Whitby Free Press, 20 Feb 1985, p. 20

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GE 20, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20. 1985, WHITBY FREE PRE~SS Whltby's Most WideIy Read cLASI -mefV1EDl AUS WANTED TOAUTOMOTIVE RICLESACTON VICESREFNT REPAIRIPARTS FOIAL LADY etlI do housecleenlng ln Whffby area. deyflmo, reasonable rafes. Coel6966.0 RUSS WILDE Elecrîcal Service. nter. Prov. No. 309A.00752. Phase 662127. WEDOINGIPORTAAfT Phoo. grephy. Fine phafagraphy. reaoneble prces. Colin King, 98.84967. UNEMPLOYMENT I4ELP CEN. TRE. Need help Worlers cars. pensaf Ion. welfars, ONf P assanlce, UnemplaymenlIn. aurance, or crIaIs referrals la ofheragenclOs, caîl: 5791821. WANTED: People who are slck and lred of belng brokel Wlllng la do eomelhlng for fnancil reetardel Bat Commssions ln the lnduefry. Salous Inqaîrles, 782-7701 (Toroni. FRE ETAILSf Malte blg bucka n maIl orderl Salllng "Hnw To Malte Money Informaion Boose. No lnvenfnry capital or experlencO requlred. Yau cas saan your ows business lasîl Worlt Irom your home or office. $50,000 la $100.000 per year pofenf lîfWrlla foday alh self- addresaed sfamped eneelope la j.$.J. Company, Bac 1362. Station H, Monfleal, Oueboc H3G 2N3. FEMALE fa ehare fawnhouse wlh ofhor ln Pckerng, dlose ta transit and shopping, $250 tflon- fhly. Phorne befween 7 and 10 p.mn., 6834264. WIIITOY - avallable shared ac- commodaflons for respansîbla persoa, only $250 monlhly. See anyltie, 943 BurnsaSf. W,No. 13. 'aRAMMEA for people aha hale grammer- saIhe Ideal packel reference book for business people. $395 paer copy and avallafle aI Olckson Prînfîng & 0ffice Supplies sn the Aise Plaza. Dealer enquIrlOs lnvlfed 9831988. COLRANALYSIS Dicvrthe coiourS Uplment your skin1 *tone &enhance yoLrl OnIy $30 po1 salln Cal 666-277n WHfTBY OFFICE SPACE for renl on pmflesslonal floor. Wauld be suIf abIe for laayer, accouritanl, ec. enI Includes ail utllîf es and 15 negnîlable for an appropriais tenant. For lunther information cal66.9372 belmeen 9:30 ar. and 5 p.m. Manday fa rlday. (PARTEETS/ CO~OS OR RENT rWo BEDROOM APARTMVENT ln small Whlfhy Adaîf building. cenîralîr lncaled closetfaGOn & local bus alopa. UtIities, hydro and parking lncluded. Avalable May 1. $430 manfhly. Caîl 668- 6372 belaeen 9:30 a.m. and S p.m. Mnnday la Frlday. TWO BEDROOM penîhaune, Ajax, carpel, air, tennis, sauna, parking and mare. SublaI May 1. $580 monîhly. 6862569 aller 6 p.m. N WHfTBY, Ian bedroors apar- Imenl, aduil building, air con- dilloned. only responsible persan need apply. cali 988-8537, ask for Iamlle FREE: Draplilt th1e ickSan Prlsllng & Ofice SuPPlY sore in ho Aan Plaza and pick up a Iree cnpy oI <Sir 1985 Motlrc Cales. der. Prinled in Ian cOlaurs. Il mahes for handy reference. 683. 1998. TYPEWRITER renIai, many maltes and models, by the weeltend. aeek a, monlh. Discouns avalabie. Dicksas Printlng & Office Supplies ln the Alan Plaza. Cail us for business machine repaîrs 9831968. WANTED TO PIJACHASE Os conslg<tmefll, siI equîpsiesl, downhlll end cross-country. Ap- pîy at 58 Baldwn, Na. 12 Hlgh- way, Broakltln. 10:30 ar..fa 5:30 p.m. 955-8079. Charlie is sick of breken premises and hes gene te the eld relieble, Dicksen Printing & Office Supplies fer assured service. CALU T i.6318 INTRO DATI'NG SERVICE Caîl the service that cares. Oshawa 725-8566 Head Office 1-800-263-7502 LOCAL, PRIVATE caunselling by qualiid coussellor or manItaI, personal or learning diffîculîles. Reasonable raIes. 