WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1985, PAGE 19 300 WATT car lntograted amp, Srand nec, nover used. $195 (one year warrantyî. AMIFM digital diepiay cassette radio, nec, $75. 300 Watt 6"x9"POIpropploe with Ferra fllld, incredtiblo sound, worth $250, sali $100, sll assied mlS one pear marranty. Cal868-403M, anylmo, Kyte. PANASONIC 6" B&W TV, ACIDC n cary good condition, $75. Hat celer heter Inline type 220 colt, $55. Hend cinch 3200 LB capacity, slurdy steel goare, recersiSto Wire, $150. Phono 282-8780. 1973 MEFICURY MARQUIS, 4 doar, 429 Cu. ln., AC, AMIFM 8 track stera, 5 good ires, as sa, $400. Also 18 au.fi. reezer, $150. Exrcise oqulpment, $95. 683 1094. GIRLS CLOTHINO sizo S la 6X. lndividaally priced, adding un ta $60 or ail lot $50. Broaklil 655- 8764. ANTIQUE PEDESTAL sink, unique and vry eauiful, largo version ouI of1the aid King Ed-, ward Hoto, cames wilS unique' antque rass ituros. Must Se seen, $280. Cali 571-3636. BEAUTIFUL bard catved pariar chairs #rom Scotland. set olftour. minI condition, $125 each. Asa antique heacp silerpiate silvor- warx and casx 'Victorien Rose" iWm. Rogers & Son), 52 peces. $225 or bSoaler, Cati 728-6070 betore noan or aller 4 p.m. FOR SALE 7 il. Myers Pioagh with hydrauiic paImp, $1.200. Phono 668-3471. FOR SALE skis, 195 cmn., Look indings, $45. Circuler sec, Back and Decker, $35. Phone 4334689. ISI4WASHER, Sears Dlaxe porable, chopping Stock top, good corking condition, $185. Eectric race car set, ocor 100 Il. of track, 6 cars, 2 transformera, iap couslxer, manv eoras, AFX & TyCO, $95. Heat circalaling irepiace gralo, $15. Cail 576- 7697. FOR SALE Pepsi-Cola botîlo pop machinx, Ai1 condition, asking $400 or besi aller. Contact Mike, 579-2660. FOR SALE pipe Ireading kil, heaoy duty, lo/t I.1V ,,pipes, $35. Cali 433-4689. FURS - Very logant Mink Jacket. natural rown. minI candtian, 12. 14, $350. MInk dpyed MusEraI Coaf, brown, large, speciaiiy ntlfed for oeersizod hipsi won- derlully carm, onip $95. Young ladies leached Musrat Carcoat, 1214, $50. Young ladies For Jackol. black and white, 1214, $75. Furtrimmed Stace Suede cool, luit longth, 12-14, $45. Mens Macregor Carcoat, genuino Scattinsh oi, size 30. xxcelent condition, $30 Cati 668- 7404 aller 6 p.m. KITCHEN SET 5O8"" aa table with chromed stxel ramo and oak look laminafed top, liko nec and tour chrome chairs clSh dark brown solit pfrolaforsr, $150. Bell antique pump organ, Circo 1850, excellent condit ion, $750 CeleSrity electrIa typecriter. ex. cllent condition, $15. Woodon îocking chair, $50. Phone 655- 3545. FOR SALE mink stole. $250. Pull ength platx glass door mirror, 5 fi.0211t., $30. Bath accessories. 3 pace, white porclaîn and chrome. $20. V4Continental bed, $50. Phono 666-3516 or 6809029. FOR SALE dining roane table and chairs, coaden top, chrome legs, excufivc style chairs, casf $790, soif $225. Back and whte, 12" ACIDC TV., home or car, $85 666-3006» ACORN ELECTRIC lropiace. $40 Proessianai hais dryer. $50 Sears vîdeo arcade plus 1f Atari games, inciadivg - Peomani fapecorm and Deender. $175 Or besI aller 5766592 CAR STEREO iAMiFM ccss.i and f (pari 6-x9-speakers (200 wccl car 5f cr00 iAMIFM cassette) plus c pair 0i 6"x4-200 watl speakers. $75, Brand necil h anc yccr guarante 200 wacli 7 band equalizer booster, 4 speaker hook-up. $50 Kyle. 668-4838 anytmne. FOR A COMMADOR covrycler cilS ds0 drive, t pînbailicon, sîruclion sel game afiliiy. $50 Cali aller S p.m .668-1153 esk for Dan, CHROME TABLES, smoked glass, 1 calîxe tablx. 2 end tables, 2 brxnch tabl6z, set $250, <ichen table, 2 chairs. back wraught tion, $150. Ail items ex.- cllent condition. 