Whitby Free Press, 24 Apr 1985, p. 28

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PAGE 28, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2.4, 1985, WIHITBY FREE PRESS WHITBY'S MOST W1DELY READ SAl E ONALSI ~~3j~OEj3 q3~cE L GGE ÏZ UlL I HUGE GARAGE SALE somothiog for sneryone, AprIt 27 and 28, 9 - am. to 5p.m.,313 St. Lawrencs THE BAHA'IS 0F WHITBY st., Whithy. 1 present... UNEMPLOYMENT HELP CEN- TRE: Nssd heIP? Wrtsr' com- pesstioO, Wsitrs, OHIP assiOsace, uosmpioymsol In- aursoce, or Cris frsirtsata oihsrsgsOcisa, csi: 579.1821. PROFESSIONAL drsfting sr- vices. Nsed "pas" torsa permit? cait 668-2426, Architeicitri Dsaigo and Construction. 1GRAMMER for peope who haie gramttrlt he Idsai pocirsi rstsrsnce book far businesas people, $395 pet capy andt saiilabis ai Dicheon Prlotiioa& Office Sappies i he Aise Fiaas. osaier enqirise 00ustd 6831968. C NNOUCENTS CONGRATULATIONS oyoar iorihcomiog mariags. Pissas iew aur ampesaai sngravsd weddiog Invitations at your isisurs on aur Aax Fiais store. ickson Printiig & Office SnP- pilsa,683-968 ARTICLS FOR RENT TYPEWRITER rentai, msny makes and modela. by the weeksnd, week or manif,. Discounnta ansisbie. Dickson PriniiOg & Office Supplie&sIn the Aa Fias. caîî us for tuinss machins rpairs 6831968. REDUCEO TO $115,9001 Aul brick 4 bsdraam oecuttno homo ln àWhitby. Basîlll i tchen wsuS oaktcuphoards gairo, 2 saikauls ta cnsiom design spltt.isnsidock and hut-in 15,30f. hoated pool. Phono 686-1844 for appinimont GARDEN PLOTS for roni, 30ax5', Garrard aiet oaaisnd. $15. Cal 668-11168 C cr F REE FREE: Drap ino th1e Ockson Printing & Office SUPPIY atore in the Alax Plais and pick up a res copy ai their 1985 Mt c caien- der. Priniotilo iso colaursn Il makea tnr handy rets once 683 MER.MAIDS (584361 Ont. Ltd.l Specisiiziog lo campiste home aod ofice clssniflg. Insured, res estaiise. Ait work gnrsnieed. Aiao grass cttIng, trimming and genersi msioiainance. 666-2237. LAWN SERVICE cuttIog, edgiog, irimmIng and cuitiosiiflg. C811 6553791. THE FAMILY aod Marital Therapy Centre provIdIng iamiiy, marital and Individuel iherapy and divor- ce medisiion. 434-7815. (PAMYMNTSI CODSFRRENT ONE DEDROOM APARTMENT on amait Whtby building. Aduta oiy. tociades rdgs, tone, hydra and parlnti. cabis TV and tenndry isciltiese ansisbis. Phono 668-6372 bstwesn 9:30 &.m.and5 pm fFO RqENTr WHITBY OFFICE SPACE tor reot an proesasiotisi tioor. Wouid be sutabis for awysr, accunotani, stc. lient incndlea aitu illtiesanad la osgotiabis tor an appropriais tsoant. For further Information caii 668-6372 beiwssn 9:30 s.m. and 5 p.m. Mondsy ta Fnidsy. SEASON SITES avaiisbis In s quist iamiiy camp graundodn Trent - Sysiom. Goati tshing, rscreatian halt rIsodiy campera. ApproxaslY 1 Sauf r ion Oshawa. Locatod 3 miles oorth ai Lindsay ait Highway 35. $525 pst seasan. Apine Camp Grounds, 1. 705-324-6447. :FFORIDA VACATION UVR 'A Candin éitPar disarwator - Thres bedroamn mobil homs. Hatedpools, tenonis, cose ta bsaches end welcams i(1esa than moisi Oroami 683-5824 SUPFOLK RAM MacTaggart WG93N 300647, 3 ysars oid, Proiiiic producer ai excellett ambe, tar sais or souid cansider change tar imiiar sommai. 655 Whitby, Saturday, April 27, 10 arn. to 3 pr LIMITED AMOUNT af garden thtr'îa for sale. aspberty. 25t. sire. ,berry, 154. Asparagus. 25t. Ried lihubarb, HorssradIsh, $1.50. .IueS pruco 20", $5. 