WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, J UNE 19. 1985. PAGE 25 I Whitby's Most WIdeIy Read I C1ASSIFIED ADS W ANTE DM WNTIN SUZY SHIER Opening ln Pckering Town Centre We have positions available for an Assistant Manager,, ful-time and pari-lime Fashion Con- sultants. If you knew Suzy Shier you'd know thai il's a greai pace 10 workl We have a young, fun approach 10 getting ihings done. We reward achievement with rapid advan- cernent. We offer excellent wages, plus generous bonus programa, a super range of benefits and mostiimportantiy, we ireat you wiih respect and undersianding. So, If you are an achiever, enJoy serving cusiomers and possess excellent Inter personal aklits... Gel 10 know Suzy Shier now. To appiy, f Ill out an application ai: The Canada Emptoyment Centre, 50 Commercial Ave., 2nd Floor, In Ajax. NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS PART-TIME 10 A.M. TO 2 P.M. OR 5 TO 9 P.M. Are you able 10 work 4 hours per day Monday thru Friday, sItiing at your own desk, ieiemarkeiing f rom our pieasant off ice in Ajax, and earning $400 per hour guaranteed plus bonuses, enabling you to earn $5.25 an hour and up, ihen cati me now i have severai immedisie openings. No experience necessary, wiit train. Ask for Mrs. April ai 686-3052 or 686-3742 EXPERIENCED FINANCIAL PLAN NER Required by a Financial Services Organization. He/She must be licensed or eligible for license in the sale of In- vestment Funds and Insurance. We are dedlcated to expanding our network of Professional Financial Planners. Ex- cellent commission and profit sharing, group benefits and other incentives. Training programs provlded. Be part cf Canada's most dynamic Financial Ser- vices organization- For Confidential Interview: Caîl or Write Tillcan Financial Çorporation CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FR., JUNE 21 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Lttle Britln or 7 miles weat of Lndsay on the Lin- dsayfLittie Britain Road. Brasa bed, einished fiai top farm ascalea, Oak china cabinet (glass 3 ides), square oak dining table, 3 piece antique oak bedroom suite, pine blankel boxes, Victorian setlee, wainul china cabinet, wainut desk, cedar chesi, log cabin quils, wicker chairs, Viking 9 cu.,1. freezer, Gingerbread cdock, washalanda, pressback rockers, 5 fIL x 10 fi. box trailer, 1973 GMC Siep Van (partialiy made inb camper), quantily 0f crocka, oid tes cana, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 Richard S. Prîco 354 Regal Brlar Street Whliby, Ontario LiN ONi <416) 433-1508 AUCTION SALE THURS., JUNE 27 6:00 PM. Sale of farm impiements, furniture, antiques. The property of ELMER BURKHOLDER and MîLDRED GREENBURY 10 be heid at STOUF- FVILLE SALES BARN. inciudlng 550 Cockahut diesel iractor, 2 iurrow plough, 3 pi. 7' cuitivalor, 3 pt. biade, land roller, mower, roto tiller, 3 hp. M.H. gas engine, corn sheller, garden seeder and culivalor, pump, Dominion organ and stool, china cabinet, desk, dressera wilh mirrors, sewing cabinet, pine biankel box, beds, sewing machine, chairs, pine dresser, chester- field, brasa, washsiand, linen, dishes, glass, pots and pans, tools, many more iems. NORM & PHIL FAULKNER EARL GAUSLIN AUCTIONEERS 640-5691 AUCTION SALE SAT., JUNE 29 12:00 PM. Compiete clearing auc- lion of ail househoid ef- fecis, siamp collection, appliances, etc. The esiate of MRS. VELMA ANDREWS, iocated 904 Rossiand Rd. Easst, Whilby, Partial Iliailn- cludes: 9 pc. wainut dining suite, Mason & Risch uprighi piano; pull oui sofa (lke new); chests of drawers, lamn- pa, odd tables, kitchen set, antique radio, rocker, desk, old camneras, wicker chair, quitta, aigans, collection of 300 commemorative spoons, many varlous plates, Dresden china, cups & saucera, carnivai, cornflower & pressed glass, good china, mint Canadian stamp collec- tion pre-1950's), tereo, electricai appliancea, carpenter & garden bools, 7 h.p. garden trac- tor wlmower, ptow, tiller & biade, plus other misc. Terma cash or good cheque. No reserve. H EN RY & GAYLE KAH N AUCTIONEERS 985-8161 AUCTION SALE THURS., JUNE 20 6:00 P. M. The property oftihe laIe DON MOWRY, 131 Exeter Drive, Ajax. Ex- cellent quantity 0f tbols, bench saw, drill press, planer, joiner, large number of amali bools, furniture, dishes and colectablea. Terma cash. A sale you ahouid reaiiy attend! PILKEV & GAUSLIN AUCTION EERS 640-3079 NEED EXTRA MONEY? -C ti BECOME A CARRIER! Here's an opporluniy Io eairn money fer t505e bhinas bou*ve aiways wani- S ed, A new bit(e, cloihes. sports eqaipmeni. 