WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1985. PAGE 7 Council orders Wallace to investigate whether or flot sidewalk money should have been demanded from residents Did staff err when they demanded that residents of Use Hawkstone res. area pay a $960 sidewalk con- struction fee as a con- dition of approving an application for land severance? That's what Whitby Town Oouncil ordered adiiistrator Bill Wallace to deter- mine at its meeting Monday night. Oouncil took the ac- tion after hearing from Don Adair, of Powell Rd., who asked that the residents of the area ha re-imbursed con- sidering the fact that the town will not only not build the sîdewalk but bas already collected the money needed for the work from the developer of the nearby Farewell Estates sub- division. Adair told council that it -collected the cost twice", for the sidewalk Local fire cails The following calîs were responded to by the Whitby Fire Depar- tment for Use seven day period, from' 8 ar. Mond.ay, Jan. 21 to 8 arn. Monday, Jan. 28. IAN. 21 11: 17 a.rn. - 1821 Rossland Rd. E. Resuscitator caîl. 12:36 p.m. - 15 Belton Ort. Assistance to am- bulance. 2:46 p.m. -i111Dunlop St. W. Public assistan- ce. 7:00 p.m. - 813 entre St. N. Garage fire, loss $4,000. 7:01 p.m. - 159 Kirby res., Public assistan- ce. IAN. 22 12:03 a.m. - 5920 Halls Rd. Ohimney fire. 1:32 a.m. - 249 Glenhill Dr. Check water leaking in basement. 1:01 p.m. - 22 Calder res. Assist with broken water pipe. 3:30 p.m. 929 Centre St. S. Ohimney fire. 5:43 p.m. - 925 Durham Rd. 23 Resuscitator caîl. 6:57 p.m. - 1300 Dun- das St. E. Report of smoke, no fire. 9:59 p.M. - 3 Avon Ort. Wires sparking. JAN. 23 10:02 a.m. - Brock and Dunlop Sts. Motor vehicle accident. 12:06 p.m. - Ontario Hospital. Resuscitator call. 4:16 p.m. - 15 Regency Ort. Assist with medical aid. 10:42 p.m. - 54 Resolute Ores. Assist with rescue. JAN. 24 10:41 a.m. - 1635 Dun- das St. E. Assistance to ambulance. 11:48 a.m. - 641 Dun- das St. W. First aid given to smaîl boy. JAN. 25 7:55 p.m. - 1615 McEwen Dr. Garbage bin fire. JAN. 26 2:17 a.m. -54 Michael Blvd. Ohimney fire. 3:40 p.m. - Dundas and Anderson Sts. Motor vehicle accident. 6:47 p.m. - 225 Hickory St. Assistance to am- bulance. JAN. 27 2:01 p.m. - 1208 Dun- das St. E. Garbage bin fire. Speaking to You By SCOI1 FENNELL, MP (PC - Ontario) Rail service returns I amn delighted to be able to say that the Progressive Conservative Party has kept its pre- election promise to restore a number of previously eut rail passenger services. Ibaoroh/Halyk ase whtrnthTrogh Ontaro I rn phatic larypled hat rnthTronto/Peter-o Riding is being restored . The efforts of those of us who have been working toward this goal over the past few years, have paid off. The government is going to spend $3 million to upgrade the line, another $200,000 *for station improvements, and daily servic*es will begin lune 1. Schedules will be designed to accomodate saine day return travellers moving between Peter- borough and Toronto. Stops will include: Toronto, Locust Hill, laremomt, Dagmar, Myrtle, Burketon, Pontypool, Manvers, Cavan, Peterborough, Nor- rwood and Havelock. The service will comsist of two rail diesel cars, and is returnîng on an experimental basis for two years. What this means is that people have to get out and use the train to keep it from turning into a big and expensive mistake. It is expected that the train will attract 54,000 passemgers in the first year, and I believe this goal can be met. It is the firm intention of the government to provide a modemn, national passenger rail service for the Canadian public. In total, the investment will be approximately $40 million and will be part of the current VIA budget. Some 2,000 jobs will ha created directly or indirectly as a result. which was to ha con- structed on the north side of Hawkstone res. The residents, he said, "'in ail fairness, should not have to pay for something that won't be buht." The residents' cause was taken up by Coun. Joe Drumm who said that hacause Hawkstone res. is a local road, only one sidewalk will be bult according to the town's current site plan policy. He noted that the sidewalk already exists and that a second won't be built, if council sticks to its policy. 