PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, APRI L 17,11 )85. WVIITBY FEE PRESS Wo've moved! Corne and see us atour new location -119 BROCK ST. S. Oiust sauth of Dundasi We cash baby bonus choques. 1.19 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY, ONT. 666-1133 Andersonians busy working on their 1985 yearbook By LAURIE MELLICK Anderson C.V.l. You are sitting in the cafeteria, minding your own business wben... you are suddenly blin- ded by a flash of light! No, this isn't a nuclear explosion. That flash of ligbt bas came from a camera in the bands of a yearbook photographer. Yearbook photogra- phers are only a part of the yearbook commit- tee. At Anderson Collegiate the yearbook student-staff is beaded by Terri Cormier. Terri bas a very strenuous job since the editar bas the task of ensuring that everyane is daing bis job, that deadlines are met, and finally, that every page submitted to the printing company is unquestionably perfect. 0f course, even witb an editor and NEWOPENING TAKUMA AUTO SALES BUY-SELL-TRADE Quallty Used Cars Affordable Prices Certif led Newly Painted Excellent Condition '78 Toyota Corolla '79 Pontiac Grand Lemans '78 Mazda GLC '79 Honda ClvIc '77 Dodge Aspen '78 Ford Monarch .and manymg 12650 $4600 s25OO $2450 32400 13000 ore "DROP DY OR CALI CIIUCK" 841 DUNDAS WEST WH ITBY 666-4518 Mon.-Fr. 9A.M.-.9 P.M. Sat. 10A.M. - 6P.M. photographers, a year- book staff cannot suc- ceed in its purpose if there are no people ta design tbe pages. These people are called the "lay out staff", and in order ta please the en- tire school, the lay out staff is composed of students from ail grades in the scbool. Working tagether as a team, the yearbook committee sometimes perform berculean feats ta get tbe yearbook out on time; this inludes spending ail nigbt and ail weekends in exbausting work sessions. But always, pleasing the student bady, is the main objec- tive. Cansidering tbat the cammittee members receive noting but per- sonal satisfaction from ail their hard wark, one would bave to agree tbat a yearbaok member definitely bas the staun- ch dedication necessary ta get any job done rigbt. PoaSc ience Thal s how Rchard Oay described the Kînelîco tiîn- turbine soilner as ho wrote about IIlin theOclober Issue of the Popular Science, The Unique Kineico system s IuIIy automaîîc and uses no-electriciîy. Il marks on the Knetic energy oi Iîowîng aIer. assuring yeurs of preclsely rellable and et- l1ienI malur sofîenIng. For more Inormaion on Ihis remarkable producî call BROOKLIN WATER CONDITIONING INC. 53,BALDWIN ST. BROOKLIN 655-3600 6588 Attersley meets his future replacernent Mayor Bob Attersley will step aside as chief magistrate for a day an April 25 ta make way for Lorraine Huinink, a 17-year Broakiin resident and grade 13 student at Henry Street High School. Huinink is participating in the 14th annual Youth and Civic Ad- ministration Program wbere a group of yaung peaple from both Whitby higb schools take time aut ta learn about municipal government and its raie in the community. The highlight of the program will be a mock caun- cil meeting an April 25 at7:50 p.m. in the Whitby Municipal Building. Huinink says that she bas enjoyed participating in the pragram very much and it has given ber "a taste for palities". She hopes ta attend the University of Western Ontario in September ta earn an undergraduate degree in English befare starting a career in jaurnlism.Free Press Staff Photo DOTC students rented out for the day in aid of a worthy cause By ANNETTE DONOVAN DJenis O'Connor H.S. The dreaded student repart cards were issued Friday, Aprîl 12. However, the student council did its best ta brigbten student spirits this week. Monday was rainbow day,. Eacb grade was assigned a color which the students wore to à "enhance' the iiniform. The grade 9s wore green, the tens ware pink, the elevens wore yellow, the twelves wore blue, and the thirteens wore either arange or red. It certainly was a bright Monday. Tuesday was "Hire a Student Day". A grade 9 rented for a mere $1, a 10 for $1.50, an il for $2, a 12 for $3, a 13 for $3.50, and a teacher for $5. The proceeds were donated ta a charity. Wednesday, today, there was an Air Band Contest. Students dressed in the garb of their favourite band or singer and imitated their choice. The tap three groups will per- form at the dance ir, coming Friday evening. Friday promises ta be the highlight of the week as it bas been declared Beach Boys' Day. The students are ta dress in beach attire - suitably, of course. Beacb Boy music will be beard in the cafeteria and the theme will be carried over ta the dance in the evening. DO'C welcomes ACE D.J.'s ta celebrate this social ac- casion. It is boped that everyone will enjoy the culmination of a very different week. DID YOU KNOW? HOME HELP -We can nelp you stay et home by provldlng MEALS and LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES To f ind out how.we 571-3501 Can help you cali 9urnsice /cJeilLj PRIVATE DAY SCHOOL GRADES JK -8 "QuoIity Eduicion l sma// fomily almosphere. Featurlng: *Officialiy llsted with Ministry of Education @Smail pupil-teacher ratio (15:1 oriless) *Indlividualized teachers *Enrichment and remedial heip @French lessons for ail grades *Recorder lessons starting at Grade 2 *School uniforms 'Four page detailed reports three times a year @Parent-teacher interviews after ail reports Corne and visit our display at the Sheridan Mali during Education Week - April 21 to April 27. You're also welcome to visit us at our school. 683m9827 Salem Road, Ajax (3 miles north of Hwy. 2, slightly east 0f Harwood) *BUY NEW & USED *SELL 9RENT OFFICE FURNITURE *LEASE SH EL VING LOCKI S GRýANT fJl SFIL AES