WIIITBY FREFI'PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14,1985, PAGE 19 7 Fl. I4EAVY sieal toc chais diSh hooke, $8. Tco whtie mentie etabe (V4x15x7l), $15. Landry tub pump end motor, $45. Par- tabte radio cassette piaper, $15. Large office chair, $5. Antique Underwood ippecriier, $10. 014 faetlioned bamn ilgit, $10. Brase 3 btaded boat propetior, $W. Tco 86 fluoreecent Iituree, $10. Phone 668-7404. ANTIQUE soiid wainut ewing eg dining room table, oseais 10, natural finish, $300. Phose 668- 2465. FOR SALE customn buiti 6 pece k1uches sook Butcher Bock table, beige vnsp chaire and ban- ches, excellent condition. 350or boast oter. 579-3629 suter 12 nooe. FOR SALE Go Karts - 1982 Bob- cet, excelent condition, $750. 1979 Toincat, good condition, $550. Both have G200 5 h.p. angines and etra Parts. Cait Greg, 6680471. FOR SALE beige uphostered mahogany chair, $100. Three fier wainut siteif os padesiai, $20. Large capacitp waier soitener, $200. Green Brocade sofa, $160. Phone 686&4877 or 4338998. FtVE oarge double sider cie- doce, $50 each. Aium. storm 400, rust colour, $50. Cali 655- 3176. ANTIQUE combisation wood and eieciric stase, ideai for cotage. excellent condition, $480. 655- 3583 GREY ARBORITE table asd 4 chairs, $45. Upright Hoover vacuum, $20. Wsinut finish coi- fee table, 20sx60', $45. Picnic table ciii ioid In 2 benches, $50. Brows aluminum door, 32xo6, lit, $45. Oak seneer dining table, $50. Wringer casher, $25. Fise khuches chairs, chrome, $4 each. Phone 6689017. WEDDING DRESS size 7, chif- tonete oser taffeta, Pearl em- broidered poke, chspet trin, matching cathedrai lengîS oeil, cosi $360 sec, asking $200. Phone 5768218. CUSTOM BUîLT immitaion irepiace ciih isiaid grey bricks and marbie heurth eiectric loge and irepiace creen inciuded. $300. Beginners set of drums, $150.681336. FOR SALE One Marasiz tape deck and recoiser, 4 Lzer speakers, 155 ears oid, $1.000. Ose Technice System, complte wliS cabinet, 1 pear oid recelser. tape dech, turclable, 2 speakers, 1 Reaistto tape deck, $1.200. Remingon shotgun, semni- automatto, FAC requirod, medel' 1100, complote cith case, eheils and duch decoys, 6 motks 01, $450. Cannon A.E.-1 Programmed camera wlth flash. $325. Cati Debbie or Mart, M6-64878. FOR SALE scep bars for fouse traiter, $5. 30 dilded disser trap, 51.50 each, Bed spread and drapes for double bod and ose set for twin size bad, $15 a set. Tao rode for sheers, ciii etend to010', 5. Phonse6558000. ,800 B.T.U. Elecrohomne horizontal air conditioser, $150. Phone 66&.6185. ANTQUE table and 2 chairs, $85. 24" whute gen stoce. $50. Floor poulsSer, $5. BondIe buggy, $5. Hardrper, table model, $950. Siordy cassas hammoch. $750. Stecisg aine rack, $5. Standard yppocritor. Royal, excelent con- diioe, $W,. Older Remiegton ippecriter, gond. $25. Largo com- forabie armchair, $25. Phone 68-7404. SOFTWARE for T. 1'. Proessiouial Computer. CPIM86. CBASICI868 RMICOBOL. Supercatc. Easycrter i. asyspelier il. Multiplan BPI, InoOsiOry Conîrol. Ail aeused, $50 each. 668-3932 econlilgs. 14 PT. FIBERGLA$S canoo. Sf50 6 fi. residentiai diing Sourd for scimmieg pool, $100. Tco brner propane camping eloco cith adaptai fer fuel, $20. Cuit 433- 4689. BED King suze, Sears-OPedic, soiid toamn mattrescith boo sprisg, $250. Sofa bed, 3 seat. pulls ouf f0 double leam mai- trees, $250. Phonee666-5689. ALUMINUM DOOR 340821. $20. Soid ront door (34x82), $50. Tco sec sheis of arbarite. $6. 