Whitby Free Press, 20 Mar 1985, p. 20

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PAEJXI2U, WL)JNLS.JY LJP'. -4U, CiXSI i -.>I "1131 DA(, ý) wvmvýnAvMAR i- 101(1ffli WIITRYV FREE? PRESS Ttm e WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ AD> ~K~ESPA~~1 ~I~7~OBI~ES ~ ARTICLES ARTICLES ~~CE~j ~J~ENLJ ~LE ~Ž~LE ~~f1LJ UNEMPLOYMENT HELP CEN- TRE: Need heip? Workers' Cos,- pesoalios, Wefer, OHIP assistance, Usempîaymesî sn- surasue, or Crisis referralist olher agesciee,oeil: 579-1921. DELIVERIES ras,1lta 100 places Isciading parceis, roasosabie raes. Cail Relable Dolimary Ser- vices, 4331460. TWO , XPERIENCED classera ciliisg la cleas your house or of- fice prefarabfy Is the Onhai&Wfriby ara.. For r0a9058bia raIes coel 5710843. 1GRAMMER for peope cha hale grammer"' la the ideai pockei referesce book for businesn peope. $3,68 par capy and avelabie aI icksos Pristlisy& Office Supplies sn the Aia Plaira. Deler esquiries Isviled 63196&. WANTED: People who arc sick and iied of beisg brohel Wiiiig to do somelhIsg for finnciai rewardsl BesI commission., in the Isdusfry. Serlous inquirles. 782-7701 (Toronto). CONGRATULATIONS on your forhomisg marnage. Peuse vlew aur sampies of engraveu cedding invitaionsa aiyour eisueaIs aur Aies Plaza alors. Dicksas Pnnlg & Office Sup- plies, 663-1966. BEAALETATE FOIR SALE/RENT PRIVATE SALE 23 acres of acenic propensy Is ores anese, goad buidlsgs and roui tralnu,, 6 sies sarlheast ai Bowmas- ville, $148,000. 9639570. VF~LDA ACATION W VRENTALS *Canadian at Par I Clesraee - Thee bedroomn Imobile homes. Heafed pools, tefanis, case fa beeches and major attrcions, chidrn celcome. (Jesa Ihen moisi r00m)- 6835503 TYPEWRITER renIai, many sehee and modle, Sp the ceekend, ceek on month. Discounts avalabie. Dikeon Prini ing & office Supplies sn the Aies Plaza. Cali us for business machine repins 683-1966. ARTICLES FOR SALE, .1 AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE AND MORE... WI-ITBY OFFICE SPACE for ronI on profesalosal f on. Would be sulfabie for lawye, accausf ani. eftc. Reni Icludes ail ulif lies and la segollable for an appropriais fenanf. For furtfrer informaftion cail 668B672 belcees 9:30 ar. and 5 p.m. Mosday f0 Friday. FREE: Drop Isf0 fhe Ockson Prinflsg & office suppiy storo ln the Aiex Plaua and pick Up s free copy of Ihein 1965 Meriacles. dar. Prnned I wo cabanrs. Il moaes for handy reference. 683- 196. Cherlie bas decided nat ta meke his own papar fram pulp but ta rather arder il f rom Dickson Printing & Office Supplias roberp the prices open yaur eyes. 1983 TOYOTA S5 wagon, 4 wheel drive, B speed, 46,000 km., 2 fane brocs, eekisg $8,500 cen- tfi ld. 6553555. 1979 GRAND PRIX 6,000 miles, V8, 2 doo, buckefsaIs, bue, $4.500. Phone 571-0757 belcees B and 9 pm. and c66kends enyfime. 1978 MONDA CIVIC escelent conditilan, red, AMIFM cassett e, $16500 on basf aller, 668-3053. FOR SALE 1978 Desus B210. Meg cheef s, susroaf, good cas- diion, eskisg $1.700 an basf al- ler, Phase 666-2587 belcees 1: 15-2 ps,.or 10-11 p.m. 1978 OLDS Cusaom Cruiser, 9 passengen station wagon, air condiîioing, AMIFM serea. power wisdows and doon loche, amail 350 angine, ciii ceriify. 8666- 4430. 1975 PONTIAC Parisienne Brougham,, 4 duor Sedan, as- cellent conditian, Mili certify. 666-4430. DONT LISTEN 10 anyasa ise, ce pay top daller fan ecnap cars and trucks. 