMPLE: foId item ednemtised fer 8120.00. Commission due $6.00 timinimum charge ta 8.00)6 Private advertising enlyl Please notify tise Whitby Free Press immediately when item is sold ao tisaI we may delete il fremtise folowing issue, Ail ads nt fitting tise Emporium guidelines wiii be treated and charged pr week as reguler classified adls os a pre.paid basis such as: services, help wanted, clotiing, reai estate, and pemsosai .nessage typeaods, or ads not quoting price or quastity. Privote cassified adls may appear in tise Emporium section under appropriate headingo. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAILAi3STO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 2w0 Whtby. LN OSI Hi doubt catI: 668-6111 131 Brock St. N. Whistby, Ont. ELECTRIC BOTTLE sterilzer, $15. Bumper poids, S15. Baby FOR SALE 1976 Cornet*, 2 door, seat, $5. Sathub, $3. Tolet standard, moe rad repair, as sa traîner, $8. Two tottet traîner chere la, $500 or best effer. 668. ings, $2 each. Coat with hood, 3123, aler 5p.m. sica la montha, $10. WIster boots, elzefl, $4. Phonei427-70W9. 1974 OREMLIN. Low mileage, body needa worm, $259. 10-peed Noeaar Atala, $80. Phtonse68 F MTORCYCLESI 4425. M ý-AE/ETL 1979 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~C 2AmZMtrcos oe 2 or niro pilsvr rac7d,2$00. CMotoroe,2 p.si. 668-9466. 1966450 HONDA 5 spood custom. nec tiras, sprIngor, lots et chromo, $60 or best et fer. 6830531. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDY PRVIOS TOPUBLCATON A NOO. M 42 CAMPER pick-up cap, $50. FRIDY PEVIOS T PUBICAION T NON.Phone655-4241. M ARTICLES hi'ARTICLES UTNOOTIE TOOIE S17 FOR SLEFOR SAL ,JE AIRPAO,./PARTS SArMO3LES FOR SALE 7 fi. Myrs Pieugil SKIS, boots and polos, $85. Ski HEAVY TRUCK PARTS ait parts cith hydroulil pump, $1,2D0. lesgth 170 cm. Toboggan, 6 I., nec. 1-GM cluich for Choc, 5000 1979 MINi AUSTIN loc mlee, Phono 666.3471. cood, $25. Tco brsss tampe, 6500 serios ciii 350 or 3668011. good condition, $1800se as. __________________ 38pair. Oakt chine cabinet, $65. In., VB angine. GM part N. 1400 Phone 668-3064 or 723.4896. Fiee oek chairs, $15 oaci. Coder.- 1668, $100. 1-Tokisoim eiectrIc ______________ ANTIQUE Victras chise cheat. $95. Calil6836. submrsible tuai pump, $85. 1:, leunge. $750. Antique radio and ____________ 16baerm75doi$0 Gorard phoo and speaer, $150..D5lc brake mast5" ecp)o, 0. FRDEcno...Vn.0 Empire sota, dec foot, $200. Singer console socing machine, $50. Single bed couch, ro- uphoitorad, $250. Food dehydrefer, 10 traye, 1 Talles shoot, 1 cookbook, $300. Ti oeil stool, $40. Chesterield and chair, $350. One pair Edbyns skis, 170 cm, polos and boots, mie 81h., $45., Ose pair Assos skies, 190 cm. polos ad boOts, size 81h, $65. Phono 65e4822. FOR A COMMADOR computer ciih diso drive, 1 pInbuli con. stfuctioS set oume utilly. $50. Cail aller 5 p.m., 6608.1153 ast for Dun. FOR SALE kitchen sel. Arbrito table cith stainless steel rme, 30" cide a 54" leng, bosch seat culh beige vinyl coeering, 2 chairs, ail In excellent condition, $150. Chandelier dising reom ight filoure, 5 lighîs, brass coioured cith crysiai, $60. Srnall Yaraha gular citil case, sulabie for begnser, $45. Cal 668-4686. PETS & SUPPLIES FOR SALE 3 pairset oliVer dlemnosd deset $26 Par pair. 6»62461. FOR SALE West Africen gray parrel, $600 Phono 86&87012. G IMUUMENTS FOR SALE Gibson Ripper boss cilh 4cway fones sciich. good condition, $360 clh casa. imitation Strate casier. excellent conditon, $275 culh case. Coul 7232579 ast for Kas. SIX CHANNEL F.A. Sytem. base speakers, 150 wait combe amp., accossories iscludnd, $750. 683- 0531. GM pari No. 5467734, $1100. 4. Braie rlinlng kifs. 4" padte for 5M 60soris Choc. $50 sacil. 4. Bribe retning kits, 3" padte for 7000 lb GM amie, $40 oach. 655. 4995. HEAVY ECUIPMENT PARTS ail perla nec. Intermational bulldozer parts: 1616125C3 carrier for TDlSB. 15C, 1758 or 1750, $750. 1-619563C1 end bit fer biado for T015B or 15C. $50. 2324739 R91 Timkon bearing assomblies for blade cinch il. cii ft models TD25B or C and TD20B or 15B, $50 each. 14N6981 aliarnator for Cal 3208 Industriel engines, $200. 4.7440 Champion grader blade oeoriay end bits. $20 each. 4. 39C60 - J8VK Norton grinding st0005, 2" centre. 2.5" cldth, 13.5" diamter, $100 each or 4 for $300. Phono 6554995. 1874 810 oulomallo, miles, $51( 3729 aller7 0 OATSUN Wagon, ýrebut motl, 10.000 00 or best o11cr. 655. '7 p.m. baltery, tires end eoheust, 82,500 or boat otter. 6830531. 1977 OATSUN B210 helch, stan- dard, Micheline, nec brakos, oohaust, head gakot, uses ne oul, 40 miles por galion, noeds body cari, $700 or hast effor. 6553729 aller 7 p.m. 18 CHRYSLER Cerdoba. 2 door, fully equipped, pocer steerIng, pocer brakes, air con- dItioning. $950 or hast otior. Phono 655-3176. 1976 RABBIT 2 deer, standard, $900 or besi etter. 655-3729 aller 7 p.m. dapendabia, noeadspoint, comnas cith cinter tires, $1,500 or boat oftor, cortitied. 66&.4210. 1974 VOLI<SWAGON *Bug In good condition. As so, $1,000. Phonoe662114. 1974 CHEV NOVA 2 door, V6, en- cllent runnlng condition, body encollent, standard stooring and brakos, $1.000 or boat ettor. 666& 1564. 1678 CHEVELLEnMAadBOn Fr e , Emor Classic> 1 ecner, 90,000, 350Vai, arn Section ciilSai cery good condition, musi seo, almosI esythlng. astlng $1.000 or besi oltor. Cali Cati 688.6111 te aller 6 p.rn., 1.8495464. I pace youraea. CON FUSED?1 Don't put off advertlsing in the Whitby Free Pr 'ess Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our Iow advertising rates just because you have If you: @are a prvate advertiser; *have an article to seil; and, ehave a specified asking prîce for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion see guidelines above for more details). Your ad wll run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months). A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $600 if paid before the first insertion of your ad; $7.50 if you are billed after your ad has ap- peared once. If your article does NOT seil within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It 1$ un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article wil seil, but, where else could you get three months advertising for only $6,00? When your article sels, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% Up to $40; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described questions. 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