PAGE 34, WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1985, WHITBY FREE PRESS Grass Park tender awarded The operations com- mittee will recommend that council accept the low tender of King West Landscaping for the redevelopmeflt of Grass Park in Brooklin, and that council authorize an overexpenditure from the Parka Reserve Fund in the amount of $1,451. These were recom- mendationa contained in a treasurere's report to the operations commit- tee last Tuesday evening. In the report, it was stated that provision was made in the 1985 capital budget for im- provements at Grass Park in Brooklin. The redevelopment includes the supply and in- stallation of three trees, topsoil and sod, walk' ways, preparation of planting beds, and a retaining wall/seating area with planter. Bidders were requeated to submit three prices for dif- ferent options for the walkways. Option 'A' included interlocking brick in the fountain area and a limestone base for the walkways. option 'B' included in- terlocking brick along walkways, fountain area and in front of planter. option 'C' in- cluded a limeatone base for walkways, fountain area and in front of planter. Ineluded in this report was a memorandum from the director of parks and recreation, Wayne Deveau, recommending accep- tance of the low quotation from King West Landscape Con- tracting Limited of Oshawa, in the amount of $11,451 for option 'C'. This is in line with the Town's policy to accept the low bidder. Since $10,000 has been provided in the Parks Reserve Fund for this project, the low bld ac- tually representa an overexpenditure of $1,451. WATERING WATERING WATERING and stili flot gtigrid of those BAROWN PATCHES mon what was once a. pBEAUTIFUL LAWN ~2It cou id be that !INSECTS are your probiem We Can HeIp If You Cali Us Today! CALL FOR FREE ANALYSIS GET GREAT GRASS eaul 666-3187 THWec1>UaxLe WE GUARANTEE RESULTS CARING FOR YOUR CAR 4 Jo hn Wa71b y A simple stant? tuiffl i'ing. gtt tng staitît i i liaift( th'battu'. Silatt' start i ag yvital't'i îoiiaiiy\1takes Ijit' iîmarte tJi.iani tti>'ori'twîist't'ntis. it's tas ' tii atîsait' its a simplet 1ii'it't'5. Niit su. \Vhtivi oita ti'ithe' kty ini thlit ignîiitin 'titch . yîît turit'n tit ett'sttartt'r îîîîîtîîi wvlîiî'h is jîtowtr't'i iy the' iîattt't'v. A sînail ar'matu'e oi nth li'star'te'r' ntttiis tht' t'iaikshaft. whit'h ilakt's tut' pistonts gît11it anti tmlw. i'his au talitti t'taking t ht' iigint'. As tat'l pistoin is tlî'awn tliinl *v ttu tt i ntg uof' tht' andt gasilitit'is trawii mt the' t'\'iIîtltr. Aîîîîtiîîr hait' tuttiiiio h' t 'i' catksha ft puitis heti>pjistoin tiltagain. t'> iiîress~ig tt'e ttti A\ ii tat pinit. asimîk iitîg jîîse'îiî'ti itii t' at'ii limitt ie i't's andt-i îs tht' î'îîîî'st'igmts. 'lut'piîstoni 'Xluitiiig gasus iin tlîî c'v- liltite it'. mtidii t lit' uvtiti' ' l"li ls t as i v t4i.t'ht ii i kioi stht ii'.t'sItîaI1Y * iîiîîk it îkî'v ati îî'ît n aîniY oai a cail. a distriha' toi-, andi sljiariklags antd xires tn t i t't'wîth starting. It's asmally tht' looiks l*t tritalli. A stickiiig thoke is aniitht'r. tOr, yaai' lwîtt ti">'niay have.' htwtnit' wi'akt'ntd and nt't'cs re'- placemeinift. "liet'thing tii î'enit'mht'r abott uying bantteiesi' is ta inake. sure 'the n'w tinte is large etnoiagh tii dotthe jîîlî. Yiiai' iincr'sninanual tells vîta thte minimum sizt.' vaai car nt't'tl. Huiwtvtr. it rnay be gututli nsurancettainstail th hiairgt'st battt'ry th at wlIl f-it vtiai car. It's btîundtl t givîta uan t'tgt' in î'îally, hot tir i't'ally tititi wvathei'. Mittii' <ii pinys a siit'nt but imporatant nuu.' in stai't- i ng. Iftht' ail is titi thick it gîs;li iii' ttirî i vt'i'anti iiatîrvnliaiiiigstai'ts. anti ;tsk vititrtt'chichmil ablîuit t he i'tit gradtet' nd t yp o' ii' iiiiti. ii torlii'yiiti i li e îî l n " or tt'wi ît' 'îte ol1- tiotus. Vitu ati aisti tch'ck tt'e oNiwntr S îaiiaainiiitht' giiîvt' buox ii', tit i'. Anti fi- naiily. i'î'îîi'nitr tii tailt a il a"tsii' st wli'ivittiu start vîtt i t i t 1(Iti((,ti'ltt' litation vital lîattt'I'v. John Walby trains auto- mobile technicians for Esso Petroleum Canada. Office broken mnto construction company office netted thieves a heavy haul sometime early last Saturday morning. According to a spokesman for the Durham Regional police Force, the thief or thieves broke into the offices of the Sorichetti Group at 310 Byron St. S. after smashing a window on an overhead door on the south side of After rummaging through the office the thievea took $1,550 in rolled quartera and 10 bottles of asaorted liquor valued at $450. Police said thlat the thieves, who entered the building between il p.m. last Friday and 7 a.m. the following mor- ning, cauaed $100 damage to the window and door. *~THISWEEKI *~~A 1____i Sizes 8& Styles LM MM- LIMIT ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER - - -I Ã