WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNE-'SDAY. JULY 3, 1985. PAGE2 WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ £VSE.CES ~O IE RILSATCE * 1977 VOLKSWAGON Rbbut, lu VISIT Ocur cavri furnIfure NEW Indoor-outdour cerpai, good condition, $2500. Phone carehoue by appoinimeni. Big green, 6xi. Aso 5 lires of peste 655-3689 afler 6 p.m., 8cnuie. savingsono deaka, chaire, fiing witir brusir. Phone 668-2580. MY PERS'ONAL CQLOURS D iscover the colours & ahades that com- pliment your skln tone & enhance your Ebest features. Only $30 par Consultation Cal' 6&6-2770 TINA'8 PSYCHIC Eropeari Spiritual Rader. Reader and add usor, card and palm readlug. Witt hefp lu &il affaire cf file; ons Ilfe. business, ieati, heppinessud mnrtage. One visit wii convluce pou of hereabiity as ofiers iave. open 9 s.m. 10 9 p.m., by sppoiu. Imnent, 2678332. FREE: Drp m ia oth ickscn Privflug & Office Supply store lu th Alax Plaza sud pick up safIres copy of their 1985 MairieCecaen. der. Prinied lu two colours. If makes for iaudy refreuce. 683. tua. DOME HOME Improvemnents. fIn. terior, exterior painting, sf50 sfumiuum sud vinyl siding cieaued. 66-198, Jim. UNEMPLOYED I4ELP CENTRE Need heip? Workers' Compen. sation, Weifsre, OHIP assistance, Unempîvyment lsursuce, or criassreferrsis iv cirer agencies, cal 579-1821. LINDSAY FLEA MARKET ou Lit- le Britalu Rosd. Open Seicrday sud Suudsy. Penn produce sud vendors wented. Pione 705-324. 2783, Lidsay. SHELTIE PUPS 0KG regIstered, pus frsf neediss, sable, oe maie, vue femaf e, S325.-Oel Cobourg 372-0522. 1974 CI4EV Malibu classic, cer- ti ed, goori condItion. Phone 4345172. 1971 IMPALA, 350 V8. 79,000 original mles, englue excellent, body neeris work, as se, $400 or boat offer. 571-0265. DONT LISTEN 10, anycue aise, we psy top dollar for screp cars aend trucks. 6689712. fIng & Office Supplies 10 arrange an appoinimefli iv view. 683- AMBER depression glass, Patricien, spoke pattern, eu- celent condition, b.st offer-1. 623-4518. MATTRESSES and bou spriugs et irait prIce. McKeeu Furnifure, 524 Simcoe Street Soutir, Oshawa. 725-5181. "HEROES of tire Bble" coivuring book avaliable ai Olicu Prin. tIug & Office Supplies. Alec Plaza, 6831968. Deaer Inquirivu CHESTERFIELD suies, loveuvais, nect louais, lesa thon vut prIce. Large oviecilul. McKven Puruture, 524 Simccu St. S., Oshawa. 725581. GEOTYPE presscon iviirIng 00w lu stock et Olcison Prlnting & ai. ice Supplies lu the Aau Sirop. ping Plaza. Large slection ut styles sud sizes. Wiry puy more for a smuler sireet cf etferiug? 683-1968. RAWLEIGI4 PRODUCTS nevris distrîbutors. Rawligir1s oupun- ding ail over Onfarie wth e greut new sales plan. Cash lu on somne cash. Part-lime or creer oppur- lunutles. Cali coilect 5196827. 1337. WORD PROCESSINO Prcgrom- ming, Lou, dbaue. Il sud 111 sud more, wifh certificats and jch placement, $149 and up. govur- umeci approveri courses acailuhie, feu deductiile. O.S.A.P. ican. 683-2226. PART-TIME heip rquireri. Cun apply ai Submarine Machine, 201 Oundan Sf. W., Whltby, Become a carrier today. Learu lu be a business peracu with responsIility 'wile eariiing money. Become lire outsiund- lng carrier cf ire mouhrasd become a cînuerilult cOur Circulation Manager. Cali 668-6111 Toelayl WHITBY FREE PRESS j ARTICLES mekea sud modela, by ire ~~LES -_ ~~ENT_ TYPEWRITER reniel, muny IiUWANTEDI MATURE, RELIABLE bebysitter weekenri, week or monlir. Discounts evilebie. ickscn Prinflng & Office Suppliellire Alun Plaza. Oeil us for bueiness machine repaire 6831968. Cherlie is sick of broken promises and, hotcunse vs the nid reli able.' required iv babysîl 3 happy chIlîdran ages 7, 4, 1, lu 0cr