PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1985. WIITBY FREE PRESS Residents protest Kelsey's patio liquor license bid A new Whitby restaurant's bid for a liquer license for a proposed outdoor patio is meeting with op- position from neigh- bouring residents. At Monday night's meeting of Whitby Town Councils ad- ministrative commit- tee, Bill Lovelock of 121 Kendalwood Rd. rernin- ded the counicillors that when the K-Mart Plaza expansion was ap- proved, the developer promised the entire faciity would be closed at 10 p.m. and the lights in the parking lot would be turned off. And since Kelsey's Restaurant opened two weeks ago, the parking lot lights have been left on until 2 ar. III fought for 20 years to the lights turned off," Lovelock said, "now they are staying on until 2 a.rn." H1e also noted that al plaza stores were to close at 10 p.m. under the agreement reached Keisey's is now open un- tii 1 a.m. Lovelock in- dicated that he ceuid live with that, provided that the patio Was closed by 1 lp.m. The Corridor resident also used the oppor- the plaza management was failing to meet its obligations to his neigh- bourhoods. Loveiock noted that the fence is always in some state of disrepair, contrary to the agreement made with the residents. Also protesting the patio liquor license ap- plication was Bill Kirkton of 113 Ken- dalwood Cres. He told the committee that he was disappoin- ted that the town had not informed hlm of this ap- plication and that he had to find out through reading an article in the Whitby Free Press. ,II don't know how they got per mission to stay open until 1 a.m. when the rest of the plaza closes at 10 p.m.," he said adding that his biggest concern was the noise that will be generated from 80 to 100 people "having a good time" on the patio. "it wili be just like, living next to a guy who has a pool party every night of the week," Kirkton said. Dennis Fox, of 10 Kir- by Cres., told the cern- rnittee that the K-Mart Plaza was surrounded by residential develop- ment on three sides and that strict measures were needed to protect their interests. Fox wondered whether or not any en- tertainment was to be aliowed at . the under the town's byiaw entertainment is defined to be practicaliy anything inciuding strippers. After listening to the residents, the commit- tee said that whiie they sympathized with them, the final decision on the application rests with the Liquor Licensing Board of Ontario. Mayor Bob Attersley said that all council can do is recommend to the L.L.B.O. whether or not to grant the license and under what conditions it should be issued. The committee has recommended that Kelsey's application for a patio license be ap- proved provided that no alcohoic beverages be served after 10 p.m.; that the patio be cleared by il p.m.; that no en- tertainiment or music be permitted on the patio; that the only access to the patio be through the restaurant; and, that the council be permitted to comment on any ap- plication to extend the patio hours. Attersley toid Lovelock, Kirkton and Fox that if they feel this strongly about the mat- ter they wouid have to appear at the L.L.B.O. hearing. That hearing will be held May 17 at 10 arn. in the Michael Starr Building in down- town Oshawa. SPECIlà L PURCHAÀeSE PRICE LOWER THAN OUR LOWEST '84 PRICES. Now's the time to buy!. Fans can help in Iower energy costs. Lower Lovel I mn summer it's cool breeze helps you keep comfortable. In winter it blends woarm ceiling 728m0922 air with cool floor air for comfortable uniform temperature. Discover the Warmth of Fine Furnishings at Pioneer Inte riors oshawa centre The LI'niimited Iiightinq Store.