Whitby Free Press, 21 Aug 1985, p. 20

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-. -.. T'l r l rcNkt nn A<AI1(1cl 11itl IT)V rPiî,[: DDCl%. PÀ 7 PT. MEAVY sieal 10w choie mil h FOR SALE anique dining room 500he, $8. Two whte marbie suife, bolmoon 8010o80 yaars oid, labe (V4x15x71>, $15. Laundry in beauliful condition, solti tab pump anti molor, $45. Por- mapla, matielns Buffalo, 9 pleces. fable radio cassette ployer, $15. fable oxonds fa seal 10 comfor- Largo office chair, $5. Anique table, $1.900 or benI offer. 6688 Undarmoodt ypamîller, $10. Olti 2461. fahionoti bacc IlihI, $10. Bra5se3 ______________ bladoti boat propellor, $50. Two 8' fluoreaceel fixfros, $1. Phona FOR SALE emay bars for houle 68&.7404. traiter, $50. 30 divitiot dinnor _______________________ ray, $1.50 eech. Bed spraad anti - FOR SALE ceramIc Santstone klue, $425 and moitis, $100. Phone 668.887. FOR SALE custom bul 6 Paco ktchmn cool Bucher Bock tabe, beige vinyi chaire and bon. ches, excellent condit ion. $3W0or bost off or. 5793629 aller 12 noon. FOR SALE Go Kars - 1982 Bob- cel, excellentf condiftion, $760. 1979 Tomcat, good condifion, $55. 801h have 0200 5 hp. angines andi oxfra parle. Coul Grog, 6"8071. FOR SALE belge uPhol18erOd moflogany choir, $100. Three fier wainuf okeif on pedeslal, $20. Largo copacity water soffoner, $200. Green Brocatie sofa, $150. Phono 68684877 or 433-8998. BARNETTE crossbow, 150 lb. pull wilh scopa, quivor anti loader, $500 or besf ofler. 434- 6026. ANTIQUE combinaI ion wooti anti locfric sf000, Iteai for collage, excellent condtfion, $480. 655 3583. GREY ARBORITE table anti 4 chairs, $45. Uprighf oovOr vacuum, $20. WainuI finish col. teftable, 20x60', $45. Picnic taleowiii bld ln 2 banches, $50. Browe afumInum door, 32"M8", le1f , $45. Oa venear dm109 1table, $5. Wrieger mashor, $25. Fine kilchon chaire, chrom, $4 oach. Phone 68(189017. WEDDING DRESS sizo 7, chif. fonéttIe ovr laffes , peori am. broidereti yoko, chopaI frin, mefchino cahodral ionglh houl, cool $3W0now, asling $200. Phono 578-8218. CUSTOM BUI LT immifallon I iroplaco wil h Inlaitigroy bricks anti marb10 hoarlh locînit loge anti firoplace ecreon nclutieti $30. Bainners sel of drame, $150.68-1336. sel for lwin sizo boti, $15 a sel. Two rode for sheore, Mil oulenti lol150" $5. Phono 6558000. ,000 B.T.U. Elcrohome horizontl air condiiner, $150. Phono 66"815. ANTIQUE fable anti 2 chaire, $85. 24' white gas sf000, $5. Floor plisSer, $5. Bundlo buggy, $5. Hordryer, talelomotiol, 9.50. Slurdy canvae hammocli. 37.50. SfackIng mine rock, $5. Santiard lypewrIlar, Royal, excellent con. dtfion, $50. Older Rmington lypewrilor, gooti. $25. Large cam- forlablo armchair, $25. Phono w&87404. SOFTWARE for T. . Profeosinal Computer. CPIM86, CBASICi86, RMICOBOL, .Suporcaic. EasywnrIt il1., asyspeller 11, Mulipian BPI, lnvonlary ConI ro. Al unuseti. $80 each. 6688.3032 eveninge. 14 PT. FIBERGLASS cao, $150. 6 fi. residenlial diing boarti for swmmmng pool, $100. Two borner propane camping slave w1uh adaplor for fuel, $20. Cali 433. 