Whitby Free Press, 17 Apr 1985, p. 23

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 17, 1985, PAGE 23 300 WATT car Inlegraiad amp, braad new, neyer used, $195 lana peur mrralyl. AMFM digital dlnplay canelle radia, new, $75, 300 Watt 6,x,,olypropylena wiih Ferro fluid, incredibie sound, worlh $250, nsai $100, silli seaued wilh ana peur currunly. Cali 668-4838, anytlme, ((pie. PANASONIC 8" B&W TV, ACIDC la ery go04 candition, $75. Hot caler feuler Imine type 220 volt, $55. Hend winch 3200 LB capacliy, slurdy seel ges, reerslble Wbrak, $150. Phone 22-8780. 1973 MERCURY MARQUIS, 4 deor, 429 c. la., AC, AMIFM 8 irack siera, 5 gaad ires, as 1, $400. Ase 16 ce.fi. freezer. $150. Eercise equlpmani, $95. 683. 1094. GIRLS CLOTHîNO sua S5 la 6X. lndividuuiiy priced, udding up la $80 or ail for $50. Breokla 655 8764. ANTIQUE PEDESTAL siak, unique ad vamp beauiful, large version oui ai the aId Kng Ed- ward Hatl, cames wlh unique' anique brss flisiras. Muei be sean, $280. Cali 571-3636. BEAUTîFUL had crnad parior chairs (rom Scotliad, sel af (our, mini condition, $125 eaucl. Ase anique heaay silvrpilae silver cure ad casa "Vcorien Rosa" lWmn. Rogers & Son), 52 places, $225 or beni aller. Cali 729-6970 bera noon or aler 4 p.m. DISHWASHER, Sars Deluaa prable, chopping block top, goad workiag condiion, $165. Eeclric race car sel. ovar 100 fi. ai rack, 6 cars, 2 trnsarmea, lap coualar, muny anirus, AFX & TYCO, $as. Hast circulutiig irapluce gral, $15. Cali 576 7697. VCR SONY SL 5000 Bea, may raquIra baud, s l, $100. Girls skaes, size 11, $10. Hockey hlmel, Cooper CSA, 6¾4-7V4, $15. Twa hockey siahs, Hockaye (-5) and Viciorlalia lBI(-, $5 sach. Flding slap slaoi, $5. Seul cavrs far 5W ton, new, black, $15. Soany lurile swiccing pool, $5. F111 and Spiash swimming poal euth caver, 12" deep n 5' diamaier, $25. Lnlera Ruy-O-Vec sparisma, $20. Camping loi &est, $2. PC. hourd hobby ki, $10. rufliig tes square, $5. Phone 66-86178. KITCHEN SET 5"x36" oaal lubie wiih chromed nteel rame and ouh look lamlnaald top, Ilika aw and taur chrome chairn cilh durk broca soit upholnlery, $150. Bell antique pump orga Circa 1850, excellent condition, $750. Caîebrîîy eleciric lypecrilar, ea- cellent condition, $150. VAndea rackiag chair, $50. Phone 655. 3545. FOR SALE mlnk siole, $250. Fu leaglb plaie glass door mirror, 5 fi. n 2(., $30. Bath accassarlan. 3 place, whute porceauin and chrome, $20. 3/ Continentlibad, $50. Phone 666-3516 or 66890029. FOR SALE skis, 195 cm., Look bIndings, $45. circuler nuw, Back and Dacker, $35. Fhone 4334689. ACORN ELECTRIC irapluce, $40. PralasSloaal hir dryer, $50. Saurs aldec, arcade plus il Alani gamtes, lacludiag Pcma. Tepecorm and Dalandar, $175 or besi aller. 576-6592. CAR STEREO (AMIFM cuns.l and 1 (pair) 6a9 "Speakers 200 wat) car sierea IAMIFM cassette) plus a pair ai 6"x4" 200 wail speakers. $75. Brand nec wilh one year guarunlea. 200 wail, 7 bad oqualizer booster. 4 Speaker hoak-up, $50. ((pie, 668-4838, anylime. CHROME TABLES, nmoked glass, 1 colles lubie, 2 eaU tables, 2 bruach tables, net $250. K(itchen tabe, 2 chairs, black wraughtItirn, $150. Ail Iems ex- cellent condition. 427-7069. FOR SALE 9 drecer wood dresser wiih mirror, $10001r besi aller. Cali aller 7 p.m. or ceekea- ds, 655-3729. FOR SALE ico heaay dalp mrk banches, woodea, ona - 6x3x3 test, und oaa 7'hx3a3 appro. dimension, $25 each or bat of- fer. Cali 655-3729 aller 7 p.m. FOR SALE elephone anscerIng machine Sapo TAS 3000, $100. Seers slerao syslem, $100 Boys 16" bicycle, $50. raniag hourd, $10. Cai 434-6474. FOR SALE i coodeanshed, lOalOD', shiagled roof, $150. Cal 68663180 aller 6 p.m. -PLEASE READ- When the advertised item is sald. dsposed of, or unavailahle for whatever reason. the itemn wili be deemed t0 have been sald and a commission wil be charged based on TIE AI)VERTi5Ei> PiOICE as illusrated