PAGE 24, WEDNESDAY, JULY 3. 1985, Wl ITBY FREE-PRESS FREE PRESS Emporim Ads wiII nly be ccepted subject t the folowing conditions. ri o c s toi 37A1 _______ RNUOMTVEAD-OGBL5 ARTICLES FOR SALE DURO LAUNDRY tub PUMP, as new, $6. Resese txed equaiizing htch, 1,, bars and extra Parts, $110. Hoover Upright Vacuum, $3. tloa eiectrtc bruah. ex xew, $50. Vikxg etectric brxxm, $10. Lawx ratier, 16x24, wter itied, $3. Router 618 hp. axd case, $50. Carlxs, 14 t. tibergiesx. 38" beam, 1" depth, as niew, $175. Phxxe 655-400. pHOyOGRAPHIC Entrger 4" x 5" negettîe cepebttity, Ideat for starter hxbbytst, $90. Garage Door, mtaf oerheed, B' wtde 7' htgh, ait hardware etc., $75. tx Whtby, cai axytime, 683969. BABY CRIS wth cexxpy, ln- cludes mttreas and beddixg, $200. Baby cradie. $100. 666- 2273. FOR SALE rxxf txp carrer, 46c43,x2, its Aspen Carrier, $40. Cati1668-9113. FOR SALE Go Krs - 1962 Bob- cet, excetlent condition, $750. 1979 Tomcaf, good condition, $W5. Both have G200 5 h.p. engines and extra parts. Cai Grog,668-0471. COMPLETE EOUîPMENT ta gai you started ix ex espilt drtxewey seeiing business, usxd for twx summers, new $1600, wiii sait for $1200 or besi oiller. Cali Watt. 6661337. FfVE large double slds: win- dows, $50 eech. Aium. siorm door, rusi coixur, $5. Cati 655- 3176. FOR SALE fao heavy dty work banches, wooden. une - 6x3x3 teet, and ose 7½hx3x3 epprox. dimension, $25 each or basf i- ter. Calit655-3729 aller 7 p.m. FOR SALE piow, 2 turro, for 3 point hitch, ilke ew, $295. Phone 655-4995. GREY ARBORITE tabe and 4 chairs, $45. Uprigili Hoover Vcum,$20. Wainut finish cot- tee tabie, M"M60, $45. Picnic table wiii foid Ix 2 banches, $5. Brown aiuminutm dxer, 32x80', atft, $45. Oak vaneet dinfing ftabe, $50. Wrnger wsher, $25. Fixe ktchex chairs, chrome, $4 eech. Phone 668-9017. FOR SALE esather rockixg chair, $25. Fihons 668-5254. FOR SALE Oaa Maraniz tapa deck and racaixar, 4 Laear speakers, Ili years aid, $1.000. Oaa Tchnics Systara. compltea with cabinet, 1 yaar xid recaixar. tapa dock, turnabte, 2 speakers, 1 Reaaisiic tapa dock, $1.200. Remingtonl shaigon, gsrmi- euiomatIc, FAC reqired, madat 1100, compets wiih case, shatis and duck decoys, l6 moxihs aid, $450. Cannon A.E.-1 FProgrammad camera wth flash, $325. Cati Debbia or Marty, 666-4876. FOR SALE mepte ktchen set, 4 chairs, $225. Oixiag roomn set, 4 chairs, $325. Cament mixer, $125. Ait ix excelent condition. 683- 663. SEWING MACHINE for sale, par- table, good working condition, $45. Gins and boys bikas. $35 and $50. Catil 683-663. 13ARNETTE crossbow, 150 lb. pull wth scope, quixer and loader, $50W or basf oiter. 434- 6026. FOR SALE Sears sierso xystam wiih recarder piayar and 8 reck, $100. Boys 18- bicycle, 3.spaxd, $50. raning board, $10. Cati 434- 6474. FOR SALE boys sandard bike, 24" tires, $25. Thfsa speed boa tan, $20. Phone 668-6429.- SOFTWARE for T. 1. Proessionet Camputer. CpimBe, CBASiCi866 AMICOBOL, Suparcetc, Eaxywitar if. Esyspeller I, Mutipian BPI. Inxantory Canirot. Ait unuseli, $50 sach-. 68-ý3932 exaninga. 14 PT. FîBERGLASS canoea.$1%0 6 fi. randentiai diing board for swimming pool, $100. Two borner propane camping siona wiih edaptor for tuai , $20. Cati 433- 4689. WEDING DRESS size 7, chif- tontis axer milleta, peaon am- braiderad yoka, chepet trin, maichtng cthadret iengih xii, casi $350new, eskfng $200. Phone 576-218. STORM DOOR aium. Fioride typa, 32xB5, $35. Thraa Chrysiar rima, mounteli P201-15 tiras, $20 aach. Oaa Firesixne 721 G78-15, aimant naw, $25. Phone 726-953. When te odvertined item ta noid, dinpoeed cf, or unxvaiubte for whatever reanon. teitiem wiii be deemed to, have been soid and o comminsion wiii be charged based xx TIIE AI>VERTISEI) PENCE as iiiusiraied beixw. regrdiesIf price ix tted wiih -besi offer" If the item ns