home. Monday-Fridey, owu transpor- tation, references requirei. COeil 68-7824. CAREERS IN TRUCKINO. Driver lob traningansd plecement help la avaliable. Oelil Rodgeru Schol ai (4167693546. ~~iCA IO ALickson Prînting & Office ceilent commission a VICES FOUNO ~~,uppiestfur asured service. gop bnft n CAL L US TODAY 683 1968 Training programs prc MORAMMER for people who haie LOST lu WhItby back cet, young Canada's most dynarr grmmar" 19 theIr. rai pockaI tomae wih fiuffy tell, large OFC PC vices organization. rfoeoce book for business rward Clil688-1969 or65M&317. a people. $3.95 p er copy and Ce_________e__ a"flable e ai cison Prntlng & For Confidential Intery office Supplies In the Ajax P ieua WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for r oui ] C a DWeer enqulies Invted 683-19611. CHILDCAREI on protesslonai 110cr. Wouîtt b. ~I~ER IC SI suteble for lawysr, accountani, ji'.can R 0 ý'EV1ES etc. Rent Includes Il utilities and C a à 3 a sn negotiable for an approprisecl ~C N S WILL BABY5IT lu My home, i tenant. For furiher Information9 year olda sud up, English sud colt 668-6372 belween 930 e m.r to L French ir loiah Cres. lu end 5Sp.m.Mondey lv Frlday.. ~ J L4~A CONGRATULATIONS onl pour aluegrasa Medues. Nicole t _____________ fothcoming marriage. Pea80 7250003 vew our semptes of engreeiC M S/C M S weddiug Invitatios et pourREO TRE RS uslure lu our Ajax Plaza tore. Dckson PrItng & Office Sup) VACATION pies, 881868- RENTALS CEDARDALE TRAILER PARK à COTTAGES TWIN ROCKS RESORT onty fwo Beautiful park on Lake Ontaro, &il modem feciliies. Large wooded APARTMENTS/ hor tfl famiiy camping fun onO aund open sessoual stes. Rductions for seniors, 2 & 3 b.d col- CONDOS FOR RENT Kushog taelu Malburlon tages. 50 min. rom Wfttby. 401 tv Brightion, seant on Hwy. 2, south Hllauds. Boots, molors, dockiug, et Stoney Pt. Rd., foiîow signe for WBE. Vieit US h15 weekeu o sfore, Sale sandy beach, Iftiug. cai (813ei47&1105. WfItby; new concept lu living, i.2 Cati or write 1-706489-2247, R. bedroome. 6395572, Minden, Ontari o KOM 21(. IIP FLRIDAIc 50 VAICATIO W PPORTUNITIESI d.We-NALSRA INGSENTR EXCITINO DETAILS maire bg R o I bocks In me i order seilug o I Canadian ai Par iNe10 Mukeul Ciearwafer - Three bedroom bocks No Invecrory, capital or poolo, - experieuce required Work f rom Rii rcsAan mobilecos o tepols. home or ofilce. Send $1.00 major atractions, chlidrn postage sud hendiiug 10t E TR TC N ED EP IN weicomne.tias iran mctl 2125 WelingtonuSSt, Moufreai, room- 683-5503 OuvbecH3-Aiei4 "Spediziig in Nous# CI.uning for Partculor Peopl" 66*6m2144 CORNEILS AUCTION BARN TUES.,JULY9 6:30 P.M. Three miles east of Little BrItain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lin- dsay/Littie Britain Road. Bed cnesterfield (ex- cellent condition), single' box sprlng and matresses, quantlty of modemn dressers and chest of drawers, por- table and console colour T.V.'s, Cooper boliers, Graftsmen router and bits, 6" vise, chester- fields, coffee and end tables, Coldspot 2 door frIdge, MayTag automatlc dishwasher, modern made mlcrowave oven, quantity of odd wooden chairs, oc- cassional chairs, large quantity of amail elec- tricai appliances, tbols, and household Items. