PA FOR SALE window gloas316' Temperd <siding windows) 36"x32"x3i16, 16 places and acreens, 30x20'x3ll6, 4 plces and acrosns, 19'ax"x3i16l, 8 places and creans, $60 for ai. Pair of mns e kaes, sîza 11, new,' $15., Fire acreen, astiqua block, lîka naw, 36" wtde x 26 higf, $25. Cail668-096. 300 WATT car Integraled amp), brand new, neyer used, $195 (na yeat' warraniy). AMIFM digital display cassette radio, ttew, $75. 300 WafI 6x9" Polypropylena wlh Ferro tiuid, lncradibie sound, worth $250,8salI $100, stili assied wilh ose yesr wsarty. CaiI66-483, anytîme, Kyle. ANTIQUE Spool Desigo 5M bed, soiid headboard, complote wlh wooden rails, $450. Phone 668- 2243. MICROWAVE OVEN. Karmore. wilI tlonch sensitive controis. temperalure probe, 1.4 cu. fi. capacity wilh original cookbook and Insructions, as oew, $250. Office desk end cradenza. good and oiid. $120. Phone 668.985. GIRLS CLOTiIING siza 5 Io 6X. lndioidualy priced. adding up 10 $60 or ail for $5. Brooklsn 655 8764. BEAUTIFUL hand carved parior chairs from Scotland, sel oI four, minI condition, $125 each. Aso antique teaoy silvrpiale silvar- ware and casa "Victorias Rose" iwm. nRooero & Sn),i.62 places. $225 or hoat of fer. Cati 78-970 belore noon or aller 4 p.. FOR SALE 7 i. Myers Fough wllh hydraullo pump. $1200. Phtone 668-3471. WEIGHT BENCH, Sears Free Spirit, plus waighls. $120. Coli 668-178. FOR SALE pipaetraadirg kl, heaoy duty, for 1/ 10 1" pipes. $35. Cai 4334689. CAR STEREO (AMIFM case.) and i (pair) 69" speakers (200 watt) car slareo iAMIFM cassette) plus a pair of 6l4" 200 watt speakers. $75. Brand sew with ose yaar guarunlea. 200 watt, 7 band aqualizer booster, 4 speaker hook-up. $50. Kyla, 668-4838. anytime. FOR SALE Papoi-Cola batlla POP machine. A-i condiion, asklng $400 or boat offer. Contact Mike, 579-2660. FURS - Very elagant MInk Jacket, saturai brown, minI condition. 12- 14, $35. Mink dyad Musrat Coat, brown, large. (spacialiY styiad for onersizad tips) won- darfuiiy warm, oniy $95. Young ladies biaached Muskraî Carcoat. 12-14. $50. Young ladies Pur Jacket, black and whie, 12-14. $75. Parlrlmmed brown Soada cool, tull langts, 12-14, $45. Mns Macregor Carcoal. ganuina Scotish wooi. siza 38, excellant condition. $3. Cali 688- 7404 aller 6 p.m. KITCHEN SET 5"x38" Ovai fable with chromad steel rama and oak look lsminafed top, like naw and four chrome chairs wilh drt brown soit uphoilery, $150. Oel antique pump organ. Circa 1850. excellant condition, $75. Ceiebrily lecîrlo lYPewrilar. as- collant condition, $150. Wooden rocking chair, $50. Phone 655- 3545. FOR A COMMADOR compuler silir dIsc drive, 1 pinbail con- struction sel gama ulitY. $50. Cati ater 5 p.m.. 688-1153 ask for Dan. FOR SALE mink siole, $250. Full iangth pita glass door mirror, 5 fîi.,f. $30. Bah accassorles. 3 place, whie porclain and chrome. $20. ;4 Continental bed, 55. Phone 66-3516 or 668-0029. FOR SALE dining room fable and chairs, soodan top, chrome legs. axecotive styla chairs, cosl $790. sai $225. Back and white, 12" ACIDC TV., home or car, $85. 686-3006. FOR SALE skis. 195 cm., Lotk bindings, $45. Circuler sas, Blach and Dcker, $35. Phone 4334889. ACORN ELECTRIC irapiaca. $40. Protannional hair dryer. $50. Sears video arcade plus il Af art gamaes, Inciuding Pacman. Tapaworm and Daender. $175 or boat citer. 