WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JIJLY 31, 1985, PAGE 3 Whithy bidding for new Toyota plant Whitby's "Japanese Connection" could give it the edge in convincing Toyota to locate its new Canadian car assembly plant here. That s, Mayor Bob Attersley says, if the provincial or federal governments don't step in to offer the Japanese auto gant a financial incentive to locate somnewhere else. Attersley confirmed in an interview last Friday morning that Witby was discreetly lobbying for 'the plant which could produce, literally, thousands of new jobs and tax assessment for the community. "If there is no inter- ference fromn the provincial or federal goveriments in incen- tive grants, Whitby is right at the top," he saîd addllng that the town couldn't compete if either senior gover- rmuent offers Toyota a $10 or $20 million incen- tive grant to locate in early ihi An Environment Assessment Hearing in- to an application by Deconi Medical Wastes Transportation Systems Inc. to develop a bio- medical waste transfer station in Whitby could be held sometime early this faîL According to Gordon Donnelly, deputy direc- tor of the Environmen- tal Approvals Branch of the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Decoru bas submitted a draft plan for the facility to the ministry from approval. Donnelly said that ministry officials are meeting with Decom in an effort to prepare a "Isuitable" application for the blo-medical waste station. A few weeks ago, Whitby Town Council rejected Decom's proposaI to build a 12,000 square foot tran- sfer station, complete with office facilities, on Sunray St. in the Hopkins St./Consumers' Dr, industrial park. Decom told council at that time that the facility wouid only be used to transfer bio- medical waste collected from hospitals, medical laboratories and other health care facilities throughout this part of Ontario from collection vehicles to tractor trailers that wnuld then haul it to the company's incinerator in Gatineau, Quebec. However, residents of the East Ward, where the faciiity was to be located, protested the application. Council subsequently sided with them and rejected the application. Donnelly told the Free Press that the ap- plication currently some other part of On- tario. "We just can't win against that," Attersley j AI ItSLflY noted. The mayor did point out that Whitby does have a few advantages to offer the auto maker as well as a foot in the door, as it were. Since last year's visit by a delegation of Japanese government officiais, Whitby bas developed its own special relationship with officiais in that Far [s f ail before the niinistry doesn't appear to be al that different from the plan submnitted to coun- cil. The officiaI also said that if a hearing is held, it will probably be held in Whitby in about two months. However, the assessment board can only recommend that the proposal be ap- proved or rejected. Donnelly said that it will be up to the director of bis branch to give the final word on the project. "The board makes a recommendation to the director," he said ad- ding, "It's up to him to say yes or no." Donnelly also advised that any interested citizen can attend or participate in the hearings. While the board usually makes it recommendations bas- ed on the facts placed before it, it will take into consideration the desires of local residen- ta. Council will also have the opportunity to make a presentation to the board. "'Council has a chance to be represented by legal counsel and op- pose it, if they wish," Donnelly saîd. Decom must also notify, in writing, all property owners within 230 metres of the Sunray st. of where and when the hearing is to take place. They must aiso place an advertisement in the local newspaper once a week for three weeks prior to the hearing giving the same information. "Any citizen can mnake representation to the board," he added, -Anyone can be a party to the hearing."- East country. Attersley noted that the lines of communication are always open to them. And while Whitby bas a plant that Toyota could make easy use of, Attersley also noted that they look at more than that. The Japanese look at the whole comrnunity before investing. The mayor noted they look at such things as the availability of housing for its employees, school space for their children, the ac- cessibility to health care and recreational facilities and a host of other things before making a decision. "And Whitby is the type of community they love to go to, " Attersley said adding that the town is already home to two major Japanese companies - Sony and Makita Power Tools. In addition to being close to major transpor- tation networks such as Hwy. 401 and Lake On- tario, Whitby is also geographically close to General Motors of Canada's main, Oshawa production facility. Attersley pointed out that Toyota is already involved in a joint ven- ture with GM. in California so that con- nection could prove ad- vantageous. G.M. also owns the 477,000 square foot Firestone factory on ""FOR THE MONTH 0F AUGUSTONY 9 PC. ECONOMY BOX 9 pleces ot golden rled chicken. 0104 Great tor a hungry tamily. Plus 1 F R E Epl 0ç e oV~LUNJCHEONJ SPECIAL 11 A.M. - 3 P.M. DAILY COMBO DINNER One large plece of tender t rled chlcken, a piece ot Eniglish style ish, french tries, coleslaw, roli & butter. 1017 DUND[AS ST. E., WH ITBY <Beside WindmiII Donuts and Dairy Queen) MON.-SAT. il a.m. - il p.m. SUN. 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. 666-3324 South Blair Street which the mayor believes would be ideal for Toyota. Except for relatively minor modifications to make it a car plant, Attersley says it's "ready to be used'. "We've got some distinct advant.ages, " Attersley said, "and we do have some connec- While Toyota doesn't have a specific timetable as of yet, the mayor hopes that some kind of decision will be announced in the for- seeable future. "Other than a specific grant or something, we're definitely in the running," Attersley added. Corne see thousands of yards of in-stock fabrics at 50 - 80%/ off retail prices. Services available- draperies, Rousseau Heritage House 216 Mary St. E. Whitby Ont. LiN 5R7 686-0061 668-3483 M.O.E. officiai says.... Decom hearing may be held lot"**'$ 099 ard