7-.ýIECHfOýICNA0l require r ruerbabc manufacturIng plant1n1ua in Whitby. Applictna must have hydraullc and welding ex-a e elec- perlence. Sorne elec- trical knowlecdige an ng ube able to asset. Must be able to start immedlately.pp r rtc And must have own tools. Cali for appoi-1x trnent, Mr. K.E. Norris ut668-2359 WORD PRocESSING Program- ming, Lotus. dbase. I and 111 and mors, with certificats and lob placement,. govsmment approvad and voans, lax deduclîbîs, Grade il and 12 cradIl courses- These witI last 2 monîhe. Enrol now. 683-2226. PART-TIME housekeeper. B.isam-Ashbumi area, 3:30 10 7, Monday 10 Thursdap for 2 childran, 7 pear and 9 year. Soma lighl houseworit. Good salary pld In cash. References. 649- 2095evanIngs. MOTHERS NELPER naadad VS day, Monda, Wsdnesdap and Friday. Ottar crssk. 683-0M2. WE ARE LOOKINO FOR Hsailh Cars Aide for night shift ln Aao- Pckerng ares. Cali 433-1494. CAREER5 IN TRUCKING. Driver lob training and placement heip sa avalable. Call Rodgers SChooi et (416) 769-3549. SALES PERSON for rtaitltumbar and hardware store, eparlncecl prferrsd. COUi 852-3801 or wrila PO. Box 1509, Uobridge, LOC 1 KO. DRIVEWAY SEALINO Company 05545 door f0 door sales people, le psars Of ae or ovar. muet hava veat appaararlca. Worlv pour own houre. 20% commission plus bonusas. 683-760. RELIABLE BABYSITTER reqairsd to babysIt 2 girls, aies 5 and 2 years, dape ontp, Otar crsak aras, for Octobar. Plions 725- 3072. cASHIER, Driver and Baling Assistant rquirad byea bakery ln Durham area. Phono 686-1177 al- teri1 p.m. daify for appointmanl. HEELP WWANTED r EXPERIENCED FINANCIAL PLANNER Required by a Financlal Services Organization. HeIShe must be lcensed or eligible for lcense ln the sale ofiln- vestment Funds and Insurance. We are dedicated to expanding our network of Professional Financlal Planners. Ex- cellent commission and profit sharind, group benefits and other incentives. Trainlng programs provided. Be part of Canada's most dynamlc Financial Ser- vices organization. For Confidential Interview: Call or Write Pari-time RETAIL OPPORTUNITIES Combined Merchandlsers Inc. a subsidiary of Loblaw Companies Llmted, are currently seeklng highiy-motlvated Individuels for. aur new store location t Liverpool Rd. & Highway 2, Pick<ering to f111l the followlng vacancies: eat Clorks *Bakery Clarke You wiIi BE PROVIDED WITH TRAINING for the above positions and must be flexible enough to work days, evenings and somne Saturdays. Personai cieanliness, being adapt to warmn or cool temperatures and enjoy working with the public are a must. interested applicants are invited to apply in per- son: 1400 Bayly Street Unit 5 Pickering, Ontario Ioas cos i rom the Pickering GO Station) Richard S. Prîce 354 Regui Briar Street Whltby, Ontario LiN 6N1 (416)433-1508 LOOKING FOR A CAREER IN ADVERTISING? Downtown business requires that person who: *Possess good communication skills; *Has ambition and self confidence; a is eager to 1earn; ais capable of earning an above average income; *And is not af raid to work for it. If you possess these qualities drop' in and see us. Experience not necessary. Fuil-time. Car necessary- Start im- mediately. Come in to our office anytime Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 131 Brock St. N., Whitby- ATTENTION RNA'S with ~~ o ei psychialric experience required npo m t for part-lime wort. ail 433 W1494 BABYSITTER WANTED In my DRY'WALL taper, painter. etc. 15 home, days, every aIller 2 weeks. years experieflce, wili worir sterling Saptember 3. , e veninga and weeiends. Cali childen, ages 4 and 2'h peurs. îm, 728-533, Phone 668-4278. MATURE. RELIABLE babysitr hl required part-ime,4 hours a a im l n pour home - Kathleen Rowe IE W3your Schol or Aimond subdivision i e r ares. or mp home crasser Ave. uv Hew m Phone 6U.6424. Fn afil WIIITBYFRELPIRI--SS,WlIDNISDAYAUGUST 14,1985,PAGi f1l The lO7th edition of the C.NSE. starts today Witby's Most Widety Read Team and a paracitutists display. Soap opera fans