WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1985, PAGE 19 MMÉPU E!. Emporium Ads will only be accepted subjeci to the following conditions. ARICES~~ï LE 1-PLEASE READ-on AUTOMOBILES FO SL FRSAEWhen the advertised item la sold, disposed of, or unavaiisble for whatever ressoe, te Item will be e FOIR SA LE deemed te have been soid and a commission will ho chargedl based on THE ADVERTISEI) PRICEt FOR SALE wlndow glass 316ý PAIR 0F HANDMADE Tal Plng as illutratdlbeow, regardless if price la stted ith let offer" 1974 010 DATSUN Wagon, 1976 RASSIT 2 door, standard, Tampard (aldlng windows> a , raa rugs le Adam daslgn, living automnatic, rabuilt motor, 10,000 $900 or bost aller. 655-3729 afler 36"x32*"x3i10, 16 places and rottm 14ldifdlnng room - round If the Item sa NOT SOLO, or disposed of, the ad wil be t'on for 3 MONTIIS and a MINIMUM mles, $500 or boat ofler. 65 7 p.m. acreen, 30"x20"x3i16, 4 places 95"diamter ln er e co- CHARGE of 96.00 will apply payable ie advance of publication ef the firut ad. Otherwlse a $7.50 3729 aller 7 p.m._______ and semon, l19½"x8"x3l6O, 8 d96,$1,50 pair.le is charge wiIl apply If billed whých must be paid upon recoipt of bill. The above minimum charges _____________ places and seeons, $60 for ail. magnIflcant Vcorian Armoire will be applied te the final commission due but le any case the igiter amount will be charged. 1974 CHEV NOVA 2 dooir 6 cyl. Pair aI marea skates, sire 1il wllh large cmowe aed original Mnimum charge: $6.00 prepaid; $7.50 blled. Maximum commission: StOOltO. AU advertisements HEAVY TRUCK PARTS ail parts -eocellent rueeing condition, new, $15. ire acresen, antique inlsh, $1,500. Cal aveigs bat muet be placed on an exclusive hasis with the WIIITBY FREE PRCESS and run atienst one montit eew. 1.GM clutoit for ChMv, 500- body excellent, standard sleerieg black, lîke new, 36" wide r 26"1 wen 6and 9p.m., 668-1223. if not seld. 8500 sores 'wlh 350 or 36M Cu. aed brakes, $700 or hoasteller. hlgh $2. Cli 68-ofl.le., VI angles, GM part No. 1400 668-1564. RATES(if artilIe la soIdi 1969, $100. 1.Takltm eiectlc ____________ ME'8. yasarsks 27 m FOR SALE Pepsi-Cola battis pop 5% oif advertIsed priceop taS400.00 2%of balance over 0400.00 submersible fuel pump, $85. 1- pE'.D s a lesks, 7c ahn;A1cniin sig16.5"l braite drum (7.V' deep), $50 wllh blediegsanmd pts $50. $40 or boastaller. Contact Mke, EXAMPLE: Sld Item advertlsed fer $120.00. Commission due 1.9 t(minimum charge le 960601 1.Delco brake master cylinder, Lades ski boots, aire 7, $10. 59296W. GM part No. 5467734, $100. 4- Keemore chlda microwave bake _____________ Private advertising only! Please notify the Whitby Free Press immediaieiy when item is sold se Braite relieing kits, 4" pads far- ovee, used once, $10. Phone 668' US-V yeeatMlkJce, tbat we may delete il from te foliowing issue. Ail ads net ftting the Emperium guidelines will be 5060 sortes Chev, $60 aach. 4- ~ > F6S1Vr8eeee5.ntJahl treated and charged per week as regular classified ada en a pre-paid basin euch as: services, heip Braite relieing kits, 3* poida for , ____________ naturel brown, mietcondition, 12- watd ltig elett.adproa esg yeas rasntqoigpieo uniy 7000 lb GM soie, $40 escit. 655-' 14, $3W. Mink dyed Musirat Private ciassitied ads may appear in te Emparium section under appropriste headings. 4995, 300 WATT car lntegrated amp, Coat, brown, large, ispeclaily ______________ brand eew, neyer used, $195 (one styied for oversizsd iips) won- ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED.