Witby's Most WideIy Read CLASSI FIEDI ADS FIFTEEN POSITIONS AVAILABLE NOW We are hiring homemakers and students with telephone talent. HERE'S WHAT WE OFFER: *A comfortable office atmoaphere. *Guaranteed hourly wages. 9A convenient location and an opportunlty 10 work with us throughout the year. Hours 10 ar..10o2 p.mn or 5 p.m. 10 9 p.m. Mrs. April at 686-3742 LOOKING FOR A CAREERIN ADVERTISI NG? Downtowfl business requires that person who: *Possess good communication skilis; e Has ambition and self confildence; ois eager to iearn; ois capable of earning an above average income; *And Is not afraid to work for It. If you possess these qualities drop in and see us. Experience not necessary. Start immediately. Come in to our office anytime Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to5 P.M. 131 Brock St. N., Whitby. SWITCHBOARD OPERATORS requIred. No experience necessary, wilIing ta train, part- ime, shttt wort. Cati1 between 9 arn, anti 5 p.m., Manday ta FrIday. 433-1741. ATTENTION Mature Students, Ecefiant wagas and generaus Incantivas, Austin Toppar Chimnay Swaaps have fwoashftis avatiabia tar anthueaatic, Par- aonabia people ta cai and ramind aur praviaus customers at tha needt t hava thair chIimnay awopt agaIn. Tibis fa soi coit caiingi Shiftinumbor 1 te Mon- day ta Thureday, 5:30 ta 9:15 pou.- Shit numbar 2, Friday 5 ta 9 p.m. and Saturday 10 ar.m.la 4 p.m. Vety steasant warting et- moaphara, Cati Mr tzzerd ai 839- 6345 or 886-0226. Ba auraebrat appiying tha aboya Saurs do nof canfiiot wth othor reepon- aibifitias, echoot or social sc- tivittea, Students muet be 18 yaars ofae or aider. We ara In- frastad aniy In watt groomod, watt epahan Individuel s. A dres code a sIn ffect. Individuels Caf maeting the aboya neod sot ap- WORD PROCESSINO program- ming, Lotus,.dbase, Il and 111 andi more, wilth crtiicatsanad lob pacament, $149 andi up, gaver. nent approvati courses avafiabie, tee deduclIbie, O.S.A.P. launs. 68832228. SALES REPREBENTATIVES wan- lad tor Whilby irm, Cai 666-4331. MATURE saalaapersoaswantad, luit or part-lima wrk for gardon cantres, muaI hava pasi ex- prtance In saes. Appty In per- san la Oshawa Gardon Service Ltd., Thickson Rd. N., Broolif, Ont, or phono for as Interview et 655-3331. DRYWALL Taper-Pinter saeks warh. Aisa fextureti anti uspen- ded ceiings. 15 years experien- ce. Jim Taminson, 723-9288. BLOSS MINI TRUCKtNG, t defiverias and ormaitf movingloba. reasonabie raies. Phase 688- 0131. MOLLY MAIO sa eceplino ap) pli ct ions for igftt ftouseWorhIn Whitby. cati 6U-.9673. UNEMPLOYED? Looking for a career change? Cati 083-2261 for f rea counseliifg on lob oppor- tonifies. CAREER IN TRUCKING. Tran- sport Orivers needed. Now sa the fi me to frein for your ci sas A ticance. For Interview Or ap- picati an contact Marv Orrs Transport Driver Traning, Toron- to, (416251-9373. PERFUME COMPANY needs 4 ambittous direct sales people. No cash Invesiment, 30-50% com- mission, recruiting bonus and tuit training provIded. This 13 a groond ticor opportunity so Cati today for a private interview 705- 738.3232 or wriie B, Lawiey, R.R.3, Bobcaygeatl, KOM 1AO. CREATIVE RESUMES $1900, studenis and unemptoyed $1500, tive fres copies, caver etiers $400, satisfaction gueranteed. 576-083. Aso business ncor- porations, lest, tow cast. MATURE RELtABLE persan ta babysit two sohoot aged boys, tut-time, shift work. my home. own transportation. Phone 666- 3091. EXCELLENT EAà NINGS warking tram home, Easy work. Ait aras. Detais: stamped envetape ta Maytair, 452 MG-1755 Rabson, VancauverV6G iC9, FISHING FOR A BARGAIN? The big catch s here every week n the classif lods. Dont rock the bout on costly items, Calits! WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111 ]Board t( By MIARC VINCENT Free Press Staff Core French programs will be ex- panded from 20 minutes a day to 40 minutes in Durham public schools. The expansion, plan- ned over the next five years will begin with grade 1, eventually en- ding with grade 5 in 1989. The new program will ho staffed by the regular complement of the school with plans that additional staff be provided over the next five years to concide with the expansion of theprgrM. The board is moving towards 1,200 hours of French instruction which conforms to the Ontario Ministry of Educations policy of French adequacy by the time the students graduate from secon- dary school. The introduction of the program is the a expand resuit of a report com- pleted by the staff of the Durham Board of Education. In March 1984, a similar report was discussed but trustees and staff of the board were concerned with the staffing problems of such a program. The concerns cen- tered around the load core French teachers wnuld have with an in- crease in hours spent teaching French and the subsequent lack of at- tention to individual students. There was aiso con- cern that the extra time spent on French would ho taken away fromn other programs such as English. The report suggested that French should "be designed in such a way as to establish links between French and other language areas (such as English and other language arts) as Basebail sign-up The Whitby Minor Basebaîl Association will be holding registration sessions for its upcoming season on March 2 and 9. In Brooklin, the registration will be held at the Luther Vipond Memorial Arena from 12 noon to 5 p.m. both days. Standard Trust RRSP No mtter wiick Stsntiord Trust RRSF you choute, Ihere are obsouuely nu lees. " INSTANT TAX RECEIPT " APPLY BY PHONE " SAVINOS OR G.I.C. PLAN In Whitby, the registration will be held at the Whitby Public Library, 405 Dundas St. W., from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p. m. both days. To insure a place on the team, parents are advised to sign-up their children as early as possible. For more in- formation caîl Bill Hughes at 668-3063. