WtlI'BY FRLE PRESS, WijDNESDAY, J ULY 10, 1985, PAGE 33 Council will be asked t approve second ice pad. 1 The operations com- mittee will recommend that council proceed with the Iroquois Park expansion as a resuit of the committee meeting iast Tuesday evening. In a report to the committee Wayne DeVeau, parka and recreation director, recommended that council aut.horize staff to proceed with the preparation of the final design and enter into a professionai services agreement with Totten, Sima, Hubicki and Associatea. Foiiowing a public meeting with the parka and recreation depar- tment and the Town's architecturai staff in June the inclusion of the following facilities are being recommended: an acidîtional ice surface; a muiti-purpose roomn; a martial arts room; a fitness area; a public viewing area and lounge; four squash courts; extension to pool including new spectator area and two meeting roomns; sound room and first aid room for new ice surface-, improved staf f room; eIevaýor for handicapped; new con- cession booth; and im- provements to the pool including sauna, recir- culating pipes and wall structure. once the final design By Const. PETER BRAMMA Community Services Bureau Durham Regional Police Force The use of seat beits in ail motor vehicles equip- ped with them is iaw in Ontario. Drivers and passengers who do not "buckie-up" face a fine of Up to $200. It is the responsibiiity of the driver to make sure ail seat beits are in good working order and that ail passengers under sixteen years of age are buckied Up, or in appropriate chiid or infant restraints. Studies have shown that seat beits reduce the risk of injury or death in automobile accidents by more than haif. Severe injury or death often resuit when you are thrown out of the car. 1 remember ln- vestigating a fatal accident several years ago where the driver was thrown out of the vehicle when it roiled over. The inside of the vehicle was intact and he wouid ikely not have been injured if he had been wearing the seat beit. As it was, when he was thrown from the vehicle he broke his neck upon im- pact with the ground, and died instantly. If you stay inside the vehicie, you have a much better chance of surviving. Seat beits are the best single method for keeping you in the car. The other major source of injury in accidents is your head and body striking the cars interior. When your car hits a soiid object at say 50 km/h, the solid object stops the car. But you continue travelling at 50 km/h until something soiid stops you. It could be a steering wheel, windshîeid, or dashboard. This "human collision" often resuits in serious injury. Seat beits, especialiy shouider beits, reduce the im- pact or prevent it altogether. An arguement put forward by many people who do not wear seat beits is they don't want to be trapped in the car. But the tacts are that tire or submersion in water are rare in accidenta. Seat beits keep you conscious and uninjured, enabling you to get f ree of the car. Seat beits can also prevent serious collisions by keeping the driver behind the wheel and in control of the car. Unbelted occupants can also seriously injure feilow passengers by striking or crushing them againat the car in a collision - especiaily small children. How about children and the seat beit laws? The child restraint law pertains to three weight categories. These are: INFANTS fromn birth weight to 9 kg. (20 ibs.