PAGE 10.WEDNESDAY, APRIL3, I985,WIIITBY FREE PRESS ATTERSLEY TIRE SERVICE Edwards praises firefighters for wealth of PASSENGER & LI<;HT TRUJCKS0 BRAKES experience and eomuîttment to -Whitby A t TU NEUP.,- , . (1983) and FF Jim next month after 37 firefighters, but who get volunteer tradition in iarsisid "Pac DIDYQU KNOW? ý'C ? M C A R E LTD. HOME HELP We can hoUp you stay et homo by provldlng M EALS and LIG HT HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES To flnd out how we 571-3501 Can help you cali STHE CORPORATION OF STHE TOWN OFWH ITBY IN THE MATTER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, RS.O1980, c.337 AND IN THE MATTER OF THE LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO NOTICE 0F PASSING 0F BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby has passed By-Iaw No. 1813-85 to deslgnate the folîowing property as being of architectural andlor historîcal )alue or in- terest under Part IV of The Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1980, c. 337: Old WhItby Public Llbrary 132 Dundas Street West Whitby, Ontario REASONS FOR DESIG NATION 0F 132 DUNDAS STREET WEST H-Itorîcal The Old Whtby Library Building was but by the Whltby Library Board in 1913. The building was financed by a grant from the Carnegie Foundation and the land was donated by the Ontario County Old Girls' Association. The building was off icially opened on May 1, 1914 and served as the Town's ibrary until 1973. Architectural The Old WhiIby Library Building is a good example of the Beaux Arts Classical design commonly used for Carnegie librarles across North America. The design of the building is notable for achieving the monument of scale expecîed of Beaux Arts Classical buildings in what is essenlially a small building constructed without the use oI expensive materials. DATED aI the Town of WIitby this 2th day of March, 1985. Donald G. McKay Clerk The Corporation of The Town of Whiîby 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario Li N 2M8 Phone: (416) 668-5803 Award for Hall 2 (Man- ning Rd.): Capt. Art Armstrong (1983) and F.F. Dave Fleming (1984); -The Warren J. Mowat Award for Hall 3 (Myr- tie): District Chief Wilf Rostek (1983) and F.F. Wayne Henderson (1984); -The Tony Van- Doleweerd Award for Hall 4 (Brock St. S.): FF. Gord Johnston Names are now being accepted at the children's desk of the Whitby Public Library for the spring session of "Computers and Kids". Classes will begin the week of April 9 and run CAr SHOW The Motor City Cat Club will hold their l2th annual championship show April 28 at the Ajax Community Centre from 9 a.m. to 5p.m. -The Edward M. Crouch award for the fulI-time division: Capt. Charles Burns (1983) and Capt. Bob Vesey (1984). When asked why they becamne athar volunteer or fuil-time firefighters most of these men were unduly modest. Capt. Bruce Mitchell, a 59-year-old Brooklin businessman, will retire from the departmnent until the week of May 25. Classes are available for children betwean the ages of 4 and 9 and are offered at both begin- ners and advanced levels. The fea for the pre- school levai (4-5 years) is $35 par child while that for school age children (6-14 yearsl is $45 par child. For more information caîl the library at 668- 6531. SHO CKS COOLING SYSTEM munity as well. "W're looking for something 'above and beyond', not within the scope of the firefightar, " le said. Reg. Coun. Tom Ed- wards, who is chairman of the W.F.D. this year, also has nothing but praise for the men who man the fira engines. He paid special tribute to the volunteer firefighters which has become the backbone of the full-time division. - "The value of the Whitby Fire Depar- tment arises from the tically ail our fuId-time staff have servad in one capacity or another as a volunteer. "This," he continued, "lexplains the tremen- dous co-operation and efficiency of Our firefighting personnel, both fuil-time and volunteer." He is also proud to serve as the depar- tment's chairman "at a time when the town has such a wealth of ex- perienca and commit- tment in its fire depar- tment." 103 Dundas E. Whitby 668-3356 162 King St. E. Oshawa 571-3400 The one thing he likes about being a volunteer, he says, 'just the fallowship - there are a lot of good men here. " Mis brother, Don, is also a member of the department, serving as the district chief for Brooklin. And for Capt. Bob Vesey, winner of the Edward M. Crouch award as the ful-tima fighter of year says that for hlm, "its the ex- citemant and the challenge. Every day it's different." He's been a fuil-timer for 15 years now but before that, the 50-year old* Brooklin resident was a volunteer for 10 years. Before becomning a fulI-t me firefighter, he was a carpentar - a trade he's put to good use around the station house. According to Deputy Chief Tony Van- doleweerd, Vesey remodeled both the dispatcher's office and the crew's ktchen, jobs that could have cost the department a con- siderable amount of money. Vesey also put together the depar- tment's Christmas parade float, which the deputy chief says was one of the best the W.F.D. bas every had. in giving the awards, VanDoleweerd said that the department looks for men who not onîy give their aIl as DR. ELAINE MoKENNA Dental Surgeon Is Pleased To Announce That DR. CECILIA BAJUSZ Dental Surgeon WillI be jolnlng her for the practice of DENTISTRY at 53 Baldwin St., Brooklin, Ont. Phone: (41665588886 Open Tu rsdays until 8:00 p.m. Speaking to You By SCOTT FENNELL, MP f r.1(PC - Ontario) For those of you who are wondering if an agreeable solution will ever be reached concerning the lands around the Pickering Airport site, the agreement signed only last week by Public Works Minister Roch LaSaHle, and representatives of the Mirable farmers, should be reassuring. The expropriation at Mirable, as many of you will recail, wiped out a town by the same name and about 80 per cent of the prime farm land ex- propriated was neyer used for airport purposes due to the low levels of business. The unused land represented approximately 400 homes, 276 barns and 48 commercial buildings destroyed by the previous government to make way for the airport. 1 arn delighted that our new government has had the opportunity to finally attend to the mess created 16 years ago by the Liberals. Actually, the dlean-up process started back in 1981, when I, as opposition critic for the department of public works, went to our caucus with a plan that involved selling back 80,000 acres of the expropriated land. Caucus endor- sed that plan and later 1 presented it to the Quebec Parliamentary Commission in 1982. This policy is the basis of the settlement announced Iast week. The agreement gives the original owners of the land first buy-back rights at 15 par cent discount on current land prices to make up for the social and economic disruptions tbey experienced. These far- mers stayed in the area and fought for the right to have their lands back for 16 years. They have won a long and hard fought battie. 1 sincerely believe that undoing these problems which we inherited from our predecessors, is a great indication of this government's dedication to making meaningful progress in the management of government. Please ba assured that we are now working on a plan which will equitably resolve the Pickering Airport issue hopafully by early faîl. Computers and Kids class -type writer RENTALS also SALES & SERVICE .TTA SERVICE____