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 AUCTION SALE SAT.,JULY13 10:00 A.M. Consignmettt sale at ORVAL McLEAN AUC- TION CENTER - LIN- DSAY, CONSIGN by Sat., July 6. We need farmi machinery, tractors, cars, trucks, tools, con- struction equlpmertt, garden and iawn equip- ment, motorcycles, recreation vehicles, boats, traiers, etc. Aready consigned cars, trucks, (list next week>, 15 ftL flbreglass boat, motor, traier, new deep well pump, relse hitch, new laundry pump, Gravely tractor wth mower, Thomas skld steer loader modei 700, silde ln camper, 4x4 truck, 46 Willlls jeep, motorcycles, 7 MC brake lathne, market 215 engîne scope updated, new toolu. CONSIGN NOW, bring 10 barn by this Sat. or phone ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS 324-2783 FORSAL, cK WUJAAL FUOS, Eqi et REAL ESTATE Loan Service AND MORE... ________ ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $600 for 20 wards; every endeavour to forward replies te box numbers, day of publication. The Whtby Free Press will flot be 14t each additional word. however, we accept na liability regarding loss or damage hiable for failure te publish an ad, or for typographie alleged ta arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in pbiainbyn the cost of the space ocupe BIRTHS, DEATHS - $700 for the first 100 words; 12e each such replies. We will not be responsible for box number by the error up ta a maximum cost of the first insertion, diina od replies not cailed for within 30 days. The Whtby Free Press reserves the right ta classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the f ir- reject ail advertisemients. Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words; 12e each additional word. DEADLI NES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one ay efor thy ca Pechaned r caceled.or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior ta publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12e each ad- AUCTION SALES - 40t per uine. (No word ads allowed) . la insert or cancel Emporium Ads. dîtional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Ad te your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your dtional charge of $200. The Whitby Free Press will make 668-6111 AUCTION SALE SAT.,JULYO 10:30 A.M. 714 Clarence Drive, Whitby. WatCh for signe on Henry St., south of sohool. The estate of the late PATRICK JUDGE. Conslsting of a Viking frost-free frldge, Fridgldaire range both coppertorle). 12 Place settlng of fine china, Viking automatiC washer, inglis gas dryer, French Provincial bedroom suite, one 3 plece and one 5 plece bedroom suite, 2 sets of good lampe, French Provincial chesterfieid and chair, wing chair, colitee and end tables, Electrohome color T.V., swag lamp, 7 pece kit- chen suite, hand tools, camping articles, bed- ding and linens, Pots, pans, dishes, several small electricai applian- ces, cast-iron enamel pot, sewing machine, GE. vac, extension lad- der, eiectric iawnmower, garden bools, table saw, bicycle, tant tralier sieeps 4-6, plus manly other articles. Note lime 10:30 a.m. Good sale, plan 10 attend. ROSS MCLEAN AUCTIONEER 676-7550 CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRI., JULY 5 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lin- dsay/Littie Britain Road. Pine chest of drawers, brasa bed, antique uprlght pump organ, air condItioners, bianket box, washstands, Hussier kitchen cabinet, chesterfilds, parlour tables, Fridgedair refrldgerator, 30" green Kenmore stove, Jaques 'N Hayes bed, antique dressers, 2 eariy Engllsh percussion rifles, a Bain wagon 1/ ton truck Cam- per, 14 ft. flberglass canoe (custom trImmed>. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 r EXPERIENCED FINANCIAL PLANNER [Required by a Financial Services Organization. HeIShe must be icensed or eligible for liCense ln the sale of In- vestment Funds and Insurance. We are dedlcated to expanding our network of Prof essional Fi nancial Planners. Ex- other incentives. rovlded. Be part of snic Financial Ser- rview: Caîl or Write Rtichard S. Price 354 Regal Briar Streef Whltby, Ontario LiN 6N1 <416>433-1508