Whitby Free Press, 8 May 1985, p. 23

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WHITBY FREEF RESS, WEDNESDAY. MAY 8, 1985, iPAGE 23 FREE PRESS E M PORI1U M Emporium Ads wiil only be accepted subject to the foliowing conditions. FOR SALE mlnk stole, $250. Fuit tength plaie glass door mirror, 5 fi. x2 il.. $30. Bath accesoorleo. 3 plece, white porcetain and chrome, $20. 3/a Continental bed, $50, Phone 666-3516 or 668-9029. PANASONIC 6" 6&W TV, AC/OC ln vry good condiion, $75. Hot caler heater Inllne type 220 volt, $55. Hand winch 3206 LB capecily. slurdy steel gears, reorsibie Wibrake, $150. Phone 262-8760. 1973 MERCURY MARQUIS, 4 door, 429 cu. In., AC, AMIFM B track stereo, 5 good tires, as la, $400. Aso 16 cu. Il. freezer, $150. Esercise equipmenl, $95. 683- 1094. ANTIQUE PEDESTAL sink, unique and very beauliful, large version out othlie oid King Ed- ward Hotl, comes wlt unique antique braso fitures. Mut be seen, $260. Cati15713636. LEATI-ER rocking chair, $25. Lined offwhite drapes cilS heavy duly drapery track, $50. Ail good condition. 66-5254. LARGE CHEST type freezer, 22 cu. il., cas te deiivered, $250. Also white gas stove, $50. Phono 668-0505. DISHWASHER, Sears Deluxe portable, choppiog bock top. g004 corking condition, $185. Electil race car set, ooer 100 fit. of track, 6 cars, 2 transtormers, pcortermany etrus, AFX & 'C,$9. Heat circuiting irepiace grale, $15. Cati 576- 7697. STORM 0006 atum. Porida type, 32050, 5 35. Three Chrysior rima, mounted P205-15 tires, $20 each. 0ne Firestonie 721 078-15, aimool new, $25. Phone 728-8953. NEW METAL garden shed in original carton, 81. a lIt., beige and broan, $159. Phono 6558870. FOR SALE pioc, 2 furroc, lor 3 point htch, like new, $25. Phone 655-4995. TWO COUCH SET pIned-based, ieclIonat, Over-tffed, browvn cordaroy pllioce, good con- ditlon, $375. PhoneB855-4059. THREE WHEEL, 3 opeed ladios bîke, asklog $195. Cati 668-1507 or after6p.m., 668-0825. COMPLETE EOUIFMENT 10 901 you startod in an asptalti drivocoy uoalng business, uood for Ico sorrmmrs, 00W $1.600, ciii sai for $1.200 or bot offer. Cal Watt, 66-1337. FOR SALE oks, 195 cm., Look bindingo, $45. Circular Sac, Black and Docker. S35. Phone 433-4689. ACOAN ELECTRIC trplace. $40. rotessiooal haie dryer. $50. Sears vidoo arcade plus 11 Atari games, tncluding Pacman. Tapeoom and Deoder. $175 or beot oiter. 576-6592ý VCR SONY SL 5000 Bta, muy require ead, as l, $100. Girls skates, Oize 11. $10. Hockey helmel, Cooper CSA. 63/-7V4, $15. Two hockey sticks, Hockeye (L5) and Vctoriaoilo(L6), $5 each. F014105 stop stool, $5. Seat coyoeslorth½ ton, nec, black, $15. Sonoy ftilte owimmlog pool. $5. F111 and Splasit swtmming pool wth cooer. 12" deep x5' diameter, $25. Lantero Ray-O-Vac sportsmnao. $20. Camping tollet 0001, $2. PC. board hobby kit, $10. atiing lasquare, $5. Phono 668-6178. CHROME TABLES, smoked glass, 1 coifee table, 2 eod tables, 2 bruoch tables, set $250. Kitchen table, 2 chairs, black wrought Iton, $150. AUI tems ex- cellent condition. 4277069. FOR SALE tco heavy duty wok benches, wooden, ove - 6o3o3 elt, and one 7,hx3o3 approo. dimension, $25 each or best of. fer. Cuit 655-3729 aller 7 p.m. DURO LAUNDRY tub pump, as new, $65. Reese load equalîzîvo hilch, 1", bars and extra parts, $110. Hoover upright vacuum, $30. lorlaetectric bruoh, as nec, $50. Viking etectric broomn, $10. Lawo toler, 16024, waler lited, $30. Router 518 h.p. and case, $50. Canoe, 14 Il. fiberglasa, 36' beam, 13' depth, as ew, $175. Phone 6554003. SEWING MACHINE for sale, por. table, g004 working condition, $45. Grls and boy'o bes, $35 and $50. Cati1683-6636. -PLEASE READ- When te advertised item is sold, dîsposed of. or îtnavaiiabie for whatever reason. te item wiii be deemed lu bave been soid and a commission wiii bcioharged based on TIE AIIVERTISEIS PRICE as lliutraied beiow. regardieso if price is staied with "best offer" If the item is NOT SOLO, or disposed of. the ad wiii bec run for 3 MOI7TIIS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of