Whitby Free Press, 10 Jul 1985, p. 37

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WI-ITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1985, PAGE 37 CLOCA offering summer nature pro grams at Heber Domi Each Tuesday and Saturday evening at the Heber Down Conser- vation Ares campsite, a Book RAWLEIGH PRODUOTS noead distribators. Rawieigh se expen. ding al anar Onfarlo wth a groaf naw sales plan. Cash la on some cash, Parfutme or career OPPOr- tunties. Cati coliect 519-627. 1337. WORD PROCESSINO Program- ming, Lotus, dbase, Il and Mi and more, with certificaseand lob pacement, govemmerit approved and oans, fax dedactIbie. We ara n0w approved with the Board of Educat ion f0 offer credif courges n grades Il and 12. Thse wiii taaf 2 monthts. Enroi soc 8n 2228. JANITORIAL CONTRACTORS Provide Janitoriai, grounds maintenance and wIndow cieaning services for the MinIstry of Transpor- tation & Com- munications, Driver Exam Centre, Oshawa, Ontario, for a one year period. TENDER NO. ORI-85- 081 Sealed Tenders wiii be received untii 2:00 p.m. local time On Tuesday Juiy 30, 1985. Tender Documents may be obtalned f rom the Ontario Ministry of Governmertt Ser- vices, Orllla District Office, 24 James St. E., Box 790, Oriiia, Ont. Note: For turther In- formation regarding the tenders, piesse Cali the Tenders Of- fice at the above ad- dress, Teiephorte (705) 325-7403. The Iowest or any Tender flot ,necessariiy accepted. Mintsry of ( ) Govemnmf Servicesl Ont aro SEcRETARYIREcEPTfONtST We are seeining a piesaert, energelic. creafive persont f loin Our staff, Yoa shoaid have good organizafiotiai SUiIS and the abliily to set priorties. Typing stiii of 60 w.p.m. la requIred, white a worfning knnwiedge of shorhand and dica typing se an essei. To arrange for an appoin- f ment pesse cail 8831501. CAREERS IN TRUCICNG. Driver lob training and pacemenit hell) sa avaliabie. Caii Rodgera Schooi et 4161 769-3546. -- d-o- Ctassifiled Ads Are People Movers they move people into homes and aparimentS in new righbourhoods. if you're thinking of buying, selling or renting, advertise in "Whitby's Most Widely Read"' Classified section. WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111 Review s By EDWARD KAYE Uw u Journey to Nowhere by D. Mahandge and M. Williamson is published by Doubleday. The book deais with the phenomenon of the new underclass, made up of'the formerly employed. These people lost their job, cant f(d jobs or are underempioyed. They were cut off from unemployment benefits They were too proud for wefare or cannot get it. This is the era of the disenfranchised worker, ieft out of the systemn and forgotten. Some of the people hurt by change have it the road in searen of work or because they have nowhere aise to turn. Dozens of.photos. 192 pages. Stop Killng Yourself by S. Seliger is available fromn General PublIshing. The author shows you will be presented for the On Saturday atS8 p.m., Whltby's Most WIdeIy Read CILASSJFIED ADS1 CUPbc campsite. Films and -~Y~- ~slides wiil run at 9:30 & tM I ve l1auvdon(ti0imunK,01n i maie Put a pitcher in your fridge Suîîîîîer ls iere und the lis 1it1! s eus With suitaviet baîrbecue,. picîîîcs uaîdd tdoot, actles. iced feu îs the nturai rclreshîîaent. ls ,,lovin ticatlories. eas> to make and eas\ oitithe budget. Tu tatke care ol> suiilliter thirsis. here aîre the haies lui niakîng iced feu. sonie i'ruislî drink nxcipes using tced tea. plus an ice coid Tea Ctîiada Siush. A sitisb s a parlilîly frti/en tiis turc" tbats spooned info tuli glasses and tîîpped witlv carbo- naîed sodat or ginger aie. Frosty and talsty us1rîgliat li r the bol- lest ofi dus- ir kîds aîad aduits Super Iced'Ièu: The t ruditionai iîctbuvd i ina~king iced feu, begitas vs îîh dobes eîltbol lea. IUse jv ce the anritfotea (iettier hvîse or ta bagsi sou s%î%)id vîf or hot icu. Be ,ure tb use lresh culd svater broiigbt lui a fullboîl Cover und brevi lor liv e milnutes. Reriose feu bags and pour oser ce ni ll Classes. F-ast and Euv Nle.tiluutI: This is atneas, y a t iake a large atavouril. Briîîg 5 eups 1.25 L) oIt rest etld vtet fui a full boil in asaucepan. Retave froni hi euand îîîîîaediafeiy add i cuip 175 iii, loose fea or 1ý5 lea bags (Coser and let stand 5 minutîîes. Sut aîd strain loto a pstcher. Add anoilier 5 cups 11.25 L) ctîld ssie. iur over ce in tlugi o..tr coser and rei*rigerafe unîiliready fis serve. The Oversiighit N -. An casy tvay iiake iced feu. Fi a pitcher wih 4 eups (IlL) coid water and ,idd 8 t 10 I teabags. Cover and ebil ut least 6 hiîars or overiit. Rettiove teubags. squeeilîtg against the ',ide iiiflac container. tiveti pour iv iee-liilled glasses. Cover and store retaaining feu il the refrigeralor. Strawherry l'ka 'A, cap <75 taîLi licedl srawberries 1/4 cap 1175 mui)double- strengfh chilled lea 2 tblvp 125 ii )leinoitîîîce 2 sbsp (25 nl-siîgar vs rîip i rciîpe lilotisI Ice Strawberry garîiislî ln a biender. fixxd processt î or lîid tîtill. puice sîras bernes. Str.