can meet their favorite stars from such shows as "The Young and the Restless", "Guiding Ligitt" and "Days of Our Lives" every after- noon from Aug. 15 to 19. Titis year's theme for the event is "You Can't See the Ex in a Day" and from the received today, that is probably quite true. Admission to the Ex is $4.50 for aduits, $1.50 for chlldren and senior citizens. The grounds are open from 8 a.m. un- tii midnight Monday to Saturday (the buildings are open fromn 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.). The Ex is open from 12 noon until 10 p.m. on Sundays titrougitout the fair. tradition starts today as the 107tit annuai Canadian National Exhibition opens tsi doors. The CN.E., of the "Ex" as it is popularly known, continues 1 through to Labor Day Monday, Sept. 2. 1 As always, Tite C.N.E. Grandstand wil be the site of terrific en- tertainment each j evening throughout the fair featuring such popular performers as Tina Turner (tonight), Neil Young and Kris Kristofferson (Aug. 17), Willie Nelson (Aug. 19), Bruce Springsteen (Aug. 26 and 27), and the Pointer Sisters (Aug. 28).' The hottest team in basebali, the Toronto Blue Jays wili play seven home games thraughout the Ex and tite Toronto Argonautsi wiil take on the Ottawa Rougitriders on Aug. 22. In addition ta enter- tainment and professional sports, tite Ex wiii again boast its now world famous mid- way and a host of argriculturai and other exhibitions. The Warriors Day Parade wiil be iteld Aug. 17 beginning at 10: 30 a.m. in Gare Park. The Antique Car Raliy begins 10 a.rn. on Aug. 21 while the salute to the 75th anniversary of the Girl Guides wiii be heid Aug. 29. The iighlight of every C.N.E. is tite Canadian International Air Show which wiil begin Aug. 30 and continue throughout Sept. 2, the îast day of the Ex. Once again, Canada's own Snowbir- ds wiil open the show which begins at 1:30 p.m. eacit day. Also featured during tite 2½/-hour show wili be the world's fastest aircraft - the SR 71 of the United States Air Force. Also featured will be the British Air- ways Concorde, the Ray Ajax bridge The following are the resuits of last week's play at the Ajax Bridge Club as reported by Dwight Oland, Titis was a team-of- four game, average 12. i. Lloyd Peel, John Miller, Joitn Cook and Avenul Sigailis, 20; 2. Alan Doucette, Jim Coivin, W.V. Michael, and Evelyn Black, 15.5; 3. Harry Young, Otto Winninger and Mike and Jackie Norman, 15; 4. Karen and Bill Menzies, Diane Balcombe and Linda Cobhamn, 14; 5. Paul MacNeill, Chris Chambers, Paul Gauthier and Sharon Ridsdale, 14; and, 6. Mike Ferniey, Franklin Wu. Jack Fin- dlay and Pityllis Kelly. 13. The Ajax Bridge Club piays every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the St. An- drew's Community Cen- Th9ilcan Financial ironf Part-tlme Cashiers Are you currentiy ln or planning to return to the work force and seeking the opportunity to work variable haurs. combined Merchandisers Inc. a subsIdiary of Lobiaw companies Limited, has immediate openings for Cashiers ln Its new store lacated ai Liverpool Rd.IHighway 2, Pickering, Ontario- Ideal Indivduais wiii enjoy deaiing with the public and must be available ta wark somne days, eveninga and Saturdays. Interested applicatts may appiy ln person ta: 1400 Bayiy Street Unit 5 Pckering, Ontario locatsd acroaa fl rom ths Pickering GO Station) SPari-urne Retail Opportuflhties Comblned Merchandisers tIc. a subsidiary of Lobiaw Companies Limted, has the foiiowing Immediate openings avalabie for its new store location at Liverpool Rd./Highway 2, Pickering, Ontario. The followlng experlenced candidates are required:31 eMeat Cuters *Electronlc Sales CIrks @Bakers a Mîni Photo Lob Operators *Floral Cierks e Houaewares Sales Clerks eFlah Clerks *General Sales Clerks lnterested applicants may appiy in persan ta: 1400 Bayiy Street Unit 5 Pickering, Ontario - (l"te acrss rom the Pckering GO Station)à Become a carrier for the Whîtby Freee Press today. Become the