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1985, PAGE 21 core French instruction well as links to other relevant curriculum areas (art, music and social studies)." The board report also noted that since the ministry is moving toward the provision of 1,200 hours of French language instruction that Durham should not wait until the program becomnes compulsory, therefore, making adequate staffing dif- ficuit. The suggested solution to the staffing problem was an add-on of staff until regular complement could be expanded. There are currently ili teachers in the core according to the report it is likely that enough teachers could be found in. the first year of ex- pansion. To ineet future demands it was suggested that more teachers should be qualified to teach Fren- The total estimated cost fnr the expansion through to 1989 would be $560,000. While the board has, accepted the idea, the program must receive budget approval before initiated. Try-outs Soccer Club is currently conducting training sessions and try-outs for boys born in the years 1971 to 1976 for their representative soccer teams. These sessions are being held every Sunday morning. caîl Mike Sookdeo ai 668-2821 or Bill Harris ai 668-5939. New music policy adopted The Durham Board of Education has approved a new music policy that promises that ail grade 7 and 8 students will have the opportunity for regular music instruc- tion. The policy states that ail students in grade 7 and 8 shall bave the op- portunity to experience both a vocal and in- strumental music program as part of the regular day school music education. Funding shaîl be made available, on a phased basis, to provide basic minimum in- strumentation for a class of 35 students in each school with grade 7 and 8 students. aor be eqoppedwith ensough einsruen t o 3 student enso 3 The bar asowat a minimum of three in- structional periods over each week. The policy also" guarantees that no in- ~ strumnent or music fee will be charged. Girls' soccer The Whitby Iroquois Soccer Club is forming both recreational and competitive senior girls soccer teams for the up- coming 1985 season. The teams will be based in Whitby and will compete with teams throughout the area. Senior girls, 18 years and over, are requested to caîl 668-3352 or 668- 3817 for more infor- mation. Other girls should cal Bill Barris at 668-5939 for more information. Lacrosse school Road Minor Lacrosse Association is spon- soring a pre-season lacrosse school for first time players begînning Feb. 25. The school will ho run over a i0-week period and will be taught by well trained instructors who, with the aid of films and cassettes, wilI teach the basic b al handling skills and general conditioning required to play the sport. There will also be a few special appearan- ces. by the Whitby Warriors, winners of the Minto Cup for 1985. Participants will need gym shoes, a hockey helmet and a lacrosse stick, if they have one. The cost of the course is $20. For more information or to register caîl Keith Wagar at 666-1612. WHITBY IROQUOIS SOCCER CLUB Indoor Soccer Resuits Games Piayed Feb. 16/85 SQUIRT Shoppers Drug Mart . 4 Whitby Kinsmen ..O Jantesn Diamond ...... 2 Joshua Rico Jefi Koeanikowicz Ryan Leeswi........ ...... 7 Michael Van Asten Neit Harris Checkers Variety... 9 Derek Coasuante...... 5 Alec Nicol ................ 2 Shanaghan Hoiiaw Karen Bloomer Michette Thomsos ..... 2 Daniel Sitpafl Richard Hood The Hideaway ... ATOM Whitby Free Press-.... .2 George Cini's ...... Tony Raffeele Raya Sufrin Mitchell Travel ... Whitby Optimists . O Frank stefanuwicz ....... $ Paul Beckman............. 2 Richard Gonsavez MOSQUITO Whitby Aluminum .... - 4 Whitby Kinsmen.0 RichardtRamne...... 2 Nicola Mitchell Kip Pearson Anca Lab---------...3 Fireplace Plus ... O Shawn Miii,.......... 2 John Amoroso PEEWEE/BANTAM JMT Sports ........ 6 Canadian Tire.... 5 ScotMeyers ..........3 9mev Watsos ........ 2 David WaLon ............. 2 Jeff Fins ................ .2 Marko'filtl Kirk Marsh Whitby Lions -6......6 Midas Muffler ... 1 Jeff Rdus........... 2 Doug Love Jim Stoar Terry .Johnson Louie Pepe Gene tOir,,v DID YQU KNOW? - CMCARELTD. HOME HELP -Ws cun holp you tay at home by provldlng MEALS and LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES To find out how .we 571-3501 TCan heiýp you cali 1 t