Whitby Free Press, 20 Feb 1985, p. 19

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1985, PAGE 19 PR . . PR . . .S, _ _SD Y F BR A Y 0 195,P GE1 Emporium Ads wiII only be accepied subjeot to the f ollowing condit ions. O'Sev A QV U v A ri____ __ _ __ __ FOR SALE window glass 3116" PAIR 0F HANOMADE Tai Ping Tempord (slidlng wlndowal - orea rugs In Adams design, living 38'x32"x3iltO 16 peces and room 14x16, dtnlng roam - round screens, 30"x20'x3i16, 4 plaecs 95' diameler, In perleci con- and acreons, 19½'x*x1"3l16, 8 dition, $12.500 pair. Also plaese andi scerons, $60 lot ail. magnilbeant Victorien Armoire Pair aI mens Mates, size 11, with large crown and original new, $15. Fire acroon, antique finish, $1500. Colt oveninga bot black,Iliko now, 36" mide x 26" ween 6and 9p.m., 666-1223. 61g b, $ 25 . C oil 66 8 .096 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MENaS Dyxaatar skia, 207 cm wlIh bîndînga and polos, $50. Ladies ski boota, aise 7, $10. Keemoro chîlda mlcrowave bako aven, used once, $10. Phonoe888- 6185. 300 WATT cor lntsgratod amp, brand n0w, nover usod, $195 1one poar warrantyl. AMIFM dgtal display cassette radio, 00W, $75. 1300 Watt 6x9" Polypropyleno wlth Ferra tlaid, Incredibto sootnd, worth $250, soit $100, atlil ased with 000 pear warranty. Colt 6684838, anytîmo, Kyle. ROUND PEDESTAL TABLE. 48" diamoter, asklvg $175. Muet bo soon ta ha appreclaleli. Phone 6683109. ANTIQUE Spoal Design J/ bed, s011d headitoard, completo wlth woodon rails, $450. Phonoe866 2243. COLECO VISION almost vew, gamos lnciuded. Donkey Kong, Donkoy Kong Jr., GorI, Spaco Panlo, Zaxxon, Venture, Lady Bag, Baseball, wllh 2 Joysticks, $250. Phono, 661421 daptime, 6689948 evenlxgs. UNIQUE COFFEE TABLE antique wagon wheel witit glass top, hoarely xsed, muet bhosnerv.$400, hast aller. 685038. GIRLS CLOTHINO size 5 lv 6X. lndlvidxolip priced. aduiing op 10 $80 or ail lor $50. Brxokllv 655 8674. SKIS, boots and polos, $85. Ski length 17$ cm. Toboggan, 6 Il., wood, $25. Two brasa temps. $38pair. Oak china cabinet, $85. FIxe aak chairs, $15 eucit. Cedar- chest, $95. Calt 88386838. FOR SALE 7 il. Mpers Ptvugh wllh hydrauall pump, $1.200. Phonoe66-3471. WEIGHT BENCH, Sears Free Spirit, plan wetghts, $120. Cuit 86"8 178. FOR SALE Popsl.Colo battis POP machins, A1 condition, onkixu $4000or hast aller. Contact Mîke, 579-2660. FURS - Very otegant Mink Jackel, natural brown, mînt condition, 12- 14, $350. Mink dyed Muskral Cool, brown, large, lsisecialip stpted for overslzod hipsi won. dorlolly worm, only $95. Yoxng ladies hieached Maskrat Corcoal, 12-14, $50. Yong ladies Fur Jacket, black and white, 1214, $75. Furtrlmmed brown Suede coai, fll length, 1214, $45. Mensa Macregor Carcoal. gexxine Scallîsit wool, asie 38 sxcellent condiion, $30. Cati 668 7404 aller 8 p.m. KITCI-EN SET 58' x 3" aval table with chramod steeltretae and oak look tominaed tap, tIke new and 4 chrome chairs with dark brown soit xphalsiety, $150. Bell antique pump argon, Circo 1850, excellent condîiio, $750. Ceiebrity elecîrlo lypowrtter. ex- collent condition, $150. Seors sewlng machine cabinet, $25. Wovden rxcking chair, $50. Phono 6553545. FOR SALE pipe threadlng kit, hoovy duip, lot 1/ ta t1" pipes, $35. Colt 4334689. LIVING ROOM PACKAGE con- sisttng af sala, chair. rocker, par. ty Otoman lcollee table) and iwo enditables, excellent candition, 6 months aid, $825. Phone 576. 38931 ANTIQUE Picarian chaîne lounge, $750. Antique radio and Gerard phone and speaker. $150 Empire sofa, cdam bel. $200 Singer conoale sewlvg machine, $50. Single bed couch. te. uphaltsered, $250. Faad dehydruior, 10 lraps. 1 Tetvo sheet, t coakbaok. $300, Toit oau stoat, $40. Cheserfield and chair, $350. Ove pair Edsbpns skis. 170 cm. paies and boots, size 8h. $45. One pair Asnos skies. 