PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1985, WFIITBY FREE PRESS 1/2 x3, 1/2x 4, 1/2 x5 T.G. & MATCHED FOR PANNELINO OR WAINSCOTTING 1 THE CORPORATION 0F IN THE MATTER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.S.O. 1980, c. 337 AND IN THE MATTER 0F THE LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO NOTICE 0F INTENT TO DESIGNATE TAKE NOTICE that the Counciliof the Corporation of the Town of Whîtby lntends ta designate the praperty, inciuding Iands and buildings, at the falîowlng municipal address as property ai historlc or architecturai value or interest under Part IV of the Ontario Hertage Act, R.S.O. 1980, c. 337. Emanuel Sleep House 601 Victoria Street East Whitby, Ontario REASONS FOR DESIGNATION 0F 601 VICTORIA STREET EAST Hstoricat This house was built c. 1870 by Emanuel Sleep. He was considered to be one of the weaiihiesit ar- mers ln the Whitby ares ln his lfeime. The Emnanuel Sleep House is unique among designated buildings because il ls stili occupied by descendants of the original owner. Architetural The Sieep House is a good exampie ai a f ar- mhouse built ln the Gothic Revival Style. The projectiflg centre gable with its Gothic window, the scrail sawn vergeboard and pointed dormer windows are ail fealures taken tram Gothîc Revival Architecture. Other Gothic Revival elements stili retined include the smaii paned sash, lowered shutters and contrastiflg but f brick detalling. Any person may, betore March 8, 1985, send by regisiered mail or deliver to the Cierk ot the Town ot Whitby notice of his or her objection to the proposed designat ion logether with a statement of reasons for the objection and ail relevant tacts. tf such notice of objection is received, the Council 0f the Corporation of the Town of Whitby shahl refer the matter to the Conservation Revîew Board for a hearing. DATED at the Town of Whiiby ihis 6ih day of February, 1985. Donald G. McKay Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario Li N 2M8 Phone: (416) 668-5803 Art Track '85 The artistic talents of school children throughout Whitby wili be on display this manth at the Whitby Arts Station Gallery. AIl il elementary and two secondary schaols in the town are represen- ted in the display which is called "Art Track '85. " In the photo above Mark Smith and Aveen Sullaphen, bath grade 13 students at Anderson Callegiate are seen hanging a painting done by Smith's brother, Mike, who is also an A.C.V.I. grade 13 student. Over 450 pieces of work are included in the exhibit and will be seen by aver 3,000 school children who tour the gallery this month. Free Press Staff Photo rBrlght colours for summer? Brght colours for wlntr Discovor what VOUR seasonat colours are. LA CONTESSA Can tell you wlth a PERSONALIZED COLOUR CONSULTATION Our prof essionals can inform you about Hair Colours, Make-up, Swatches & Wardrobe Advlce For longer, more beautiful and natural Iooking nalis ask about PORCELAIN NAILS LA CONTESSA HAIR SALON 119 Green St., Whitby 668-9262 *BUY NEW &USED *SELL ORENT OFFICE FURNITURE OLEASE SHÈEL VING LOCKERSGRANT i 79J ____________g.g SIOE FILES &Ofc Supis A enP" FILING CABINETS B3r(k1 in Bylines By BETTY-JEAN BLYTH Cali 655-3679 wlth Items for tht. coluiflh Last week 1 promised ta let yau know if my friend Woody called again this year ta let us know when spring will arrive. Weil, 1 did hear indirectly; his missus called instead and this is what she had to say: "The Mister's laid up in bed with pi cold. Its a fun- ny thing about the maie of the species, they refuse ta see a doctor when there's anything serious wrong with them (it might ruin their macho image) but just t them suffer frm the sniffles and you'd think theyre dying. The key word is suffering, they nat anly insist that they are but they don't seemn content until the rest of the family suffers along with them. "Over the years I've noticed that whenever anyone says that they're experiencing untold misery, it seldomn is (untold, that is). Anyway, he made me promise that 1 wauld go out and carry on the family tradition. "Sa, 1 gat ail bundled Up in my snuggies, winter boots and fur coat and struggled through the big drif t over the front door and - my glasses fogged up and 1 couldn't see a durn thing. Folks'll just have ta wait and see what camnes because l'm not gaing out again until the first robin calîs in with the latest news from dawn south." MOM'S MORNING BREAK The Wednesday morning Take-a-Break is starting up again in the Anglican church hall on Feb. 13 fram 9:15 taoil: 15 a.m. There will be an exciting pragramn full of crafts, demas, speakers and tours for anyone who is loaking for a way ta escape the winter blahs. Those who have little ones can take them alang as there are babysitting facilities as well. 0f course, you don't have ta be a mother or have little ones ta take advantage of this fun-filled and in- formative program. It runs for 12 weeks for anly $30 s0 don't delay, caîl taday ta register. The persan ta contact is Sue Ann Squires at 683-5217. VALENTINE SPECIAL There is still time ta enter the "Heart-to-Heart" contest at the library - the deadiline is Feb. 9. Ail yau have ta do is make a Valentine and take it inta the, library and you will be eligible ta win the heart- shaped box of chacalates. It wauld make a nice Valentine gift for Mom. PAPER DRIVE Yes, its that time again. The cubs and scouts will be around on Saturday ta pick up your accumulated papers 50 be sure ta have thema ready by tying them securely bath ways and getting them out ta the curb before 9 a. m. In Ashhurn, you must get them ta the Cammunity Centre on Friday. Don't drap them off any sooner as they constitute a fire hazard. ria1 e te THE PINK PANTHER RONFSIA PIKTFIRST SIGHT A golden selection of f ive animAtedi Pink Panther ~9