WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. MAY 1. 1985, PAGE 31 i .0 ~1 %UTOMOATV P ' 9PENALSI ;u;i AUCTO SALES THEABAHA'IS 0 WHfl INSTALLATION of waer labs, oulside or In garage, $30 plus malerial. 6682189. UNEMPLOYMENT HELP CEN. TRE: Need ielp? Workers' com- pensallon, Wellare, OHIP assance, Unempînyment ln- surance, or Crais reterrels 10 other agencies, oeil: 579-1821. LAWN SERVICE cuttlng, edging, trlmmlng and cltloating. Cal 855-3791. "GRAMMER for people who hale grammer slatire Ideal pooket reference book for business people. $395 per copy andl anallable at Olokeon Prnting & Office Supplies In thre Aax.Plaza. Dealer enqarles lnted 6831968. ÀÉ<KrAà m P /iI GIGANTIC GARAGE SALE Salarday, May 4. Rais date May 5, 9 ar..10 4 p.m. 77 Hariand Cros., Aax. Treasures from 4 familles. WHITBY Nearctlc Court Yard Sale May 4, Gant court sale, In- cludlng red ktchenstov0e ($100). plcniC table, boye, games, lur- fibure, 25 Il. TV aeraIB, size 7 white wooi coat wltft fou collar, and wetldry vacuam. 571-3325. IIUGE SEVEN FAMILY May 4 and 5 9 ar.m la 6 p.m., Ashbun Rd., Brookln, signa posted, sports equipmenl, baby Items, ciothIng, hoasehlod, aulomotîne, furnilure, bookrs and Isys. 810 YARD and Garage Sale. SomethIng for enaryone - #Ids 10. 9 ar.. Salurday, May 4, 401 Henry St., Whitby. GARAGE SALE Satarday, May 4, 10 ar.m.10 3 p.m. Rais date -Sun- day, May 5, 24 Ingrarn Court, Whiby. DON'T LISTEN 10 anysse aise, we pay top dollar for scrap cars and trucks. 68-9712. 60 Things are flot as b:d as.they are painbed and Charlie le now et Dicksan Printing &à Office Supplies smiling t the many plaesnt assitants. Il.USTDA 8316 GARAGE SALE Satarday, May 4, ATCE 10 a.m. to 4 p. .Somethlng for ~ FRSL SEASON SITES aalabie In a anryse. 72 PlIkInglon cran., - quiet famiiy camp grounfdon WlItby. FOR SALE golf clubs, rigirt fand, Trent Systam. 0004 fiahing, sadns w odsxios racrealon hall, lrIandiy campare. _____________ alg n cat, $100. Phx ons,68 Approximataiy 1 hour f rom bgadcr,$0.Poe68 Oshawa. Locatad 3 miles north f 4756.CO IN I Lndsay off Hghway 35. $525 par ~ V N S season. Alpine Camp Grounds, 1. CARPENTINO SURPLUS, sava 10 705-32443447. C.H.I.P. PROGRAM. Only 335 60%. Bulidrs and dacorator days lat. For a ree asîlmala clil qualitien also fiooring. Wida 1 800 263-3204. salaction. Osa room tc0 whole house. Ai your convenlanca, prompt, laily warranted ______________________ prfassionalIinstalation Il £ W PETS & I dasired. Frea sirop ai home CONGRATULATIONS on your eWIJPIIstLE nimate. Cali 579-88ai. Maarlang- Pleanu . a - ve Ourn, xp,,s 01 e "'a-"a FREE 10 good home, medium waddlng Invittions et your sizad feale dng. Cali 831-1703. lasura ln our Aies Plaza store. ickson Prining& Office SUP- plies, 683-1968. ES ~JFO REtLIOE T DOG In Asirbuinars witir a tanned face. 294-3964. TYPEWRITER rentai, many makes and modeis. by lira weekand, waak or month. Discounts avalable. DIcirson PrinlIng & Office Supplias in the Aax Plaza. Cli us for business machina rpaire 6831968. WANTED house for anI or 'h house In country, for respectabla couple wif h baby. wilf do al repaira, wIii conidar laklng cars of aider person. Cali 6554786 or 855-3914. 5qCCMMODIATON SI4ARED ACCOMMODATION analabie Immediatly. SuItabla for working tomate 10 share wilh othar. Room $50 waekiy with kil- chen privlages or room eand board $80. Absainer oniy. f i and aest. 668-0115. FURNISHED ROOM sutabia for #tudant or working prson, abr- stainar.Ilight kitlchen and iaundry privlges, aiso parking, near local bus routa. 668-4866. WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for ranI on professionel finor. Wouid ba suitabia for iewyar, accounlunt, etc. RanI includes ail utilitias and sa negotiable for an appropriale tenant. For further Informaion ceil 668-6372 balwean 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday 10 riday. 1881 CB 650 Custom Honda, boughl new ln 1982, 12,000 km., excellent condition, burgundy camai wth malciring Bell Tour Star helmet, $1.850. Phrone 668- 0832. 19806 AMAHA 400 Spaciel. asking $1.300 as sa, or besi offer. Phrone 666-3432. FREE: Dop imtoliraDickson Prining & office upply store in tira Aes Plaza and pick up a ran cnpy of tirir 1965 Mtric Caien- dar. Printad in two coinurs. It mukas for irendy rfarenca. 683- 1968. VISIT our used turnilure warahouse by uppoinîmani. Big saningo on dska, chairs, fliing cabinets. atc. CaILiDicison Prin- ting & Office Supplies la arrange an appoinîmant la iaw. 683- 1968. CHESTERFIELD suites, iovesaats, sacionais, lass Ihun W price. Large saiection. McKaan Furnlure, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshrawa. 