5' used arbarite, $4. Single siek, $750. Blue basin, tape and drains, $12.50. Mrrored medicine cabinet. $5. Ouastîtp amber decorator glass igreat flor burt, $20. Mahogany bifoid, 24x791. $10. Set oi antique double doors interiori 56o79, codai. $25 Phono 8687404. When te adverlined item te sold. disposedni.,îor uuvuilabie or claeserrmaos, te item cii l e deemed iii hase liesn sold and a commnissione cul lie cliarged liased on TIIE AIIVEIOTISEDI> C1E ne iiiusrated helcu. regordieso if prîce te stard cit lient citer' Il teiem isN OT StILD. or disposed iii. île ad wii lie mn tor :i MIiNTIIS and a MINIMUM CI-ARGE cf $7 50i> cii appty payableein advasce ot publicatiotn ut the iret ad The alicie mittimums charge cii lex appied tcute isai comminsion due Maximum commissicn $10086 Ail adver- tisemenin musi lie placed os as exclusive hante cit the WIIITII8Y FREE PRtESS and rus ait easi one monlhif ntsl id RATES tIfi articile ssetd 1i 5% et advertised prie upt1048.00 2% et balancie ver $400.00 ExAMPiE: sotd Item advertised fer $150.,,iesion dae 6.580i(minimume charge le $7.50) Private advertising onty! Please sotity te Whiby Free Press immediateisi cies item is soid se that cie may defete Il from te tnttoaisg issue. Att adsn fot ttting te Emporium guidetines uitl be treated and clarged per week as regutar ctaseitied ads on a prepaid basin such as - services. iteip wesied, coting. reat estate. and parssai message type adn, or adsnost quetiig price or quantity Private ctassified adn may appear sn the Emporiume seties under apprepriate headinge ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLE&S OTHERW ISE SPECIFIED MAIL A3S TO: FREE. PRESS EMPORIUMI P.O. Boa 206 Whiby. 1LIN1SSt Il in deubl cati: 668-6111 131 Itrock St. N. Whitbe. tOnt, TIIE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. SAILBOAT, 12 fi, mahoganp c th BARNETTE crossbow. 150 b, Jib and Maie Salis, muet be sean pullc ih scope, qa nerand 1e PT. SIOEWINDER goid ta be appreciated, $325. Oit tank, loader.$500 orbesit fer.434. metallc, cornleteeipretunished. 300 gais. $20. Hand tools for car 6026. $3,600, Phane 728-6700. body cork. $25. Phone 433-4689. ANTIQUES countstrelro un- ter. $600. make a great roc. roam bar, Church ec. $350 Phone 571-3636. STEREO PACKAGE rceisor, lui. niable. cassetedock. equolizer, 2 seakers, $400 comple. Car stereo, Saspo receicor. 200 cati pocer b0051cr. 4 speakers, 2 are 6x9 Alpines. other 2 are 4" Ton- vo, $25066883064 or 6680801 ANTIQUES, masîng cîthoul them. Secrelary icery iqe)o. $780. Buffet, $375. Kichee halch. $450.ise table, $200. Nons bar- oest tabie, $900 and pressback Zoues chaire, sol of 6. $150 oach, table and chaire scry unque) Phase 571-3636 PHOTOGRAPHIC Esiargor 4" o 5' nogalîso copabiilp. 4001 lfoi starter hobbpîsl. $90. Garage Doar, motliooerhead, 8' aide 7' high. ail hardcare Oc.. $75. s Whitbp. caii anptime,.668 3989 AIR CONOITIONER, aid bol aarking, eizc 25- L c 182-W. ashîng $55 ci aller. Calil608-0187 FOR SALE ceramic Sandeluno ile. $425 and moide, $100. Phono 668-8887 FOR SALE bops standard bike, 24- ires, $25. Three epeed bon fan, $20 Phono 6688429. FOR SALE astique dinîng ronm suite, beiceen 60 t060 years o14. sn beautiful condiion, soid mapie. made Is Buffalo, 9 Places, table entends t0 seat 10 comior- table. $1.900 or besi otter, 68- 2461. SIC1AL MUST SELI Gibsos boss guilar with hardsheil case, serY good condition, $380 Phone 723-2579. serîcas inquirios onip. HARMONIUM, email antique pump organ. famiip heicnom. $1.000 or beel oller. John or Nas, cy 688-4335. coser and salie, excellent con dîlon. $1.250 Phone 728-6700. fJN UTMOTIVEI AUTOMOBILESI UJEARPASIR/PARTS ] F FORAIE ALE. TIRE BALANCE machine bp 'Bear 1681 ESCORT, $3500 or boastet- Precision Baiascing', 110 volts, fer, Cali beloresfl00 or aster 8 single phase, 30 ampe, ail at- p.m., 4348026. tachments te balance up toeand ______________ Isciading large truck tires, 4 1l80 ClEVtImpala Siationwagon, pears old, perfect condition, auto trans., ps., p.b., eiectnic rear $1.495. Tire Chenger by Iglett. cntioc defroster, air cend., tint mas', eiectricihpdrautic, fakes gîaes, AMIFIV stereo, cassette tire sizes 7.00-15 through 14.00- tapa, carie3 immacuiete. $5,500 or 24, Dupex, 10.0016.5 through boast offer. Cati Paul, 683802 or 18.001-22.5, 4.20 piy rating, 230 Joanne 579-5289. voit, modet no. 931A, hardiy used, ______________ nec cosi $7,000, Bell for $2850. 1660 MONDA CInto, AMIFMV 655.4995, BrookIn.1,600. Phonett668.00 ff. 1972 PINTO for parts, good motor, transmission and tires, $200 or boatsitfer. Toc truck equlpmeet compete, boom and boom racks, revoling ights and saddia, axtra rigging, 10,000 lb electilowinch, corh ioad of 9,500 ibs., excellent condition. $1.500 or beat ofier. Phone 65-3006, FOR SALE 1974 Nosa for parts. 