> must travel rear-facing in a child restraint seat (approved type). TODDLERS 9-18 kg. (20-40 Ibs.) must travel in a child restraint seat (approved type-usualiy forward facing) except when travelling in a vehicle other than his or her parents or legal guardian, then a lap beit can be used. PRE-SCHOOLEItS 18-23 kg. (40-50 lbs.) have outgrown the safety seat and must use the lap beit portion of the seat beit assembly, worn securely, f it- ted low on the hips. When chiidren reach 23 kg. they use the full seat beit assembiy as provided in the seating position occupied. Remember too that the back seat is always the safest place for the child to travel, away from the hazards of the windshield, dashboard and steering wheel. It la not safe for a child to travel in the cargo area of a stationwagon or van, or someone's lap. The H-ighway Traffic Act places responsibility for "buckling up" ail passengers from birth to 16 years of age on the driver of the motor vehicle. Show you care about their safety by making sure they use their seat boits. And get in a good habit yourself and wear vour seat boit - what's holding you back" Typ e wri ter RENTALSI also SALES & SERVICE -M.. 1 i 1 6 Litre Ovrhead Cam Engine witlr Vscous Coolinig Fan 2, Mchrelin Steel belted, Al seasen Radial Tires (încluding spare) 3. Power Assisted Brakes wîtlr Front Dscs 4, Sealed Beani Iuarîz Halogen Head Liglts 5. Windslield Wîper & Washte wii Inermittent Wiper 6. Tînted Salely Glass- Al Arotini 7. Flectric Rear Windew Derse t 8. Front Sîde Wîndew Denrîsters 9ý Styled Steel Wheels 10 Aluminiim Ceateit Mulîler A HVUfOMl Radio Antenina Child proel Rear Door Locks Front lofer Fonder Lînet Mud Flaps (Fient & Reail Engîne Cemparîment Laiip Doal Homns Sîde Protectîve Moîldînîî Lockable Fuiel Fller lit Coliii Co ordinaled tBiiripeýr Clîld Seat Aricuioaqii 22 Day/Niglîl Inside Rearview Mrror 23 Resettable Trip Odomeler 24 Bi level Healer wulS 4 speoit Bloweî 25 Centre & Rear Console 26 Illliirinaled Cigarette Liqhteî 27 Mnîlded Duer Thue & Head Lîrrer 28 Ciii pile Carpeluiqg 29t Iri5 I iiip S& Capetiorî 30 lPassenilnii Grips wîth CeaI Hir1e r necessary for council to approve this plan again. At that time specifications and ten- dering documents may be prepared. Should council ap- prove the parka and recreation recommeri- On the CLOCA sponsoring amateur photo eontest A wooded hiliside. a Road 23 (west), High-. (photographs of people and third prizes will bo Whitby beat 1985 STANDARD FEATURES starry summer sky, a babbling brook, a lush meadow ... this summer, capture nature's beauty in C.L.O.C.A.'s firat an- nual Photo Contest. The contest la open to amateur photographera of any age. * Ail entries must have been taken within the Authority's watershed. This area includes moat of the southern portion of Durham Region, bounded by Regional way 115/35 (east) and the loth Concession Road (north). The theme for the con- test wiil be "Refiections on our Natural En- vironment". Sub- missions mnay be either 35 mnm colour lides or prints. Entries wiil be con- sidered under the foilowing categories: 1) generai nature, 2) vegetation, 3) wiidlife, 4) recreation junior entries ... general nature (under age 15). Prizes wiil be awar- ded for the top three en- tries in each category, with additional "honourable mentions" as necesaary. Participants will be limited to two entries per category. Winning entries in each category will receive framed eniargements of their photographs. Second books. Some prizes have been provided by Ber- nie's Cameras. Entries should bo mailed with an officiai entry form not latet' than August 30, 1985 to: the Centrai Lake On- tario Conservation Authority, 100 Whiting Ave., Oshawa, Ont., L1H 3T. For more information cali Steve LaForest at 579-0411. and Hubicki w111 prepare the deâgn which wiil enable coun- cil to see what the new compiex wili actuaily look like. They will complete the final design by Sep- tembor. 1 WEEKI' MUN 1U1 * ÊFRAMING CENTRE 1 NECUON PER CUBTOMER 31 Glove Box wilh Lock & Lamp 32ý Ignition Key Reminder Chime Bell 33. lluminated Ashtray Front & Rear) 34ý Insîde Installed Fuse Box 35, Front and Rear Seat Belîs 36. Reclining Front Seals witfl Adjustable Head Resto 37 Boni type Reai Seat 38 Rear Scat Heater Ducîs 39, Heavy lJuty Battery 40 Rheostat 41 Special Anti corrosion Trealment FRM8995* COME IN FOR A TEST DRIVE ... NOW IN STOCK ONTARIO PONY 496 TAUNTON RD. E. OSHAWA (Between Wlson & Rhson) 576-7669 THE LUXURY CAR YOU *CAN AFFORD! INTROOUCING STELLAR TH1E STAR 0F STARS!! .w~: LUXURY .... 10W PRICE Lr-