PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13,1l985 .WHITBY FREE PRESS Whltby's Most WideIy Read CLASSJFV EDAL s_ ~ ~f~Ej~JBiY/REI-ET e:IIPAR:j FORSAL BAUNT/RE:-:iM "Specializiag i House Cleaning For Part icular People" 666m21 44 GAILLIND êMAINTENANCE LIMITED Personalized affordable housecleaning service. Full refund if flot satisfied. Inquire about early week reduced rates. 683-7515 RUSS WILDE ElectrIcal Service. iler. Prov. No. 309A008752. Phone 666-2127. WEODINGIPORTRAIT Photo- grephy. Fine photogrephy, riasonabte prices. Colin King, 688-8487. UNEMPLOYMENT HELP CEN- TRE: Need heip? Warker' COm- ponsallan, Weters, OHIP assistance, unempioyment ln- serance, or Criais relerreis 10 otheregencies, olt 5791821. WOOLCO MALL - Video, arcade, ilood sotid Ineelment. most ut the ltest ganes, anar 20 machines. For mre inormation Phono Ormot Waes. owes& Cocks Ltd., 57-2421 or68-5779. OROKE AT A DIFFERENT 11EVEL? A "good job" without adaquae compensation or ad- vencement? I 500 are wiiing to do, eumnething tamard tinanciet rowards phono 782-7701 (ron- .t.tor yaur Irit, na.oblIgatian 45 iule linancillsaminar. OR ANALYSIS *scoverthetcolrs *pllment your sknM 866.77 one, oeonlhai. Wyoudh tennt. Fo bIerCntoraton cu66-7îen:0 am HITBY sOmIEr stuAntfrured. onPolesconat11daroulet ei ncoilles63Nursteen 9:30een 8 an 5 p.m. MonTursa. 5 ACCMMDAIO (MENMITSI ODSFOR RENT WHÎT DY - avalabie shered au- ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT ln uaenmodlations for respunsible sali Whitby building. Aduts ~son, ony $20 moîhiys e onty. Includes lridge, slave, pms onl $250mStl. 3 hydroaend parking. Cable TV and mytie, 43 umaSt.W.,No.13. laundry tecilitios analabie. Avaluable Aprit . $381 manthly. y 6686372 belweon 9:30 .m. and 5 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT In **GRAMMER for people who hale smail Whtby Adut building. gmmrmael la the Ideal pockel Centraily iacatod close fa Go & mllrence book for business local bus stops. utilities, hydra peuple. $3395 par capy and and parking lncladed. Aalablo avalabIe aI Ockson Printing & May 1. $430 monthly. Cali 688- Office Supplies ln th Aax Plaza. 6372 belweon 9:30 a.m. and 5 Ouater enqulies nnted68-1968. p.m. Mondey 10 FrIday. WANTEO TO PURCHASE on consignmeltt, ski equipment, downohIli and cross-counftry. Ap- piy at 58 Baldwin, No. 12 High- way, BrooklIn. 10:30 ar.. 0 5:30 p.m. 6558079. we pay top dollar for scrap cars and trucks. 6689712. RECYCLEO auto paris. Phono 666-2127 alter 6 p.m. and weekends. WANTED~ CE NT USED APPLIANCES lworking or Nol) WE BUY, SELL RECONDITION FREE: Drop inIa the icknon Printing & ofice Supply store ln the Aia Plaza and pick up a Iree copy ol their 1985 Melric Cean- dar. PrInted In two colOurs. Il mokas lor handy relerence. 683- 1968. INTRO DATING SERVICE Cali the service that cares. Oshawa 725-8566 Head Office 800-263-75021 ABORTION alernatives, tree pregnancy testing. Confidential. 294-5749. AN INVITATION t0 inostigate the 3ahal latitn. Uniting the worid one heart ai the lime. For literatare phone 668-8665 or 668- 7653. BRYAN- CONGRATULATIONS to Ken and Maya on their 251h Weddlng Anniversary, Feb. l3th, 1985. Wth love, Cindy, Peter and Bryan. CONGRATULATIONS on yuur torthcoming marriage. Please iew our ampes ut engraoed weddlng invitations et Your ilesure in our AiaPlaza store. ickson Printing & otfice sup- plies, 683.1968. CHESTERFIELD suites, loeseats, sectionais. ess ihan Wi price. Large saiection. McKeen Furniture. 524 Simcoe SS., Oshawa. 7255181. VISIT our used lurniture warehouse by appoinîment. Big saings on desks. chairs. iing cabinets. etc. Cail ikson r51- ing & Office Supplies lu arrange an appoinimerit lu iew. 683. 1968 PAINTINOS, original ails. walor- colors, art classes and com- missions by R. Ernest Jukes. Wiliow Non- Gallery, 585 King Street Eastî Oshawa, 579-1101. Charuse prefers uniform excellence and knouts ho wiIl gt it Dckson Printing & Office Supplies Marue everything is inspected. $30. Guaranleed, wet, rOe delivory. 696-1645 or 686-0257. TOSHIBA, AMIFM, stereoiradio. cassette recorder, new, stili ln box. asking $75 irm. 7232109. MATTRESSES and box Springs at hall price. McKeen Furniture. 524 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. 725-5161. QEOTYPE presson lettering 00W n stock ai icksofl Printing & Of- fice Supplies ln the Ajax Shop- ping Plaza. Large selectiOn a1 styles ard sizes. Why pay more for a smaller sheet of lettering? 683-1968. FOR SALE 4x8 pool table with ail accessories, $125. Phone 668- 3775. REBUILI washers. dryers. fridges, stoues and dishwashers. Six months and one0 year guaran. tees. Grand opening speclal hsm week oely. 20% off on ail stock. M & M Appliances, 107 undas St. W., Whilby. 668-9444 or 723- 5444. "1HEROES ut the Bilie" culouring book avalable at ickson Prin- ting & office Supplies, Aa Plaza, 683-1968. Dealer inquries Inniiod. FOR SALE Baahaus camai-bock cheslerlietd, loveseat, and tlup chair, crame color cottos witlt smali dot print. Like new, moing muet soit. paid $1,400. seai$900. 