Whitby has had a brass band since before Confederation By JACKY BRAMMA brasa cen produce, American Brasa Band These performances The Town of Whitby beceme a way for Chempionahip, heid thia caîl for e greet veriety has boaated a brasa workera to escape from year in Toronto on April of music ta suit al oc- band et least ince the the rigours of the deily 13. Banda from ail over casions and testes, end mid 185's, when the grind in the factary or the continent gethered eneble the band to con- eariieat written record mine. Indeed, the for thia prestiglous con- tinue ita 130 year-old of ita existence waa foremoat British brasa test in which Whitby tradition of music for made. bands, such as Black pleced fourth lest yeer the people. Mare then ten yeara Dyke Milla and in Philadeiphie. EDITOR'S NOTE: before Confederetion, Brighouae and Rastrick, Eech band muat in- Jecky Bramma lsaa the Whitby Citizena'. still beer the names of clude the test piece, this playing member of the Bend entertained the factories. year "The Ship- Whtby Brasa Band as town's inhebitants, con- Under the beton of builders" by Peter weii as belng Its tinuing ta do so until the handmaster Roland Hill Vnrke. as part of ita librarian and archîvist. Second Warld War. The band resumed after the war, first as the Witby Police Band and finaliy as the Whitby Brasa Band as it is now known. Pure brasa banda, those comprising only brasa intruments and no reeda, are relativeiy rare acroas North Arnerica, and foliow the strong British tradition dating back to the mid- de of iast century. The warm harmonioua blend, which only pure The Whitby Duplicete Bridge Club held their closing dinner lest week. Pi esented with the trophy for the high average score for the season was J. Harvey Winter. Runnera-up were Donaida Harvey and Mr. and Mra. Jim Wharrie. The 1985-86 executive committee wes also in- stalled. Sami Spencer wil be club president next yeer. Also serving on the executive wil be: George Magvas, pat- president; Peul the band's 35 membera practice once a week at Heydenahore Pevilion. Peopie from virtually every walk of life, ranging in age from 10 ta 60 years, and in pieying experience from 3 to50 years, join together ta make music and enjoy the feilowship synonymous with brasa banding. Two practicea a week are held in the montha prior to important even- ts such as the North deSouza, vice- president; Phyllia Megvaa, secretary- treasurer; Marguerite Steffler, assistant treasurer; Vannile Wharrie, statisticien; Lee Evana, gemnes director; and, Helen Cunliffe, social con- venor. The club will resumne play an Sept. il et 7:30 p.m. in the Regai Room of the Centennial Building, 416 Centre St. S. Anyone interested in joining ahould cal Phyllis Magvas et 668- 1069. heif-hour progrem. This la a musical description of the con- struction of a ship thraugh ta its first voyage. .Whitby's 4own choice" piecea were a rousing march, "The Summit" by Frank Seymour; and, a con- traating lyrical and poignant work by Erie Bail, "Rhepaody on Negro Spirituals". Whitby placed third with 256 pointa out of a possible 300, only one point behind the second place band! Earlier thîs year, Whitby Brasa Band piaced firat in ifs categary in the Toronto and District Kiwanis Festival, with an honaura mark of 90. The band aiao received an additional award for gaining the highest marks over ail other categories. In addition to par- ticipating in contest, the band keepa busy during the reat of the year with parades, concerta and various eventa bath in Whitby and throughout Southern Ontario. Although the pure brasa form embracesaa relatîvely amali group of instrumenta, there is virtually no limit to ita acope. WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 22,1985, PAGE 7 SWANT ITI e BUSINESS FORMS LEGAL CERTIFICATES e WEDDING INVITATIONS e NCR FORMS a CARDS e FOLDERS P- £ 9 AN a LETTERHEADS & ENVELOPES OFIESPLS * C A TA LO G UES21 a w o A v . ý when solid cherry is avallable? This superb j Queen Ann Dining Room by Gibbard includes buffet & hutch, aval table, 4 ide & 2 arm chairs. Naw available in gleaming cherry for the exceptional price of $5195. This la your opportunity to create that warm traditianal environment that meens pleasure for yaur family and friends. Vour chaice of any Sandersan fabric for the seats. EXCEPTIONAL VALUES FOR YOUR LIVING ROOM COCKTAIL s369 M SOFA TABLE 1369 OVAL END TABLE 1319 RECTANGULAR END s319, QUEEN ANN STYLING IN CHERRY WDU&EAU HERICVAGFB H( )SI. IiVUiit(>(l p 216 MARY ST. E., WHITBY 668-3483, TORONTO 686-0061 MON.-WED. 10-6, THURS.-FRI. 10-9. SAT. 10-6 Bridge club' ends 1984-85 season ANNOU NCEMENT SIMS BRADY & McINERNEY are pleased to announce that ROB IN D. SCOTT is associated wth them in 117 KING ST., WHITBY, ONTARIO 668-7706 UP TO CHERRY! le 1 ";