S7.50 wîil appiy payable on advance of publicationofo te first ad The aboverminimom charge wli ho applîed to the fioal commission due Maximum commission $10000. Ail adver- tisemeots mus[ ho ptaced oo an exclusive boots with te WHITIY FREE PRESS and run ai leasi one monthift 1 soid. RATES Ill article iboîd : 5% of udverilsed price op te 9400.00 2% ef balance over 8400,00 EX AMI'I.E: Sold Item ad verllsed forIt 1.66. ('emmlssioe due $7.50 lm Iehmurn charge ls 87.50) Private advertîsiog only! Please notify te Whitby Free Press immediaiely wheh item is sotd so taI ce moy delete il frenete fotiowing issue. Ail ads soi fitiieg te Emporium guidelines ciii ho treated and charged par ceek as regular ciassified adsoen a pre.paid basis sucit as: services, hetp wanted, clstiog, reai esiate. and persenai message type adoi, or ado net quotiog price or quaetily. Prîvale ciassified udt may appear in te Emporium section onder appropriale headîngo. ALI, ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. If ln daubt cal: 668-6111 OR DEIVER TO: 131 Breek Si. N. W tby. Ont. *TIIE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS TIuE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. SAL ~J MUNSIA FOR SALE telephone anscering machine Sunyo TAS 3000, $100. Sears storeosystem, $100. Boys 16" bicycle, $50. iroeing hourd, $10 Caii 434-6474. SUPPLIES 12 BUOGIE roodîng cages for sole Compile tîS lhnet boxes a04 equipmrnlnt$tOeach Phone 660-4521 PONY Reg. 112 Arub. 112 Walsh. chite citit gry mane and fail, 13 years, excellent jumper. oreol pony club prospect. odedo 000d home or wiliihord. Ashîng $600 Colt evoningo 64-5000. BOX TRAILER lot suie, 4e8 il. Asking $250 or 6001 ofler. Phono 579-4212. LIVING ROOM PACKAGE, coni- sisting of sofa, chair, rocker, par- ty Ottoman (coll e tabe) and las end tables, eocellent condition, 6 monthsold1, $700. Phone 576- 3893. GAS STOVE 30" Hrdcick gas 0100e eocelent condition, $275 Phone 668-2014. FOR SALE buffet and hutch $85, China cabinet, $75. Tco omuit lubies. $25 and $35 Mupie hall table. reiniohed, $150. Dropteul gateteg lubie. reinished, $175. Two chairs. $15 euch. Two kti- chen tables. wooden. $25 and $60. Telephone 683-6038. APARTMENT SIZE casher and dryer. Seurs Keomore. heuuy duly. excellent condition, asktog $750 or beot o9ierý 725-6255ý DISHWASHER, l:60 nec, Sears Keomore. harveot gold, $266. Cati 571-3636. FOR SALE Prestige clrinet. mude io Czechosiovakia.e. cellent condition, used lot oniy 2 yeurs. comes wiih detuxe case, uskîng $200.Culit 666-2500& ORGAN Yamaha C405, nec con- dilloe, t1/ yaars 014, 00W $4,500, aoktng $2.900. Phono 686-4713. MUST SELL 1974 Gibson rpper boss 4 cay lune switch. mapie cood. grooer keys. oery good condition, hard sheti cuse, $360. Aso 1981 El Myo imtation 01.010 c astor mtat pick gaurd. cherry wood itange bar ih hard sheit cuse. $275. Cali Karon 723- 2579. POR SALE Hummond etectrtc organ., completn with bench, ex- cllent condition. asking $300. Phono 668-7472. SAILBOAT. 18 il. o 6 il., cooden DINING ROOM SUITE, pins, Faut hui compiete cith salis, needo Bunyan collection, lubie 44"x75" some cork, $300 or make offet. 2 Captuin chairs, 4 regulur chairs, See Il anyime In driveeay eI 134 butteI and hulcit, minI conditon, Hickory St. N., Whitby. iopp. $4000, Phone 683430. Beaver Lumberi ATOMTIVE 1 ROOBIL U REPARSIR/PARTS FOR SALE FIVE B.F. Goodricit Ail Terrain R.W.L. tires 078x15, 1 new, 4 cilS 1,000 miles, $450. Four Soason Master Ail Soason R.W.L. tires P235170R15 radiule cit 2,000 miles, $400. Ose noa Ediebrôck SP2P oiuminum iniake manifold dt Installation kit for omal block Chev, $225. One Cheo Quadrajel 4 bbi carburator, $25. Fluesoets factory silicone piug wirefor smait block Chrysier, $20 each. One 00w Chrysier producîs (fale modeli AMIFM MPLX slereo radio, $75. 