outstanditig carrier of the montit and become a winner! Leoarn 10 be a business person with repnsiblity whie eornîng money. CALL CIRCULATION 668.6l11 (ROUTE CARRIERS EARN S $51) Report from Q ueen's Park SBy THE HON. GEORGE ASHE. MPP ç(PC - DurhamWet 'O0kay, guys," David Peterson must have said, "let's do something. Anything, so long as we appear to be doing." There can be no other explanation for almost al of the Liberal initiatives, but certainly no other possible explanation for Attorney General Ian Scott's plan to force the integration of the sexes in amateur sports. It's kind of like an order to "shoot now and ask questions later," There can be no doubt titis inex- perienced government has ail six cyiinder's ioaded and the safety off. Unfortunately, a lot of innocent people are going to be hurt by this absurd plan. This is not a question of equaiîty, Scott's plan is pure and simple poiiticking at the expenses of the young men and women of this province. Scott cannot possibly believe the repeai of clause 19 (2) in the Human Rights Code will serve any pur- pose to advance the opportunitites for young female athietes in Ontario. On the contrary, titis action wil oniy inhibit the growth and expansion of athletic challenges for the wonýen ini our province. If Ian Scott learned anything at ail in law school, surely it must have been there are few one-way streets in the statute books of any jurisdiction. What's good for one, is good for ail. If you change legisiationl to force integration of maie teams, you must be prepared for the same in- tegration in ail-female amateur sports. Statistics confirm there are many more maies in- volved in organized sport than femnales. If these young men are cut from - or currentiy can't quite make - the first team, they'll be going for the female team. These coaches won't be able to make any other decision titan "the best who've tried out, make Sthe team." Hence, where one or two femnaies might make the 'A' team, many more will be forced off the 'B' team to make room for the maies. The bottom uine is:- where do they play now? Equally important is the inhibiting factor titis plan wili have on amateur coaches - or future coaches - in our community across Ontario. The commitment of time and energy by the men and women who are prepared to devote their off- itours to amateur sports is pressing at the best of times. Now we're going to be putting another barricade in the recruitmnent drive. How many of titese people are going to chance being.itauled before the Human Rights Commission on a charge of discrimination? Are they going to want to deal witit having to 'prove' their selection was based solely on menit and not sex? And even if they are so prepared, how in tite world wili they be able to do it? No, this is far fromn equaiity of opportunity for the young women in Ontario who want to compete in organized amateur sport. This is an ili-conceived venture hy a government struggling to build a record of action without titought of consequence to the affected. The tax dollars that will be required to administer and adjudicate titis plan wiil be astronomicar. If equaiity of opportunity was reaily in the heart and mind of Ian Scott, he would have pressed is Cabinet associates to direct additionai funding for the advancement of our female atitietes through improved facilities, speciaiized coaching and finan- ciai underwriting. Equality doesn't start and stop with integratian. Equaiity is achieved titrougit enhancement of opportunities. In California, last year. we saw what Ontario's athietes can accomplisit by competîng with the best in the free world. These young men and women are products of a building support for amateur sport in Ontario. You dont start puiling tite bricks out of the foundation during a successfui construction program. Lets hope public opinion wiil grasp the hammer from David Peterson and his wrecking crew before any further damage is done - at least on this impor- tant subject.