WHiiBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1985, PAGE 23 Atterstey warns council they stili have a waste disposai problem CONT'D FROM P:G. I said, "There wiIl be no storage, no in- cinerating, no processing." Ivan Flaschner, Decomn's attorney, urged council not to mnake its decision based on fear and misconcep- tions. He also maintained that his company's proposai would help whitby "deean up its streets and iandf iii sites." Fiaschner also noted that if Decom's plan is rejected "1there will be no proper faciity" for the collection . and disposai of biomedical waste. "IBy saying no you wouid oniy be saying yes to the problem that already exista," he said. The only two mnem- bers o! council to sup- port the proposai were North Ward Coun. Ross Batten and Mayor Bob Attersley. Batten told his collegues that he was satisfied that Decom had done everything possible to meet ail the concerna raised not only by staff and council but by the public aswell. He noted that no evidence was presented to show that Decom COMPUTER CLUB The Durham Vic 20/C64 Computer Club wlllmeet in the auditorium of the Wht- by Public Library, 405 Dundas St. W. on June 27 at6:30 P.U. The toplc for disussion will e "Eiectronlc Bulletin Boards" Including upioadlng - downIoadlflg uslng the X-Modem program. New members are welcome and admission la free. BIBLE SCHOOL The Emmanuel Reformed Church, 401 Roealad Rd. w., whlt- by wilJ conduct a daily vacation Bible school at the church from July 2 to 12 from 9 te 1: 30 a.m. This program la deigned for chldren at- tendlng kindergarten through grade 8. To register or for more information cal either 6684544 or 655- 42u9. MEETING The Alzheimler Society of Durham Region Wlllmeet On June 27 at 7:30 p.m. at the Women'u Institute, Bay St., Beaverton. The meeting wil feature a panel discusion on the medicai, legal and commufllty aspects of Alzheimner Disease. AUl are welcome. For more information cali 668-22. PRE-SCHOOL STORY' The WhitbY Public Uibrary will hoid its summer session of it9 p re-achool story hour from July 8 to Aug. 12 from 10:30t011:30a.m. This program is for children aged 3 te 5 whc would not live up to its promises of performan- ce1.I stili feei that there is a lot of biomedical waste in the community that is causing a problem to our en- vîronment," he said. "It is already going to ian- dfill and is already being trucked across the province." Batten noted that at ieast this proposai was Iltrying to correct the situation." The chairman of the administrative commit- tee aiso reminded his colegues that the Decom facilitY would simpiy te a transfer station. ",They would simpiy transfer it from one truck to another. " Mayor Bob Attersley told councii that the Decom proposai had "lopened his eyes" to the probiems of waste disposai in the com- munity. "This stuff is moving through our municipality daily, and it's not teing con- trolled," he said. The mayor also poin- ted out that several area hospitais, inciuding the Dr. J.O. Ruddy Generai Hospital, sent their biomedical waste to the Port Perry CommunitY Hospital to te in- cinerated. That incinerator, he caimed, only operates hospitals do not use any speciai equipment or vehicles to transport the waste. Attersley said that the waste taken to Port Perry in vans or half-ton trucks and somnetimes even in the trunk of a car. Attersiey told councii that both Whitby and Durham Region are going to te "facing one heli of a probiem" when the Pickering landfil site closes sometime in the decade. The region will then te scrambiing to find an alternative means of disposing waste. He noted that during a recent finding trips by members of the region's works committee to the north-eastern United States it was discovered that municipalities of sirnilar sizes to Whitby own and operate their own incinerators to dispose of waste and no longer permit the deveiopment of iandfil sites. He also caiied on the provincial government 103 Dundas E. Whitby 162 King St. E. Oshawa problem. 11 arn truiy concerned that something is going to have to be done in On- tario," Attersley said, "As elected people we should be urging the On- tario governmeflt to do something." Attersley agreed with Batten saying that the Decom proposai 'will improve things" whiie adding a warning that Whitby is not dealing with the probiem. III can't understand how we can be so bind as to what is going on in our own community," he said. However, neither At- tersley nor Batten could change council's mind and the proposai was rejected on a recorded vote of 5-2. "TRO CR -Qualîîy Repaire Io Most makes & modl, -Free Etilmolos "Ses us In the Yelow Pages under Stereo Servlce!" 427-655«i 1Z38 5 HA RWOO D A V E. N % Just South of Hwy. 2 A new naine is PpudlY fyn over Canada's nelghbovurlloo The best of both worids. vcry much a part of thc community. 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