89.1379. AN INVTATION la invesîlgale tho Bahai failh, unlling the aarld ...0one hean aIt alime. For lileralure phose l6688665 or 668- 7653. CONGRATULArIONS os yaar lanthtzmIng marriage. Please iea aur samples oI ongraaed aeddisg invitatioIns aI yaur leisure in aur Aax Plaza niore. Dcksan Printlng & Office Sup)- plies, 683-1998. WARO - Tony and Janai Ward, of 200 CraydonnRond, Wilby, alto greal pleasure in annouticittg <he arrivai aI 8 lb. 15 oz. aI loy - Kiri Lyns Ward - ai 12:24 p.m. ons January 151h. Our sincere tanks la the fremendause staff aI Alan- Pickering haspilal and a most ospeclal lhanks fa Dr. Leanard Trombiay. LOST prescriptions sanglasses. Safnrday marslng, Iraquois Park Arena, In black case, $25 reward. 68-0765. we pay top dollar for screp cara and trucks. 689712. RECYCLED auo pants. Phone 68662127 aller 6 p.m. and woekends. ARTrICLES RE1UfILT washers, dryers, frldgen, slaves and dlshwashers. six manlhs and ose year guaran. fees. Grand openîng speclal f hîs weelt only, 20% oitf on aIl stock. M & M Applasces, 107 Oundas Sf. W., Whllby. 6894 44 or 723. 5444. VITAMINSf VITAMINSf We are a Canadian Company selllflg quallfy Canadian made Jamleson vtamns ai mail order prîces. Cal Mr. Allas 728-4694, 725-5310 or ynur price lsf. Maney back guarafllee. WATKINS prod ucl a alsa avallable. GEOTYPE press-on lellerlsg now n stock aI DlcksoS PrntlîflO f- lice Supplies ln the Alan Shop- ping Plaza. Large selecîlon of styles and sItes. Vhy puy mare for a smaller sheel a1 leflerîng? 683-1999. I3IEEN 5f ZE bedroom snulle, 6 pleces, sali maple, bac sprlng and mafîres. Seass.OPedlc, ex. cellent condition, ose year nId. $1.250 or basf nI fer. Cal 579- 5838. CHESTERFIELD salles, loveseafe. ecîlonels.lans tan vh prîce. Large neleclons. McKees Farsîlure, 524 Slmcae SiS., Oshawa. 725-5181. VISI T aur used fursîlure warehouse by appoinîmesl. Big suvlngs on deslts, chairs., lllng cabnets, etc. Cal Dcsas Pris- ing & office Supplies la arrange an appoînîmenl la aIea. 683- 1968. GAILLIND MAINTENANCE LIMITED CHECK OUR LOW EVERYIDAY PIRIES on(h new tt,e.îrfiei.i. begdrsn i ses. t00la tltning rtunim. <acni kathets bi,î l . i. etel. ELMER'S FURNITURE 253 Bloor St. E. (AI Rtsas> Oshawa [FRAcNDCEONT SIMPLE!1 The simple solutionI tocieanîng storage probiems n theo attic and garage is a Ciassified Ad. [WHITBY FREE PR.ESS ..........668-6111 EVERYTHURSDAY NIGHT 7:00 P. M. 955 BROCK RD. S., UNIT 5, PICKERING tems to be sold: antiques, general householdi contents, jewellery - modern and antique. Good clean sales. Absoiutely no reserves or bid-ins. JOHN ANNIS AUCTIONEER 831-3234 TENDERS . THE CORPORATION 0F THETOWN OFWHITBY CONTRACT W 85.11 STATION ERY, ENVELOPES AND PRINTED FORMS Tenders for the above wIl be received by Mrs. Gail Gosieigh, Purchasing Agent until 2:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6,1985. Speciications and tender forms are avallabie at the Town of WVhitby Treasury Department, 575 Rossiand Road East, Whitby, Ontario. Telephone (416) 668-5803, extension 236. