PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1985, WHITBY FREE PRESS w up LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Fox writes premier to pro test maintenance yard EDITORS NOTE: The followlng la an open let- ter wrltten to, Premier Frank Miller by Kirby Cres. resident Dennîs Fox concerning the lack of an Environmental Assesarnent Hearlng on the proposed Whitby maintenance facillty for the GO Advanced Llght Rail Transît (GO- ALRT) system. Dear Sir: OTTNBRTE MENS WAR E. P Es50 Il 500.$0.0 * EYT IMUTB SOD Since hearing about bis faciiity six montbs ago, the residents of our area bave been in close contact with the Ministry of the En- vironment. We are very rnucb op- posed to the placement of tis facility. Witb its close proximity to residential areas, we are concerned with tbe very reai possibility of adverse environrnental factors. On bebaîf of tbe residents, I have presented Whitby Coun- cil, the Ministry of Transportation, and the Ministry of the En- vironment with a petition of 249 narnes - outlining our concerns and opposition to the placement of this 103 Dundas E. Whtby 668-3356 raiiroad yard. The residents are 100 per cent behind the GO- ALRT extension, however; we cannot ac- cept or respect the Minister of the En- vironrnent decision not to hold a public en- vironrnentai hearing on this rnatter. Over the last several rnonths, I and a nurnber of residents have writ- ten to the M.O.E., outlining in great detail our concerns. Many of our concerns are sup- ported by governrnent documents. We' have foliowed proper procedures and bave rnet the deadlines, set down by the Minîster of the Environment. With the Minister's last correspondence (Feb. 5) he States... "A requirernent for a hearing should be sent by registered mail or delivered to rne at the address given below and rnust be received on or before February 27, 1985. If no subrnissions are received by rne or no request for a hearing is rnade, before the above date, i give approval to proceed with the under- taking... Mr. Miller, we sent our request in on tirne and by registered rnail and yet, your rinister has not shown us the courtesy of replying to our request. We have read in the local press, that the Minister of the Environrnent has decided against the hearing. This lack of ac- countability and obvious lack of caring, shown by your governrnent, is not what I had expected. It is unacceptable. During election time, one has to sift through the political rehetoric, however, one rnust pay attention when a local P.C. candidate (Bob Boychyn) called a press conference to rnake the public aware of the "in- compiete technical studies and a short-fall in funding" that the GO- ALRT is experiencing. On April 17, you were seen. on TV., excusing the Minister of the En- vironrnent for is com- ments on the PCB spili in Northern Ontario, hecause of bis "inex- perience" Mr. Miller, I arn requesting through you, that our request for an Enviromnental Hearing he reconsidered. Realistically, what harrn can corne frorn having a hearing? Surely, if sound decision making and a safe facility are a priority, then ail would benefit frorn a hearing. 1 arn also requesting, through you, that I and the residents in the area becorne directly in- rnaking process. I arn also requesting that if there is any new technical data concer- ning this site, I would appreciate a copy. On behalf of the residents, I would like to thank you for any assistance or influence that you can offer, to precipitate an En- viromnental Hearing. I would appreciate a written response. Respectfully yours, Dennis Fox Whitby. Crow 's Nest mis leading, Emm says- Dear Sir: downtown Whitby if he I'rn writing in respon- would bave cailed me. se to the personai article Further if Mr. Kneii written by Michael wants to write bis per- Knell of the Crow's Nest sonal stories about rny wbicb appeared in your qualifications as a paper May 8. I found councilior I would this article to be strongiy urge birn to misieading. Mr. Kneii contact tbe bundreds of based bis comments on residents wbo cali me to another newspaper seek my advice and story. The author of that assistance. I'rn sure be story used tbe word would be surprised at "Dorne" it was not a tbe large number of word tbat was quoted by citizens who do receive myseif. The word dorne help when they need a was used as the base for councillor to heip them. Mr. Kneli's commenta Thankyou misconceptions he wan- ted to make about me.!I would bave been happy to have taiked to hlm on Yours sincereiy, Gerry Emmr Regional Councilior Town of Whitby. ATTERSLEY TIRE SERVICE PASSENGER &LIGHT TRUCKS BRAKES' TUNE-JP COOLING SYSTEM Oshawa 571-3400 HONEY BEAR DAY CARE CENTRE (Government Licensed Government Approved) NURSERY SCHOOL For oilidren 2 to 5 years old OPEN FROM 6:30 A.M. - 6 P.M. MON.-FRI. 52 Weeks a Vear Except Canadian Statutory Holldays FULL DAY, HALF DAY & HOURLY Minutes from downtown Whitby, just behind Stokley Van Camp THE NEW OWNERS HAVE PROVIDED *A brand new, total ly renovated Government Approved Day Care Centre * An abundance of new toys and equipment * Government approved staff and Iearning programs * 3 meals a day prepared by a nutritionally aware cook * Learning themes and outings FEW SPACES AVAILABLE FIOR ENROLMENT'ANI) INFORMATION CALL 668-6200 f- qm>