725-5181. FOR SALE 6x ot el garden shed, good condition, $60. Two matching sofa chairs and Ot. toman, gond condition, $60. Phone 6687904. .present... .uniting "the nations ang .peoples of the world. " DATE: Saturday, May 4,1985 TIME: 8:OOp.m. PLACE: I.O.O.F. Hall 211 Brock St. S., Whitby. Free admission and refreshmen For information, cati 668-7653 or 668-86E ARTICLES FOR SALE POOL TABLE, 96x52, Snooker and Boston bale, cuas, scoreboard, $450. Lawnrnower. $75. Two green wooi rugs, 9x12 appros.. S20 aach. Poker table, $35. Green chestertieid. Hand mower, $65 . Oak raiiing,. $20. rapery tracke, Travers rods. Two wlndow air condillonars, $125 each. Tan spaad bike, $25, Phone M-84938. N]PLACE *Wearaea Canadian company seli ng qualiiy Canadian *made C.E. Jumleson produc * tasetlow maiorde prices. Cal viei us, 7284894 for discount. WATKINS produc. ftaaalaina. THE VITAMIN PLACE "HEROES nf the Bible" coinuring book avuilubla et Oicksnn Prin- ting & Office Supplies, Aes Plaza, 683-1968. Deler Inquiries Inviied. MATTRESSES and box springs et hall price. MuKeen Purnitura, 524 SImcoe Street Southr, Oshawa. 725-5181. ha Bahai faith.t world ... onie ieart ai Ililralure phrone 6684 7653. NEEI EXTRA MC CORNEILS AUCTION BARN rBY FRI., MAY 3 8:00 P.M. Three mles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lndsay on the Lin- dsay/Littie Britain Rd. A round oak pedestal d table (with 2 leaves), 2 oak china cabinets glass 3 aides>, 4 oak dling room chairs, 4 drawer wainut cheat-of- drawers, French marbie clock (wth bronze statue>, wooden ice box, f lat two-wali cupboard, 8 î, Ont. plece dînette suite, 4 piece bedroom suite, nts walnut parlour chairs, oak pariour tables, Dun- can Phyfe dlning room tables, apt. size piano, 6 5 new wicker table and chairs, 6 plece dînette suite, trombon, log investigata cabin qulit, Beaver table uniting tire ime. For saw, metal detector, 865 or 668. postcards, 1/2 tonne truck camper, 1972 Toyota statlonwagen (certifiled) D DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER ONEY? R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 BECOME A CARRIERI Hra's An opporlunity Io eare money for those thingo youve alwuys wunt- ad. A new bitte, cloihas, sports aquipment, tarea set, or lire irousunds of otirer naads ynu muy de- sire. Just e phase culi wili CALL CIRCULATION 668-6111 WHITBY FREE PRESS AUCTION BARN TUES.. MAY 7 6:30 P.M. Three mles east of Lttie Brîtain or 7 miles west of Lndsay on the Lndsay Little Britain Rd. Large quantity of new fishing roda, tackle and ac- cessorles, new too4 boxes, large quantity of new and used tools, bed chesterfleid, 3 piece bedroom suite, 3 h.p. Lawn Boy Iawnmower, 5 h.p. garden tiller, chest- of*drawers, single and double box sprlng and mattresses, Kenmore apt. size dryer, chester- fields, modemn dressers and ,chest-of-drawers, occassional chairs, cof- fee and end tables, large quantity of househoid Items. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 AUCTIONS FUN iFOR THE WHOLE FAMILY ________________ ATTEND ONE THIS WEEKENI1 NEW FLEA MARKET OPENING MAY 591985 HIýGHWAY NO. 12 SOUTH 0F THICKSON RD. VEN DORS CALL 668-7449 FISHING FOR A BARGAIN? NEW IN TOWN? -LUTUS PUT The big catch off TuUT fi is here every FRYQ r Veeke FOR Don't rock the *pOME WAb4 boat on costiy f jj Items, cali us! , .di-' WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111 E ON WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ ADI ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVEBTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $6.00 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box nuanhers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be 14t each addjtional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loss or damage hiable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographie ITS ETS-$.0frth is 0 od;1eec alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in pbiainbyn the cost of the space ocuped BdIRtHS A TH 70fr h is 0 words;1ec such replies. We will not be responsible for box number by the error Up to a maximum cost of the first insertion, replies flot called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the night to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $800 for the fir- reject al advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words; 12t each additional word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Frîday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12t each ad- AUCTION SALES - 40<t per line. (No word ads allowed ). to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $200. The Whitby Free Press will make 668-6111 Nwýý - - âà à à i-mff 1 668-4521, 'l forthcoming marriage. Please .I.- -, nmnln!% nt encraved lu