WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1985, PAGE 9 By CHARLOTI'E GENTLES Mayor Bob Attersley lias issued a proclamation naming February 18, 1985 as IlHeritage DAy" in and for Whtby. "1HERITAGE DAY" "Take notice that February 18, 1985, ls hereby proclaimed as Heritage Day ù;~ and for the Town of Wlitby. Citizens of Whtby are encouraged te recognize Oie hlstory and heritage of our town through cultural exchanges, prograzas, projects, visits to historic sites and participation in events that wll assist in Oie enricliment and development of our mutual understanding of our origins and Oie hlstory of our com- munity. "Date at Whitby, On- tario Ois l3th day of February, A.D., 1985. Signed by R.A. Atter- sley, Mayor of Town of Whitby." The Whitby Historical Society's executive had made Oie request of the mayor and council of Whitby te recognize Heritage DAy in Oie town. Deputy Clerk Michael Gazo, on behaif of Oie Whitby -Town Council extended "'te the memn- bers of Oie Whitby Historical Society Oie Town's sincere ap- preciation for Oeir ef- forts in Oie Com- munity."9 Heritage Day com- memorates Oie flying9of Canada's official flag bearing the Maple Leaf, ln February 1965, when it was raised for the first time. Prior to that Canada flew for its flag Oie Ensign which bore Oie Union Jack ln the Upper Corner of the flag where it is mounted on the flag pole wiOi the shield bearing three Maple Leaves surmoun- ted by thle cross of St. Andrew in Oie lower op- posite corner. When Oie wind blew Oie flag the shieid bearing the Maple Leaves would wave with pride. How, Oien was Heritage Day first proposed and by whom? It was propsed in 1973, Councdl holding workshops The Durham Region jDistrict HeslOi Coun- cil and Oie Duirham Departmerit of Hesith "sWellness Workshop for Women"s for six weeks beginning April 9. Each Tuesday evening, topics such as nutrition and fitness, menopause, basic financial planning for women, well woman care, heslthy lifestyles and others will bc discussed. The program wiil be held in Oie Ministry of by Oie Heritage Canada Foundatlon to the Governnient of Canada that Heritage Day be observed annually in mid-February. -The proposai received Widespread support throughout Oie country. In the early fal of 1979, Oie foundation launched an ail out campaign. to make Heritage Day - the third Monday in February - a national holiday. "Why, because a holiday makes people sit up and take notice and provides a chance for celebration - in this case for Oie celebration of our hlstory. Our coun- try lias a ricli, cultural past, our homes, buildings, and street- scapes are living history lessons, symbols of that past. Their preservation contributes to the feeling of identity and continuity in this diver- se nation. It tells us something about our roots and reminds us who we are", the Heritage Canada Foun- dation's report states. "In July, we celebrate our political past. On Heritage Day, we celebrate our architec- tural past," it continues. Near the conclusion Oie foundation's report points out that "Oie first celebrations of Heritage Day, in February, 1974, took the form of municipal declarations, a varlety of local events and publicity about heritage." in 1975, Oien Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and Oien Governor Genearl Jules Leger lssued declarations of support for heritage conser- vation, as did Oie premiers of five provin- ces and mayors of many cities. By 1981, Heritage Day celebrations had snowballed. Special events were diverse - for example, tes dances and period dinners at heritage hotels across the country, resource fairs, awards presen- tations, even sleigh_ rides. "With your heip, al Canadians can enjoy a happy and successful Heritage DAy and assist 'us (Herit-age Canada Foundation) to promote a greater awareness of the vital need to preser- ve our heritage for the generations of Canadians to come," the report concluded. EDITOR'S NOTE: Charlotte Genties is the corresponding secre- tary of the Whtby Historical Society. FREE PHOTO 0F YOUR CHILD *OR FAMILY PORTRAIT *NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE FOR GROUPS *PROFESSIONAL CHILDRENS PHOTOGRAPHER aNO AGE LIMIT " WOODEN PLAQUES AVAILABLE " CHOOSE FROM FINISHED PRINTS " ADDITIONAL PRINTS AVAILABLE AT AFFORDABLE PRICES SAT., FEB. 1I6TH - 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. BAILEYIDAýk PHARMACY "M iLl MT. 362 BROCK ST. SOUTH WHITBY, ONTARIO SAFEWAY PLAZA Ilistorical Society set to celebrate Heritage Day Report from Queen 's Park By TUE HON. GEORGE ASHE, MPP (PC - Durham West) Mite of Governmnt Services e Ontario New program to fight juvenile prostitution On Feb. 4, Frank Drea, Mnster of Commumity and Social Services announced the "O0ntario Gover- nment's plan to join with police, chldren's aid societies, child care agencies and youth organizations in a determined attack on juvenile prostitution." The statisties are alarming and 60 per cent of ap- proxlmately 700 streetwalkers In Metro Toronto are under the age of 21. The plot project, outlined by the Minister of Community and Social Services, is being conducted in co-operation with the Metro Toronto Children's Aid Society, the Toronto Catholie Children's Aid Society, the Innter City Youth Project and Under 21 - and the Metropolitan Toronto Police force. Initial spending of $1.3 million wiil provide: -A safe house, with a 24 hour telephone hotline, where a juvenile at risk can be taken for protection, emergency medical treatment, and/or assessment for long and short-termn needs. -A special crisis and counselling service -- in- cluding a drop-in centre -- for juveniles. Staff at the centre wil ta augmentecl from May 1 to August 30 by university students in social work courses. -A special 12-bed observation, assessment, and placement centre, to ba staffed by 16 workers at an annual cost of $420,000. -A special 12-bed residential programn to be run by Complote 4 Pc. Suites From s399,n95 -. - Complote 4 Pc. Pine Suite mi i fl From $ 9 9 9 Sing.li.ersie 579-4300 SEE THE M ATTI4ESEINL THURS. & FR1. AOFESSIE L NL LOCATIONS O L WITH 16 LOCATIONS TH ROUG HOUT ONTARIO TO SERVE YOU WHITBY 1540 Dundas St. E. (N.W. corner Dundas & Thlckson> (416) 579-4300 <Mon-Fri. 10-9, Set. 10-6) 3ELLE VILLE 30.N.it Front S. lin Noflh Front C.rtert At39,1I7024 PICKERING 955 Brock Rd. (Brock at Bayly) (416)831-4111 (Mon.-Wed. 9-6, Thurs. 8, Frl. 9-8, Sat. 9-5) KI ah d<oNGSON ah&Panuh 37Bt tSt ir Of Sl02 OrsOu <Mon-Fr. 109. Sat Bi Oie Hincks Treatment Centre which has expertise in services to juveniles with psychoiogical, psychiatric and social problems. Accordlng to the Minister of Community and Social Services," youth prostitution has its roots in a nuintar of social ilîs. It is connected with chlld abuse, family breakdown, violence in the home, and crime. We need to co-ordinate our efforts In ail of those areas as well as taking direct action to stop Oie exploitation of children on our streets. " Youth prostitution affects a much larger geographic ares than Metro Toronto, and Oie suc- cees of this plot project wiil have serious im- plications for programs across Oie province. DID YOU KNOW? CMCARmELTDn PROVIDES W. con hulp you etay ut home by provldmo MEALS and LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES To find out.howwe 571-3501 Can help you cal 871 Wbba;r(et Lantsdowneh) (M 1t4238" iMn. Te . at10-. WdFr1 10-g) 1 sizelsm&ll udditionsi charge for larger aize. 19%faraà af (Mon.-Wed. & Sit. 10-0, Thurs, & Ffl. 10-9) qmon., i ues. a fflýý à Single I L