12", $2. Multiplier offiana, 50s. Forsythia, Peonies, Liiac, Iris, $2. FewaSp. pie, pear, peach, cedar, pins, spruce,oask, rmapis. More loto. 655-4525. c.H.I.P. PROGRAM. Oniy 342 dayasuf. For a ires esoimais caii 1-800263-3204. DONT LISTEN toansyons ase, ws psy top dollar for ocrap cars and trucks. 6689712. FOR SALE 1983 Pontiac J2000, four door, autamatic, suoroat, Pianeer AMIFM cassettis,tsar detrosi, 40.000 km., greai con- dition,$7,895.668-8513, 868.4124. 1981 ce 850 custom tonda. bougit nsw Io 1982, 12,000 km., excellentt conditian, burguody calont witil matchIng Beii Tant Star heimnet, $1,8&90. Phane 668 0832. bsatiiiul condition, as miisags. Michelin tires, AMPM slsrsO, sunroot. nes pint, spieses ln- teloro, excellent buy, $2.60 cet- ti1isd. Evonioga and weesirsd, 725-3479. 1977 P10 OATSUN Hsichbsck, nsw malor, 2 new tires, $450 irm. as ae. Phone 725-1521. 1976 CHEV MALIDU 2 dont, good conditionl a mlioags, ps., p.b., AMîPM radia. 6839621. 1932 VAMAHA Herlago Spocisi. excellenlt condition, $1,000 irm. Phone 668&7419. UIorId Pcacc .uniting "the nations and peoples of the world." DATE: Saturday, May 4,1985 TIME: 8:OOp.m. PLACE: I.O.O.F. Hall 211 Brock St. S., Whitby, Ont. Free admission and refreshmeflts For information, eall 668-7653 or 668-8665 ih ss aih Mntn h a.m. to 1 p.m., $10'. Aprii 27 Co- coanssliio; MaY 4 Ssii-hs0aiios; Msy 18 Bach iiawsr rsmsttisa. yoga snsry Manday andi Thur- sdiai evniog, $6. Pins Ridige Centre, 683-3864. daii tar aur caiendaroftenenia. CARPENTING SURPLUS. Savs ta 60%. aaiiders and idecoratr quaitis aiso iioariog. Med sisclino. One room ta shats hanse. At yanr convnence, prompt, iuiiy sarrsnltd proesasioasIinstlliation I tissirot. rs shop at home estimats. Csii 57948861. VISIT aur usti iuniture wsrshouae hy appaiotmetl. Big sainga on disaka, chairs, iliig cabinets, etc. Csil Dickson Prin- ing & office Supplies loasrrange an appaintett ta iew. 683- 1968. CHESTERFIELD aies, onesals. asclionasa, lsas than te price. Lrge seisctiin. McKeen Puroinure, 524 SIMCOs SiS., Osawa. 725-5181. PAINTINOS, Origion al1, saler- caiors, art casss anti com- missionos by R. Erest Jukes, Wiiias lion Gallery, 585 King Street East, Osawa, 5791101.ý 14 PT. ibrgias aat, 35 hp. Msrcary sieciri a atriMalr. Phone 655-4948. "HEROES ai the Bibis" coiourIng book saiilabis at DIcisan Pris- ting & Office Supplies, Alan Fiais, 683-1968. Dealer Inquiries initsd. worid..one hsart ai s ime. Fo, iteratare phone 668-8665 or 688- 7653. GEOTYPE press-on etering now on stocik at Ockaon Printltig & Of- ics Suppliesalo the Aisx Shop- ping Fiais. Large siectian ai styes and suzes. Why psy more torasamaler ahesi ai itisriag? 683-1968. SAILSOAT, 16 ft, x 6 It., woodeo hu compes with salle, nees some sort,, $300 or maire aiter. Ses fi aoytims la drinsssy ai 134 Hickory Si. N., Whiihy. iopp. Bsansr Lumbsri FOR ALL yaur Insuiaiiotl & air sssliig needa pins sir isakage inspection and ULiPPi. remsdiai mesares. Cali Mccissvs Lid.. Uxbridgs. 652-5051 or toit res 1- 800263-3204. hait price. McKnen Puriture, 524 Simcoe Street Soath, Osawa. 725-5181. Eiiiîpoyment DRYWALL Taper-Painier seeha worh. Asa leainred and auspsrl- dsd ceiiings. 15 yearas eperien- ce. Jim Tamiinaon, 723-92868. St. John Ambulance Theu ,ed rever igs CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRI., APRIL 26 6:00 P.M. Three mlles east of Little BrItain or 7 mlles west of Lindsay on the Lin. dseylLittie Brîtain Rd. The property of PAT & OLIVE DELAN EY of Kilrk* f ield (house sold, glveri up housekeeping). 