190 cm. paies and boots. sze 8/, $65. Phono 655-4622. Wtsex the advertlsed item la sold, dispoaed of, vr unavailahie for wttatever reasen. Uhe item witt be deemed ta have been svld and a commission wilI be charged based vs THE ADVERTISEI) PRICE as illxstrated beow, regardiesa if price la staled witis 'best aller". If the item is NOT SOLD, or disposed of, te ad wiit he rua for 3 MONTIIS and a MINIMUM CRARGE of $600 wilt appiy payable in advance of pubtication of the first ad. Otlserwise a $7.50 charge wiii appty if billed wh(ch must be paid upon receipi of bilt. The ahove minimum charges wiIi ho applioxi te the fixai commission due but in any case tise higtser amount wiIi ha chargod. Minimum charge: $o.oopre-paid; $7.50 bitiod. Maximum commissixn: $100.00,. Au odvertisemonta must be pîaced on an exclusive batis with thse WIIITBY FRES PRESS and ruts atioast xxe month if 0111 sold. RATES (if article lhi mIdI: 5% of advertised prîce ap te$48000 2% ai balance over$4800 EXAMPLE: SoId Ices edvertlsexl for$ 120.00. Commission due 86.001(minimums charge la 86.00) Privoto advertising onlyl Picase nntify tise Whitby Fret Pross immediateiy when item is soid xx that we may delete il frxm the foiixwing issue. Ail adas oi fitting the Emporiums guidetises wiiI ha treated and clharger! per week os regular ciassified ada os a pre.paid isasis sucit as: services, hetp wanied, coilsing, rouI estate, and personai ,nesage type ads, or ss ot quoting price xr qaantity. private ciassified ada may appear in tise Emprium section under oppropriate headings. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTIIERWISE $PECIFIED. MAIL AISTO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM PO. Box 20f Whtby. LIN SSI Ifiln doubt call: 668-6111 OR DELI VER TO: 131 Drock St. N. Why. Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE I FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. *, ARTICES I7 E E SAE IIUNSTR ENIS 1 FOR A COMMADOR computer KIMBALI ORGAN wlth bench, VINYL MESHED playpes, $35, wlth disc drive. t plnball con-* excellent condition, fult Adlastable wullxer with plastic struction set gamne utllltp, $50. kephoard. bass pedals, automatic castors, $22. Twx vnyt covered Cati ater 5 p.m.. 6681153 ask for chording and rhythms. Askivg crib maîtresses, $35 oeS. Ove Dan. $750. 668-3203. set of matching humper pads, - - -$10. Ail items ln very good casý dition. Phone 655-8026. 1 (polrt 6"x9" speakers (200 watt) cor siereo (AMIFM cassette) plus a pair of6"x4" 200 watt speakeors, $75. Brand new wih one peur guaruniex. 200 watt, 7 bond eoualiner boaster, 4 speaker hoak-up, $50. Kyte, 668-4838. unpytimx. FOR SALE mink siale, $250. Fuit longlth ploie glass dvar mirror. 5 il. o 2 fi.. $30. Bath occessorles, 3 plae. whute porceluin and chrome, $20. 3/.Continental hed. $50. Phone 6863516 or 668-9029. FOR SALE dirring room table and chairs, woodev top, chrome legs. execative ste chairs, cost $790. oeil $225. Back and white, 12' ACIDC TV. home or car, $85 666-3006. FOR SALE skis, 195 cm., Lok blndings, $45. Circular 5aw, Black avd Docker, $35. Phono 433-4669. FOR SALE Prestige ciorinet. mode in Czechosloalia, ex- celent condition, used for anlp 2 peurs, cames wilh deluve case, usking $200. Cati 666-2588ý FOR SALE Gibsan Ripper basa wlh 4-w op ovne swiich. gaad condition, $380 wilh case. Imitation Stato casier, excellent conditan, $275 with cane. Cuti 7232579 ask for Karen. SIX CHANNEL P.A. Sysixm, buse speakers. 150 wat t combo amp., CRIB SET. green and white, lv- cludes: top ond hoilam shexis. pillow, rvverslble humper puas and comiorler iwlvlephuni mot. Brand vxw. neaxr usnd. $75. Cuti Km, 668-3260. SUPPLIS FOR SALE West Aticun grey porrai, $600. Phone 668-7012, 0531 L t [ Siu te , ib . oi SEL YOU ~~ M O O R C Y L E S I O L J V I )O R S ' 1968 450 HONDA 5Snpeed custom, nea tires. sprtvger, lois4 ai chrome, $600 or bosi aller. 683-0531. a n IP Ti , £~EARPAIT~R/PARTS FR ALMOIVS1ATOMOBLES 14 61 OATSN Wgn 196 AUIT2 a, tadad automnatic, rebxîtt motvr, 10.000 mles, $500 or best citer. 655. 