250.6 cpi. and many sec parte. $250 or beoatcier. 1600 cc motor irom a 1973 Pinto, 52,000 mites, ail niec seais, $200 or beat ofier. Midiond AMIFM cassette stereO cith 6x9, 3 cap. 200 cati speakers. $150. Pocer booster, $25. Tco 13" rime, $10 each. Tco sec ultra Trac Il radiai tires, size P1851B0R13, mousied and baies- cedi, $130. Phono 655-8758. TWO FIRESTONE Deluxe Cham- pions H7814 and 2 chrome rime, $190 pair. Tco Golf Croan 78 H7814 WiW, $60 pair. Ose Unîropel steel beted seoctire HAlBiS5. $25. One Cas Tire 078. n9 pus - f an.. i.e,Io Cnwn., 1976 DOOGE Colt, good con- dition, astre tiras, $560 as se. Cali 655-3109. 1976 CHRYBLER CORDOBA psB., pb., air coeditionIsg, $600 or basi ofier. Cati 655-3176. 1976 FORD ;¾ ton clsdoc Van, ltte rosi, heasy duip, lnsuiated and rugged, muet seil, $1.200 or besi offer. Cati 68-8900. 1976 BUICiI REGAL, nec Michelin tires. battery, rad, suspension. $750. Phone 655- 4682. 197$ VEGA V8, 350, angine and body g004, sunroot, $860 or beet of fer, asiea. 668&5793. 1975 PONTIAC Leman$, ps.. pSb., AMIFM stereo cassette, ex. cellent condition, $1.450 cer- tiied. Phonle 686-4907 or 668- 6054. 78 H7814 and rm, $50. Tcol15" W' 'MTDRCYCLES i mn $50 par.Or ait fta $250. 1,fH U E O D SMAIES/RENTAS ] Phone6U-928 1e82 VAMAHA YZ 25(0. new d î- FORMAL DINtHO ROOM suite, Dunloires, answnisîcse UB:Y EE SI soild cood, excellent shape, Boyessen racîng îccds . $950 Cali made Sp House of Braemnore, 9 668.4093, ash lai Scue places- 2 arm chairs. 4 side BABY ITEMS for sale, aitlnc oerp chairs, table seats 8 te 10 ccm- gond coedition. LoseseOt, $30. fortabip, buffet asd hutch, $2.500. 1976 SUZUKI 100 O S. serti gond Scing-O-Malic, $15. Car Sed. $15. Phone 668-8914. condition. ashing $450 Phone Rccking touege chair, $10. Cati ______________ 686-2273, 668-7269, anytinle FOR SALE mapie hutches set, 4 chairs, $95. Dining room set, 4 1978 SUZUKI OS 400. 0004 vos. BABY CRIS cîlh canapp. c-. chairs, $295. Ait lnexecellent con- dtios.,$600 Phonse668'344l cldds mttrees and bedding. dto6866. $200. Baby cuodie. $ 100. 666- l.6-668 19uring. i/elle, ad iKafor equîppod. tourî nd satAMIFM eied. sico. $1800 Phon casete66 re,3d .00Phn FOR SALE Honda XL17E oqaip- ped wîth etreol and dirt tires. used test poar an îoad. $450. Cali 666-3456 CRIB, chite colonial etle. double drap aides, includes mat- rees and bumpor pad, $100. Car geai. Hi-Rpder, burgunidp cor- duiop, $40. Talc stroiler. naop. canopp, tandem. $80. High chair. iemovabie tuap, sispi animai pui, $25 Al itms 23 pears nid. sn gond condition. 6885925. $20 each. Mapie hall table, $125. Wooden kitchen set and 5 chairs, $110. Three end tables. $25 each. Calil 683-6638. BEDROOM SUITE, qneen s1>0, 6 peces, mediteraneae stple, mode Sp Gibard, $600. Phone 668-8914. ;epCON FUSED? Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Pres s Emporium sirn- ply because you (mnd the advertising guidelines confusing. Dont miss out on our Iow advertising rates just because you have If you: -are a private advertiser. *have an article to sel]; and, *have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise Under the Emporium sec- ion (see guidelines above for more details i Your ad wiîl run each week untîl the article has been sold (maximum three months i. A minimum charge applies [o each Emporium ad-, $7,50 payable in advance befître the' firsti n- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT sel] wilhin three mîîî- ths, you pay only the minimum charge Il is un fortunate that no newspaper can guaratee vîtur article will selI, but where else cîîulcl >îou gel three months advertîsing [tir înlv $7 .50" When your article seils, a coîmmissionîî s charged, based on the advertised price loi- mission is: 5% up [o $400. 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge descrîbed above. questions. 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