576"592. When thse advertised item la aoid, disposed of. or unavailabie for whaever reason, tise item wili be deemed to have been sold and a commission will be ctarged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Illustrated beiow, regardiesa if price la stated witht beat offer'. If Use item is NOT SOLD, or disposed of. the ad wili be rus for 3 MONTES and a MINIMUM CHARGE of 87.50 wil appiy payable it advance of publication of tihe first ad. The above minimum charge wiii be appied to tise final commission due. Maximu7n commission: $100.00. Alil adver- tisements muni be placed on an exclusive basin wits thse WHITISY FREE PRESS and run ai least one montis if not sold. RATES (If article ls soldi; of e advertlaed prîce Up ta $400,00 z% af balance over 140.00 EXAMPLE: Sld Item advertised ferr$i150.00. Cammission due $,s91(minimam charge la lise> Private advertising onlyl Please notlfy Use Whitby Free Press immediateiy when item as sold Bo Uat we msy delete IL from Ushe foliowing issue. Al ada rtot fitting Use Emporium guidelines wiUl be treated and charged per seet an regular classified adl n aa pre-paid basia aoch as: services, iseip wanted, clothing, real utate, and personai massage typa ada, or ads nul quoting price or quantity. Private claaaified ada may appear in Use Emporium section under appropriale hesdings. ALL AIIS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE $PECIFIED. MAILADO TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.0. Box 206 Whtby, LIN 581 If ln datat col 6U8-61 11 131 Breck S. N. Whitby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. coVINYL4MESIESTRUMENTn. $35. LIVING ROOM PACKAGE con- sising of sofa, chair, rocker, par- ty ottoman icottea Islai and tsI end lablas, excellent condition. 6 montha old. $825. Phsone 576- 3893. OAS STOVE 30" Hardwick gas stove excellent condition. $275. Phonea8-82014. PONY Ras. 54 Arab, %Vt Wash, whie wlh gray mens and tait. 13 pers. encefllntiumpar. great puits club prospect, neada good home or wili board. Asting $60. Cati eveninga 649-5000. 12 BUOGIE breeding cages for sale. Comptee ahI ent boxes and equlyment. $10 each. Phono 668-4521 KIMBALL OROAN with hasch, excellent condition, flt keybosrd. basa peass aulomalic chording and rhylhms. Asing $750. 688-3203. FO0 SALE Prestige doari. made in Czechosiooskia. an- celent condition, usad for oniy 2 yeara. comas silh deluxa casa. askirrg $200. Cali 666-2588. SIX CHANNEL P.A. Systas, basa speakers. 150 watt combo amp.. accessorien Inciudad, $750. 683- Adiosiabla asiker silh plastic casiers, $22. Two vinyl covered c rib maîfreanex. $35 each. Ose sel of matching bumper padit. $111. Ail items in very good con. dition. Phone 655-8026. CRIS SET green ard whiteIn- cludea: top and boiionm sheets, pubs.w revarsibia bumper pada and comfortar iilephant molti. Brand nas, never uaod, $60. Cal Kim 666-3260. 0531. ~CCL~ ~FOS.I-ELE 1968 450 HONDA 5 pe fchom e es600 rIbel otser BOX TRAILER for sale. 4x8fil Ashing $2W. Phone 579-4212. SMALL HOUSE TRAILER qusan ize had. saikIn cdosaI, eocelent condition. $1.000 or besi oiter. 1976 Honda for parts. neariy nas motor. nas ires. ibregtass ten- ders. $500. Phone 576-6592. 683-0531. 1983 SUZUKI 0S450 Custom. Perfect size for aryone. aven beginnars. minI condition, only used one year for aducation pur- poses. MueI sali. $1,200. Phone Chris ut 655-8902 atlor 6 p. f1 U TAOMOTIVEI TFO SLES FIVE B.F. Goodrich Al Terrain 1919 MINI AUSTIN low mleage, R.W.L. tiras G78i5, I sas, 4 wlh flood condition, $1,600 as la. 1,000 mites. $450. Four Season Phone686-3064 or 7234896. Masafr Ail Season R.W.L tires P23517OR15 radiais witih 2,000. 