PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13. 1985, WFITBY FREE PRESS Police gave out 5,3 13 speeding tickets in Whitby Officers working out o! Wbtby's 18 Division of tbe Durbam Regional Police Force spent Just over 2,252 hours in court during 1984 and gave out 5,313 speeding tickets. Tbose are just two af the figures brought out in tbe 1984 activity report issued recently by Police Obief Jan Jenkins. In 1983, tbose afficers spent just over 1,807 bours in court and gave out 5,031 speeding tickets. Wbile tbere are some problem areas, Jenkins said ini a recent inter- view that crimes again- st persans are down .785 per cent tbrougbout tbe entire region. Fraud is one of tbe region's growing crimes - Up 54 per cent over 1983, "We're having a of frauds, tbey're really up over last year," Jenkins said. Another growing crime is sexual assault. Sexual assaults are up 32 per cent across tbe region while family related incidents o! sexual assaults are up 24 per cent. While the number af robberies is sbowing a decline over 1983, muggings are up 44 per cent. "But crimes against persans are sbowing an overaîl decrease o! about .785 per cent," Jenkins said. One area of in- THE CORPORATION 0F I~CKWiTHETOWNOFWHITBY NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING REMOVAL 0F SNOW AND ICE FROM SIDEWALKS TAKE NOTICE that a public meeting wilI be heid by the Operatons Commttee of the Corporation of the Towfl of Whitby for the purpase of discussing a report tram the Director of Public Warks regardIng the matter of the removai of anaw and bce tram sldewaiks In the Municipality. TIME: Monday, Fobruary 18, 1985, 8:15 p.m. PLACE: Meeting Hall, Whltby Municipal Building Whtby, Onaro AND TAKE NOTICE that any persan wishlng ta make representation before the Cammttee at this public meeting la asked ta natify the Clerk accor- dlngiyaon or befare Thursday, February 14,1985, In arder that suitable arrangements can be made for their attendance et the meeting. .DATED at Whitby, Ontario, this 3th day of January, AD., 1985. Donald G. McKay, Cierk The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario LUN 2M8 Phone: (416) 668-5803 from 197). (Up of two lîves (oown from 1983's four fatalities). crimes against businesses. Jenkins said that one of bis priorities in tbe coming year is ta help educate business people in crime preven- tion. One are of crime tbat is sbowing a steady decline are residential break and enters. Jenkins attributes this decline ta the growing popularity o! tbe Neigh- bour Watch programs. "The Neigbbourhood Watch programs are reaping tbe benefit of that," tbe chief said, "And mare and more are having alarms put in. Tbey bave ta be a deterent." Itlsi nteresting ta, note that in 1984 only 49 premises in tbe town were found ta be in- secure. In 1983, tbat figure was 65. Division worked just over 528 bours of over- time in 1984, spent 192 days at tbe Ontario police Colege or otber training facilities and drove 620,468 kilometres in police vehicles. In 1984, there was a substantial jump in tbe number of drinking and driving and other criminal driving offen- ses. Local, constables laid 226 cbarges of im- paired driving (up fromn 181 in 1983) and anotber 226 charges of driving wlth more tban .08 milligrams of alcohol in dangerous driving charges, 17 fail ta remain at tbe scene of an accident charges. Tbey also cbarged 25 people with refusing ta give a breatb test. Liquar offenses were also up in Witby. Police charged 143 people witb being in- toxicated in a public place and 150 minors with consuming liquor. There were 906 traf!ic accidents in Witby last year resulting in the loss injur4 ed ins raficac identedin Watby astc cientir. byls Pie asolid7,4 trolice llad charge lrasti yean 98,chares laid 6,930 sucb83 cbare laiddition thcarbes31 speedigticktstey1 soedn cbet124 pep aitb cargeedrivingpl 262h paeleswdithn disob peyin watrafi dsoigna19 peple it sigailg79 to e t fi salgtoad6 poe ole fitl ntop wang tbpope iet bo ei hi sa bere er 233 compaint ! rimes33 agmainsofprmertsi Whaitb stypoerty i hftyovt er $0wr Upef tae3370 caes r 198o3's23wbieaesftsm unders200 wiee pta 41undents0 from theo pr ievis ernt388. Tre eare 1388cse ofer sbpi!egreprtaes, Upffrom 152 in 1983.ed Thefre were2is1183. rered eresidentia4 reak ad rsentls brearkan1983,tere were 152.In18,teewr 1oe105usnsss churces16 anshool eurce broknd int lst yer- p rom 193' ls 223. p ro 98' Seua2asa.t douldi hibasut yoeiWhitb yreprte inc idet.28here wre ansoensix reredcaese lo! saixy relarted cseus assault. DISTINCrIVE WEDDING INVITATIONS inviations rint,. compkee catalogue For you . a Kcepsake copy of vour In,.itatimn n uxuriu od k RINMsoNDs 1CI-EF JON M. JENKINS1