PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY. APRI L 17. 1985, WIITBY FREE PRESS RAL STATENEWS IStarter home seing for'$ 79,900 Gerry Whattam, Manager and Associate Broker, ls pieased 10 announce that JACKIE SCHWARTZ ls now assoclated wlth the f irm as a Sales Representatîve ln the Whllby off ice. Mrs. Schiwartz lias resided ln the area for the pâst fourteen years and lias been active ln the business over the past year since acquiring her licence In AprIl of 1984. She lias previous sales experience wvith a large naional f irm and aiso has "people experience" gained tlirough working as ai barlender at a popular Oshawa club. Jackie enjoys volunteer work and lias driven for Chidrens Aid Society. She ls especiaiiy proud of her two teenage children and lier liousehlod f urîlier boass of one dog and two cats. Slie ikes auc- lions, reinisliing wood and swimming. Mrs. Schwartz may be reaclied at thie office, 668- 6171. or aI lier residence, 576-4418. Piease feei f ree to calilier witli ail of your reai estais needs. This three bedroom bungalow in solid brick is the perfect home for a young couple to start. It features a finished in-law basement apar- tment wîth four-piece bath, one bedroom, ful kitchen with stove and fridge inciuded, a rec room or living room with new ceramic tile floors with brick heatalator fireplace. The vendor has iooked after this home with pride. The home bas been totally renovated with a new roof in 1984. The heating is forced air electric, two years old. New broadloom throughout in 1984. Al new exterior doors with aluminum eaves and soffits. The lot is big and roomy with 50 foot fron- THE WEEK tage. The home is bright distance to downtown and cheery and shows to and close to transit. perfection. Just walking The asking price for 901 SIMCOE ST. NORTH OSHAWA, ONT. LI1G MW WHITBV 3 bedroomn bungalow. Priced to seil at $71,000. Caîl Fred Glies. 433-1114 321 MARLANO AVE. 579-0783 is $79,900. For more in- formation caîl Brenda Estate at 668-6171 or 576- 0558. Whitby fire cails were responded by the Whitby Fire Depar- tment for the seven day period from 8 a.m. Monday, April 8 until 8 a.m., Monday April 15, 1985. APRIL8 9:36 a.m. - 401 Reynolds St. Alarms ringing. 11:43 a.m. - 863 Knot- wood Crt. Fire in wall. Loss - $1,000. 1:43 - Front and Dufferin Sts. Grass f ire. APRIL 9 12:40 p.m. - 1400 Hopkins St. Alarms ringing. 2:59 p.m. - 2000 BoTn- dary Rd. Faulty com- puter wire. 3:39 p.m. - Regency and Hickory Sts. Grass fire. 4:03 p.m. - 324 Prince of Wales Dr. Grass fire. APRIL 10 12:53 p.m. - 700 Dunlop St. W. Lint in electric dryer. 1:07 p.m. - 1010 Dun- das St. W. Grass fire. 3: 00 p.m. - 635 Dundas St. E, Alarms ringing. 3:38 p.m. - 1635 Dun- das St. W. Aiarms ringîng. 7:56 p.m. - Thickson Rd. S. Check report of smoke. APRIL Il 1 SUPPLIER 1 SALES REP 1 CALI 0* tElIfRME AD 0 SiIAP SETS 0 INVEN70RY CARDS #CHEOTJES i I 0 BUSINESS FORYS e BUSINESS FOwMs O LABEtS * BROCHURES INVOICES S ANNOUNCEMENTS 0 NEWSLE7TTERS S RAISEEL PRINTING 0 CAlAI aGlES e TICK17S S011CR FORMS 0 INSTANT PINTING 0 CAI E NLARS e* No O 0ACRATCH PFUES g Goi.O SIAPN e BxiNCNA e COLiOR WORM 0ChCtATIVE EDESIGN 0 PMOIOGRAPLIY A COMPLETE PAINTING SERVICE FOR THE PURCHASING AGENT OR SUYER FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE . PICK UP IL OELIVIERY - COPY DESIGN & PREPARATION 12:19 a.m. -Hwy. 401, west of Lake Ridge Rd. Vehicie fire. Loss - $200. 1:05 p.m. - 904Walton Blvd. Resuscitator cali. 3:41 p.n - 126 Ash St. Grass fire. 8:07 p.m. - 115 Pringle Dr. Grass fire. 9:16 p.m. - 46 Chur- chill St. Assist am- bulance. APRIL 12 8:51 a.m. - 216 Palace St. Chimney fire. 10:27 a.m. - 315 Coibourne St. W. Resuscitator cail. 11:54 a.m. - 3955 An- derson St. Grass fire. 1:59 p.m. - 46 Queen's Rd. Grass f ire. 5:53 p.m. - 225 Hickory St. Assist with elevator. 5:58 p.m. - 200 St. Lawrence St. Power line arcing. 9:12 p.m. - 126 Ash St. Smeil of smoke. 9:31 p.m. - Hwy. 401, east of Brock St. Motor- cycle accident. APRIL 13 12:57 p.m. - C.P.R. and Brock St. N. Grass fire. 1:00 p.m. 4145 Country Lane Rd. Grass fire. 3:40 p.m. - 913Walton Blvd. Resuscitator cali. APRIL 14 2:26 a.m. - 315 Coîbourne St. W. Medical aid. Medical aid. 10: 08 a.m.- 30 Elizabeth Ores. Assistance to ambulan- ce. 12:37 p.m. - 4560 Thickson Rd. N. Grass fire. 2:37 p.m. - Front St. Grass fire. 3:16 p.m. - 59 Meadow Cres. Vehicle f ire. Loss - $1,000. 3:41 p.m. - 601 Dundas St. E. Medicai aid. 5:16 p.m. - 600 Henry St. Alarms ringing. 5:19 p. m. - Lake Ridge Rd., north of Hwy. 7. Assist Pickering Fire Department. 7:20 p.m. - Lake Ridge Rd. and Victoria St. Smell of gas. ASHBURN 1 ACRE Cliarming village oider home, weii mainiained, 4 bdrm., 2 bathi, country kitchen, inground pool, barnigarage. $119900. Owner wiii hlod 100%.lai morigage. BROOKLIN POND & STREAM Spacious 4 bdrmn home witli 3 firepiaces, loft, lamiiy room .- kitchen, parly room, maids quariers or in-iaw potentiai. Ten wooded acres in excellent area. $199,000. for a quîck sale. COUNTRY CAPE 10 acres, Ciaremont. Cliarmfing 4 bdrm. home withlarge country kitchen. sunken famiiy room witli waikout 10 deck and soufliern exposure, main f ioor iaundry and sunroom. Ouaiity tlirougliout plus hiorse barn. $21 2,000. To Inspect any of the ebove cal Jeannie Sherdan et 640-4151 or 852-6959. m