WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1985, PAGE 23 Roots of Ja,,,panese success iis m the education system By KAMAL CURRY A.C.V.l. In the past few years Japan has emerged as an economic super power and has con- sequently, aroused the curiosity of the Western world. Af ter spending a year in the land of the rising sun (and yen), I By SUSAN MICHIELI Denis O'Connor H.S. With ail this snow we certainly are living through a true Canadian winterl1 Along with digging ourselves out, we have had a very busy week here at DO'C. Friday, Feb. 8 was our SadieHawkins Dan- ce and it was a great success. With the com- bined themes of Sadie Hawkins and Valezd- By ANGELA TIBBLES There's still time to register for the Lung Association's new stop- smoking program, IICountdown" This seven-session course will begin on Tuesday, Mar. 5 at Eastview Boys and Girls Club, Eulalie Ave, Oshawa wîth a choice of either after- noon or evening sessions. A $50 registration fee is payable in advance and covers aIl costs, in- cluding permanently learned that the roots of the Japanese success lie in their educational system. Firstly, the school system is referred to as the "6-3-3-4" standing for the years spent in elementary school, junior and senior high schools, and university. tine's Day, it was a sight to behold. Many girls were scurring around in the final hours before the dance, grabbing their courage to ask their favourite guys to the dance. A good time was enjoyed by ail and a special thanks to Mike Fitton, the dj. Congratulations go out to Chris Meufling who has been accepted to attend the Forum for bound course reference rnaterials, counseliing at sessions, maintenan- ce manual and a relaxation tape. The lung association has tested "Countdown" extensively overa two- year period, and at- tributes its success equally to the support of group members and to the direction and en- couragement of trained lung association course leaders. Over five weeks participants are taught to identify Children begin com- pulsory educaion at age six and continue until the end of junior high school. If they wish to further their education, (and at least 85% do), they must write entran- ce examinations for their preferred senior high schools. Af ter Young Canadians in Ot- tawa. In June, Chris will attend the session to learn about the operating of our gover- nmental system. On Feb. 14, Valen- tine's Day, people al over the school were beseiged with car- nations from secret ad- mirers, friends, boyfriends and girlfriends. The of- ferings were in response smoking triggers, and to apply coping techniques and alternate behaviours. Ail sessions are held in a relaxed and supportive at- mosphere. For more information on this new program, cali Durham, Region Lung Association at 723- 3151. EDITOR'S NOTE: Angela Tibbles Is the executive director of the Durham Region Lung Association. completing senior high school the options are college, .university and the labour force. To be able to gain en- trance into post- secondary institutes and furthermore business firms after graduation, again exams must be written. The com- to the yearbook club's Flower Day. For $1.50 a flower, it was possible to tell someone just how much you care or sim- ply wish a friend or even a teacher a Happy Valentine's Day. Our junior and senior girls' volleyball teams have been keeping very busy playing varlous matches. Look for the latest statîstics in next week's article. Badmin- ton has begun. Every Tuesday fromn 7 to 9 p.m. pressures which ac- Company constant effor- ts to pass examinations have disciplined the Japanese into strict study habits. Good study habits throughout school life are necessary because of the heavy subject those interested in playing for fun or for competition, meet and improve their skilîs through a little healthy exercise. Congratulations to Paul Fera who recently discovered that he will be travelling to Belgium this faîl. Paul is going as an exchange student with the Whitby Rotary Youth Exchange Program. Good luck Paul, we ail wish you well. senior high school students carry ten to thirteen subjeets each year in order to acquire a sound knowledge of the physical and social sciences, maths, English and Japanese. It is, perhaps their com- plex writing system which plays the most significant role in their learning processes. Because the written language requires long devoted hours to the memorization of thousands of these acquired learning skills, world in the scientifie and mathematical land of formulas. Therefore, the Japanese language by demanding discipline and precision had taught Japanese studen- ts valuable learning skills. In turn these skills have enabled them to acquire a well- rounded education and higher level of learning in order to compete in economic world of com- puterization and elec- tronics. Your Local Chrysler.Dodge Sales and Service Daler Parts & Servce.-ThursdaystIMI 9 p.m. WHITBY 209 Dundas St. W. 6-O suppliers of Steel& Fiberglass Automotive Body Panels 173-'80 GM Pick up Truck Steel Fenders $100.10 ea. Steel Doors 1225.00 ea. 71 MK d, Unit @ dellvery & Installation avallable S ALL NEW OlCtNG MODEL FOl '~ 4 ~ 1k I~v Flnlshed in a lght teink blu9 metallic, blue çloth interlor deluxe moldings, Prlced rlght floor mnatts, pulse wipers, sports mnirrors, pin stlping, firm ride suspension, 5 spd.- manual tilt steering Wheel j super stocked wheel trlr!n ins,- amlfir scan cassette. STK. NO. 012015S. Or lease me for WHERE YOU. .GET THE BES T DEALS 140 BOND SI. o. ur :Dnl OSHAWA DO'C girls scramibled to find right guy New program to quît PASSENGER & LIGHT TRUCKS BRA KES 103 Dundas E. 162 King St. E. Whitby .Oshawa 1