belaw, regardlessa f price is slated with -hest 0(er- If Ihe item is NOT SOLO, or disposed af. the ad wiii he run for :l MiNTIIS and a MINIMUM CHARGE af 57.50 wilI apply payable i advance of publicatian af the irai ad The abave minimum charge iii hc applied la the final commissian due. Maximum coimmission $1i0.00, Ail adver- isementsi must he placed aun an exclusive basis mth the WIIITBY iFREE PRESS and rua ai leasi one manih if nol sold RATES (If article la seid : 5% af advertined price apteo 8400.00 2% ai balance ever $400.00 EXAMPiE: Seid Item advertlsed fers ise.oo.t'ammissian duec 7.50 i(minimum charge in 97.50) Priante advertining anlyl Pieuse ntify tie Whitby Free Press immediuteiy ehen iem ta nld s0 thal vie muy delete it frnm Uhe fahieing iseue. Ahl ads nt fitting tse Emporium guidelinea iii ha treuted and ciarged per week as regeler ciannified ad ona a pre-paid hais such as: services, heip canted, cithing, reai esiate. and persernil message type adn, ar ada nat quotiag price er quuntity. Privule clasnified adn muy uppear in the Emporium snection under apprapriate headings.- ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERVISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Bx 26" Witby. LIN SI Si ln daubi ceau: 668-6111 131 Breck St. N. Whiiby, Ont, THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIUAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. DURO LAUNDRY tub pump, us nec, $65. Pase load equiizlag hiich, 1" bars and extra parts, $110. Hoover uprIgbi vacuum, $30. lana eieciric brenh. as nec, $50. Viking elaciric braom, $10. Luanrouler, 18x24, culer illad. $30. Rouler 518 h.p. adcauna, $50. Caxe, 14 il. ibergiana, 36" beam, 13" depih, as nec, $175. Phone 655-4003. 12 BUDGIE breedi ng cages loi sale. Complnetsuih neni boxes and aqipcaai, $10 xuch. Phone 668-4521. HOUSïEHOiD eD N USC ËN rnnn-q STUMENTS LIVING ROOM PACKAGE, con- KIMBALI OROAN cilb beach, sisling ai sala, chair, racker, pur- excellent condieion, fli iy Otoma icailealabil and imo kaphaurd, bans peaui, auiomuiic end lubIes, excellent condition, 6 charding and rhythms. Ankieg conlhs aId, $700. Phone 576- $750. 668-3203. 3893. FOR SALE Prestige clarîniel, OAS STOVE 30" Hardwick gas cade la Czchosioxakia, an- aiaae excellent conditiona. 275. cellent candîiin, used lai ml0 2 Phone 66-2014. yars. comaes euh dluxe cane. askîng $200. Cal662588, FOR SALE bufetland huich. $8a. China cabinet, $75. ima acali tables. $25 and $35. Mapla hall lubIe, îllaished, $250. Dropinai guielag table. reliaishnd, $225. Two chairs. $15 euch. Two kil- $60 API Tlaphone 683-6630. ARTMENT SIZE cunher and dryer, Saurs Keamora. heap duip, excellent condiion, askieg $750 or besi aller. 7256255. ALICOT aluani car neai, lmosi DISHWASHER. like nec, Seara nec, used for 4 maaihn, shrl (encore. hernani gold, $280. Cali $35. Call 668-7606. 571-3636. CRIB SET greenad chute. an cludea: loypad boiloc sheain, .~ RI E piiioc, reversible bumper puds FFR A E and comiarler lielaphanl motîif. Z F RS L Brand nec, neyer esed. $60. Çail BXTA Rfrsl,48I Kim 663260. Asking $295.Phone 579-4212. ORGAN Vamalia C405, nc con- dition, 1/Ià eaeuin0113.nec $4.500, askiag $2.900, Phane 6864713. ORGAN, Yamahu modal A-505, double kaybard, pedals. la- dadaes beach and books, aalya year aid and la excellent con. dition, $950. Telephane 623-4124. MUST $611 1974 Gibsan ripper bae4 cap lone swiich. cupie wood. groaer beys. uary good candition, hurd shahl cana, $360. Also 1981 El Mapo imitation sirua casier meal pick gurd, cherrywcod laga bar weuh bard shahl case. $275. Cuil Karen 723- 2579. FOR SALE Hummond eleciric organ, complaescilS baacb, ea- cellent condition, asking $300. Phone 668-7472. FIVE BF. GoodrIch Alil Terrain R..L irea 078x15, i nec, 4 wilh 1,000 milan, $450. Four Seanon Masier Alil Seanon R.W.L. irea P23517OR15 radiais wilil 2,000 milan, $400. One