668-9712. _CL U ONA LS63N196 THE BAHAIS 0F WHITBY present... £Cufc 1 ftcr @ceathi .a view of man's progress beyond his life on earth. DATE: Saturday, March 30,1985 TIME: 8: 00p. m. PLACE: I.O.F. Hall 211 Brock St. S., Whitby, Ont. Free admission and refreshments For information, cal 668-7653 or 668-8665 INTRO DATING SERVICE Cail the service that cares. Oshawa 725-8566 Head Office 1-800-263-7502 AN INVITATION la isseefigae the Behai faith. Unîîîsg the canid..one heari ata I lma.For lifenaluna phono 66-6685 ar668- 7653. MATTRESSES and boa Sprngs ai fraif price. MoKeen Furnhf une, 524 Simcoe Sreet South, Oshawa. 7255181. ONE PAIR of Lange Mirage Pus Seaes, $76. one eiecfnic guifer ciIh case, $200. Phono 668-6073. "1HEROES ai the Bible" colournn book analabie ai icksas Pris- fang & Office supplies, Aido Plaza, 683-1968. Deaer isquiries issiled. DO You WORRY about fhe aafefy of aur Leke Ontario caler? Purify Il the salerai cay lhrough distilafion. Phase 668-706 for f ras consultat ion. FOR SALE drums et, cherry red Mawell remake of Wesfbury, 1 base drus,. 2 lame, 1 anars, hihai stand and cymbais and base pedai, $199. 666-2567 beicees 1:152 p.m. or 10-11 p.m. GEOTYPE pressasn ellering 50w n stock ai Dickson Pining & Of- lice Supplies ln the Ajax Shop- ping Plaza. Large seleclios oi styles asd sizes. Why puy mnre for a s1mailer sheel aiflaI lering? 683-1968. PAf NTINGS, originel aile, caler- colore, art classes and com- missions by R. Ernest Jukes, Wiioc Rus Galery, 585 iKing Sftreet East, Oshawa, 578.1101. CHESTERFIELD salles, loveseale, secianale, lese thon ½ý pice. Lange seleclion. Mcfeen Pumilure, 524 Simcoe Sf. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. TWO WESTERN saddies, goad condition. Phase 655-3082 VISIT aur used funnilure canehause bSp eppaIsmesi. Eig savinge on deshe. chairs, fMiing cabinets, sIc. Caîf Dickean Prie- tlig & office Supplies la arrange as appainîmesf fa vec. 683- 1968. VITAMINSf VITAMINSI We une a Canadien Company seliiig qualiiy Canadien made Jamieson vifaminseai mail arder pnIces. Ciii Mn. Alos 728-4694, 7255310 for pour pice fiel. Mosey back guaranîse. WATKINS producie uisa availabie. TWO 3.SPEEO bicycles, 1 boys, 1 girls, reasonabie. Cali 571-0843. BtTY flEBUILT ÂND SÂVE in the long mun0 ,with Rebuilt Washers, Dryers, Refrigerators, Stoves, Dishwashers 6 month and 1 year guarantees available IN-HOME SERVICE CALL - $1600 PARTS Whitby Osha Wa Scarborough 107 Dundas St. W. 23 King st. W.1 2484 Kingston Rd. 668-9444 1 723-9777 267-3889 G.A. SHEWAN & ASSOCIATES Have reîocated the Law Offices ta 1650 Dundas Street East, Suite 201, Whltby, Li N MK 723-3401 (above Cherney's) Give _ UNICEF gifts and l cards and help a child Unicel Canada',i. 443 MC4 Plassiil Rd Toronto, Ont MIS 2L.8 1 iv02h5h364 la i C 112 M) 2i8,iiA, BOOKKEEPER WANTED fu- lime on pari-ime. Asa restaurnts haip requirad. Phase 655-3962. WORD PROCESSINO Prognam- mIsg, Lous, dbase, Il and 111 and mare, ciIh cantificale and job placement, $149 and up, goser. emesl appnosed courses availablo, lau deduclibis, CREATIVE RESu fise (tee copies, caser isîbore $4.00, satisfaction guaranlasd, 576-0633. Aiea business Incor- parafions, fasl, lac cosi. I PaflTIaPacJ CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FR1., MARCH 22 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lin- dsay/Littie Britain Road. The estate of the late KEîTH STINSON of Pon- ty Pool plus others. Oak dining room extension tables, spool bed, washstands, co-oil arn- ps, pressback chairs, wooden wardrobes, modern and antique dressers and chest-of- drawers, 30" goid Ad- mirai eiectric stove, goid Kenmore dryer, 16 cu. IL Admirai freezer, Admirai