WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1985. PAGE 3 Ashe is flot looking forward to life ini the opposition, says he'll be "bored to tears"Onai George Asha isn't looking forward to sit- ting in the Ontario Legisiature as an op- position member. The 52-year old Progressive Conser- vative member for Durham West will find himself sitting on the other sida of the House when it re-convenes naxt Tuesday for the f ir- st time in his seven year parliamantary career. With today's swearing in of Liberal Leader David Petarson as the naw Premier of Ontario Ashe will lose his cabinet post as chair- man of the management board of cabinet and wil resume his original role as an ordinary MPP. In addition to the loss of power and presitaga, Ashe will lose about $30,000 of his $75,000 in- coma as a cabinet minister as well as his limosina and driver. But it's flot the money, Asha ssys he's going to miss. It's the workload and the challenge. 'Based on my first three montha as a back- bancher, I know l'il be bored to tears," ha told the Free Press in an in- terview last waak. After ha was first elected to WHILE QUANTITIES LAST the Legisiature in 1977, Ashe spent three mon- ths as an ordinary backbencher before being named parliamentary assistant to then treasurer Darcy McKeough. Ashe says he'll be so bored that he's even open to an offer for part- time work - provided that the job doesn't in- tarfere with his caucus and constituancy responsibilities and of- fers naw challenges. The Tory frontben- cher also knows what kind of naw career ha would like to embark on. Ha would lika to get into ither municipal ad- ministration or work for a developmant firm as "ta vice-president in charge of axpediting" things. Unfortunately, nobody has been banging on bis door to offer him a job. Asha says he's used to working 16 or 17 hours a day, every day and from his briaf tenure as a backbancher, ha knows the job isn't that demanding. While ha anticipates being named to former premier and now Op- position Leader Frank Miler's shadow cabinet, Asha doesn't know whether or not he'll be able to turn in his best performance. "I1 don't know whether l'Il be a good critic or not,"1 Ashe says, 'II like to find the positive aspects in things." Ha also believes that the Tories fail from grace wilI have a negative impact on the riding, which includes the towns of Whitby, Ajax and Pickering. "A growing com- munity such as ours naeds a positive voice, and that's me," ha says. Ashe says that now that he's in opposition, ha'1l be able to make his presenca feit in the con- stituency more of ten . And working for the needs of his constituants Local resident A Whitby resident hais become a Wintario "Mystery" bonus prize winner in the June 6 draw. Barbara Wright of Dundas St. W. claimed $10,000 as part of Wintario's special bonus feature. The draw offered four $1,000 Mystary Bonus prizes in addition to a top prize of $200,000 and thousands of other prizes ranging from five free tickets to $100,000. Prizes for the Mystery Bonus Draw, funded from unclaimed prize money, are in addition to the regular Wintario prize structure which offers more than $3 million to players each week. LeVs see you do SOLID PINE CHEVAL MIRROR REG. 8356.06 NOW ONLY S25600l SHOP EARLY & SAVE S(Special discounts on %~f loor models) 110 DUNLOP ST. E., WHITBY 666-1331 OPEN MON.-WED. 10.6, THURS.-FRI. 10-9, SAT. 10-5I will remain his "first priority. " Although ha is op- timistic about the par- ty's future under Frank Miller, who he doesn't believe will resign, the Tories are going to have to work if they want to win the next election. "lWe have to earn our way back," Ashe says, "I1t's not going to hap- pen just because we think it's a good idea. " And to do that, the Tories are going to have to get back to the grass roots. "lWe have to get back to the grass roots - we have to go out and give the message that we've done a pretty good job in the last four decades," Ashe said, "And we have to tie that in with being a good op- position.", Most Ontarians, he asserts, didn't vote for the kind of governmnent that Peterson will give the province. "Let's face it, 76 per cent did not vote for a socialist govermnent and that's what they are going to get," he said adding that the two-year pact between Paterson and NDP chief Bob Rae wilI soon fali apart and send the politicians back on the hustings. Asha also noted that this time his party will be able to ha critical of the Liberals whan they introduce legisiation on separate school gun- ding, rent controls and the like. Thay will now see what it's lika to be on the receiving end of the heat for a change. TARE NOTICE THIAT a Public Meeting of the Liquor Lic- ence Board ot Ontare io ii be held at the CITY HALL, COUNCIL CHAMBERS. 500 GEORGE STREET NORTH, PETERBOROUGH. ONTARIO cri FRIDAY. JULY 121h, 1985 at the hour ot 10 G oclock je the torenoon, ai which time the Board will hear an application en accordance with the Liquor Licence Act. and Regulations thereunder. The Ioîîowing establishment has applied for a licence of the class indicated, and the application wîll be entertaîeed aI the atorementîoned location and lime: Application Fer New Licence Cale Vienea Restaurant 209 Oundas Street East, Unit #f 12, Whitby Dining Roem and/or Diing Louege Licence Appicant: 575508 Ontarie Llmited AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any person who is resîdent in the niunicipalfy and who ishes te cake rep- resentation relative t0 the application, shaîl make their sabmission to the Board in writieg prier te the date ofth1e hearieg. or in porson ai thei lime and place et the hearîng. (Copies et wrtteîî submissions wîll be forwarded te the a pplicanet) Liqun tLicece'Board ef Ontario 55 Lalioshore Boulevard East TORONTO, Ontario, M5E tA4 MINISTRY 0F CONSUMER AND COMMERCIAL RELATIONS THIE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT THE WINDOW SHOP une -..0, CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES ALL VERTICALS 50-60% OFF ROLLER BLIN DS & VEN ETIANS 40% OFF FE IN-STOCK FABRIC VERTICALS From 9 (75"x84") 75" x 86" FABRIC VERTICAL ~~1 49 DES FREE VALANCE CHOOSE FROM 70 FABRICS & COLOURS AT THIS LOW PRICE LIFE TIME WARRANTY ON TRACK COMPONIENTS OFFICE- 462 LANARK DR., OSHAWA 576-,7017 R IN YOUR OWNS r X Stretch oui and R-E-L-A-X in soothing bubbling water. A complete Iîne of Spa's, Hot Tubs, Whirlpools, Chemicals and Accessories I)epeuîdahle Service & Qujality ProdIucts From $21 95 and up InstallatIon Included ~S0CA1OTHE SPA SHOPPE 5922 Lovcr2YQ~rS A DIVISION 0F S.S. SWIM POOLS LIMITED 22 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa jpi9)e&i't8Ioppe . SOLID OAK ANID PINE FURNITURE STOREWIDE danh1uLERSRf¶ (JuIy 2nd to July 31lst) bol. COME ON IN AND - WISH US A HAPPY ANNIVERSARY a wý î eý