< year warraety). AMIPM dgital derlly warm, asly $95. Young FOR SALE tour FR76115 Good - dlepiay cassette radi, new, $75. aies bleached Musitrat Carcoal, MAIL ADST10': OR tOELI VER TS): ear radiailires, $60 escit or $150 300 Wat 6x9" Polypropylene 12-14, $50. Young ladies Pur FREE PRESS EMP'ORIUM If le doui rail: 131 Brock SI. N. for ail tour. Phone 655-3427 alter wlh Perro fluld, Incredibie Jackt, blackt and whie, 12-14, PO. BoxNF21 668-6111 Whithy. Ont. 6:30 p.m. aouedc, wortlt $250, oeil $100, stitl $75. urtrImmed brown Suede Whtby. 11LIN 1- NWS'ilWN asesied wttt one year warranty. crosi, ful tenglt, 12-14, $45. TENEWLN FREMO IINDSI TEHEVTEOWNNPRS i Cai 6684838, anylme, Kyl. Mn's t.acregor Carcoat, TED A LN O M O IMA SI H EV QIMN AT i ___________genuine Scotisit wooi, sire 38, FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. parts new. International bulldozer SPU excellent condition, $30. Calil668- ____________________________________________ parts: 1-61&'125C3 carrier for UTSFT ROUND PEDESTAL TABLE, 48" 7404 alter 6p.m. T0158. 15C, 1756 or 175C, $750. OUT 1THE MAT diameler, askitig $175. Mueth _______________.e 1 '~"1~1619563C1 end bit for biade for seenthab appreciated. Phone ARTICLES MUSICAL t IBABY NEED S T105B or 15C, $50. 2.324739 R91 FOR YOUI ! j 6683109. IITCHEN SET 58" Io 36" ovai FOR SAE Q IDINTRUM J W Timiten bearing assemblies for ___________ - table wth chromod tstel rame baewnh ilflmdl and osit look lamiealed top, lits TD25B or C and T020B or 15B, ANTIQUE Spool Designe;4 bMd, new and 4 chrome chairs wilh FOR A COMMADOR computer KIMBALL ORGAN with bench, ELECTRIC BOTTLE sterilirer, $50 esch. 14N6981 aternalor for solid hsadboatd, complets wilh drtboesI possy 10 wilh disc drive, 1 piebulcn eln con diio, full $15. Bumper pads, $15. Baby Cal 3208 Industriel oangines, $200. wooden rails, $450. Phone 66&- Bell antique pump organ. Cireas îsruction sel game uiiity, $50. itsyboard, bass peduis, ausomaîîc seat, $5. Bthiub, $3. Tolel 47440 Champion grader biade 2243. 1850, excellent condition, $750. Cali aller 5 p.m., 668-1153 ast for chording and rhylhms. Askieg traîner, $8. Two lolleltfraîner ovstisy end bits, $20 aach. - Clblyelecîrir îypswrilsr, ex- Dan. $750. 6683203. rings, $2 escit. Coat wlh hood, 39C60 - J8VK Notion grindIno COLECO VISION almosi new, celent condition, $150. Sears az 8mnh,$0 itr soe,2 ete ."wdh games inciuded. Donkey Kong, sewing machine cabinet, $25.- boois, sire 6, $4. Phone 427-7069. 13.5" diamaler, $100 each or 4 for Donkey Kong Jr., Gor, Space Woodee rocking chair, $50. CAR STEREO iAMIFMA case.) and FOR SALE Prestige clarînol,- $300. Phone 655-4995. . Pet.ZxoVnue ay Phone 655-3545. 1 (pair) 609" speakers 200 wat) made en Czechosiovukia, e- VINYL MESHED pixype, $Ut).- 668-8943 Bug, asuon. Ven 2 otur ,y ______________ car strea IAMIFM cassette) plus cellent condition, ussd for only 2 Adustabie walker wilh plasticPhn BugBasealiwilh2 Jostics, - a pir of 6"x4"200 watt speakers, ysars, comas with deluxe casa, casos 2.To vinlcvred TM BLES $250. Phase 6661421 daytime, FOR SALE pipe threading kil, $75. Brand nOw wilh une year casiers $22. al06-58 ci atresseS i$35 acdAveTOROSALES 6689946 evenngs. hesvy duly, for 1/4 la 1" pipes, guarsnee. 200 watt. 7 band sel et matchîng bumper pads. I $35 Cil433469.eqalirar booster, 4 speaker $10. Al items in vsry oued cee. Oeai ad le the Whithy UNQU OFE TBE niqehook-up. $50. Kyle, 668-4838, FOR SALE Gibsoni Ripper bass ditien. Phono 655-8020. 