427-7069. When the advertînecl item is sold. dîsposed f. or unavailable for nhaiever reason, the ilem wll be deemed ta have been sold and a commission will Se charger! based on THE AIIVERTIliEI PRItR as illustraled below. regardless if price is stated wîlh -besi rffer- Il the item o NIT SOLI). or dsposed (if. the cd wll lx- run for :1 MiINTIiS and a MINIMUM CHARGE cf 7.50 wli oppîy payable in advance of publication of1the firsi ad The ahane minimum charge wiit Se applied ta the final commission due Maxitmum commission $100.110 Ail adver- tisemenL. mas( Se pared on an exclusive haras wth the WIIITF;NY VREE PRESS and rus ai easi one month if fot sold RATES 1fIt articleNIs old i 5% of advertined prie OP 108400.00 ut etbalance avec $400.00 EXAMPLIE: Sod Item ,dvecileed foc$ 150.00. 'om mission duec 7.50 i(minimum charge le $7.50) Private odvertising enly! Pleose notify the Whitby Frec Press immediately when item ts sold so 1501 we may delele il frxm te follxing issue. Ail ads nox fitiing the Emporium guidetines ilii ha treated and charged permweek os reguler ctassified adn onxa prepeid bois sorbeas: services, help wanted. cloihing. real esiate. and personal message type adn, or adn nol quoiing price or quontity Private ctassified adls may oppear ith1e Emporium section xnder cppruîprîate headings ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SE(lifN LNLES iTIERWISE SPECIFIED MAIL ADI) I: FREE PREStS EMPOIRIUM P..Box M0 Whtby. ILIN SSI Ifln odouhl colt: 668-6111 131 IleocE St, N. Whtby. îOt. I-TUIE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. QOfNSTUUENTSI LIVING ROOM PACKAGE con. PONV Reg 11 Arab. 1/2VWalshr KIMBALL ORGAN with bench. ssigof sofa, chair, rocker, par. white wilS gray mane and rail. 13 exlen codtn. fl y Ottoman îcoffee fable) and Imo years. excellent lamper. great iryboard. bans pedals. aulomalin end fablesecellent condition, 6 pony club prospect. needs good cfrording and rhythms Askinq monthS old. $825 Phrone 576 home or wiii board 'Aniing $600 $750 668 3203 3893 Cali evenings 6495000 OAS STOVE 30" Hrdcick gas niove eocelent condition. $275 F5000 660.2014. FOR SALE buffet and hulch. $85 Chine cabinet, $75, Two $mail tables. $25 and $35. Mapie hall table.,sol înShed, $250 DOPleet gatleg table. retînîshed. $225 Two chairs, $15 eech Ico kif. cher tables. cooden, $25 and $60, Telephone 6036630 APARTMENT SIZE casher and dryer. Sears Kermore, heavy dulp. eocellent condition, cskîntl $750 or bonI iles 7256255 DISHWASHER, lîke nec. Soars Kermore. Servent 0014, $280 Cclii 571-3636. 12 BUDGIE breeding cages lar nele Camplete wc h nost boxes and onu pmcnt.$1Oech Phase 668-4521 FRSLE BOIt TRAILER for sale. dx8 t Aski nu $295 Phoeh5794212 ALKOTinfntcas seal. dlmos1 nec, ased lot 4 months. askîng $35 Ccii 660-7606 VINYL MESHED yiaypenî$35 csiis $22 TIcriniyt unir vd crib mallrhssps535 eccvOve sel (il malchîng banipil p.idr. $10 Ait ilents in aety good con ditinin Phone 65802h CRIB SET green and chite. n cluden: top and boffamn sheols. piioc, reversîbie bumpes pads and comlortet icielephant moti Brand nec. nover usod. $60 Cclii Km 666-3260, made ie Czechosiovakia. e ceileni condition, asciilot onin 2 yeats, connes c-tv dluxe case. askîng $200 Cati 666-2588 SIX CHANNEL FA. Sysiem. base speakers. 150 catI combe amp. ccessories înciaded, $750 683 0531 ORGAN, amaha model A-SOS. double leyboard, pdais, in. dadaes bench and books. onin a year aid and in excellent con dit Ian. $950. Teephone 623-4124 MUST SELL 1974 Gîbson ripper bans 4 ccy tare scîtch. mapie cood. groves keys. îery gond condition. hard sheil case. $360 Amyo 1961 El Maya imitation srtra casier motel pick guard. cherry wood flange bar cîlh herd sheil cane. $275 CaliiKaren 723. 