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. MRS. GAIL GOSLEIGH, PURCHASING AGENT. Equipment Loan Service ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REALESTATE AND MORE... P3uying or Bling Mese es oie.. a. "eW W. o * 5 t iet " M t. ete k lm e el e go " Y P m Sauenlet. ent basIn~ff se dihaew4 e c ur Pr..l tine . .1,-fl este a neen Phoe 11, erw ,lh.,@ e. ýPOf.. Wh" ,41ae. bae k- eee latu.OBd laee6ttnéerW 55.5 s. "y lIty suet .t gent deetelet 668-6111 .WHITBY FACE PESS deliverY. 68-1645 or 988.0257. MATTRESSES and box Sprngs aI hall prce. Mcf<een FurnIfure, 524 Slmcoe Sreet Saufth, Oshawa. 7255181. APPLEWOOD for sale, $45 a face cord or Cul your own, $15 a fr00. Phono Ian, 955-4271. N-EROES of the Bible- colouring book avallable at Dclsan Prîn- ting &, office Supplies, Aan Plaza, 983-1968, Dealer Inqurles lnvifed. FOR SALE sel of steel klfchen cupbaards: top sel -9oi. longx 30" flgh s 12" deep, amali top sel (for ahoa applascel -.3 f. longx 20" hlgh x 12" deep, bollam sel - 8 i. long wllh counter top. Sullable for basemenl aparmanl, $150 or best aller. 668-4032. GOOD quallly hay for sale. Brougham 294-5937. PAf NTiNGS, original cils, waler- colors, ant classes and Com. missions by R. Ersesl Jultes, 981110w Rus Gallery, 585 Kilng Sreet East, Oshawa. 579.1101. mEDIUM SIZE freezer, hardly used, $250. Alun a kerosene heafer in perfecl conditiInn. $40. Cal 968-1807. 100 ROULS 0f any nationaiiy ad- vertised camera f ilm, any size film or disc for oniy $20 plus sales tax ($21 .40). Please send cheque or money order payable 10: Armstrong, Robnson & Assoclates, P.O. Box 1263 Station B Oshawa, LIJ 5ZI lLlmlled lime ollerI ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your every endeavour to forward replies tn box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will flot be Visa card ready when calling. however, we accept no liability regarding ioss or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic BRHDAH 70 o h is 0 od ,1tec alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding BbTS ETS 70 o hefrt10wod;1<ec errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied additionaî word. such replies. We will not be responsible for box number by the error up to a maximum cost of the first insertion, replies not called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $800 for the fir- reject ail advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper sts50words; 12 each additioflal word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication C 11 oAUCTION SALES -37t per line, t(No word ads allowed.) to insert or cancel Emporium Ada. CLSiFID A TE:$lOfr2 word i r-ad o a hrey ls; e d BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL ditonl or ifpr-pid Yu my hageyou Casifed ditional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make 668-6111 PAl NEED EXTRA MONET? BECOME A CARRIER! Heres as opporiunlly fa ean mosey for Ihase fhlngs ynuve always wanI- ed. A new 1,9e, cloîhes, sports eqalpmenl, slerea sel, or the lhnusands of oîter neods you may de- aire. Just a phase cali ahil brIsg yau al ho Informa- tlias Cltnklt ilouf> CALI CIRCULATION 668-6111 WHITBY FREE PRESS Personalized affordable housecleanlng service. Full refund If flot satisfied. riquîre about early week reduced rates. 683-7515 PHOTOCOPYING High quality phrtocopyifQ while you wait. WHITBY FREE PRESS 131 Brook Street North, WhIlby .L

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