68-1858 alter 6 p.m. FOR SALE RCA 2 year aid ideo, disc player with ana munie, $200. Calil 6553873. 100 ROLLS Of any nationaliy ad- vertised camera film, any size film or disc for only $20 plus sales lax ($21.40). Please send cheque Por money order payable 10: vArmstrong, Robinson & Associates, P.O. Box 1263 Station B Oshawa, .1 J 5Z1I lLimted time olteri 66-421 7 AUCTION SSALE EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT 7:00 P.M. 955 B ROCK RD. S., UNIT 5, PICKERING Items to be soid: antiques, generai household contents, jewellery - modern and antique. Good clean sales. Absoiutely no reserves or bld-Ins. JOHN ANNIS AUCTIONEER 831-3234 SAT., FEB. 16 11:00 A.M. Brooklin Community Centre, Cassels Road East, Hwy. 7 and 12. This sale includes a selection of step-back cupboards, washstands, blanket boxes, oak dressers, set of 6 pressback chairs, birds-eye table, Curlo cabinet, parlour tables, wicker chairs, wlcker cradie, spool beds, large oak hall chair and mirror, china cabinets, piano stool, brass and ron bed, rockers, oak shelves, chair sets, oak buffet, Deco chrome figurines, ladies side saddle, dye cabinet, large Folk Art, horse and bear, Indian baskets, quilts, ship's model, propeller, Dat- fodîl phone, coin sets, selection of decoys, china sets, selection of glass, Mary Gregory pif- cher, crystal, selection of Country paintlngs, dlocks, Dash churn, crocks, brass scale, ted- dy bears, brass quilt rack, trunks, o11 lamps, etc. Partial listing only. Preview 9 arn. Terms cash, Visa or approved cheque. EARL MACKINNON AUCTIONEER 655-3526 SWe need S a few good boys and ;- girisi 6ecumne e carrier todey. Leern lu bo a business pereon wth responsibiiity 'wkle earning money. Becomo the otstand- lng carrier ut the month and become a winneri Telk t0oOur Circulation Manager. Cl 668-611 Toriayl WHITBY FREE PRESS TYPEWRITER rentaI. maey makes and modeis. by the weekend. week or month. Discounts enaleabie. ickson Printing & Office Supplies ln the Aax Plaza. Calilas for business machine repairs 683-1968. AUCTION BARN FRI., FEB. 15 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lin- dsay/Little Brîtain Road. Contents of a cottage f rom Jackson's Point plus other conslgnmen- ts. Hussier kitchen cup- board, Farmers alrtight stove, parlour table, Vlc- trouia, pine chest-of- drawers, re-uphoistered chesterfilds and mat- chlng chairs, re-flnlshed filat-top farm sosIes, washstands, spinnlng wheel, Ingils automatlc washer, gas barbaque, Toshîba mlcrowave oven, oak day bed, co-oil lampe, partial toilet sets, 14 ftL skl-doo traller, 1978 Lemans Safari station- wagon (certfi ed), quan- tlty of china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 AUCTION SALE SAT., FEB. 16 6:00 P.M. At Pearce Auction Cen- tre on Shirley Rd. 4 mlles south of Port Perry. Wlth 8 ftL truck camper, 8 ft x- 12 ft truck racks, drill press, 9 IL. x 12 ftL Win- don rug, automatlc washer, color TV, refrldgerator, . sewlng machine, cedar chest, antique table, buffet and oval mîrror, wooden chairs, crock, bedroomn suite, 4 bar stools, dressers, chesterf leld suite, amplifier and speakers, electrlc typewrlter, tools, good dîshes, and much more. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 985-7492 i CHECK OUR L0W EVERYDAY PRICES O', ie ir ,heilerfwelei. hefdru,,,n seis. clonial rhn njcrem.i. and kile-hen ,,,ie. i bed,. ehr [ELMER'S FURNITURE 253 Bloor St. E. (At Rutsant Oshawa ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your every endeavour"to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be Visa card ready when calling. however, we accept no liability regarding loas or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographie BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the first 100 words; 12e each alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied ~ d such replies. We will not be responsible for box number biy the error up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. a on r. replies not called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the fir- reject ail advertiselTents. Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words; 12t each additional word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one ay efor thy ca bechaned r caceled.or cancel Classified Ada. Friday noon prior to publicationi C I E IA U C T I O N S A L E S - 3 7 e p e r l ine . ( N o w o r d a d s a l l o w e d . ) t o i n s e r t o r c a n c e l E fip o r i u m n A d a . jon l da ore yc an be changed orrsare acanceled.n a CLASSIFIED RATES: $3.50 for 20 words; 11< each ad- BOXNU ER:Bxn besaeaiabetand-C L ditonl ordifpr-pad.Yo my care ourClssfi d citional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make 668-6111 1