NOT Sf11,, or disponed of. the ad ailhb rua for 3 MONTIIS aad a MINtMUM CHARGE of 7.50 wilit oppty payable in advanCe of pubicationi of the firsi ad. The above minimum chaurge witi be apptied ix lthefitnal commistion due. Maxtmum commisnion: $100.00 Att adver- tiseneeas mcsi be pioced an on excluive bois wiih the WHITBY FiREE PRESS and rua ait east one moatit if xxi said. RATES (if article is satd t: 5% af advertised price ap La 9400.00 2% af balanice anar 09 EXAMILE: Saiod item advertised fer $150-00. Commission dae» 87,50 t misimdin charge is $7.50) Privote advertising onty! Pieaae ntitY te Wiitby Free Press immediateiy ahen item is said sa, tat we may detete il frxm the fliowing issue. Ait adn not itting the Emporium guidetixes wiii ire traeed and cfarged par week as ragoter riassified adn an a pre-paid basis sucit as: services, heip wxnf.ed, citiing, reai siate, and pernonai message type adn. ar adsno00 quating price or qisantity. Private ciasified adn may appear in tire Emporium section under appropriate iteadingo. ALL AIlS WILL. GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIEDý FREE PRESS EMPORIUM F..Basx2ne Whtby. LIN 581 668-6111 Whftby. Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS 15 TUE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. ~' ARTICLES ATILESHOSHL DtHWSHRSersDaus TN iEE old ape ts 6 PECEdinxgrtM se, run portable, chopping bock top, good aorking condition. $165. Eiactric race car set, oxer 100 fi. eftrack, 6 cars. 2 transformera top counher. many eairas, AFX & TryCO, $95. Hast circulatirig tiraplace grate, $15. Cai 576- 7697. FOR SALE mower for Arens trac- ter. 42", $100. Sway bars for housa traiter, $50. Mandotin ban- je, $125. Coeman ieniern, $15. Lan rouler, $30. 30 diided dlin- ns: irapa, $1.50 sach. Bed spreed and drapas for double bad anti one set ta: iwin size bad. $15 e set. Tao rods for sheers, wllt ex- tend Ix 150,55.,Phone 6558000. CAMERAS Polaroid Cetor pack tl aith carrying case. Aino 35 mm Fanfaron Prakica in excelent condition. Oaner eaxlng coun- t ry, $85 for boih. 688-7171. ANTIQUES. moving aithout tham. Secraiary (vary unique), $780. Buffet, $375. Kichen huicti, $450. Pins table, $200. Nons ha:- vasi table, $900 and pressback Zeass chrairs, set et 6, $150 each. (table and chairs xery unique). Phase 571-3636. bEdroOm Esi $500. eVie upholstered mahogenp chair, $100. Tireafier Weinai sheit an pedesiai, $20. Large cepecity water sofienar, $200. Green Brocada sofa. $200. Phone 666- 4877cor 433-89W8. ANTIQUES country nioe coun- ter, $600. makes a greai roc. roem ber. Church pew, $350. Phone 571-3636. $TEREO PACKAGE receixer, ix:- niable, cassette dock, ectuetizar, 2 speakers. $400 compte. Cor sferao, Sanya recaixer, 200 watt poer booster. 4 speakers. 2 are 6x9 Apines, other 2 are 4 Tan- vxa.$250. 668-3064 or 668-080. la PT. SfDEWINDER goid metetlil, compieteif retinishad, $3600. Phone 728-700. le PT. INVADER, day salie: wiih coxer and salle, eacellent con- dition, $1250. Phoane 72-6700. saixai chairs wiih chramne base. off white butft, Ideai for aper- iment, $500 or besi otter. Cati et- fer 7 p. m.. 655-3729. DINING ROOM SUITE, pinse,Faut Bunyan collection, table 44x75. 2 Ceptalo chairs, 4 ragoter chairs. buttai and hutch, mini condition, $4,000. Phone 668-3430. TIRE IPRT BALNCRmchieALEe sIngie phase, 30 amps, ait at- fachments ta baance up toaend tncixdtxg large truck tires, 4 yeers aid, perfect coadjîtan, $1,495. Tire Changer by 'Bish- man, etectricihydreuiic, teks tirs sizas 7.001-15 through 14.00- 24, Duplex, 1000-1.5 through 18.00)-22.5. 4-20 >piy rting, 230 voît, modet no. 931A, herdty used, new casi $7.000, sait for $2,850. 