44I believe very strongly that staff erred," Drumm told council. "This council laid down a policy on local roads there shahl be a sidewalk on one side.....and that's the one that's already there ac- cording to our policy. " It is the councillor's opinion that if the town keeps the money, for whatever purpose, it will simply add to the wrong that bas already been done to the PERM SPECIAL residents. "lWe will compound that error if we keep the money," he said. Drumm also noted that council has changed contractual agreements hafore because they conflicted with already established policy. He also told council that many of Use people who paid the fee have been long timne residents of the area and are not likely to pick up and move in the near future. "We are not dealing with somebody jumping in, making money and running like most of the developers do," he said, "They're not asking for something that's not there. " However, a different opinion was voiced by Reg. Ooun. Tom Ed- wards who said that just because these. people don't want a sidewalk, that doesn't mean that future residents wo't want one 5, 10, 15or 20 years from now. He pointed out that the money in question is being held in trust, ear- ning interest, against the day when the sidewalk will be required. Edwards also noted that similiar fees were collected 30 years ago when the homes of Lyn- deview Dr. were built. There is no sidewalk on one side of the street. "They are* still not in," he said adding that if the request for one was ever made, the money is at hand to do the work without going to the taxpayers. And, that, is what he wants to see done in the Hawkstone Ores. situation. The one question that seems to be foremost on the minds of the majority of council members is whether or not the money should have been collected in the first place. In his presentation, Adair pointed out that the town's solicitor, DISTINCTIVE WEDDING INVITATIONS Selet >,t cdn invi1atioI.Irimi .ur J'or vou aKeNt ctp in luxuriou-. VoId If N.kION's 20% OFF (WEDNESDAY'S ONLY) LADIES WASH, CUT & STYLE GIRLS -.7-15 YEARS lAceording Io age> MEN'S WASH CUT & STYLE BOYS - 7-10 VEARS CHILDREN - 2-6 VEARS s16.00 57-'l15.00 110.00 $8.00 16.00 NOW INTRODUCING PROPER NAILS FOR A TRULY NATURAL LOOK TO ENHANCE YOUR HANOS COME IN& MEET IRMA, PAULINE & DOROTHY AND TRY A FREE PINKY CAIL 666-2244 ROSSIAND RD n MARIO.* 900 BONACORD AVE., WHITBY iONACORD AVE. 0. 666-2244 Mw. DNA ha unsure as to why- the money was collected. In a letter to public works director Dick Kuwahara, Nichol said: 111 arn not sure of the reason for making such a request as a condition of severance as it is my understanding from you that the financial con- tribution received from Farewell Estates was sufficient in itself to sidewalk." Nichol added that sin- ce coundil bas decided not to proceed with the construction of the sidewalk they "are anxious to returas the contribution so received to the developers. " Wallace said that he will have another report to council on the matter in about four weeks time. DE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER Make money writing &earn while you learn. The Writizsg School shows you how to write articles, short stories, novels, romances, radio antd TV scripts that seli snd keep on selling. Top profes- sional writers, through the medium ofthe school's comprehensive home-tudy courses, give you indi- vidual tuition, showing you how to produce manu- scripts thst sre fresh and readable. You get personal advice on selling your articleslstories to publishers - who are always on the lookaut for exciting new talent. Ail you supply is the ambition to succeed, and then iust a few hours each week in a pleasurable occupation, that will brîng you great personal satis- faction, and useful extra iscome. Study ae leisure in the comfort ofyour own home; or on boring rail, ses or air iourneys. Sounds interesting? It is. And you can't lose! If you have not recovered the cost ofyour tuition by the time you have completed the course, yosrfees wil be refunded. Send today for the FREE book that tells you al sbout writing for pleasure and profit. Thc Writing School 6 Becchwood Avenue, Suite 38 Ottawa, Ontario KIL MB (613) 749-8248 R~C1E IlO' GET ONE FREE! With the purchase of one 1 of the followlng entrees, 1 this coupon entities the bearer to one of the fol- Iowtng entrees FREEI IWO FOR TH1E PRICE1 Y tOF ONE (charges will be for hlgher price enltree) YOUR CHOICE OF:- *2or 3 pc. 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