510,00 se t, or the1h ousands of other needs you may de- sirte Jusi a phone call wii br ing pou ail the informna lion. Checkil touit CALL CIRCULATION 668-6111 WHITBY FREE PRESS - -m J~11I,2 4 uw~uirr i.; I New Legion executive The 1985-86 executive of Branch 112 (Whitby) of the Royal Canadian Legion was sworn in asat week. The members of this year's executive committee are, from lef t to right (front row): Viola McKeivey, secretary; Len Lambert, firat vice-president;, Earl Ormiston, president; Art Smith, third vice- president; and, Marg Kennelly, treasurer. In the middlle row are: Rob Maguire, director; the Rev. Robert Mansfield, padre;, Bob Adams, past-president; Benny LaHaye, director; and, Jirn Watson, director. In the back row are: Don Henderson, director; and, Carl Van Hoof, director. Free Press Staff Photo New auxiliarY executive The 1985-86 executive committee of the Ladies Auxiiary to Branch 112 (Whitby) of the Royal Canadian Legion were sworn in iast week. The members of this year's executive committee are, from ieft to right (front row): Dorothy Or- miston, first vice-presîdent; Teresa DeMaeyer, president; Vi Boroff, secretary; and, Florence Mac- Fadden, sargeant-at-arms. In the back row are: Madelaine Tran, Jean King, Alice Bradley and Marie Hicks. Ail are directors. Book Review s By EDWARD KAVE EIITOR'S NOTE: This week, the Whitby Free Pres l pleased to have Edward Kaye, a noted Toronto book reviewer, juin us as a contributor. Twice a month, Kaye will ounline just soine of the works that are available through your neigh- bourhood bookstore. We hope that you will find his columin interesting. In addition 10 being a book revicwer. Kaye is alsi> a writer of travelogues. Locks and Alarma by S. Allen is published by Johni Wiley and Sons. Even rising crime rates and in- creases in burgiaries won't disturb your peace of mind and security when you know that you and your property are protected against thieves and in- truders. One way to be certain of your safety is 10 instali locks and security systems on your own, with the guidance of the author, a iocksmith expert. At the same time you will oniy have to spend a smal part of the coat of professionai installation in doing Intimate Strangers, The Culture of Celebrity, by R. Schickel la published by Doubleday. The book deais with our national obsession with celebrity and how il shapes our worid and bends our minds. Ranging through every realm of our culture-film, theatre, television, literature, art the press, pop music and politica - for examples of how celebrity shapes our views. Schickei pauses to consider such people as John F. Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe, Dwight Eisenhower and Water Cronkite, among others. He reflecta on the dangers of ceiebrity wor- ship. 300 pages. Children of the City by D. Nasaw is published by 1)oubleday. Nasaw has recreated the period at the turn of the century - a time of explosive growth in North Amerîcan cities, a time of hope and apparen- tiy limitleas possibilities - from the vantage point of the chiidren who grew up then. Drawing on hun- dreda of memoirs, autobiographies, oral history and unpublished primary source material, he provides us with a warmn portrait of these children and their families. He taiks about the newsboys, scavengers who scoured junkyards and street performers who worked for pennies. 244 pages. The Private Rich. A Famlly Album by P. Rand and E. Bird is distributed by General Publishlng. This ia a book that brînga the reader into the private world of the very rich, combining photographs and text to compare and contrast the inner and outward lives of the wealthy and to show the kind of people they are. The dozens of photographs were found in private collections, historical societies and family albums to re-create the life style of the idie rich of an eariier era. 184 pages. 1