655-4995, BrooklItt. FORD 289 rebut motor, $300. Two Creger mags with good tires, $200. phane 668-7546. FOR SALE iwo tiras on rime, hies pty setety, 99 nyon, F78-14, tIka xew, onty 7,000 km., $50. Ro001 top carrier, 460x43012, lits Aspen Carrier, $40. Cati 668-9113. 19a VOLKSWAGON sxnrocf, gaod matar, tiras, tandors, sait for parts, $200. Cati 668-8526. 1977 PINTO Wagon for parts, siti ta runxing condition. nea steel baited tiras, $150 or basi alier. Phone 579-4212. 1972 FINTO fOr Parts, g00d motar. transmission and tires, $200 or basf aller. Tow truck aquipmext compets, boom and boom rocks, revolving tightis and saddie, extra riggixg, 10000 lb eteciric winch, work lced ot 9,500 uts.. excellent condition. $1,500) or basi ofter. Phone 655-3006. p.m., 434-602. 1980 TR7 conertibe, eacaelet ariginal cnditin, AMIFM e ro, log temps, British gren 2.0 itra angine, 5 spaad, aniy 29,000 km., certitied, askIng $5,75. Cati 576. 7697. 1980 CHEV impala Stationwagan, auto trans., ps., p.b., atectri e ra windxa datmester, air cond., tint gle, AMIFM starso cassette tape, caris immecutate. 5,5000or basf aller. Cati Faut, 66-3802 or Jaanne 576-5269. 1979 LADA ana owxer, askIng $500 Cati 576-0961atter 5:30 p.m. 1970 CHRYSLER CORDOBA P.a., p.b., air condIttintg, $600or bas faler. Cati 855-3176. 1975 FORD hait-tan, B cptixdar, este1$800. Phne 434-6406 r 579. 0669, ask tarTim. 1983 YAMAHA OT 125, iqaid coolid, tao strake, $900 or basi citer. Phone 668-4093. 1979 SUZUKt 100 O.S., xary goad conditian, asktng $450. Pitons 686-2273. FORMAL DININO ROOM soitie-... 1976s nAMAM 5, 18e saiid acod, eacellent shape /.aâs.s...vt)ouring. Veiier end frauser made by Hause ai Breemore. 9 1ký> ll equipped, txurlng seat, AMîFM places - 2 arm chairs, 4 idse cassette sterex, 01,800. Pitons chairs. table asais 8 ie 10 com t 6638 torlebiy, buffet end huich. $2500 Fhcn66889ld / .,f~) / 1976 KAWASAKI Z 750, $850 as ~ les 1976 Yamaha RD 400, S200 as MUSICAL Is.6-06 r6-81 INSTRUMENTS 'W I B ' ORGAN amaha C405, na co asking $2900.Phcne 686-4713,. '"PB IFREIPRESSI 1 - WM à omWhitby - 0686111, 4!FCON FUSEDa Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporiuml sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our Iow advertising rates just because you have If you: *are a private advertiser; *have an article to seli; and, *have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion see guidelines above for more details i. Your ad wiIl run each week until the article has been sold <maximum three months i. A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $750 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT selI within three moxn- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee yîîur article will selI. but where else cîîuld yîîu get three months advertising for only $7..70«' When your article selîs, a commisstionî s charged, based on the adverttsed price tomi mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance tiver $400; LESS the minimum charge described above. questions. Hopefully, the explanatiôfl below can clear up many of- your questions - if not, do cali 668-6111l and we'I be pîeased to explain the Emporium Section to you personllîy. 1lhave read the Emporium guidelines above and wîsh ft have the ifollowing advertisementt placed under this section of the Whithy Free IPress. (lot i frg o i i tx ltiii i.- pilrig. r nxnvr 1 enclose $1,50 lii (-tver the nîîînîmum charge Chbarge $7 --0 iii mv Visa ;îccfout f .irii No %k i r , ptiti i i fili %idrs MAILI TO: Date ii WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 581 charged if your article sold within three months. Commissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE.1 lrice $ f1it $ 2(X) $ 5(X) $ R00 $ 7(X) $ 9 100 $2.0WiS $3,M)5 $4, xx) $s.tiXo<and up $7.50 $10.00 $ 15.00 Il 20.00 $ 22.00 Il 24.00 $ 26.00 $ 28.00 S30.00 S32.00 $52.00 S 72.00 Il 92.00 $100.00 (it~Postatl iCode - M m