10 plece Roxton maple dining room suite (8 chairs, oval table, hutch, excellent condition), maple cof tee and end tables, colonial gran- dfather dlock, Htachi apt. size washer and dryer, vinyl chesterfleild and chairs, Philipe con- sole colour T.V., 3 piece bedroom suite, fulser. vice of 8 royal WVor- chester (Kentmer Pat- tern), 3 h.p. Roper garden tiller, quantlty of bed- ding, amail applances. china and glass, 20 it. Citation Tandem housetrailer. Also con. signed, washstaflds, an. tique dressers, gold 30" Westinghouse stove, 2 door Westinghouse ilridge, alr-tlghl stove (glass doors), approx. 25 bicycles (ail types and speeds), 18 Il. Corsair tandem housetraller (luliy equlpped), 1979 Dodge 1/ tonne V-8 automatlc, quantity of coal o11 lampa, tools, china, glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 AUCTION SALE FRI., APRIL 26 6:30 P.M. Brooklin Communlty Centre, Cassels Rd. E.,- Hwy. 7 and 12. The sale Includes a 2 pace pine wiardrobe, 2 pace cup- board, Oak roll top desk, round oak pedestal table, Victorien Eastlake table, harvest table, Duncan Phyle table, plants ind side tables, china cabinet,- Curlo cabinet, amailicorner cupboard, set of 6 gun- stock chairs, set of 4 bowback chairs, plus otlter chair sets, oak dressers, plus other dressera, rockers, blanket boxes, Oak lern stand, plant stand, wicker hi-chair, marbie top waahstand, selection of beda, pins mantie chlida furnIture, stain glass window, mirrora, gingerbread cdock, microscopes, super selection of oid tin toys and wooden doit fur- nilure, wooden maple sugar molda, hotel ware, decoys and carvInga, selection of china and glass, boxlng bag, trac- tor lamp, brasa and cop- par weathervaiti, qulita, baskets, crocks, etc. The ilit goes on and on and on. Preview 4:30 p.m. Terma cash, Visa or ap- proved chque. AUCTIONEER EARL MACKINNON 655-3626 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisemeflt for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $600 for 20 words; every endeavour to for-ward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wiIl not be 14t each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding losa or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographie alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding aerrors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied BIRTHS, DEATHS - $700 for the first 100 words 12 each such replies. We will not be responsible for box number b error Up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. dinlwr. replies not called for within 30days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $800 for the fir- reject ail advertîsemfents. Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words - 12t each additional word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Cîassified Ads. Friday noon prîor to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12t each ad- AUCTION SALES- 40e per le. (No word ads allowedi. to insert or cancel EmporiumT Ads. ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NIJMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $200. The Whitby Free Press will make 668-611il MOLL4Y MAID "S3peielizing in Roue Cleaning For Parficular People" 666-2144 CALL CIRCULATION 668-611l (ROUTE CARRIERS EARN $$$I) -1

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