4689. 8ED King size. Soars-O-Pedic, soliti oom maIl rans llh boa eping, $250. Sofa bati, 3 seul, pulls oui la double foam mal. fress. $250. Phone 668.5889. STEREO PACKAGE relver, Iurn eltable. cassette dock, equalizer, 2 speakers, $400 compiloe. Car seeo, Sanyo reoavor, 200 waIl puor booser, 4 speakers, 2 are 6M Alpines. alher 2 are 4' Tee- vox, $250. 688-3064 or 668.0801. ANTIQUES, movieg mllhoul lhem. Secrolary (very unique), $780. Buf fo, $375. Kichee hulch. $450. Pins fable, $200. Nues hur- neef table, $900 anti pressbucl Zeuse chairs, sel 0f16, $150 each, (lubie anti chaire cary unique). Phone 5713636. Wheo the advertsed item iusolnit.dspoveti of. nr unavaiable for whateser reason. the item will bu- deemedt l have been nul d anti a commtssion mlI bie chargeti based ono TfIF AIIVERTISEII PRIE as illusrateti below. regardicos if prîce iv staled with-besi ffer- If the' item tn NOIT SOLO. or disposed ott,.the adti wli be rue for :t MINTHS andi a MINIMUM CHARGE of $750 ii wli apply payable tn ativance tfpublitcaltn ftuIhe ftrvi ad The ahove mtnimum charge wll bc applîed la the ftnal cnmmtssion due Mannmum ctommtssion SI1000 Alil advec. tisemeoLs musi Se placed os an exclusive hasts wîlh the 'W.If ITIIN PREE PRIESS and mun ai leavi one moih if nv oldtt .RATES Iri article le coli b 5% of atvertisedt price op ta 140-00 2% ot balance over 100-006 EXAMPLE: SoId item adoerîti e r$015o.o0. am mison0due 87.5u t minimum echarge <o 07.50) Privale advcrtivieg oîy! Pleuve notify the Whtby Free Press immcdîuteiy miten item is solti vo that wc may delete l fcam the foîîowing issue. Ail uds nul fittiog the Emporium guidelines wil Se treateti andi chargeti per wee an regulur clasificti adv oe a pcc.puid basin such us: services, Sel p wantcd. ciothieg. real eslate, anti pc-vonal message type adn. or adsnonu quating price or quaotity. Privule clansifieti adn muy uppcar in flic Emporium sectioe under appropriale headings ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSE FIED SECTMON UNLESS t)TIERWISE SPECIFIED MAILAESTO: FRER PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Bax 266 Whitby,ILIN SOI Ifile doubi clt: 668-611il 131 Oradl St. N. Whltby. Ot. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. SAILBOAT, 12 f., mahogany wilS FOR SALE bar, $250. Couch and Jib and Main Salis. must be seen chair, $150. Couch anti 2 chairs 16 FT. SIDEWiNDER goiti lo be appraciaed, $325. 011 tanlk, and Otoman. $350 Table anti 2 metaiiic, compieteiy refinisheti, 300 gais., $20. Mendt bls for car chairs, $75. Baby carniage, $25 $3600 Phone 728-6700. bodiy wonr, $25. Phone 4334U89. Wooden boolicase, $150. Phone _______________________ 433-4653. ANTI QUES caunfrY store 0cou-1 to, $60. makan a greau roc. raam bar, Church yam, $350. Phono 5713636. ALUMINUM DOOR 34x821. $20. Saliti front tinor 34x821, $50. Tw6 nom shoale oI arbarîla. $6. 5' usati arborila. $4. Singleo ne, $750. Blua basin, laps anti draine. $1250. Mirroreti medicine cabinet. $5. Quanllly ambor dacarator glane Igroal for bar>, $20. Mahogaey bilald. 