PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, ALJGUST 7, 1985, WHITBY IiREE PRESS Museum holding craft program The pioneer craft program, offered for the firet tume this year, will take place each Tuesday, froni 1 p.m. ta 3:30 p.m. and wili reiy on community people POOR RECEPTION? NO CABLE SERVICE? TOP QUALITY 6 FT. SYSTEM FROMlSi765 Call and bookyour FREE"ai-hone" dernonst ration! IR.R.1, UXBRIDQE, ONT. LOC 1IKO. PH. 416-852-3668 ATTERSLEY TIRE SERVICE PASSENGER & LIGHT TRUCKS BRAKES. TrUNE-UP- COOLING 103 Du ndas E. -SYST EM 162 rig8t. E. Whltby Oahu" 668-3356 571-3M. Miradle4Eae 105 Coiborne St. W., Whitby 666-3797 Mondey-Friday 9:30 ar.m.- 4:30 p.m. HEARING AID BATTERIES $3.501/PKG. Repaire ta ail makes, Free heerlng tests xi for teaching. Organized by summer student, Lynda Irwîn and ber assistant, Anne Webber, the prograrn began wîth the whys and hows of stencling, an aid craft used in decorating waiis before walicoveriflgs were ac- cessible. Museumi staff, coached by Sheila Hut- chings, taught this class. On the following Tuesdays, Diane Rober- ta will teach two lessans on the art of making sp- pie dolis, and Amns Kiaren, a director at the museum, wiil teach Stretch out and R-E-L-A-X ln soothing bubbllng water. A complete line of Spa's, Hot Tubs, Whirlpools, Chemicals and Accessories over2O Year"S Dependable Service & Quelity Producte From $21 95 and up Installation Includied TifF SPA SHOPPE %579-2623 A DIVISION 0F S.S. SWIM POOLS LIMITEO r-1 22 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa Iv,~I il b. some basic stitches used in eariy serplers. Designed for chiidren 7 ta 13, the classes wiii incorporate a tour of Lynde House pointing out the use of these craf- ta à nd brlnging out Whitby's hlstory too'. Twenty-five studenta have registered but there le space for 30, and there is a waiting iist for weeks when some chiidren wiil be absent due to holidass. Ta register for classes cali 668-4401. The cost of registration is $2 per class. 1Outdoor fun day Chiior-en of ail ages are invited ta the Whit- by Public Librsry this Fridayafternoon for its second annuel "Outdoor Fun Day". Participating chiidren wiil be introduced to the joys of chocoiete pud- ding painting and wil learu how ta play the "Peper Scruncb Game". While the program le open to children af al ages, tOmse under 5 muet be accompenied by an aduit. The fus begins et 2 p.m. and no registration la necessery. In the event of rein, the progrem wll be heid ta the library auditorium. For more information 6541. Apology The Whitby. Free Press wouid like ta apologize for ita error in lest week's story on Buy the Yard. After the death of Marcelia (Rousseau) Poison's father in 1963, she and husband, Hugh, took over the operation of RousseSu Heritage House. They purchased the property in 1970 af- ter the death of Mrs. Rousseau. We regret any emn- barrassment this may have caused ta the famiy. They really celebrated their grand opening Mayor Bob Attersley (centre) was an hand lest Thursdsy morning ta help Shelley Gaza (le! t) and Rainbaw the Clown celebrate the grand opening of Celebrations To Go et 217 Dundas St. E. Aithough Gaza - and ber husbend, Michael (wha may be more familar ta local residents as the deputy cierk of the Town of Whitby) - st.arted the business out of their home 18 months ega, this le the first time they've set up e store front aperetion. Celebrations To Go offers gift baskets for ahl happy accessions such as birthdeys, weddings, annivereeries, the birth of a child, Christmas and more. "We offer gif t baskets for just about any occassion," Gaza said. The custamers cen either order one of the shop's ready made basket or cen create their own. Either way it wiil be delivered the came day. In addition ta the gif t baskets, Ceiebratians To Go also offers such things as clown-a-grams and, as soon as the costume le delivered frani Hollywood, Caif., gorilie-grams. They aiea have behiaon bouquets and party supplies. Ceiebratians Ta Go aiea offers a decorating service for any accession. Any graup or individuai cen contract them ta decorate a hail for any gathering. The Gazas are also high on dawntawn Whitby. "We like dawntawn Whitby, " Gaza esys. "lt's gt aelot of potentiai. " Celebrations Ta Go le aiea a unique business entreprise. Sa fer as Gaza knaws, it's the only business of its kind in Durham Region. A craft program for chldren that teaches Whitby hlstory at the same tîme began August 6 and runs ta the 27th et the Whltby Museumi. PRO DODGE Your Local Chrysîer- Dodge Sales and Service c tJDealer Parts& Service -Thursdays tI 9 p.m. WH ITBY 209 Dundas St. W. 666-300 IN YOUR OWN P Al mumm PHONE 683-1968 ... cou -I S &Office Supplies MM