îin ibrougiaa iveltrenivo '.eceds,. Pour into a laIl glass. Add fea. litiatîti ice antd sugar ,y rup. Stir anad add ice cubes atnd garnish vs iv a strawvherrs. Maies i dritnk. Siçr Comiip (uîibinae icuîp i250 taîi)coci i ugar aînd satet n saucepaîl Bing to a hoil. reduice lheu îiîd sîiîer 5 mainues. iei cool Nikes 1 cuîp (2501niîL). Pui i i lyier inilul /ju Grapefruit Cottk-r /ý cul) î125 ivîLi )douîble- sîretagtb ebulied tea 1 tbsp (ilS111t-) Iroien unsweetened grapefrulit juice cotaceettr:le Ice Torne waler Grapefruit Peel or letrît Peel garitisli lit a tlu glass. stur togetiber tea anad gra;pef'ruit itice coneent rate tîntil stîtootli. Add ice and top %vitilt one waler. Add sugar s> rap 10 tuste anîd gaaisb 1aesidrink. ornge-and NMitl uleP (125 nl.)i doîible-strengtli chlled îe:î 1 tbsp Il15tiI roienl ctrneettrate 2 tbsp (25 ii cuîarselclîtpped îiîi lce Tonîic tir sodla valei Mit ta tr oratage îvv tsI gartîislb In a tail glass etîtaîbîne lea. trange jtlice conîceîvlrale anîd îtîîîît. Stir and udd ice, tl iîlt tîlale tr toda watcr. AuIlul sîlal sYrup t)taste anid gaitl s itit iol iltn/tir tra!liýce lsvsi iTa Câlada Slush 3 îeabags 1 eup (250 1111-)boiling wafer 4 cup 150 vai sugar 1 ean (6-14 oz/178 ni frozen unsweetcned orange alie c entrate 1 cati (19 oz. /540 tiLi cruslted pineapple 3 cups (750 l ice water i cup (250 saîl lighî runa OR i -v: svp 17 ti L) rum extrtact Clîilled ginger aie or club soida Puour boiiing wafcr tiser teabags. Cover and les stand 5 mtinteîs. Retivoe eabags. stîr în silgar tî dissolîve atnd alloteae to cool Io ts riottscperatare. It aa large plastie cotainer or tlimai butys . culiibitie eotled feu. un- dilated cincetae. erushed pitacaaple. icee sater and ruoir tutt srael. Place in fteier fir 4 It litt urs tir until quise irîva. slrrtgcicasi(inatil> lui break up thie Iri/eta eunks. Wlien sers- îîag. îllieacb glass ihall'Io tutîo iliirds fuil vs th sluslî. divetu top %%tl lile oas;ier tir eiîaer îlIe anîd stit. Strziîsss are rectîtia- ttciided. Keep ta cuisered cons- î,îîîîeî in*iiIseer aiiýjd scoopotintas iieedlcd MNakes 7 lii 8 clips (2 L) _________ ________-j STU DENTS SUMMER POSITIONS AVAILABLE NOW Are you able bo work 4 hours per day Monday thru Frlday, sltting at your own desk, telemarketlt'g from our pleasant office ln Ajax, and earnlng $4.0 per hour guaranteed plus bonuses, enabling you t0 earn $525 an hour and up, then cali me now i have several immediate openlngs. No experience necessary, wili train. Ask for M rs. April ai 686-3052 or 686-3742 how to make stress work for you. She tells you what it means if one hand is colder than the other, how to get t.he most out of fewer hours of sieep, what diseases good sex can help you avoid and what sim- ple steps to take to prevent Up to 80 per cent of can- cers. She also informs you about a littie tan-second technique that you can ampioy anywhere, anytime to get rid of the dangerous kind of stress. 260 pages. The Image of their Greatness by L. Ritter and R. Honig is distributed by General Publishing. This is an illustrated history of basebaîl from 1900 to the presant. These two weii known hasebal writers bring in such basebali greats as Babe Ruth, John J. Mcgraw, Jessie Tackson, Harvey Haddix, Maury Wills, Brooks Robinson, Wiiiie Mays, Yogi Barra, Mickey Mantie, Joe Dimaggio, Warren Spahn, Ted Williams, Ralph Kiner, Pea Wee Reese, Red Ruf- fing, Mel Ott, Dizzy Dean, Herb Pennock, Ty Cobb, Tris Speaker and Shoaless Joa Jackson. 370 pages. The Termina Man by M. Crichton is publishad in paparback by Avon. This ia a novel about a cyber- netic mmnd control experiment that unleashes a man with a homicidai brain. A tiny surgically implanted computer is linked to an electrode in the brain of a brilliant computer scientist for the purpose of correcting damage to his right temporal lobe. None of the surgical team could have foresean the terrible consequences, since now an entire city is at the mercy of a man who kilis like a mindless machine. 280 pages. a generai nature waik from the cainpsite will be a regular feature. The sldes and filmns wiii start at approxlmately 9:30 p.m. on lraph Tuesday and Saturday Guided nature waiks, of between one and two hours duration, will be held every Thursday evening beginnlng at 6:30 p.m. Participants are asked to cati the CL.O.C.A. office (100 Whiting Ave., Oshawa) at 579-0411 for the location of the waik. Admission to the campsite is free. July il - "Wild- flowers" Guided Walk: 6:30 p.m. at Harmony Valley Conservation Area; meet in parking lot. Location: take Harmony Rd. N. to Cor- bett's Rd., turn right, go to end of road, make a left to conservation area. JuIy 13 - "Pond Life' - corne seealal things large and smaii that exist in and around water. Guided Walk: 8 p.m. at Heber Down Conervtio ~ Aa-- la 1111 a a. Il 1

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