240791. $10. Sel of anique doauble doore inlerlorI 56x7g. cedur. $25. Phono 66-7404. FOUR SEATER cauch anti an mchair. $600. Soliti mapte mooti rocker.,$30. Ceboon lubular banlîbeti. $500, Malress fot ubove. $50. Cffetable antianti lubie. $25 oach Anique roneooat able, $100. Phono 686 3476. AIR CONDITIONER. ai'd but orkino, sizo 25" L u 18t05" W. aeking $55 or offar. Cal> 668.0167ý PMOTOGRAPMIC Enlarger 4* 5" nogaliva cupabilly, itioai fon starter habbylel. $900 Garage Coan, meau overhoati, 8 wide 7' caver anti saite. excellent con. dtiin, $1.250. Phone 72866700. U 8REAIRPTAIRPAOTýS TIRE BALANCE machine by 'Bear Precision alancing', 110 vole, single phase, 30 ampe, 81ai-a lachmonis 10 belance up le anti Inciading largo trck tires, 4 yoars olti, penbocl condtioin, $1.495. Tire Changer by 'Bien- mon', laclriclfrydraulla, labos lire sizos 7.0015 lhrough 14.00- 24, Duplex, 10.0016.5 lhroagh 18.0n22.5, 420 piy ralIng, 230 vol, modal no. 931A, hertiiy ueot, new cool $7.000, sali for $2.850. 6554995, rooluIn. 1072 PINTO for parte, gooti molor, fransmnieoion andti ires, $200 or 50sf olfer. Tom truck eqaipmenf complo, boom anti boom rocks, revolvIng ligh15 anti satitla, eetra rlgging, 10,000 lb eiecfric winch, worklfosti0f 9,500 Ibe., excelaent condition, $1.500 or bosl oiter. Phono 655-300. FOR SALE 1974 Nova for parte, 250-6 cyl. anti many nom parts, $250 or bell affor. 1600 cc molor from a 1973 Pinto, 52,000 milas, ail new soals, $200 or bosl oflar. Mitiianti AMIFM cassette elaren wilh 6x9, 3 way, 200 wat speakers. $150. Pomer booster, $25. Tmo 13" ri me, $10OoacS. Tmo nem ura Trac Il radiailtires, size P185i80R13, mounti anti belon. ceti, $130. Phona 6558758.' TWO FIRESTONE Daiuoe Cham- pions H7814 anti 2 chrome rima, $150 pair. Twa Gulf Croren 78 H7814 WiW, $80 pair. One Uniroyal steel boleaenotliro HR178.15, $25. One Can Tire G78. 15 plus rim, $50. Ove Gul Crawn 78 H78-14 anti rim, $50. Two 15" rime, $50 pair. Or ail for $250. Whllby, cail anylimo 666-3989______________ MUSICALGOD ýâINSTUMENTS 1682 VAMAHA YZ 250, now MUlhSaT SLiehlicso. vaeygolati cih andilia $60.Phse 723-2579. seniaun inquiries anly. MARmoNIUM, amail antique pump argon. femily heiloom. $1000 an basf oflar. John or Nan- cy 688.4335. BABY CR16 milS caeapy, in cludes matîrees anti bedtiing, $200. Baby cratile, $100. 666- 2273, Boyessoh racing eetis. $950 Cal> 6684093, avis lot Stae 1970 SUZUKI 100 0.S.. oery gond conditian, anhing $450. Phono 686-2273. 1978 SUZUKI 0$ 400, goad con. dtioIn, $60. Phono 6683447 FOR SALE onda XL175 equip- pedti miStrelat and duo tires. asoti unI yoan an roati. $450, Cali 686-34%0 CON FUSED? Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. I)ont miss out on our low advertising rates just because you have questions. Ilopefully. the expla matie by Mouseonf Br88olst, O paces - 2 arm chairs. 4 aide chairs. fable saIla 10 tom- forlabiy. buffet anti hufch, $2.500. Phono 6668914. SfX KITCMEN chairs, mootien, $20 oach. Maple hall fable. $125. Woatian kilo hen set anti5 chaire, $110. Threo enditables. $25 each. Cali 6836638. 