0ne Motorola AMIFM MPLX cassette (in dus unit) push button tuning, auto reverse, universal lit, $150. Phone 655-32M8 FOUR CAL-CHROME 14 loch mag rima, cit centres, wit 4 brand nec Brdgestone steel beled radiais (60s), aready mounied on rima. Mint condition and look as Il they have neoer bees used. Ail for onty $650 chich ls chat il cao cosi pou for oniy 2 et a custom0 car store. Phone Chris at 655-8902. FORD 289 rabuilt motor, $300. Tco Cragar mago cit good tires. $200. Phono 668-7546. FOR SALE tco tires on rimo, bias piy oulety. 99 nylon, F7814. 11e nec, oniy 7,000 km.. $50. Roof top carrier. 46'o43"x12", fils Aspen Carrier, $40. Cati 668-9113. 1988 VOLKSWAGON ounroot, good motor. tires, lendors, soeil for parts, $200. Cuit 668-8528. 1977 PINTO Wagon for parts, st n running condition, nec steel beited tires, $150 or beot oiter. Phone 579-4272, MOTRCYCEr1 V5aSALES/RENTALS 1983 VAMAHA DT 125, iquid cooiod, tco stroke. $900 or best ofler. Phono 668-4093. 1981 HONDA 900 Custom, 18,000 kms., nec eehaust, tires, lune-up, sngine guords, backrest, cer- 11110, $2,300. Phono 686-1795. 198 TR7 convertible, eocellent original condition, AMIFM stereo, 1og temps, Britishgreen, 2.0 titre engine, 5 speed, oniy 29,000 km., certif led, askIng $5.875. Cati 576- 7697. 1979 GMC VAN V8, 305, Wett maintaioed, Inierior - carpot, bed, siok and cabinets, certif led. Asking $4.000. Phone 668-0263 aller 6 p.m. 1979 LADA one owoer, askleg $500. Cati 576-096 aller 5:30 p.m. as la $80. Phono 434-6400 or 579- 0669, asklor Tic. FOR SALE 1974 Oldomobile Delta B&. AskIog $750. Phone 579- 4212. 1974 FORD CourlertMazda Pick- up truck nee4e bed. gas tank, 1 Iront tender and cindshleld, Sas nec brakes, nec exhausl ront 10 rear end Ico nec rocker panels Instlted, aiso 4 white spoke cheelo and step bumper. Motof body cork compiotod, $575 or oi- fer. Phone 282-8750. 1973 MUSTANG, liy ioaded. Aoking $800 or beot ofler. Phone 666-2734 aller 6 p.m.. ceokendo anytime. 1967 CHEVELLE Convertible, 283-V8 engine, good fuel economy, very good condition, very lit1e rosI. exhausl sytem in great shape and needo nec shocko, must oeil, $2.100. Phone Chris aller 8 p.m., ai 655-8902. 4!âpCON FUSED*? Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find thse advertising guidelines confuising. Dont miss out on our Iow advertising rates just because you have If you: 'aresa private advertiser; *have an article to soul; and, 'havesa specified asking price for your article then you can sdvertise under tho Emporium sec- tion (see guidelinos abovo for more details i. Your ad wilI run oach woek until the article has been sold (maximum throe months)i A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $7.50 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article doos NOT seit within three mon- ths, you psy only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate thst no newspaper can guarantee your article will seil, but -where else could yîîu gel three months advrtising for only $7.54«> When your article selîs, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described above. questions. Hopefully, the explanstion below can clear , many of your questions - if not, do cali 668-6111l and we'II be pleasetflWexplain the Emporium Section to you personally. ý" I have read the Emporium guidelinos above and wîsh lis have the following advertisemenl placed under this section oIf the Whitby Free Press.I ____________________________________________________ t f,,rgi- li ,îulthorphor torsi lt-r 1 enclose $7 50 lu cover the miinimum charge -harge $7-50 Io My Visa ieCCiunl fard %o. E:sI. titi, Nam r pifa...'prinie Addr-Sn City PiliCode MAIL. TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 5S1 Below are some examplesÎM ýyou would b charged if your article sold w< - hree months. Commissions shown indu tle minimum charge and are thus the QA AMOUNT PAYA BLE TP A ( %.ert ised Up lu j $ 150 $ 2(X)1 $ 400 $ 900 $1,000 $2,000 $500 nd up rYmil Amount Payable $7.50 S10.00 S15.00 S 20.00 $22.00 S24.00 S26.00 $28.00 $30.00 S32.00 $52.00 S72.00 -S92.00 $1 00. 00 ARTICLES ARTCE FOR SALE O FORSL MAIL AISW I: FREE PRIESSi EMPOIRIU'M PO. Bx 206 Whitby. LIN SI àêîtcaej'ie 1,; : -'iý M

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