WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. J1JLY 31. 1985, PAGE 11 Benefit package demanded by police association simply too rich, Attersley says Tire Durhmm Regional Police Commission and its 389 unlformed of- ficers could end up in binding arbitration before they sign a 1985 contrmct. According to com- mission cirirman, Whltby Mayor Bob At- tersley, tire main dispute between tire two sides Is tire question of benefits. Tire contrmct between the commission and tire Durham Regional Police Association ex- pired last Dec. 31 and tire issue of wmges don't appear to be tire major stumbling block. "The dollar issue is not tire problem," At- tersley told tire Free Press last week after both sides met with a provincially appointed conciliator. "But tire benefits they want are too rich - we simply won't accept it," Attersley said adding, "They won't get what tirey're asking for." However, because negoiations are con- tinuing, the mayor declined to say wirat, specifically, the uniformed officers are demanding. Under tire last con- tract, first cImes con- Report from Q ueen's Parlk By THE HON. GEORGE ASHE, MPP (PC - Durham West) As you know from thre media generally and from a reference in a previous column the new government made, through thre Treasurer, a so called economic statement to the Legisiature on July 1il. In that the statement was designed to set up Liberal economie alibies as opposed to setting out Liberal government economic policies, it is perhaps not surprising that as littie is known about Liberal economic policy after the statement as before. The statement shed no light on how the Liberals, or even if the Liberals, will use the deficit as a "'creative tool", gave no information on Liberal spending and revenue plans except that the Treasurer l'can't rule out" tax increases, or if the Liberals will maintain tire quality and scope of public services let alone deliver on many of their expensive campalgn commitments. While considerg4le'uncertainty remains about Liberal economic policy there is no disputing the facts of tire Conservative record of fiscal respon- sibility and the performance of Ontario's economy under Conservative governments. When the Liberals took office they assumed responsibility for a province wiich had led the nation in economic and employment growth for two consecutive years, which had the lowest general and youth unemployment rates, which irad thre lowest per capita deficit and level of government expenditures, whicir had, again in per capita terms, tire smallest and most efficient public service in thre country, which was one of only two provinces to hold a Triple-A credit rating, and a province which was in tire midst of a sustained broad-based recovery. Tire challenge for tire Liberal government is to continue that record. There was nothing in eitirer the Treasurer's statement or the ministerial st.atement by Premier Peterson on July 2 to indicate that the Liberal government iras the coherent comn- prehensive policies needed to successfully meet the challenge. £Jori'sElcrNfi PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL CompImentary consultations by certif lad eisctrologlst. Mamber of the EiEoctroiysis Assoc. of Ontario. 209DUN DAS ST.E SUITE 201, WHITBY 666-2853 w- -VALUABLE COUPON'a m-msas-, SELECTED I1'STANDARD SIZE* * FRAMESi I SIZES - 16x20, 20x24 THIS WEEK ONLY! L. - M M LIMIT ONE COU$'VN I'tN L.uTOMERRM -M- J has not been signed. Attersley said that the benefit portion of the of- ficers' annual stipend costs the commission an additional 16 per cent of tireir salary. The commission, he stables were receiving an annual salary of $32,&50. Sergeants were paid $36,135 and staff sergeants got $39,420. Their salaries have not been raised this year because the contract Community Care has logged over 1 imlion miles In thre past six years, Durham Region Com- munity Care Association volunteers have trmvelled over ,33,000 miles while ssisting elderly and pirysicmlly disabled people to go to tire doc- tor, visit friends or sirop. Tire agency aims to irelp people remain in tireir own homes as long as they are willing and able. Tis goal is ac- complished tirrougi tire services of about 1,200 volunteers from every part of Durham Region, who lait year con- tributed over 58,000 irours serving 2,850 people. Tire agency's executive director, Paul Tuttle, says tirat tire service not only eniran- ces quality of life but contributes to tire prevention of premature in- stitutionalization. In tire coming year tire agency hopes to offer a program to provide relief help for people wiro, in tireir own homes, are caring for elderly relatives or friends. Tuttle notes tirat tins type of service would assist gremtly in reclucing tire stress tirat many caregivers ex- perience. For more information cli Paul Tuttie at 668- 658 or your local office administrator, Marie Brooks at 668-6223. Miracle-Eae DURHAM HEARINO AID CLINIC 105 Coiborne St. W., Whitby 666-3797 Monday-Friday 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. HEARING AID BATTERIES $3.50/ PKG. Repairs to ail makes, Free hearing tests LA CONTESSA BEAUTY LOUNGE 119 GREEN STREET, WHITBY 668-9262 Grand Opening Special introducirg our meu ivaxing boutique 113 OFFER EXPIRES JULY 3185 Offýee inirorlucing fDonnalnour 1/ rer n ail tee/lu i(lfl pfc n FULL SET 0F NAILS PORCELAIN REG. 140 NOW $20.00 ACRYLIC REG. "35 NOW si7.5 association a choice of either signing a one or two-year deal. The association, he said, iras yet to make up its mind on tins point.. Furtirermore, the commission still has to deal witir salaries and benefits of tire force's senior officers. They won't be dealt with until the talks with the uniformed officers have been finalized. The issue of wages and benef its is of paramount importance to the commission, At- tersley said pointing out that some 87 per cent of thre force's budget is consumed by them. No new talks are scheduled and both sides have agreed to meet at the caîl of tire conciliator. However, Attersley stressed tirat it will be up to tire association to ask for binding arbitration. Durhamà -t5ý G;oldsmithïx OIVISION OF 585710 ONT lPrq5 ,»Custom Designs * Expert Repairs e App rai sais *Pearl Re-Stringing *Watch Repairs Same day Service on Minor Repairs COME IN TODAY TO SEE OUR VARIETY 0F STERLING SILVER JEWELLERY ,@GOLDSMITH ON PREMISES 210 B ROC K ST. S., W HITBY 666-4612 HONEY BEAR DAY CARE CENTRE NURSERY SCHOOL For chilIdren 2 to 5 years old Presents OPEN HOUSE '85 DATE: Wed., JuIy 31185 TIME: 7p.m. - 10p.m. ADDRESS: 309 Beech St. W. Off of Brook behlnd StokleyslCoby -opportunity to se. our school -our class curriculum to meet the teachers and enjoy the dlsplays -opportunlty to register your chlld at reasonable prices -ref reshments wilI be served We wilI be lookingforward f0 seeing you at our centre INFZORMATION CALL 668-6200 The 10oRRSR For more than 15 years. Industrial Growth I und is stillai tigi more than 18% in innual COMPouInd reUroS And that's consistenrt RRSI> gow~th over th long term. For more than 15 FIrs IOstr the p isi thrce eiiers. ts aeraged more litt. mprtssî\t ils lii l it c rti is.tl rc*s mucih Moret '0L1should l<î<Iiîi ire v ohuy niris R 1' i11lout iidrCt tirin the tcoupon, or cai Tilican Financial Corporation, 433- 1508. 11- 1 111. Richard S. Price Tilican Financial Corporation 354 Regal BriarStreet, Whîtby, Ontario LIN 6Nt (416) 433-1508 At last,, heari ng hel p for NERVE DEAFNESS ...