1081 ESCORT, $3.500 or 5051 Of- for. Calil bfora noon or aller 8 p.m., 434-8026. 10980MEV Impala stlalionwagon, oufto rans., PS., p.S., laclrlc rear window defroolor, air conti., fiel glass, AMîFM alereo cassette lape, curie3 immeculala. $5.500 or beel offor. Cali Paul, 683802 or Joanna 5795269. 1906 ONDA Civic, AMIFM elerso casseotto, 125,000 lime., $1,600. Phono 668-0440. 106 DODGE Cout, good con- dtube, extra ires, $550 as le. Ceii 655-3109. 1078 CMRYSLER CORDOBA psB., pSb., air caedliottlng, $80 or bosf aller. Cali 8553176. 1076 FORD VM ton mIetiom Van, 111110 ruel, leoany duly, lesulalod anti ruggoti. muet sout, $1.200 Or best ite fr. Caîf 668g.890 1976 BUICK REGAL, nom Michelin ires, ballery, rati, saspansion, $750. Phono 655- 4682. 107$ VEGA V8. 350, engins anti bady goati, sueroof, $950 or beet oiter, asile. 688.5793. 1075 PONTIAC Lemnans, pvs., p.b., AMIFM sleren cannelle, en- cellent condition, $1.450 cer- tif lad. Phone 6864907 or 668- 6054. Help keep Red Cross BEDROOM SUITE. quoen siza, 6 paces. medifarna tsylo, matie by Gibarti, 5000.Phono 686.891 nation below can clear up many of~ t- 1 .àn wP,&I he unIoed tn explain your queastiIonse - il n110.01.Cli Ui5tneimi 1aimu ocooIl..Ur au b the Emporium Section to vou personall'n. If you: -are a private advertiser: *have an article to seil; and, @have a speified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details i Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months i. A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $7,50 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT sell wthin three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge, It vu un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee vitur article wiIl seli. but where else cîsuld vosu gel three months advertising for onfly $7 5(0" When* your article selîs, a commissîion is chargeêd, based on the advertîsed prît.e (Com- mission is: 5% upto $400; 2% of the balance over $400:, LESS the minimum charge descrîbed abofvP r aeread the- Emporum guidelines ahrivc'and i ,sli n lihave' flic followîng advertîsemenf placed under this sect'fionllheWhîltî'. (rt' IPress 1 enclose .'$7 -À) tfîou-îver f hvi'îînimnum ci.harve C'harge $7 )I1f o fni.%'oVisa acittîf MAILI 4tarît .<%i- I.' WHITBV ______________FREE PRESS %unie îplrarpriiill'PA)>. Box 206 _____________________________ 131 Brock St. N. Whitby ,LIN i581 I'oal code i Bloms art' sille e txamples of what you would be o'harged il vîsur article sold within three months. ('i nmissîiîîrs shown include the minimum Charge anit are' fhus the TOTAL AMOUNT Prive' $ 26 $ $ <1 $ ,6 $5,1X>1ad11 Payable $7.50 1 0.00 $ 15.00 S20.00 S22.00 S24.00 $26.00 s 28.00 330.00 3 :2.00 S52.00 $72.00 s 92.00 $100.00 'A(JLt.l, WED.NES3LAY,,A#UU'..oai ..21 . tî u-ux...o o FREE *PRESS Emporium Ads will only be accepted subject to the foliowing conditions. ilATMOIE AUTOMOBILES r% j il Liu V qu. City forgt-I I., mi liltl., -lit plit-fit. litilliIM-1 1 i -1

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