new Edlebrock SP2P aiaminum Inlaka maniflid wilh Insllation kil for stmait block Chea, $225. Oaa Chea Oundralel 4 bbl carburalor, $25. Floe nain laciory nilicone plug cires lar amail bocki Chrynier, $20 each. Oaa new Chrysier producin liala model AMIFMV MPLX nereo radia, $75. One Molorola AMIFM MPLX cannelle in danh unt) punh ballon iualng, auo reaerse, universelaitii$150. Phone 655-3266. FOUR CAL-CHROME 14 Inch meg rima, wih ceaires, wiih 4 brand nec Brdgesloaaeleel blied radiais (60s), already mounied on rima. Mini condition and look as Il lbey hiane nener bean used. Alil(or oaiy $650 chich la chatil cen cosi yoe for only 2 ai a custom car store. Phone Chrîs ai 655-8902. 1977 PINTO Wagon for partn, .1111 la running condition, nec steel belied iras, $200. Phone 579- 4212. FORD 289 rebuiii molor, $300. Two cragar mags wilb good ires, $200. Phone6687548. FOR SALE 2 iras an rima, bien ply nalely, 99 nylon, F78-14, like nec, aaly 7.000 km., $50. Roof top carrier, 46'a3n1l2. lis Aspea Carrier, $40. Dense loamn rabber, queea suze,$40. Calil668- 9113. 1983 VAMAHA OT 125, liqaid cooied, ica siroka, $900 or besi aller. Phone 668-4093. 19ai HONDA 900 Custom, 18,000 kms., Rew enhani ltires, iuna-up, angine guerdn, baciresi, car- illed, $2300. Phione 686-1795. 1980 TR7 convertible, excellent arginal condiion, AMIFM Isierao, lag lampa, Brtish green, 2.0 lire angine, 5 spead, only 29.000 km., cerIlled, askIng $5875. Cuil 576- 7697. 1979 GMC VAN V8, 305, vel minlainad. lalerior - carpel, bed, siak and cabinets, cerliflld. Asking $4,000. Phone 680263 aller 6 p.. 1979 LADA ana owner, esklag $500. Ceil 576-0961aller 5:30 p.m. 1979 VOLKSWAOON Rabbii, 2 door, 4 speed, A-i condition, $2,500. Phonoe666-271. 1975 FORD hall-ion, 6 cyliader, as laS$M0. Phase 434-6406 or 579- 0669, ask for Tlm. FOR SALE 1974 Oldacobîle Dlla 88. Askiag $750. Phone 579- 4212. 1974 FORD CaurleriMazda Pick- up truck needs bed, gas tank, 1 rani leader and wlndshleld, bas nec brakes, nec eahaasi rani (o rear and ico nec rocker panaIs lnsialled, aia 4 white spoka cheels and siep bumper. Most ai body mark compleled, $575 or o(- fer. Phone 282-8766. 1973 MUSTANG, lully loaedd. Askiag $80 or basi aller. Phane 666-2734 aller 6 p.m., waekends unyima. 1967 CHEVELLE Conaertible, 283V8 angine, goad luel aconomy, aaiy good condition, aery lilile ruai, auhauni sysiec ln greul shape ad neadn nec shocks, must sali, $2.100. Phone chris aller 6 p.m., ai 655-6902. PONY Reg. 112Arab. iV2 Wash.b,ý chute miii gruy cane and lait, 13 Sick Rooin peurs. eacellent Jumpar, greau poay club prospect, neada good Equipinent home or wloard Akiag o an S rv Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our low advertising çates just because you have 4E~'4~s j questions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear Up many of your questions - if not, do cail 668-6111l and we'II be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. If you: *are a private advertiser; *have an article [o sel;- and, *have a specîf ied asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details i. Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months i. A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $750 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT seil within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your Y article will seli, but where else could y-u get three months advertisi ng for only $750? When your article selîs, a commission is charged, based on the advertised prîce. Com- mission is: 5% Up ta $40; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the - minimum charge described above. r -* - - - - - - - - - -- - ------- 1 have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have the following advertisement placed under this section of the Whtby F'ree IPress. 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