PAGE 2,WEDNESDAY, APRI L 17. PJ5WUITBY FREE PRESS Incomplete ho uses could become a thing of the past if Joe Bugelli bas is way, substandard and incomplete bouses will be a tbing of the past in Whitby. The West Ward coun- cilor was successful iast week in persuading Whitby Town Council to find the means necessary to require builders to put up a $3,000 deposit with the town to ensure that the homes they build will meet acceptable stan- dards. Under Bugelli's proposai, the builder would get bis deposit back when the town issued the occupancy permit signifying that the bouse was properly completed. The chairman of the operatioris committee said that he put forward bis motion " out of shear concern and frustration." He toid bis collegues that he knows of too many cases where builders have not com- pletely finisbed a home ~FOR QUALITY AND VALUE Z~7~ Q ~ACTORY CHOOSE FROM OUR LARGE SELECTION 0F EXCITING FABRIOS AND PATTERNS IN SOFA, CHAIR, SOFA-BED, LOVESEAT AND SECTIONAL DESIGNS. DESIGN THE STYLE 0F LIVING ROOM FURNITURE THAT SUITS YOUR NEEDS AND PERSONAL TASTE. WE'LL CUSTOM-MAKE VOUA ORDER AT A PRICE YOU'LL FIND VERY AFFORDABLE. WE'RE THE MANUFACTURERS 0F QUALIT-Y LIVINGROOM FURNITURE -ALL WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED- DR. CUSH ION SERVICES INO. MON. TO FR1. 109, SAT. 10-6 1650 BAYLY ST, PICKERING (JUST WEST 0F BROOK RD., SOUTH 0F 401) DIAL DIRECT I8L 25 The LIBERAL Party stands for you and the things y want. We stand for yo!ur Ontario. On Mav 2, Vote Togethor we wiII build -an education system that gives students the skiIIs they need to get jobs -programs that create more jobs and job security. -a fair taxation system For information or assistance contact: CamDalan Headciuarters: 134 Comimerc poor job that things begin to fali apart soon af ter it is purchased. "This council must be able to do somnetbing," he said addlng that its proposai bas already had some resuits. Bugelli noted that a few homeowners in bis ward had been experiencing problems in getting builders to effect repairs to their homes. witbin days of bis suggestion making the newspapers, tbe builders bad repaired ail the problems. At bis suggestion, council referred the matter to Bugelli's committee for furtber study. Whitby, he added, is a fine place to live. "And 1 don't want people to say they are sorry that tbey came to Whitby," Bugelli said, III don't want any developer or builder to marr that image." And its up to the town to protect its image and its residents. "It's high time this council took it upon it- self to do something (about these problems)," Bugelli said, "'We have a moral, if not the legal, obligation to ensure these problems don't exist. " Whîle Coun. Joe Drumm didn't want to publish all builders for the folly of a few of their number, he agreed that the town should be im- plementing this type of policy. He also noted that it was in the builders' own interest to ensure that standard, for if they aren't, they won't be selling too many. "The building frater- nity can't ignor (these kinds of problems) because in the long run, they're the ones who are going to suifer," he said adding that this kind of policy would show that council "is going to deal with the problem." Staff is expected to report on the legalities proposai in a few weeks time. His proposai will also cause the criteria for the issuing of Oc- cupancy permits to be reviewed. Bugelli wants the criteria to include not just structural reqwirements but to en- sure that thinga such as kitchen cupboards and drywaill panels are correctly installed. Gmitrowicz says... Rent controls are killing comp etition "lgood politics but very, very bad economics" according to Eugene Gmitrowicz, the Liber- tarian party candidate in Durham West. Controls, he main- tains, 'have virtually stopped the construction of new rentai housing "at a great cost to the taxpayer". Taxpayers pay for rent control, Gmitrowicz pointa out, "lthrough new tax in- creases for the regulation of rent con- trol, for the loss of tax revenue and the phenominal cost of tax- payer subsidized rentai unita." The Libertarian says that free market unita taxpayer and are, in- deed, the lowest cost bousing available. Un- controlled buildings are profitable and generate tax revenues. Gmitrowicz believes that 1rent controls shouid be pbased out gradually which wil make the construction of rentai housing economically feasible. " He also says that "un- controlled units will drop in cost, while decontrolled rise to a fair market value." And only those with low incomes should receive any sort of housing assistance from tbe taxpayers. The Whitby resident also believes that com- petition will be the best regulator of rents. "'Government inter- vention is the worst as it kilis competitioli, creates shortages and raises prices," says GmitrowieZ. And, be can only find one reason for this situation. "Because it was good politics." Youth couneil meeting The 14th annual Youtb and Civic Ad- ministration Mock Council meeting will be held on April 25 at 7:30 p.m. in the meeting hall of the Whitby Municipal Building. Deputy cierk Mike Gazo told Whitby Town Council at its meeting last week that the mock council meeting was brought forward one week because the provincial election will be beld May 2, the day originally slated for it, Some 14 students f rom both Henry Street High Sehool and Anderson Coliegiate bave spent the last few weeks lear- nîng about municipal government and gaining an appreciati>n for its role in the community. Each of the students wiil be assigned a specific role to play during the meeting in- cluding mayor, mem- bers of council and department beads. The public is welcome to attend. FRIED CHICKEN And SEAFOOD Soon you'Ii be able to discovor the groat tas of Dlxi Les. You'il b. able 10 chooso from doliclous Fuled Chlckon, Engilih Stylo Fish, homomade salade and othor treals ail mode f rosh rlght In the alors. But for now you'il jusi have to watt, -but flot flor long. 1017 Dundas St. E. (beside Wlndm iII Donuts) WHITBY 4- find nrnhiems witn im-