WHIIBY FREI, PIISS,WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5,1f985, PAGE 23 XR4TIisla aprecisely desIgned and englneered three-door, five-passenger sparts sedan. If represenfa fhe culination ai Frds 70- plus years experience manufacturing high- performance automo- biles ln Europe. Merkur XR4Ti's herifage Includes domination aif fthe worlds moat demanding test beds the Formula One circuits and Warld Champlonahip Raliy t rails that span fthe globe. fif culd change yaur mind about whlch com- pany allers fthe mast ex- cifIng European car. This publication describes the Merkur XR4Ti for you, but f ruly ta appreciate fa precision one must ex- perlence if ln persan. The Merkur XR4TI s imporfed tram Ford ai Germany and sold ex- ciusively fhrough selec- t ed Llncaln-Mercury Dealers. Experience fthe XR4Ti at a Merkur Dealer, and redefine your nation ai what s total performance Eurapean sports sedan s ail about. The shape aif the XR4TI s such f haf if diminishes the wind'a pawer-rabblng and fuel- depieting prawess. From fthe beginning, the goals set for the XR4TI were formidable: if must be the mast aerodynamicaliy ef- ficient production automobile ever produced by Ford of Germany. If must be a leader ln Ifs class. If alsa muai be attractive. ,Advanced design methoda auch as Cam- pufer-Aided Deign-CAD- and Finite-Element Mod- ellng-FEM-were used ex- tenslvely ln the devefopment f a tfhe Merkur XR4TI. CAD techniques -i owe engineers ta crtclyevaluate design element s, test lng each new concept and f hen Improving If. FEM enabled the engineers ta analyze how stress and externai farces would acf on any given design element. This heiped them deter- mine where the car needed structurai rein- forcement, or whefher an equivalent strengfh ightweight maferiai could be used fa help keep the vehicles averali welghf foa aminimum. As a resuif, high. sfrength, light-alioy steel la used extenaively in the construction ai the Merkur XR4Ti. Other ighfweighf mat erlala, such as poiyurethane and aluminum, aiso are used ta keep XR4TIas weight down and ifs performan- ce up. Mark Automotive and Industrial Supply is owned and operated by Cîsyton Mark who has worked in the Autamnotive jobbing business in Whitby for over 30 years, prior ta 1971 working for other automotive jobbers. In 1971, Mark went in- ta a business partnsr- ship called Pineridge Automnotive on Ash St. in Whitby with one em- ployes. The business had moderats growth and in 1980 he bought out his partnsrs and formed Mark 'Automotive and Industrial Suppîy at that ime having four em- ployeesa, one of whom is his son. With steady growth in 1984, he bought a building at 303 Mary St. E. whers he originally started in the auto parts business working for former employer, Herb Robinson. He now has eight em- ployees servicing an area of Whitby, Ajax, Brooklin and part of Oshawa. The company Aiways, the use ai any maferial or construction technique was weighed againat preservIng the aeradynamic effIciency aif the Merkur XR4Ti. Merkur XR4TI looks ilie no other car ln North America. Ifs form ls dic- tafed by ifs funci ion. That function is ta use air-f 10w management as no ather car ln ifs cias has. The emphasis piaced an aerodynamic et- ficiency la nof a resuif af whim or passing ftrend. if s based on proven research and fesfing thaf demonsf rate t he prac- ticai benefifs aI sound aerodynamic design. Merkur XF4TI's aeradynamicaiiy super- or body shape con- serves garages, service stations, construction company's and far- mers, body shopa and industrial as well as the D.I.Y. trade. They also of fer limited machine shop service such as brake, rotor and drum turning, press work, fly wheel resurfacing, and cylin- der head exchange ser- vice. Mark stocks a com- pIste lins of automotive and industrial supplies required ta f ili the needs of the professional mechanic as wslI as the do it yourself" en- thusiast. Quality parts and ex- perience are the main ingredients of this suc- cesaful and expanding local business. "We would like ta thank al aur present customers for their support and welcome nsw customers ta feel free ta drap in anytime ta discuas with aur trained staff any automotive need,' Mark says. tributes ta increased fuel efficiency, ta the reduc- flan ai interior wlnd noise, ta better engine and brake caaling, and ta Its ability ta hug the raad at highway speeds. Merkur XR4Ti's efficient form alsa cantributes ta lsas accumulation of dust on Ita ights, glass surfaces, and under- body. n the rain, ifs shape uses the wind fa shed water f ram the win- dshield, aide windows, and bacilight. From ifs flush- mounted, sealed halogen headlamps fta biplane rear spolier, Ford ai Germany engineers sought aeradynamic purify for a purpase: fa create ln the Merkur XR4Ti a well-balanced high-performance sports sedan that would use natures powerful force, the wlnd, fa ifs own benefl. XR4TI Is the culmination of Ford technology HIGH PERFORMANCE SALES PARTS & SERVICE ON AND OFF ROAD VÀ ERÀo. PERRMANCE EQIMENTÀVÀ eoe 1120 Dundas St. E. WHITBY J7aqokl cFESALES LTD. 668m5893 Compete Collision and Pai nt Work LEO'S AUTO BODY FREE ESTIMATES 19 Thickson Rd. N. Whitby, Ontario 725-6650 Mark has 30 years of auto experience MARK AUTOMOTIVE & INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY pI~i~ QUALITY AUTOMOTIVE _ VifllPARTS & PAINT SU PPLIES RFfIr a