PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY. MAY 15, 1985, WHITBY FREE PRESS Couneil won't objeet to Sunday patio op.ening at Kelsey')s A new east end restaurant will be allowed to open its soon- to-be licensed patio on Sundays, Whltby Town Council has decided. At its meeting Mon- day nlght, council par- tially overturned an administrative commit- tee recommendation that would have seen the patio closed on Sunday. Now cotmcil will recommend ito the Liquor Licensing Board of Ontario that Kelsey's Restaurant in the K- Mart Plaza on Dundas St. E. be allowed to operate the patio seven days a week providing that the serving of alcoholic beverages be stopped at 10 p.m. and It be cleared of patrons by il p.m. However, council concurred with the committee's decision not to permit either en- tertainment or music on the patio. Stuart Beeston, manager of Kelsey's, appeared before council in an attempt to assure the town fathers that his was a respectable, family restaurant and would not deliberately annoy residential neighbours with undue noise. 'II would like to assure you that Kelsey's is a respectable restaurant operation," he said notlng that 60 per cent of their business is in the serving of food. Beeston also noted that other Kelsey's restaurants throughout southern Ontario have patios, which seem to pose no problems to their neighbours. 1 We have been able to problems or incidents," homes are located he said, "IThey are well within 100 feet of both of policed, as it were, by these establishments. both management and The nearest private staff." home to Kelsey's la He also pointed out some 425 feet away. that at least two other "And that ls quite a restaurants là Whltby - distance for sound to The Lion and the travel," Beeston said. Unicorn and Kristina East Ward Coun. Joe Lee's - are allowed to Drumm, whose ward operate their patios on includes the plaza, told Sundays. Beeston also council that he had con- area and founid that the vast majorlty did not object to the patio or the restaurant. Whltby Town Council, however, doesn't have the final word. The Liquor Licensing Board of Ontario wll hold a hearing into Kelsey's application for a patio license this Frlday Dixije Lee opens Chicken and fish abounded when the newest Dixie Lee franchise opened its door at 1017 Dundas St. E. last Friday morning. on hand to taste the fare were Mayor Bob Attersley and Reg. Coun. Gerry Emm who are seen here with the Dixie Lee chicken and fish. Looking on is franchise owner Peter Tselios and director of fran- chise operations for Dixie Lee, Ian Bold. Dixie Lee specializes in fried chicken and seafood. Fe rs tf ht Try growiflg yom' own 'spuds 5 *-1 41 Potatoes in <Ontariom <re an economical boy in the store. "There's no reiti need ta graw ycîur own potîîtoes but same "green thumbs" have ai primeval urge ta grow a fev hilîs of potalaes in their own garden; truc sufferers get relief only from planting.' sîîys Sami Squire, trop advisor 1Ipotatîmesi1 for the Ontario Ministry oh Agriculture and Foodî's plant indimstry branch. Alliston. Ont. le suggests grawig twuî ex- cellent Canadian varieties. Yukon Gold and Sliepa)dv. Information on soulrces mif seed is available hy writing ta -i><tato-. Box 370, Allisttîn. Ont. LOM 1 At). rlPrepare yîiur potata row b: rto-tilling tii the de;th of h te tines. If possible thormiiîghly uvitter For each 1(1 ulaces af row the pltatimes once <i wevk. After bloom, the new set tî,bers will begin ta size. Whien you notice tiny cracks forming in the top) of the hill. reacli intu> the hili frrn the sidi and sec. if vou ian feel the new tîîbers. One or tva egg-sized tubers ian be stihn froni a hili eîirly mid boileci up for yo<ur enjmmN- iment. %vitliimit distîrbing the pmitati) tops). Lîter in the full uMien ihe vines miature. dig up arn% re- mîining poatîes and store thein in a dark. cool< plaît'. A cellar is ideal. Bake Yumkon (;ilil or Slepody poùituîis 1i 232 dligri'is Celsiums1450 ilîgrees Flbrenheit I vithaîmi foil jilsi îînfil tlîm' art- <sîki'd iliroitr and the akins mrt- icîsp. DELIVERED & OR INSTALLED iMles North Hwy. 2 ~Brock Rd., Pickerng length, sprinkle evenly a 455 millilitre I(10 ounce)I eau af 7-7- î commercial fertilizer and %York it in once with the tiller. Open îî trinch the depth of vour hoe and place %Vhale tubers the lengtlî of your shoe apîîrt in the row. Caver the tîhers shallowly by dragging youir heels îlong <<clisie if the trench. and putl a staki with the v'ariet% mime ai each end af the raw. Keep the patata rows about a Pace apart. While the potata tops are small. loosen the soul between the rows and pull up soil around the plants ta bill them. Contrai weeds by hoeing or rnulch with grass cippings. Use insecticide and fungicide dusts as req'iired t(> contrai in- seits and hlighit. uyle & smiI'I Spdlt SNO.* 1 ROSES.- SPECIAL s495 BIRCH cLUMPS - Reg. '75. May Speclal Only 166 ZPERENNIALS& ANNUALS - Large Selection N O - Hrocid, Ajax We do prof essional gardenlng, soddlng and garden renovating at reasonable rates. THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY '0 TOWN 0F WHITBY MUNICIPAL OFFICES CLOSED VICTORIA DAY MON DAY, MAY 20,.1985 WH ITBY TRANSIT The Whitby Transit WILL NOT be ln operation on Vic- toria Day, Monday, May 20, 1985. The Transit System wilI resume normal operations on Tuesday, May 21, 1985. We regret any-inconvenlence that may be caused by this action. R.A. KUWAHARA, P. Eng., Director of Public Works. 'EXPERTS Serving Oshawa and Area for Over 75 ears ----------- 1 16 Celiria sireet, Oshawa 1