PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1985,WITBY FREE PRESS r KMNDEROARTEN in your public school system 0 Kndergarten actiuîty ai Adelaude McLaughlin Public School The best possible beginning' Register your child a t the following schools on the dates indicated. You must phone ahead for an appointment. WHITBYCail the school for details WHTYWest Lynde PS Dr. C.F. Cannon Ps Harmony Heugt Colonel J.E. Farewell PS 270 Michael Boulevard 550 ETira4i Avrie 590 Galahad Di 810 McQuay Boulevard 668-3354 725-0344 433 893,1 666-3901 My1&ad& pi 3&2 p lý4&2 Aprl 3. 4. 2425 & 26 Myi&2n8&9Arl284Au'4 Dr. R. Thornton PS OSHAWA Harmony PS Dr. S.J. Phillrps PS 149 Harrri 01r loi Hazelwood Drive Adelalde McLaughllfl PS 6>5 salru(i- SrrlN(itr Il 723 7i 723-9912 630 Stevenson Road North 725 4232 AIL, 23 & ;? May 23 & 24 and June 6 & 7 728-0521 April 1 & 2 E.A. Faîrman PS April 10 Hilladale PS 620 Walnul Street . Duke of Edlnburgh PS 525, OShawa BI 66-21Athabasca Street PS 610 Taylor Avenue 723-1231 668-2251 65 Ahabasca Street 7233935 April 16 23 &2 Aprî 18723-8233 Apr i 15 Florence M. Heard PS April 22 ernP 600 Dundas Street EAKedel SRonaPS 668-3251 Beau Valley Ps E.A. Loveli 72R-R851 April 1. 2 & 22 230 Margold Sreet 12&1162? îr Slîl î>îh 788519 Kathleen Rowe Memorlal PS 728-5711 Apro 2 & 1125 Athol Street April 29 and May 1 & 3 Lakewoods PS 668-5121- olg ilP Gertrude Colpus PS32Chlu , Aprrl 29 & 30 530LaalStreet 5W()1 '-hîrkf-,p-a.F- tflrî 76-8820 A713r-il & 1 Palmeraton Avenue PS 400 Palmerston Avenue 668-5622 April 9 & 10 RA. Hutchlaon PS 1001 Hutchiaofl Avenue 668-8601 April il & 12 R.A. Sennett PS 300 King Street 668-3221 April 18 & 19 723-2876 April 9 Conant/Cederdale PS 115 Grasarnere Avenue 725-7711 April 10 Coronalion PS 441 Aclelaide Averrîf East 725-.2032 May 8& 9 May 13814 Gien Street PS 929.Glen Sreet 723-8821 April 16 Grandview PS 28fi Crardvuw vStreetSouth 728-5791 Apri 3 & 4 jhts PS 4Rrîd Sotilh l1vd North 30 sE- I Mary Street Community Sch. 110 Mary Street 433-8910 April 19 Oueen Elizabeth PS 1205 Srmcoe Street North 723-7042 Mary 2 & 7 Ridgeway PS 615 Rdgeway Avenue 728-4532 April 3 &4 Ritaon PS 300 Ritson Road South 723-4133 May 6 & 7 South Slmcoe PS 505 Simcoe Street South 725-2732 April 30 Sunaet Heighta PS 1 130 Mohawk Street 7239223 April 215 Vincent Maaaey PS 21 1 Har mony Road North 728-0681 Apr-l9 & 10 Waverly PS 1(33 Waverly Street South 728 446, Apri-11 1& 12 Woodcreat PS 1)6 Wuudcres! Avenue 725 1031 April ?;? Cail the school for details " Registration is usually held during school hours - 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. However, this varies from school to school. So, phone ahead. " Your child is eligible for kindergarten if he or she wiIl be five years old on or before Dec. 31, 1985. You must provide proof of age - birth or baptismal certificate or passport - upon registration. " You must also provide your child's immunization record upon registration. The'DURHAM BOARD 0FEDCTO Excellence through growth. k