3729 aller?7 p.m. HEAVY TRUCK PARTS ail parts neW. 1.GM cltacll for Chev, 5000 6500 sore wlth 350 oit 3866ou. In., V8 ongins, GM part No. 1400 1988, $100. 1-Tokhelm electrlc nubmsersiblifeIxl pomp, $85. 1- 16.5". brake dram (7.5" dtoap), $50. lOoelco brake master cylîndet, GM part Ns. 5487734, $100. 4. Drake rellning kits, 4" pada lot $00-Wserles Choc, $50 each. 4. Dmake rellnIng kilo, 3" pada for 7000 lb GM axie. $40 oucit. 655- 4995. FOR SALE tour FR78115 Good Ysear radial tires, $50 each or $1900 for ailtfour. Phono 8553427 aller 8:30 p.m. HEAVY EQUIPMENT PA RTS ail parts n0w. Intemnational bulldozer parts: 1-816&125C3 carrier lot 7015B, 15C, 175B1 or 175C, $750. t.619583Cl end bit lot blade lot TD15B or 15C, $50. 2324739 R91 Timkon hearing assemblies lot biado wnch, wiliil models TD25B or C axd TD20B or 15B, $50 oach. 1.4116981 alternator lot Cal 3208 Industriel angines, $200. 4.7440 Champion grader blode xverlap exd bits, $28 each. 4- 39C6o-. J8VK Norton grinding stases. 2" centre, 2.5" midIS, 13.5" diamelet, $100 eueS or 4 for $300. Phase 855-4995. aFOR SALE 1979 MINI AUSTIN l0wi goad condition, $1.600 Phase 668-3064 or 723-481 1977 FORD Ecanaline automatte. 4 caplain che haitery, tires and eoahut or bonI aller. 683-0531. $9W0 or bosl aller. 655-3729 aller 7 pe. 1974 011EV NOVA 2 door, 8 cyl., oxcellent rxnving condîllon, body escellent, standard uloorlng and brakes, $700 or boni aller. NEW IN TOWN? LET US PUT OUT THE MAT FOR YOU! OOME WAOq Phono 668-8943 m leage Fros Press Empori- i os ls um section wl il sel 96 aimxsl anyihing. - Colt 68&6111 ta place pour ad. V a n , 35 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i, $2500 FOR SALE 1976 Comet, 2 doar, standard, vvxds rud repaît. as sa where is. $500 or besi aller. 668- 3123, aiter S p.m. 197e CHEVELLE MALISOU Ciassie. t omner, 90,000, 350 V8. vorp good cavdIllav, must ses. asking $1.000 or besi olierý Cati aller 6 p.m .1-649-5464. ýeFCON FUSED? Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the adyertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our low advertislng rates just because you have If you: *are a prvate advertiser; 'have an article to seil; and, 'have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more det.ails>. Your ad will non each week until the article has been sold (maximum three mont-bs). A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $6.00 if paîd before the first insertion of your ad; $7.50 if you are bîlled after your ad has ap- peared once. If your article does NOT seli witliln three mon- ths, you pay only thbe minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will seil, but, where else could you get tbree montbs advertising for only $600? When your article selis, a commission is charge&, based on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS thbe minimum charge described above. questions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear Up many of your questions - if flote do eall 668-6111 and we'lI be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. 1 have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have the following advertisement placed under this section of moe Whitby Free Press.h (don't torget to include your phone number) City Below are some examples of what you would be charged if your article sold within three months. Commissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE. Total Amount Payable 6.00 7.50 10.00 Il 15.00 20.00 22.00 24.00 26.00 28.00 30.00 Il 32.00 52.00 72.00 92.00 $100.00 Advertised Price Up to $120 $ 150 $ 200 $ 300 $ 400 $ 500 $ 600 $ 700 $ 800 $ 900 $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 and up El 1 enclose $6.00 to cover the minimum charge. ECharge $6.00 to my Visa account. u Bill me for $7.50 after first publication of my ad. Exp. Date Card No. Naine (plesse print) da LPU y lu.. Address 74-t. p»tal Code i MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 5SI

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