air-conditioner, Beaver table saw, box stove, mantie ciock, Simpiicity spin washer, quantity of tools, china and giass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-21 83 MOLLY MAID is accepfisg ap- plIcaione for ighf houeecork ls Whiiby. cal 66-9673. ATTENTION softbail players, Oshaa Distict Ladies Sofibal Leuges ranires playens, plichers ungstliy naeded. Tco gamnes a cank, no f aeiiing, no caekends. Cail 72-1691. AUCTION SALES EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT 7:00 P.M. 955 BROCK RD. S., UNIT 5, PICKERING Items to be sold: antiques, prneral household contents, jewellery - modern and antique. Good clean sales. Absolutely no reservesorbld-ins. JOHN ANNIS AUCTIONEER 831-3234 SAUTMACE2 6:00 P.M. At Pearce Auction Cen- tre on Shirley Rd. 4 miles south of Port Perry. WIth legaily reclalmed mer- chandise, good leweiiery, cameras and equipment, stereos, cassettes, 14" color TV, telephones, small ap- pliances, fishing gear, camping gear, smaii tools, luggage, bedding, mens suites and cîothîng, ladies ciothing, leather goods, boots and shoos and numerous other Items. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 985-7492 AUCTION SALE SAT., MARCH 23 11:00 A.M. Property of MR. LOUIS SCOTT, 35 Kingston Road East, No 2 high- way, Pickering Village. Cornpiete househoid contents, bow f ront china cabinet, round dining room table, dishes, giassware and toilS. Numerous other articles. Terms cash. EARL GAUSLIN AUCTIONEER 15 POSITIONS AVAILABLE NOW! We are hiring homnemakers 10 work ln our publishing department. Work 10 arn. to 2 p.m. Monday to Friday. Here's What We 0ff or: *a comfortabie office atmosphere ta convenient location sa competitive saiary *an opportunity 10 work with us throughout the year. Your position wiii be reserved If you just caii 1 Mrs. April et 686-3052 FULL.TIME experienced presser equIred for dry cieanlng estabishment, muet ho reliabie and conscientlous. Phonoe68 7775. r 3-22. SALES REPRESENTATIVES - nquired for Whiiby compîsy. Eupsnbonce an assai. Attractive LIMES $1900, pay strucfure, ears chite irainIng. moloed 15Mý Far Inerviewcaoel 666-4331. UNEMPLOYEO? Lookisg for a ourson change? cail 663-2261 bar frrae counsesiing as lob appor. lunulles. I1 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when caiing. If billed - $600 for 20 words; every endeavour ta forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whithy Free Press will flot be 14t each additional word. however, we accept fia liability regarding loas or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic BRHDAH 70 o hefrt10wrs 2 ah aileged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond the cost of the space ocuped diTHS A TH 70fr h is 0 words 2 ec such replies. We will flot be responsible for box number by the error up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. dinlwr. replies flot called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $800 for the f ir- reject ail advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words; 12 each additional word. DEADINES: Monday noon prior ta publication to insert one day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Frîday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $400 for 20 words. 12t each ad- AUCTION SALES -40t per line. (No word ads aibowedî. to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. ditionai word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make 668-6111 WM6ý 1 bu

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