1979 GMC VAN V8, 305, sait mles, $400. Ose naw Ediebroct maintained. Inlerior - carpet, had. SP2P aluminum intate manifold' atnk and cabisals, cerltiled. w11h Insallation kil for, amatI Aaktng $4.000. Phonoe668"263 block Chas, $225. Osae Chev aflar6p.m. Fine sels Iactory slilicona plug wiras for smaii block Clirysier, $20 each. One new Chryster prodocts (laie model) AMIFMV MPLX teren radio, $75. Ona Molorola AMIFM MPLX cannelle (it dlash unit) push bullon lurtIng, solo reversa, unversal fil, $150. Phone 655-3266. 1974 610 DATSUN Wagon, aulomnallo, rebulIl molor. 10000 milan, $500 or beni cifer. 655- 3729 aller 7 p.m. HEAVY TRUCKI PARTS ail Parla naw. i-GM clulch for Cirev, 5000- 8500 sres wIlh 350 or 3866cu. it., V8 engins, GM part No. 1400 1988 $100. 1-Tokhelm electric submersible tuai pump, $85. 1- 16.5" braka drum (7.5" deep), $50. lOaelco braka master cylindar, GM part No. 5467734. $100. 4. Braka ralinlng kits, 4" pads for 50-60 nanaes Chev, $50 snch. 4- Braira relining kits, 3" pada for 7000 lb GM ala, $40 aach. 655- 4995. FOR SALE tour FR78115 Good Year radial ires, $50 each or $1900 for ail four. Phone 655-3427 aller 6:30 pm. HEAVY EOUIPMENT PARTS ail paris new. Internaional bulldozer parts: 1-61&1i25C3 carrier for TDlSO, 15C, 175B or 175C, $750. 1.619563C1 end bit for blada for TD15B or 15C, $50. 2-324739 R91 Timben bearing asambies for biada winchr, wiill it modals TD25B or C and T020B or 15B, $50 eacll. .4N6981 alernalor for Cal 3208 Industril angines, $200. 4.7440 Champion grader biada overlay end bis, $20 aach. 4- 3OChO - JBVIt Norton rlndinn slonas, 2" conre, 2.5 wldlh, 13.5" diamelar. $100 each or 4 for $300. PItons 6554995. IOve ad ln lira Whtby rs Press Empori- um Section wilsai aimosl anything. Cali 68-6111 10 place sour ad. aulomatli, 4 captaIt chairs, nes bstlery, ires and enhausl, $2.500 or bent offer, 683-0531. FOR SALE 1976 Comet, 2 door, standard, needa rad repair, as la - shara sa, $500 or beSl offer. 668, 3123, allerS5 p.m. 1976 RASEIT 2 door, standard, $900 or bast offer. 655-3729 atler 7 p.m. 1974 CI-EV NOVA 2 door, 6 cpi., excellent running condition. body excellent, standard sleering and bratea, $700 or hast otter. 6U8-1564. FOR SALE 1974 Oldamoblae Delta 88. AskIng $750. Phone 579- 4212. NEW IN TOWN? LET us PUT OUT THE MAT FOR YOU' ~OME WAê% bnm 668-8943 4!à FCON FUSEDa Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. 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Hopefully, the explanation below can clear Up many of your questions - if not, do cail 668-6111l and we'll be pleased to explain the Emporiumi Section to you personally. r have read the Emporfum guidelines above and wîsh to have heZ tfollowing advertisement placed under this section oif the Whitbv Free idonl fttrget iln-ude yuur phttne rrtiv-r 1 enclose $7 5(0(11 cover the minimum charge Charge $7 50 lo my Visa atcisunt lard Nie. 'a me i pirase priai ý Addrs City MAIL. TO: ~s t WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 5S1 Pestai Code Below are some examples of what you would be charged if your article sold within three months. 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