1979 MINI AUSTIN low mlseage, Free Press Empori. waonwhelwlhglssto, LIVING ROOM PACKAGE con- _____________ condition, $360 wilh case. Phone 668-3064 or 723-4896. almosi anythlflg. hareiy used, muai ha sean. $400, sIslIng of cola, chair. rocker, par- Iimtation Sîralo casier, excellent CRIS SET, green and white, in- _____________ _Cl 6-11 l ba fe.»08 yOttoman (callas table and lwo cnio,$7 thas.Cl cdeds: top and botiom shets,Caiefl t end PETSe,&econl$275ondicasaETa 8rplace yotr ad. s alssciln onditin: 723279 ask for Karen. piiiow, revorsible bumpOr pads 1977 FORD Econliieo Van, 351 ______________ ments oid, $525. Phnse 76 SUPPLIES and comiorter (viwisephanl motifi almlr ati his e GIRLS CLOTIINO sire 5 la 6X. ). atmtc ati his e 1Iedividuaiiy prced. addlng up laBadtw.nereed 7.Cl battsry. tires and sohausi. $2.500 ý$60 or ail for $W5. Brookin 655- FOR SALE 3 pairs of sîlver SIX CHANNEL P.A. System, base Kîm.666 '2W. or boat ollor. 683-0531. A764.ANTIQUE Vicorie chaise dimn oe i$5 par pair. speakess 150 watt combe amp., lounge,$70Aniu radio and 6U261cceosorias inciudad, $750. 683. ï SKS, oot andpots, 85. ki mpie soa, lawtest $20. ETSFOR SALE 1970 Comel, 2 door, SKIS bots nd ote. $5. ki arad ponoandspotar $10 031 ETSstandard, neods rad repaît, as la - H legth 70 c. Toogga, Emp inrcsoesela, c aine $200 FOenALEWestASLcanYraywhere ls. $500 or bost oiter. 668- wood, $25. Two brass lampe, $50. Singe bad couch, re pam,$0.Poe6871.D T. 938/pair. Oakt china cabinet, $85. uphoterod, $250. Food parro, $00 Phoo 637012.OTaRlCLES O5JTpORS iFive oak chair, $15 aach. Cedlar- dohydrator, 10 rays, I Talion v SA SRNTL 1chesi, $95. Cali 683-6638. shoot, 1 cookbook, $300 aToait a _________________ steel, $40. Chesterfield and chair, r I R I E S 1976 CHEVELLE MALIBOU $350. Onea pair Edsbynn skis. 170 1966LERS l 460 HONDA 5 npood ~Ciassic. t owner, 90.000. 350 V8, FOR SALE 7 il. Myrs lougit cm, ples and boots, sire 8V2, cusstom, new tires, sprîngsr, lots ve'm cry good condition, muet ses, wilh hydrauiic pump. $1.200. $45. One pair Asnes skius, 190 of chroms, $60 or hoast olor. asting $1.000 or bost ollar. Cali Phone 66&-3471. cm, poes and boots, sire 81h, 42" CAMPER pick-up cap, $5 0 83-0531. alter 6p.m.. 1-649-5404 $65. Phona 655-4822. Phoes655-4241.PRIIa'IJ Do'tpu ofadvertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- questions. Hopefully, the explanation below cari clear up many of ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't your questions - if not, do cali 668-6111 and we'1l be pleased to explain miss out on our low advertlsing rates just because you have the Emporium Section to you personally. If you:- - are a private advertiser; ~ ~ h rs te .~< h hv Below are some examples of what you would be @have an article to seil; and,1haer dte Emporium guiuesînes above and w15 to hvethecare ify ratclsod ihntremot e have aspecified asking price for yotor article following advertisement paced under Lis section of me Whitby Fre Commisif os shile ow inclde thre mnmum 'then you can advertise under the Emporiumî sec- Press. Chargesiansae hus icl the OTALmumT tion (see guidelines above for more details)._____ _____________________ PAYABLE. Your ad will run each week until the article bas i been sold (maximum three months). Advertised Total Amount Prîce Payable A minimum charge applies to each Emporium J lp to $120 1 .0 ad; 56.00 if paid before the fîrst insertion of your ____$_________150________________$7.5 ad; $7.50 if you are billed after your ad has ap- $ 200 10.00 peared once. _______________ dont forgelta include your phsone numberi $ 300 15.00 ths, ou pa onlytise inimu chare.Senlose to cvrtemnm mcharge. ___________ $ 400 Il22.00