WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 27. 1985, PAGE 9 Couneil refunds Hawkstone residents' sidewalk money mad wenth.rsien obligationIllta retunu tne Whitby Town Council voted without debate Monday night ta refund four Hawkstone Cres. residents money paid ta the town in sidewaik fees iast year. Each of the residents had ta pay ap- proximateiy $960 in sidewalk fees as a con- dition of getting a town approved land severan- ce for their properties. However, council will not refund $3,916 coilec- ted from the developer of the Farewell Estates subdivision for the con- struction of the anme sidewaik. When they np- pronched council for the refund, the residents noted that not only had the town decided not ta buiid a second sidewalk on the street but hnd aiready collected the money ta do sa from the developer as a condition Corridor Capers LY~b By MARY MCEACHERN Cali 7258967 wth Items for this column ONTARIO RIDING P.C. ASSOCIATION The Ontario Ridllng P.C. Association will hold their annual meeting and election of officers this Friday (March 1) at 83 p.m. at Lincoln Avenue School, 70 Lincoin Ave., Pickering Village. Guest speaker for the evening will be Pierre Cadieux, chairinan of the Quebec Caucus. The member for Ontario Riding, Scott Fenneil, will also be In attendance. Everyone welcome. HENRY STREET HIGH SCHOOL The Girls Athletic Association of Henry St. High Schooi went all out for Heart and Stroke Month. This ambitlous group coilected $300 and donated it to the foundation in memory of former student and hockey player Bruce Melanson. Bruce Melanson, who at- tended Henry died Jan. 4 of a heart aliment. Our sincere congratulations ta, the Girls Athletic Association for their efforts. The money wili be used for research ta heip other heart patients. <DR. ROBERT THORNTON SCHOOL Feb. 25 ta March 1, Dr. Robert Thornton School wil hoid its annuai Read-a-thon. The students wili read for 200 minutes in the ciassroom during the week. The money earned from pledges will heip provide funds for library inaterial as weii as encourage the students ta do more reading. A free pizza lunch will be the added incentive for the ciassroom raising the iargest amount of money. Congratulations ta aill the participating students. HEART AND STROKE MONTH This is the final week for canvassing for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Our thanks toalal the volun- teer canvassers. The weather was not ail that great, but most of the volunteers have completed their areas. A job well done. CORRIDOR AREA RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION The next executive meeting of CAR.A. will be heid on Thurs., March 7, 7:30 p.m. at the Whitby Municipal Building. Everyone welcomne. FURNUTURE STRIPPING Refinishing & Customn Upholstery ANTIQUES BOUGHT &SOLD Open 7 Days a WNeek '9 - urniture 41e Dundas St. E. Whltby Ont. 668-54811 ATTERSLEY TIRE SERVICE PASSENGER & LIGHT TRUCKS BRAKES COOLING ïD ~SYSTEM 1 103 Dundas E. 162 King St. E. Whitby .Oshawa 668-3356 571-3400 in the subdivision agreement. Adrinistrator Bill Wallace told council ts were charged for the sidewalk. However, if they had been aware developer's money after the agreement expired, they would not have ,,hared<the residents. the sidewalk will be held in trust until such time as council decides ta whether on its own iniative or because of a future request from area residents. th v - F1HOUSEHOLID LiTRUST 11-EMONEYMFINESSCENTR 5 SIMCOE ST'REET. SOUTH OSHAWA 433-0022 Open Manday ta Wednesday 8:00 a.m. ta 5:00 p.m. Thursday and Friday 8:00 a.m. ta 8:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m. ta 1:00 p.m. MEMBER OF CANADA DEI>OSIT INSURANCE CORI>ORATON. the sidewalk, hat no error had been tnat tnere ws no en -*-- - wa I HAD NO IDEA 1 WAS SO POPULAR. Household 'Tust *Good News Bears. like nyself. are now part of a great many homes in town. We proved to be very popular so Household Tust decided to extend their special'Good NewsBear prootion to allow you a chance to take one of us home. For keeps. They've ordered an extra supply of Good News Bears: and will continue to give them out as long as they last. That may not be long. 50 youd better In case you havent heard. Household Trust will give you one of my furry pals the moment you open a Daily Growth Account with a $50 minimum deposit. Or if you purchase a iF11~I ~Guaranteed lnvestment Certîficate of $500 or RJ)ODI more. AIr~ Ic.'Household Trust works hard at making your money vork hard. Our competitive interest rates and specialized services help your finances to get into shape and stay in shape. Every dlay So come on in to Household Irust. And see why the town is filling up with bears. After ail, a home with a bear means a home in excellent financial shape.