2579 FOR SALE Hemmord eieclrîc orges. complote cîth bench. ex- ceilenit condition. askîng $300 Phone 668-7472, FIVE BF. Goodrich Ail Terrain R.W.L. ires G78a15, 1 new. 4 with 1,000 miles, $450. Four Season Master Ail Season R.W.L. ires P23517OR15 radiais with 2000 miles, $400. One rOc Ediebrack SP2P aiuminam Intake manifold cilf Iinstallation kit for smal block Choc, $22 5. One Choc Goadraiet 4 bbi carburator, $25. Fiee sts lactory silicone plag cires for smal Stock Chrysior, $20 each. One now Chrysier pradacts flaste madoli AMIFM MPLX storeo radio, $75. Ose Motorola AMIPM MPLX cannette (in dlanh unit) push ballon taning, auto reverse. universal lit, $150. Phone 6553266. FOUR CAL-CHROME f4 Inch mag rime, wth centres. cilS 4 brand 00w Bridgestono steel bolted raiais 16051, atreadp mounled an rime. MinI condition and look as Il f hep have forer been unod. Ail lac anlp $650 which sa chat il con cont yoa for anlp 2 et a cutom cor store. Phone Chris et 655.8902, 1907 PINTO Wagon for parts, stili in ranning condition, nom steel beifed tires, $200. Phono 579- 4212, 1976 HONDA for parts. nearip nec motor. nec ires. tîbregianS. $500 Phre5766592 FOR SALE tour FR78115 Govd Yod radiailires. s5o cach ot $190 las cli tour Phono 65513427 aller 6 300PM FOR SALE 2 ires on rims, bics piy saetfp 99 nylon, F78-14. lîke nec. onty 7,000 km.. $50. Raof top carrier, 46c43o12, fils Aspen Carrier, $40. Dense toam ubbe, quxen siZe. $40, Cal 668- 9113 1983 VAMAHA DI 125,. iîqad cooied, tco st roke. $900 or Sent aller Phare 66-4093 1981 HONDA 900 Custom, 18,000 kms. nec exhaunt, tirs. lune-up, ogine guards. beckrxnl, cer- tfîied, $2.300. Phone 6.1795. 1988 450 HONDA 5 npond custom. ncc ires. sprîvger. lots aI chrome, $600 or benI oltor. 683-0531 r- FREE PRESS Emporium Ads wili only be accepted subject to the foliowing conditions. Tbi"-A--VIL, 1- AI _ _ __y%_ FOR SALE 1980 Toi conoortilil, excellent original condition, AMIFM eterea, log tamps, Brlti5h green, 2.0 litre engins, 5 speed, only 29,000 km., certilied, asklng $5.875. Calt 578- 7697. 1979 GMC VAN V8, 305, wili maintained. interior - carpet, bod, sInk and cabinets. certIiid. Asking $4.000. Phono 688-0263 aller8 P.m. 1977 FORD Econolino Van. 351 auîomatic. 4 captain chairs, new batory, tires and exhant, $2.500 or boni aller. 6830531. 1976 RABBIT 2 door, standard, $900 or Sent oller. 655-3729 aller 7 p.m. 1978 0000E VAN 6 cpi., stan- dard transmission, standard brakos, good condition, $700. Caili600.2589. 197$ FORD haillton. 6 cyinder, as s a$050. Phono 434-0400 or 579. 0669, ask for Ti m. FOR SALE 1974 Oidsmobio Delta 80. Asking $750. Phone 579- 4212 1974 FORD CourieriMazda Pick- up truck noods Sed, gos tank, 1 Iront foder and wiodshield, han nom brakos, nom exhaunt ront ta rear and Ico new rocker panels Instailed, aiso 4 white spoke whoels and stop bumper. Mont of body work compilod. $575 or of- lot. Phone 282-8760. 1973 MUSTANG, flliip oaded. Asking $000 or Sent ollor. Phono 666-2734 aller 6 p.m.. ceekends anytimo. 1987 CHEVELLE Convertible, 283-V8 engine, good fuel ecanompy, very good condition, aery little rast, nohaunt sptem in great shape and veeds nec shocks, munIsoeil. $2.100. Phonoe Chris aller 6 p.m,, ai 655-8902. 1One ad inthe WhilSis Freo Press Empori- um Sectiociii soit aimant anylhlng. Cou 668-6111 la place yaur ad. eà pCON FUSED?. Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our Iow advertising rates just because you have If you: @are a prvate advertî$er; @have an article to sel and, -have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details i. Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold ( maximum three monthsi. A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $7,50 payable in advance before the firsf in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT seli wîlhîn ihree mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. t îs un- fortunate that no newspaper can guaranîe vour article will selI. but where else cîîuld vîu gel three months advertising for (nly $7 51" When your article selîs, a commissioîn s charged, based on the advertised price C'om- mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance îver $400; LESS the minimum charge described above. - -'i k ý -questions. 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